犬塚 潤一郎 イヌツカ ジュンイチロウ Jun-ichiro Inutsuka
vol.46, pp.43-59, 2009-03-01

Expression is the key feature of the post-modern model of culture today, not only in the field of industry but also the definition of man, comparing to Creation which is the key concept of the classic-western-modern model of the society and man. This essay is focused to the syntactic function of Narrator in classic Japanese literature text, as the tale of Genji, which is highly suggestive to study of post-modern expression technology. With referring to Vilem Flusser's philosophical approach to Tools and Chiyuki Kumakura's literary analysis to Genji, I tried to depict ontological structure of adjectival subject in Japanese language and cognition, as which would provide our ways of expressionist today.
犬塚 潤一郎 イヌズカ ジュンイチロウ Jun-ichiro Inuzuka
vol.49, pp.53-64, 2012-03-10

To avoid a crisis that Marx predicted, capitalism has been improved. Fordism and the financial policy was achieved rapid development of industrial society. However, the market would naturally have physical limitations. Market is not able to be expanded indefinitely. Thecreation of the symbolic market, economic growth became possible to overcome this constraint.Symbols and credit creation technology, made possible the growth of the market, as it wareneutral to its own physical limitations. However, humanity and the earth continues to be aconcrete existence even if regarding the market as sign. As the limits of its contradictions,brought the crisis of global environmental crisis and human nature. On the criticism of theontological structure of these two crises, we must envision our new society.
乙訓 稔 オトクニ ミノル Minoru Otokuni
vol.48, pp.39-51, 2011-03-10

The Japanese defeat in the Japan-U.S. war on August 15, 1945 brought a big change for Japanese education. That is a democratization and the peaceful justification of the education by the occupation army. As a result of the reform, the social studies were born. Kaoru Ueda was a central person to elaborate a plan of social studies in the education ministry in those days. In Kaoru Ueda the purpose of the social studies education as an aim of new education to establish Japanese democracy was to bring up an independent human being who takes responsibility, thinks by oneself and acts in the relations of the mutual aid. Especially, he intends that the social studies bring manners as a good member of society and the ability of the child, and the social studies that he thinks about are interpreted as a subject of the child priority principle to respect the interest of the child. In addition, as for the method of social studies, the learning method for a child to solve a problem freely and voluntarily is thought about in Ueda, and a unit learning to respect the independence of will of the child and a teacher is adopted as a concrete method. By this leading idea of Ueda, there were the social studies as a symbolic education subject of the post-war Japanese educational reform until Showa the latter half of 20's. However, the Japanese education policy and the social studies were changed in quality by the conservative politics that revived under the international situation of Japan-U.S. peace treaty, and moral education, the so-called in other words "hour for morality" was specially set up and was required from September 1.1958(showa 33). This specially set up "hour for morality" was fixed at a set time once a week and the specially installed moral education was isolated from not only the moral education but also the education such as social studies and extracurricular activities, the homeroom brought a tendency to fall into a one-side education which injected an item of virtue. To inject an item of virtue was opposed to social studies education of Ueda that intended learning through an experience of the self in one's own interest of free learning. In conclusion, the loss of the origin of the postwar democracy education, and the change in quality of the moral education disturbed the formation of the independently individual and the democratization of japan including such social studies up to today. I think that it makes the Japanese democratization incomplete and picks the bud of democracy.
乙訓 稔 オトクニ ミノル Minoru Otokuni
no.48, pp.39-51, 2011-03-10

