佐藤 隆春 大和大峯研究グループ
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.60, no.5, pp.403-413, 2006-09-25 (Released:2017-07-14)

Akira TAKASU Yasumitsu SUZUKI Yoshiya OHKI Takahiko OGAWARA Shizue SETO (SAKAMOTO)
The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.76, no.1, pp.37-42, 2022-01-25 (Released:2022-06-25)

Kosmochlor-bearing eckermannite rock is identified in the Yamanobo outcrop of Itoigawa City, Niigata Prefecture, Japan, which is emplaced within a serpentinite body of the Renge metamorphic belt. The eckermannite rock is likely a large enclave within the serpentinite body, with an albitite zone developed between the eckermannite rock and serpentinite matrix. Kosmochlor is lens-shaped or schlieren-like domains within the eckermannite matrix, and comprises spherical aggregates of radiated kosmochloric pyroxene. Spherule cores are occasionally occupied by a corroded form of chromite. The chemical compositions of the kosmochlor exhibit a solid solution between kosmochlor (Ko98Jd0Ae1Q1) and jadeite (Ko25Jd61Ae6Q8). The maximum kosmochlor component is 98 mol.%, likely representing the closest known composition to the NaCrSi2O6 end-member, worldwide. Sodium amphiboles coexisting with kosmochloric pyroxene, and especially the cores of relatively large amphibole grains, in particular, contain high Cr2O3 (up to 12.2 wt.%, 1.34 apfu) and exhibit significant C-site deficiency (i.e., C-site cation < 5).
秦 光男 長谷川 康雄
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.24, no.3, pp.93-103, 1970-05-25 (Released:2017-07-26)

Up to date the geology and palaeontology of the Okushiri Island off Hokkaido has been studied by some investigators. The writers carried out the geological review and the study of the Tertiary marine diatoms collected from the southern area of this island. The conclusions are as follows: (1) In the geological survey the upper part of the Senjo Formation consisting of siltstone and the Muejitna Formation called by (SUZUKI and SONOKI, 1936) seem to be synchronous and heterofacies to each other. Then these facies were newly unified by one of the writers, Hata, as the Yoneoka Formation. (2) The two samples from the Yoneoka Formation is clearly distinguished by dominant and characteristic diatom species, Coscinodiscus marginatus, Denticula kamtschatica and the genus Thalassiosira (T. antiqua, T. decipiens, T. nidulus, T. oestrupi and T. zabelinae). No combination of species composition of four categories (21 diatom taxa in a random count of 200 marine planktonic species) used by KOIZUMI (1968) for recognition of the diatom zones in Tertiary sediments on the Oga Peninsula, Akita Prefecture, Northeast, Japan, occurs in this formation. The Yoneoka samples may be correlated with the assemblage of the Maido Formation (upper Miocene) of the Ajigasawa district, Aomori Prefecture, Northeast Japan, studied by Koizumi, (1966) corresponding to the Kitaura Formation of the Oga Peninsula. (3) The Tsurikake Formation are characterized with the six extinct species, Denticula nicobarica, Cosmiodiscus intersectus, Synedra jouseana, Thalassiosira cfr. kisselevii, T. usatschevii and Stephanopyxis lineata. This formation is assumed to be represent the lower part of the middle Miocene of this area, according to the palaeontological evidences of the molluscan fauna and the planktonic foraminifers of the Nishikurosawa's type (Gobigerina praebulloides, G. scitula and Sphaeri dinellopsis subdehiscens). (4) The ranges of following species, Denticula kamtschatica, Cosmiodiscus intersectus, Synedra jouseana, Thalassiosira usatschevii and T. zaberinae, reported byJoust (1962) to be restricted to the Pliocene are found to extend into the Miocene in this area, though already their ranges was reported by KOIZUMI (1966) in the Northeast Japan and SHESHUKOVA-PORETZKAYA (1967) in Sakhalin and Kamtshatka of the Far East. The predominant species, Denticula nicobarica, of the Tsurikake Formation also was reported by SIMONSEN and KANAYA (1961) to occur in the uppermost Miocene in California, U.S.A.
小林 昭二
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.56, no.3, pp.179-190, 2002-05-25 (Released:2017-07-14)

