塩尻 和子
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:02896400)
no.16, pp.15-26, 1998

This paper is a follow-up to an article published in the Annual Review of Religious Studies XIV 1996, where I described the chronological sequence of the Salem witch-craft trials and analyzed the positions of two Puritan clergymen. In this article I examine the role of community at Salem village and the relation of social interest to the witch-hunt. Though the witch-hunt itself was initiated by adolescent hysteria, the persecutions were fueled by a conspiracy of envious men attempting to destroy their enemies and to retain power. Their efforts were supported by the Puritan leaders, both religious and political, and resulted in the magnification of a minor disorder into a deadly tragedy. As Max Weber points out, social concern can control human behavior, placing it within the framework of a powerful belief, either religious or secular. Where belief in witch-craft is anchored in theological doctrine, people in unfavorable social conditions are apt to sacrifice a scapegoat as an evil-witch in order to obtain immediate effects. The scapegoat can be found anywhere; no one can avoid the danger of being accused as a witch or wizard in conditions of changing social values. During the Salem witch-hunt, not only the oppressed or the unpopular but also the rich and the respectable were arrested and sentenced to death ; there was no escape once they became targets of the conspiracy. An investigation the role of the Salem community at this event illustrates how social concern can be sanctioned and enhanced through the use of religious faith. The combination of religion and madness seen in the conspiracy in Salem village could happen anywhere, even in our day. Lingering belief in witchcraft warns us of the continuing danger of a witch-hunt that could threaten our freedom and humanity.
池澤 優 近藤 光博 藤原 聖子 島薗 進 市川 裕 矢野 秀武 川瀬 貴也 高橋 原 塩尻 和子 大久保 教宏 鈴木 健郎 鶴岡 賀雄 久保田 浩 林 淳 伊達 聖伸 奥山 倫明 江川 純一 星野 靖二 住家 正芳 井上 まどか 冨澤 かな

塩尻 和子
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.32, no.1, pp.33-49, 1989

What is the criterion of good and evil brought forth endless controvercies in the Islamic ethics between the rationalists and the conservative groups; the former insisted that it could be known through the human reason, and the latter confined the authoritative criterion only to the revelation and its derivatives. The rationalists, the Mu'tazilah, maintain that the good and evil is inherent in the nature of the act itself and can be understood by the reason. For them the criterion of good and evil must be intrinsic and objective.<br>Based on this traditional Mu'tazilite ethical principles, 'Abd al Jabbar, who is a great scholar belonging to the later Mu'tazilah, elaborated his own ethics. He brought situational and prudential perspective into the judgment of ethical good-evil, taking into account various aspects and levels of the actual acts.<br>&ldquo;Benefit&rdquo;, one of the key terms in his ethics, is always correlated to Good, while &ldquo;Injury&rdquo; is to Evil. An act is good when it brings forth &ldquo;Benefit&rdquo; or when it defends Injury. Since the criterion of Good and Evil is put on the balance of &ldquo;Benefit&rdquo; and &ldquo;Injury&rdquo;, &ldquo;Injury&rdquo; which &ldquo;Benefit&rdquo; exceeds is judged as Good. All these prudential judgments can be rightly grasped by man's reason. However, as ethics must be always valid, 'Abd al Jabbar states that &ldquo;Benefit&rdquo; must not be of worldly selfish profits, nor should be gained by wrong means.<br>To consider the whole aspects of his ethics together, he seems to conceive a qualitative hierarchy of Benefit, of which the highest is the creation of God itself; &ldquo;Benefit&rdquo; not in a prudential nor rational sense, but in a eschatological sense. In the side of man, &ldquo;Benefit&rdquo; in the ultimate sense will be realized in the hereafter in accordance with what he has done in this world.<br>In this sphere &ldquo;Benefit&rdquo; has both the rational and eschatological meaning in 'Abd al Jabbar's ethics, even though it has situational and prudential aspects. The study of the whole relevance of these aspects is my next task.
塩尻 和子
宗教研究 (ISSN:03873293)
vol.78, no.2, pp.565-589, 2004-09-30

塩尻 和子
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.33, no.1, pp.30-44, 1990

It is the foundation of the ethics in Islam that man is to be judged hereafter according to what he has done in this world. On the resurrection God will create man anew as same as created first time in this world. 'Abe al-Jabbar established his theory on the self-identity which continues from this world to the hereafter from the viewpoint of the Mu'tazilite atomic ontology, in which the things in this world are conceived to be composed of atoms and their inhering accidents.<br>On the contrary to most of the earlier Mu'tazila who insist that the reality of man be the spirit, 'Abd al-Jabbar maintains that his reality is in his total living body with the life and the physical structure in addition to the spirit. The spirit is distinct from the physical body and it cannot be realized without life in the body. Man is not only an exterior unity composed of several atoms and accidents with its special structure distinct from other beings, but also an interior unity composed of spirit, life and other accidents. In this meaning he calls man "Living Totality (jumla al-hayy)".<br>On the resurrection, this living totality is to be created anew as the same man as in this world. 'Abd al-Jabbar conceives the minimal unit of the atoms (aqall al- ajza') which survives the resurrection and continues to be in the hereafter. While the spirit perishes together with life and physical body at the death of man, the minimal unit of the atoms remains and is transferred to the next life. The core of his identity is this minimal unit of the atoms. This will be the kernel, the centre of self-identity in the hereafter; a substrate in which the new spirit, the new life and the new physical body, completely distinct from those of this world, will inhere.
塩尻 和子
宗教哲学研究 (ISSN:02897105)
vol.22, pp.17-32, 2005 (Released:2019-03-21)

The Sunnite atomistic cosmology which worked to prove God to be a Creator is often regarded one of the remarkable features in the Islamic theology, however, it is still vague who was the founder of this ontology, and by whom it was introduced into the Islamic theology and how it was developed among the Sunnite Kalām. As al-Ash‘arī inherited the cosmology of his former Mu‘tazilite master, al-Jubbā’ ī, his atomism is said to be one of the most evident examples of his application of the Mu‘tazilite theory to the traditional position. It is regarded that he searched and produced the occasionalistic cosmology, and applied it to the traditional Islamic sphere, linking it with God’s Creationism. Among the early successors of al-Ash‘arī, al-Bāqillānī is said to be a major factor and scholar who systematized and popularized the theories and teachings of the Ash‘arite. To examine the development of this atomistic cosmology in the Sunnite Kalām after al-Ash‘arī, I then follow al-Bāqillānī’s arguments and compare them with al-Juwainī’s, another Ash‘arite theologian after al-Bāqillānī. This polemic seems to be quasi mechanistic view of the universe, and though the concepts of the atom and accident varied in each scholar and each time, this cosmology has created and developed the unique theology in anthropology, theory on the soul, and cosmology such as the continuous creation, all of which worked for the occasionalism in order to prove God’s omnipotence and the Creation ex-nihilo.
塩尻 和子
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:02896400)
vol.30, no.特別号, pp.71-88, 2013-03

2010~2012年度文部科学省科学研究費補助金基盤研究 (B) 「宗教概念ならびに宗教研究の普遍性と地域性の相関・相克に関する総合的研究」 (研究代表者 : 池澤優) 課題番号 : 22320016 報告書