The Japanese defeat in the Japan-U.S. war on August 15, 1945 brought a big change for Japanese education. That is a democratization and the peaceful justification of the education by the occupation army. As a result of the reform, the social studies were born. Kaoru Ueda was a central person to elaborate a plan of social studies in the education ministry in those days. In Kaoru Ueda the purpose of the social studies education as an aim of new education to establish Japanese democracy was to bring up an independent human being who takes responsibility, thinks by oneself and acts in the relations of the mutual aid. Especially, he intends that the social studies bring manners as a good member of society and the ability of the child, and the social studies that he thinks about are interpreted as a subject of the child priority principle to respect the interest of the child. In addition, as for the method of social studies, the learning method for a child to solve a problem freely and voluntarily is thought about in Ueda, and a unit learning to respect the independence of will of the child and a teacher is adopted as a concrete method. By this leading idea of Ueda, there were the social studies as a symbolic education subject of the post-war Japanese educational reform until Showa the latter half of 20's. However, the Japanese education policy and the social studies were changed in quality by the conservative politics that revived under the international situation of Japan-U.S. peace treaty, and moral education, the so-called in other words "hour for morality" was specially set up and was required from September 1.1958(showa 33). This specially set up "hour for morality" was fixed at a set time once a week and the specially installed moral education was isolated from not only the moral education but also the education such as social studies and extracurricular activities, the homeroom brought a tendency to fall into a one-side education which injected an item of virtue. To inject an item of virtue was opposed to social studies education of Ueda that intended learning through an experience of the self in one's own interest of free learning. In conclusion, the loss of the origin of the postwar democracy education, and the change in quality of the moral education disturbed the formation of the independently individual and the democratization of japan including such social studies up to today. I think that it makes the Japanese democratization incomplete and picks the bud of democracy.
須賀 由紀子
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 (ISSN:13413244)
no.50, pp.77-89, 2013-03

The purpose of this study was to consider how to get back the real power of the children'sown culture in their daily life. To play innocently was considered to be a matter of greatimportance for their healthy growing, but today's modernized life reduced the time for them toenjoy their own culture with their heart pounding. To think about this issue, the authorcaptured the possibility of physical education in the elementary school.The analysis first showed the value of time for the children to play sufficiently from theviewpoint of physical development and inner experience. Secondly it treated with the findingsthat today's class of physical education showed strong inclinations to stress on having thestudents experience that sport is essentially full of fun. These considerations suggested that theclass of physical education could be the chance to get the power of children's own culture andwe needed to pay attention about the ability of the teacher for bringing up their students' playmind.The conclusion was that the teacher's attitude of loving sports could be a key to reconstructthe power of the children's own culture and good for creating the quality life.The purpose of this study was to consider how to get back the real power of the children'sown culture in their daily life. To play innocently was considered to be a matter of greatimportance for their healthy growing, but today's modernized life reduced the time for them toenjoy their own culture with their heart pounding. To think about this issue, the authorcaptured the possibility of physical education in the elementary school.The analysis first showed the value of time for the children to play sufficiently from theviewpoint of physical development and inner experience. Secondly it treated with the findingsthat today's class of physical education showed strong inclinations to stress on having thestudents experience that sport is essentially full of fun. These considerations suggested that theclass of physical education could be the chance to get the power of children's own culture andwe needed to pay attention about the ability of the teacher for bringing up their students' playmind.The conclusion was that the teacher's attitude of loving sports could be a key to reconstructthe power of the children's own culture and good for creating the quality life.
犬塚 潤一郎 イヌツカ ジュンイチロウ Jun-ichiro INUTSUKA
no.45, pp.21-39, 2008-04

How have we received "actual feeling" from the images which we see in our media-society? There is more what we see through media than that with which we actually meet. Media technology fills society with signs through reproducing a sign from a sign. For this mediological inquiry, I refer to Benjamin's "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction", comparing to other essays on photography as Barthes' and Sontag's, with the conceptual framework from Augustin Berque's mesological approach, which distinguishes three levels for the world; the earth, biosphere, and a level of milieu, and Jakobson's linguistic model of the sifter.
犬塚 潤一郎 イヌツカ ジュンイチロウ Jun-ichiro Inutsuka
no.47, pp.1-11, 2010-03-19

The theory of mediance, developed by Augustin Berque through synthesis of the ontology and the geography, inspired by the idea of Fudosei of Japanese philosopher and phenomenologist Tetsuro Watsuji, has a range to reorganize our relation to the environment, as called reconstituting the cosmos of human. In this essay, I will try to retranscribe his theory to solve the subject of modern society, especially focusing on the role of the university for solving the subject of business organizations and showing the draft of an educational program.
乙訓 稔
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 (ISSN:13413244)
no.51, pp.27-34, 2014-03