群馬県安中市の板鼻層(中期中新世後期〜後期中新世前期)から発見された海牛化石は,右肩甲骨,胸骨,肋骨,胸椎を含み,産地名にちなみ下秋間標本という.これらの部位をジュゴン科(ジュゴン亜科,ヒドロダマリス亜科,ハリテリウム亜科3亜科),トリケクス科のアメリカマナティーと比較した結果,特に第1から第4肋骨では遠位ほど太く,全体的に肥厚していることと大きさの点でMetaxytheriumメタキシテリウム属に,さらに各部位の大きさや台形の肩甲骨,長方形の胸骨,縦長の胸郭などの形態においてMetaxytherium crataegense, M. serresiiなどとよく似ている.また,胸椎の形態,中位・後位肋骨の肋骨角後外側部の膨らみなどはHalitherium schinziに似ているが,下秋間標本は幅広い背縁と強い烏口突起をもつ大きな肩甲骨を有する点でより派生的である.以上のことから下秋間標本をハリテリウム亜科とした.下秋間標本はわが国最古のジュゴン科の一つと考えられ,わが国の中新世以後の海牛目の分布,さらに大西洋・ヨーロッパ起源の海牛の日本進入の経路を考える上でも重要な資料である.
富田 達
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.1956, no.26-27, pp.36-51, 1956-03-25 (Released:2017-07-24)

Many data on the radio-effects in zircon are examined with the following results: (1) Zircon is subdivided structurally into three groups : Group A-Non-metamict zircons, includimg normal zircon and transparent hyacinth (G>4.6 or 4.55); Group B-Partly metamict zircons (G=4.6-4.0); Group C-Completely metamict zircon or typical malacon (G=4.0-3.9 or less). (2) In the damage process in zircon are recongnized three stages: Stage I-a continuous change from normal zircon to transparent hyacinths up to a certain saturation of ionization by free elections, the degree of which is shown in the colour order: colourless-yellow-orange-pink-purple; Stage II-a biscontinuous change from Group A to Group B. This change involves the abrupt partaking of radiogenic dissociation (ZrSiO_4→ZrO_2+SiO_2) occurring in part within a single crystal. Megascopic translucency or nearly opaque character carrying with yellowish and/or greenish tinge is an indication of this change; StageIII- a continuous increase of the dissociation products in Group B. This stage ends with the formation of Group C, opaque and green or brownish-green. (3) Time has a becibebly greater effect than alpha-activity. Most of the post-Cambrian granite zircons do not show so wide a range of variation of 2θ as seen in the pre-Cambrian, and less damaged crystals are present among the Miocene zircons. (4) A series of zircon from the Middle Cretaceous granites in Japan exhibits the general tendency that the later members are of greater radioactivity. This may be a reflection of the evolution of granitic magma, which becomes more enriched in the radioelements in its later stages. (5) Radio-effects in zircon are gradually restored by heating. Naturally heated zircons are met with in granitic xenoliths often found within volcanic rocks. Colour of these zircons corresponds with the age of the volcanic rocks. This suggests a means of age-determination for volcanic rocks.
山崎 静子 石賀 裕明 道前 香緒里 東 直子 Faruque Ahmed 三瓶 良和 Hamidur Rahman Badrul Islam
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.54, no.2, pp.81-93, 2000-03-25 (Released:2017-07-14)

地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.31, no.2, pp.70-82, 1977-03-25 (Released:2017-07-26)

