井関 大介
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:02896400)
vol.32, pp.39-55, 2015-03-31

辻村 志のぶ
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.19, pp.93-109, 2002-03-31

Until 1945, missionaries from traditional Japanese Buddhist sects were sent to proselytize in China, other East Asian countries, Europe and the United States. This article is concerned with the activities of Fujii Sosen (1896―1971), a Shinshu priest of the Otani sect, who pursued missionary work in China during the Sino-Japanese War. Though he was a religious missionary, he was not personally concerned with gaining converts to his faith. Rather, his declared mission was to "modernize" Chinese Buddhism. To accomplish this task, Fujii undertook varied and seemingly contradictory activities. He persuaded Japanese Buddhist organizations to aid their Chinese counterparts, openly criticized Japan, was publicly opposed to the war, and yet at times cooperated with the invading Japanese military forces. He was finally arrested by the Japanese army for spreading "propaganda." How can his faith and mission be explained? His distinctive ideas about missionary work derived from his conviction that both Japanese and Chinese Buddhism were to be modernized in the same way. According to Fujii, both Buddhist traditions shared a single future and destiny, which was to be led by Japanese example. Both traditions were to undergo reform in the spheres of Buddhist studies, Buddhist education, economic activities, and social welfare, all of which were considered by Fujii to be important to modern institutions. This paper traces his way of thinking, and is an attempt to illuminate one aspect of the history of Japanese missionary work.
市川 裕
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.20, pp.1-14, 2003-03-31

Recent studies of the Qumran documents have stimulated new perspectives on ancient Jewish history and Jewish mysticism, through which new light has been shed on the literary activity of the priestly class in the Second Temple period. Priests of this period appear to have had two primary responsibilities: to offer sacrifices and to write sacred scriptures. Numbers and letters were looked upon as divine wisdom, or the "wisdom of the angels," and this divine knowledge was the exclusive preserve of the priests. It is assumed that the ideas and practices of the Temple of Jerusalem and the sacrifices performed therein were dominant in the Jewish religion in the Second Temple period and that religious ideas and movements that emerged at this time were primarily concerned with reflection on and reformation of notions of redemption. In keeping with these assumptions, the fundamental ideas and outlook of the priestly class and its mentality are illuminated in the following investigations, and the extent to which the rabbinic sages were confronted with these deep-rooted issues is also analyzed. First, the structure of legitimation in Jewish society is examined, in which the hereditary Davidic kingship and the hereditary Zadokite high priesthood and the Temple in Jerusalem were basic elements. Second, notions of divine presence at the Holy of Holies in the Temple are discussed, as they were preserved and transmitted from the Biblical traditions through apocalyptic literature in the Second Temple period until the emergence of the Hekhalot-Merkavah literature of the mystical tradition after the Mishnah. Third, the manner in which the social order of Jewish society and the world in general was superimposed upon the spatial sacred order according to the ranks of purity and holiness (centered on the Holy of Holies) is outlined. Finally there is a discussion of the temporal order that had been fixed by a solar calendar of 364 days a year, which was to be neither disturbed nor confused by human observation, which was ultimately replaced by the luno-solar calendar.
江川 純一
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:02896400)
vol.30, no.特別号, pp.179-194, 2013-03

2010~2012年度文部科学省科学研究費補助金基盤研究 (B) 「宗教概念ならびに宗教研究の普遍性と地域性の相関・相克に関する総合的研究」 (研究代表者 : 池澤優) 課題番号 : 22320016 報告書
久保田 浩
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.9, pp.37-58, 1992-03-30

Es ist weithin bekannt, daB Exegetik im Pietismus dank ihrer ontologischen Implikation von der heutigen philosophischen Hermeneutik hoch geschatzt wird. Unter diesem philosophisch - hermeneutischen Aspekt konnen allerdings die EigentUmlichkeiten der pietistischen Hermeneutik, insbesondere die religiosen, nicht genugend erschopft werden. Daher wird hier versucht, die Exegetik, d.h. die Ideen uber die Bibelauslegung, zu rekonstruiren und die diese Ideen urspruglich begrundende innere Logik zu erschlieBen. Der fundamentale Unterschied zwischen der Bibelauslegungslehre A.H.Franckes (1663-1727) und der J.A.Bengels (1687-1752) besteht in der unterschiedlichen Auffassung uber den Bibelautor. Die lutherisch - orthodoxe These, daB Gott Autor der Bibel ist, wird von diesen Theologen ganz unterschiedlich aufgenommen. Fur Francke bedeutet diese These, daB Gott einige Menschen mit heiligem Gemlit (Affekt) ausgestattet und diese Menschen zu Autoren der Bibel gemacht hat. Seiner Meinung nach kann man durch ,,Wiedergeburt" dasjenige Gemut, das den schriftlichen Text hervorgebracht hat, erkennen. Fur Bengel wiederum bedeutet die orthodoxe These, daB Gott selbst in der Bibel gegenwartig spricht und daB die Bibel daher eine Wirklichkeit Gottes ist. Deshalb floBt die Bibel dem Ausleger Ehrfurcht vor dem Wort Gottes ein ; bzw. begegnet man Gott in der Bibel selbst. Wie man an dem hier gezeigten Beispiel sieht, hat der protestantische Anspruch der Bibel - bzw. Schriftbeachtung weder einen einfachen noch einheitlichen Gehalt ; d.h. der Unterschied der Rezeptionsmodalitat dieses Anspruches flihrt zur Entstehung dieser ganz unterschiedlichen Ideen.
磯前 順一
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.11, pp.155-160, 1994-03-30