J.H. ペスタロッチの81 年の生涯は、歴史上ヨーロッパの決定的な時期にあった。即ち、17 世紀より続く絶対主義の絶頂期から1789 年のフランス市民大革命と、革命の変質で台頭したナポレオン1 世覇権の戦いの時代であり、またナポレオン敗退の1815 年のウィーン会議を主導したオーストリアの宰相メッテルニヒに象徴される反動復古の時代であった。 一方、時代思潮は理性や悟性を至上とする啓蒙哲学の爛熟期にあり、青年ペスタロッチを捉えたのはロマン主義的啓蒙思想家J.J. ルソーであった。その後の彼の活動は、教会と癒着したチューリッヒの門閥貴族政治との対峙にあり、彼の諸著作もそうした現実との対峙から生まれた。 ペスタロッチの啓蒙思想は家父長主義に基づく理想的な立法者や教育家による法律や教育を通じて民衆を啓蒙するというスイスに典型なもので、その思想は彼の社会的な活動や数多くの著作において一貫している。特に、彼が論じた社会的・政治的問題は、すべて万人のために万人が平安に生きられる方策を論究することにあって、初期の代表作『隠者の夕暮』では「人間を卑しくするもの」としての政治社会と、「人間を高めるもの」としての教育が常にその対極として論究され、すべての人間を高める教育が貧富の差なく天賦の権利・人間の権利として把握されている。即ち、ペスタロッチにおける人間の権利・人権は、人間本性の気高い本質に淵源がある神聖な権利であり、それは神から永遠に与えられた現世における人間の幸福のためのものであって、その権利は市民的に陶冶された理性に従って要求されなければならず、社会的に自由で人間的に純化された啓蒙的意志に由来すべきものと考えられている。 ペスタロッチは、彼の教授論『ゲルトルートはどのようにその子どもたちを教えるか』において、「できることなら、すべての実際的な技能の基礎である自立の能力という点で、ヨーロッパの下層の市民を、南や北の未開人よりも劣らせている逆茂木に放火したい」と書き、「なぜなら、その逆茂木は……一人の人間の代わりに十人の人間を社会的な人間の権利である教育を受ける権利から、あるいは少なくともその権利を用いる可能性から締め出しているからである」と書いている。また、彼は憲法論『立法についての見解』で、「スイスのために国民教育を法律的に確かなものにすること」を論じ、後期の大著『純真者』では「ヨーロッパにおいては国民の教育が国家の福祉の第一の手段であると認識される」と述べ、「ヨーロッパが国民の能力を学校や居間において高めることを人類の権利として承認すべきである」と説いている。この国民教育を国家において法制化し、人類・人間の権利として承認すべきであるという思想は、人権としての教育理念として位置づけられるのである。
松田 義幸 江藤 裕之
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 (ISSN:13413244)
vol.44, pp.73-100, 2007-03-29

In the rapidly globalizing world, we are facing a heap of complicated and challenging social problems in various areas regarding family, community, environment, education, health-care, work conditions, industrial economy, politics, defense, international relations, etc. In order to examine the nature of such problems that may have originated in the traditional patriarchic social structure, the present authors pay special attention to the ancient matriarchic society preceding the patriarchy. By means of scrutinizing the matriarchic society before the patriarchic domination, focusing on the people's view of nature, world, and life expressed in their myths and languages, we will be able to have some clues to tackle and solve our problems in the modern world. From this perspective, the present authors speculate what we can and should learn from the ancient archaic society in an interpretative approach of the myths and an etymological analysis of ancient words referring to the indispensable related literature, particularly J. J. Bachofen's Mutterrecht (1861), R. Graves's The Greek Myth (1955), B. G. Walker's The Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Sectrets (1983), E. Fromm's Love, Sexuality and Matriarchy (1994), and Yasutoshi Ueyama's Myths and Science (2001).
冨田 洋三
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 (ISSN:13413244)
vol.50, pp.111-128, 2013-03-10