The Niitsu anticline, situated in the Niitsu hill, oil-field of Niigata, Japan, consists mostly of the middle Miocene to the Pliocene sediments with some volcanics, and is an asymmetrical fold with northwesterly dipping axial surface in the main part, and displays some irregular shape in the northern one. The trend of the anticlinal axis changes from NE-SW in the main part to N-S or NNE-SSW in the northern one drawing a curve, and it plunges at 10°-20° toward the north (Fig. 1). Most of the minor faults developed in the Neogene formations belong to the longitudinal fault system, where constituent faults have their strikes parallel to the fold axis. Orientations of principal stress axis can be determined by the conjugate fault sets of this system as follows: σ1 (maximum compressive principal stress) is nearly normal to the bedding, σ2 (intermediate principal stress) is nearly parallel to the anticlinal axis, and σ3 (minimum compressive principal stress) is parallel to the bedding and normal to the anticlinal axis (Fig. 6). These represent the stress field in the past, that is at the faulting of this system. It is remarkable fact that these directional relationship between the principal stress axes and the fold axis is consistently maintained even if the trend of fold axis changes from NE-SW to N-S as in the northern part. Such a close relation strongly suggests that these faults and the Niitsu anticline might be formed under the same tectonic field of stress. In the Pleistocene formation unconformably orerlying the Neogene strata, some conjugate sets of minor fault with strikes normal to the fold axis are developed to compose the transversal fault saystem. Based on them, orientations of principal stress axes at the faulting of this system are restored as follows: σ1 is vertical, σ2 and σ3 are both flat, and nearly normal and parallel to the elongation of the Niitsu hill respectively (Fig. 5). It is noteworthy that these orientations are fixed through the whole region surveyed independent on the turning of the fold axis. This reveals that the stress field at the faulting of this system is different from that at folding, and it might correspond with that of the later stage, namely at the general upheaval of the Niitsu hill. With respect to the genetical type of fold, the Niitsu anticline is intensely suggested to be of transversal bending through discusions about the stress field expected by the fold of buckling or longitudinal bending and of the transversal bending as well as the effect of the movement of basement block on the overlying strata. From the above mentioned morphological characteristics and dynamic structures clarified in the Niitsu anticline, it is reasonably concluded at present that an uplifting with some tilting of the basement block is most adequate as a model for the mechanism of folding. Judging from the arrangement and orientations of fold axes around the Niitsu anticline, especially those in its northern and southern extension, differently oriented two types of basement blocks are supposed to exist beneath the Neogene strata; one is arranged in nearly NE-SW direction and the other is in N-S. Problems about the causes of such a blocking and its later uplifting with tilting are remained for future research.
山本 玄珠 長峰 崇 北垣 俊明 海野 友紀
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.58, no.6, pp.375-388, 2004-11-25 (Released:2017-07-14)

筆者らは,青森県尾太鉱山跡地坑道内において,廃水性マンガン団塊を発見した.本マンガン団塊は,15年以内で形成されたものである.粗粒から中礫サイズのこのマンガン団塊は,ブドウ状表面構造を有すマンガンクラスとともに産出するが,それらは微生物のマットと思われる物質が広く発達している中に認められる.いくつかのマンガン団塊のコアや表面には微生物と思われる物質が含まれていた.今回発見されたマンガン団塊は全て球状を呈し、層構造を有すが,それらは深海のマンガン団塊の形状(Meylan 1974)で示すとs-m[SDP]sまたはs-m[SDP]s+rに分類される.本マンガン団塊が微生物的物質と共に存在することから,本マンガン団塊の形成には,微生物的物質が関係していると考えられる.
カビール ファッツル 高須 晃
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.64, no.5, pp.183-192, 2010

山本 玄珠 長峰 崇 北垣 俊明 海野 友紀
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.58, no.6, pp.375-388, 2004

筆者らは,青森県尾太鉱山跡地坑道内において,廃水性マンガン団塊を発見した.本マンガン団塊は,15年以内で形成されたものである.粗粒から中礫サイズのこのマンガン団塊は,ブドウ状表面構造を有すマンガンクラスとともに産出するが,それらは微生物のマットと思われる物質が広く発達している中に認められる.いくつかのマンガン団塊のコアや表面には微生物と思われる物質が含まれていた.今回発見されたマンガン団塊は全て球状を呈し、層構造を有すが,それらは深海のマンガン団塊の形状(Meylan 1974)で示すとs-m[SDP]sまたはs-m[SDP]s+rに分類される.本マンガン団塊が微生物的物質と共に存在することから,本マンガン団塊の形成には,微生物的物質が関係していると考えられる.
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.53, no.5, pp.359-373, 1999-09-25 (Released:2017-07-14)