奥山 倫明
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.8, pp.55-73, 1991-03-20

Focusing upon Eliade's study of religion, we can obtain the following perspective, with which to differentiate two planes of his argument. Discussed first is his theory of religious phenomena: the paradoxically constituted theory of religious experience and behavior. His argument of religious experience, categorized as hierophany, is paradoxical in that the sacred manifests itself in the profane, which restricts the former within the temporality of history. His argument of religious behavior is viewed in terms of the succession of death and rebirth. Both in shamanism and in yoga, the shaman and the yogin transcend history by symbolic death, as does the initiate in initiation. Thus, symbolic rebirth paradoxically necessitates symbolic death. Discussed next is his background of religious theory : the reintegration into the primordial interpreted in his religious symbolism by abolishing history. This recurrence of reintegration can be related to his thought on the origin of time and history. In his thought, human beings'restricted condition within time and history arises from their fall from paradise. This paradise lost also causes his nostalgia for that reintegration. These two planes are bridged with his view on the sacred in relation.to human beings as being ambiguous. The ambiguity is understood as follows. As the sacred transcendentally involves a negative phase, human beings have an ambivalence toward the sacred. In other words, the dual-phased sacred fascinates and terrifies us. Furthermore, that ambiguity, in Eliade's view, springs from the paradox in human beings'nature. We can almost state, moreover, that his view of-the ambiguity of the sacred originates with the fall of human beings from paradise ( and the totality of the sacred ) to the temporality of history.
堀江 宗正
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.17, pp.57-72, 2000-03-31

This article surveys the theories of prominent psychologists of religion - W. James, S. Freud, C. G. Jung, E. Promm, A. H. Maslow, and E. H. Erikson. It shows that they are concerned with the process of self-actualization though not all of them use that term. Finally, their theories of self-actualization are considered in relation to religion. The psychologists of religion delineated the process of human psychological growth in analyzing religion as a research object, whether presenting an authentic way of religion or criticizing an actual way of religion. Despite of their differences and their uniquenesses, the processes they described are so similar that one can include them under the title of self-actualization. Self-actualization is the process by which one leaves one-sided ego and actualizes the authentic self or gradually approaches the genuine self. Its significant feature is the ultimate concern to the Self. The psychological thought movement, which regards self-actualization as a norm, should be understood as one example of what Bellah calls "modern religion," the last stage in his scheme of religious evolution. Thus referring to Bellah's discussion, it can be made clear that the psychological thought movement in modern advanced countries represents a new spirituality, although those who are concerned would claim it to be different from religion. In the last part of this paper, the author focuses on the motif of recovery of totality in the theory of self-actualization and points to the fact that the motif is expressed as "healing" in the recent scene of the movement.
葛西 賢太
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.9, pp.1-17, 1992-03-30

Christian Science is one of the much influencial religious sects in the modern United States, especially in the field of publishing and medicine. However, there can we find only few researches about its healing practice even in the United States, and, as a matter of course, in Japan. This is a study about the transition and development of the idea and the arts of the healing from the Harmonialism to Christian Science. In harmonialism I include mesmerism, homeopathy, hydropathy, etc. Harmonialism is defined as an unorganized religious movements, which understands that a person's harmonial rapport with cosmos (or God) has much influence on his/her spiritual composure and physical health. But other than "rapport", one more important motief of harmonialism can I show you. It is the conceptions of half-materialistic fluid (for example, "spiritual matter") as the media of rapport. Many students refer to Christian'Science as one of the cases of harmonialism. Perhaps it is true to their ideas of the psychosomatic causes of diseases, but Christian Science has neither conceptions of "rapport" nor that of materialistic fluid. The materialistic conceptions of fluid changes into a metaphysical conception of "divine Mind" of Christian Science. We can show you another same change as the transition of the conception of the fluid, in that of healing arts. The commonest arts of healing of harmonialism, especially in the case of mesmerism, are "therapeutic touch" or "rubbing", which is done to transmit the fluid into the affected body organ. But in Chrisitian Science, they had no conceptions about such fluid so there are no arts to pass the fluid. These two points also show where Christian Science is to the strand of harmonialism. And my study can be some critic to the tendency of the contemporary research of faith healing, which is apt to focus only on the thought or cause of healing.
塩尻 和子
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:02896400)
vol.30, no.特別号, pp.71-88, 2013-03

2010~2012年度文部科学省科学研究費補助金基盤研究 (B) 「宗教概念ならびに宗教研究の普遍性と地域性の相関・相克に関する総合的研究」 (研究代表者 : 池澤優) 課題番号 : 22320016 報告書
松村 一男
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.4, pp.88-94, 1987-01-20

松村 一男
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.5, pp.102-116, 1988-01-08