Agricultural means of production is land. Therefore, agricultural productivity is relativelylow compared to other industrial productivity. As the economy grows, labor and land willcontinue to flow from agriculture to other industries. If no action is taken, agriculture willdecline, and a food crisis will come. Therefore, agricultural protection policy has been adoptedin many countries. As a result of protectionism, there is an oversupply of agricultural products,and their prices drop. Then, further protection policy is required. Japan is a typical example.As a result, farmland has decreased and workers are aging, and Japan has fallen into a crisis ofagricultural decline.Protection policy aims to raise agricultural productivity. To do so, the area of arable land perhead had to be expanded. But in reality, the agricultural land per head did not expand. Thecause is that the competition has been impeded by the protection policy. From the beginning of2000s, Japan's agricultural policy has changed towards the integration of the farmland topromote competition. Although it is controversial, in order to increase the power of food selfsufficiencyin Japan, we must expand the arable land per farmer to increase agriculturalproductivity.Agricultural means of production is land. Therefore, agricultural productivity is relativelylow compared to other industrial productivity. As the economy grows, labor and land willcontinue to flow from agriculture to other industries. If no action is taken, agriculture willdecline, and a food crisis will come. Therefore, agricultural protection policy has been adoptedin many countries. As a result of protectionism, there is an oversupply of agricultural products,and their prices drop. Then, further protection policy is required. Japan is a typical example.As a result, farmland has decreased and workers are aging, and Japan has fallen into a crisis ofagricultural decline.Protection policy aims to raise agricultural productivity. To do so, the area of arable land perhead had to be expanded. But in reality, the agricultural land per head did not expand. Thecause is that the competition has been impeded by the protection policy. From the beginning of2000s, Japan's agricultural policy has changed towards the integration of the farmland topromote competition. Although it is controversial, in order to increase the power of food selfsufficiencyin Japan, we must expand the arable land per farmer to increase agriculturalproductivity.
乙訓 稔
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 (ISSN:13413244)
vol.47, pp.13-21, 2010-03-19

As is generally known, the Japanese modern school system began in 1872, but there are few well-known educators who participated in an elementary education. Masataro Sawayanagi is such an educator ; he is known as a person of practice of the liberal education in educational history in the Taisho era at the Seijo elementary school, but as for his teacher theory, it is not studied so much, and in particular, there has been almost no study of his elementary school teacher theory. Therefore, I have concentrated on his idea of the elementary school teacher and clarified the main intent of his teacher theory and tried to make a comment about the characteristics. At first, he makes much of the role of an educator and a school teacher, and speaks of the basic qualification of the teacher as follows. That is, he says that the teacher needs to acquire learning and morality and states that the teacher must be such a person who feels pleasure in educating the human being, also can give a good example of moral education above all, and those recognizing the nation training in the next era particularly think about him. On the one hand, he had spoken about the treatment of the teacher, because the treatment of the teacher in his times was socially low, so he emphasize that the treatment of the primary school teacher had to raise immediately. But on the other, he had said that the elementary school teacher have the psychic income which can not buy for money. In addition, he says that the primary school teacher is an occupation that is suitable for a woman. Because woman teachers increased drastically in the Taisho era, he said that half the teachers should be woman, but he suggested a salary table for women teachers that was lower than the men teachers. In the trend of thought of the times after World War I and the trend of thought of the democracy of Japanese Taisho period, Sawayanagi's opinion about the woman teacher has the idea of gender equality and independence of the teacher and educational thought. But, seen from today, his outlook on gender shows an inequality male and female division of labor. So to speak, it is a limit caused by the Imperial Rescript on Education system ; however it can be said his opinion about the right of teachers to teach and the equality of the teacher group, and thinking that primary school teaching is a suitable occupation for the women are opinions of the universality beyond the situation of the times.
数野 千恵子 渡部 絵里香 藤田 綾子 増尾 侑子 カズノ チエコ ワタベ エリカ フジタ アヤコ マスオ ユウコ Chieko KAZUNO Erika WATABE Ayako FUJITA Yuko MASUO
vol.43, pp.1-7, 2006-03-25

The colors of foods, which may remind ones of the tastes, are important for the delicate sensing. Jellies with the tastes and flavors but with several colors for apple, lemon, strawberry and orange, were prepared. Sensory evaluations of the samples in regard to the colors and tastes were examined with 20 subjects/one sample by the questionnaire method. The results are summarized as follows. 1. The kinds of fruits presumed were correctly judged when the colors, tastes and flavors are in agreement with the native ones. Subjects answered that their judgements were made first by the colors and afterward confirmed by the agreement of the impressions with the tastes and flavors. 2. When the colors, tastes and flavors were unmatched, unusual sense and distaste were shown. 3. Among the jellies with the same taste and flavor but with different colors, yellow one tasted sour most strongly, indicating the strong influence of the colors on the tastes. 4. With jellies like Lemon and Mellon having peculiar tastes and flavors, the tastes were not so mach influenced by the colors.
鍜島 康子 カジマ ヤスコ Yasuko KAJIMA
vol.44, pp.142-148, 2007-03-29

I investigated the significance of a fashion design from the work and behavior of Gabrielle Chanel with designer, Paul Poiret, who played an active part at the beginning in the 20th century. The fashion style is different from art in that it is governed at any time by the feeling of that time.
山田 茂 大橋 文 尾関 彩
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 (ISSN:13413244)
no.50, pp.157-161, 2013-03

In this study we have investigated the relationship between hypertrophy of skeletal muscle byexercise and fasting to examine the relationship between exercise and nutrition. The animalused in the experiment were retired female mice. Exercise was carried out by tenotomymethod. Groups were divided into four groups with five animals in each group. After theseventh day, groups of mice that ate a diet were fed for 6 days were bled under anesthesia, andwere sacrificed. Each plantaris muscle and the soleus muscle, liver, spleen, kidney, heart wereremoved; after that, each weight was measured by the electromagnetic scale. The no-foodgroup began fasting the day after the start of resistance training. After five days, mice weresacrificed in a similar manner; the weight of the organs was measured in a similar manner. Inthis experiment, the following findings were revealed. Muscle weight increased by resistancetraining without the influence of the presence or absence of the meal. Hypertrophy rate waslower in plantaris muscle compared with the soleus muscle. When the meal has been ingested,resistance exercise has been found to affect the heart weight. Regardless of diet, exerciseresistance is the average value; statistical difference was not observed. When resistanceexercise was performed, the weight of kidney in diet group showed lower values compared tothe no food group. Further, even if resistance exercise was not performed, the food groupshowed a statistically significantly lower value compared to the no food group. The weight ofthe spleen, regardless of the presence or absence of the resistance exercise, showed a low valuewithout meals. The weight of liver was not observed the effect of the resistance exercise andof the diet.In this study we have investigated the relationship between hypertrophy of skeletal muscle byexercise and fasting to examine the relationship between exercise and nutrition. The animalused in the experiment were retired female mice. Exercise was carried out by tenotomymethod. Groups were divided into four groups with five animals in each group. After theseventh day, groups of mice that ate a diet were fed for 6 days were bled under anesthesia, andwere sacrificed. Each plantaris muscle and the soleus muscle, liver, spleen, kidney, heart wereremoved; after that, each weight was measured by the electromagnetic scale. The no-foodgroup began fasting the day after the start of resistance training. After five days, mice weresacrificed in a similar manner; the weight of the organs was measured in a similar manner. Inthis experiment, the following findings were revealed. Muscle weight increased by resistancetraining without the influence of the presence or absence of the meal. Hypertrophy rate waslower in plantaris muscle compared with the soleus muscle. When the meal has been ingested,resistance exercise has been found to affect the heart weight. Regardless of diet, exerciseresistance is the average value; statistical difference was not observed. When resistanceexercise was performed, the weight of kidney in diet group showed lower values compared tothe no food group. Further, even if resistance exercise was not performed, the food groupshowed a statistically significantly lower value compared to the no food group. The weight ofthe spleen, regardless of the presence or absence of the resistance exercise, showed a low valuewithout meals. The weight of liver was not observed the effect of the resistance exercise andof the diet.
阿部 真紀 小針 清子 秋田 修
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 (ISSN:13413244)
no.50, pp.171-176, 2013-03

Many kinds of salted-koji( rice-koji soaked in salted water) for pickle preparation have cometo be sold in market recently. We assayed salt and alcohol concentrations of five commercialsalted-koji. Salt concentrations were 10.2% to 13.2% and alcohol concentrations distributedfrom 2.2% to 5.7%.In addition we assayed germination ability of koji-mold (Aspergillus oryzae) and enzymeactivities remaining in five commercial salted-koji and homemade salted-koji. Homemadesalted-koji maintained the germination ability, but no commercial salted-koji showed thegermination ability.Most of the saccharifying enzyme activities of commercial salted-koji were lower than theactivities of homemade salted-koji. On the other hand, commercial salted-koji E and D had thehighest acid protease and neutral protease activities respectively in all samples. We examinedthe effect of pasteurization and ethanol on enzyme activities by using homemade salted-koji.Many kinds of salted-koji( rice-koji soaked in salted water) for pickle preparation have cometo be sold in market recently. We assayed salt and alcohol concentrations of five commercialsalted-koji. Salt concentrations were 10.2% to 13.2% and alcohol concentrations distributedfrom 2.2% to 5.7%.In addition we assayed germination ability of koji-mold (Aspergillus oryzae) and enzymeactivities remaining in five commercial salted-koji and homemade salted-koji. Homemadesalted-koji maintained the germination ability, but no commercial salted-koji showed thegermination ability.Most of the saccharifying enzyme activities of commercial salted-koji were lower than theactivities of homemade salted-koji. On the other hand, commercial salted-koji E and D had thehighest acid protease and neutral protease activities respectively in all samples. We examinedthe effect of pasteurization and ethanol on enzyme activities by using homemade salted-koji.
田中 恭子 佐藤 好美 塚本 真弓 垣本 由紀子
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 (ISSN:13413244)
vol.44, pp.114-118, 2007-03-29

This study investigated the problems concerning the usability of washbowls. The questionnaires distributed before the experiment revealed frequent complaints by users that washbowls were narrow and that there was excessive splashing. The experiment was conducted to confirm the usability and splashing as a function of bowl size using three females subjects (21 to 23 years of age). Four washbowl sizes were selected from the results of the questionnaires : 34cm wide and 24cm long, 39cm wide and 28cm long, 50cm wide and 33.5cm long, and 65cm wide and 37cm long. Using these sizes and two shapes (elliptical and square), the splashing area during face washing was measured as an index of usability. Four sizes and two shapes were made clipping the shape out of the filter papers. The area of splashing for each size and shape was calculated from the weight of the splashing area traced and cut from non-woven fabric. As a result, the 39cm wide and 28cm long washbowl was most popular and had the widest splashing area. Washbowls over 50cm wide exhibited less splashing area. The splashing area did not differ significantly between 50cm wide and 65cm wide washbowls, or between elliptical and square shapes. The experiment demonstrated that washbowls should be at least 50cm wide.
織田 佐知子 佐藤 浩美 数野 千恵子
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 (ISSN:13413244)
vol.48, pp.13-18, 2011-03-10

It is said that the sense used most when the person judges deliciousness is sight. In this study, food was illuminated with a different lighting, and a comparative study was made of the effects of each lighting on deliciousness. The lights were used three type of compact fluorescent lamps(cool white lamp(A), daylight lamp(B), warm white lamp(C)) and incandescent lamp(D). The subject of food were hot food/ (hashed potato) and fresh food (fruit). The fruits basket included an apple (red), a green grape (green), a banana (yellow), and a purple grape. That was the basic color of the food. These were set up in white boxes, and the way of seeing it was investigated. Moreover, a photograph was taken when food was illuminated with each lamp; it was measured with the colorimetry meter, and the relation to each item was examined. The lightest evaluation was incandescent lamp(D) when people look at hashed potato, and cool white lamp(A) when people look at the fruits. With cool white lamps(A), the evaluation was different according to the color and the question item as a basic color of food.
城島 栄一郎 末木 妙子 馬場 奈保子
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 (ISSN:13413244)
vol.44, pp.126-131, 2007-03-29

According to a questionnaire survey, around 2% of female students use parasols. They use parasols not only for sunshades but also for the psychological effects of fashion and coolness. The parasols reduce the strength of ultraviolet rays by 75-95%, and lower the head temperature by more than 10℃. In addition, they reduce the dazzle by 83-97% , except for white and yellow parasols. In this investigation, the white and light colors are preferred rather than dark colors as parasols, but it was clarified experimentally that the effects of the sunshade were higher in the dark color parasols.