古田 富建
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:02896400)
vol.27, pp.45-59, 2010-03-31

樫尾 直樹
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.7, pp.35-60, 1990-03-20

Cet article a pour objet d'etudier les caracteristiques du lien social a travers les analyses de la theorie du sacrifice auxquelles Emile Durkheim a attache beaucoup d'lmportance. Il a mis en evidence que deux types de sacrifices (la communion et le sacrifce piaculaire) constituaient "la communication entre le sacre et le profane", c'est a dire, les pratiques qui communiquent la force (le pouvoir) religieux (social et moral), impersonnel, entre le divin et l'homme ; la nature et l'homme ; I'lhomme et lui-meme, et que cette force (ce pouvoir) equivalait presque la notion ambigue du mana. Puis E. Durkheim a decouvert dans le sacre et cette force (ce pouvoir) : La "Societe", l'etre moral qui transcende les individus. La "Societe" signifie pour lui la societe ideale comme "idees superposees sur le monde reel et empirique" ainsi que le sacre. Les sacrifices offrent l'essence de La "Societe" comme idees aux individus et la leur font penetrer profondement. Ainsi ilssont les precedes qui sont a l'origine du lien social et moral. Par ses pratiques, les sacrifices symbolisent quatre idees collectives (les caracteristiques du lien social) : 1. la publicite (caractere public), 2.1a reciprocite, 3.1'egalite, 4.1'unite.
藤本 拓也
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.23, pp.77-89, 2006-03-31

This paper is concerned with the relationship between intersubjectivity and religion. The concept of intersubjectibity, which is based on the phenomenology of Husserl (1859-1938), was transformed into the mind-body theory by the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961). Through an application of the theory to the human body, he interpreted the concept of intersubjectivity on the physical and concrete level. Although the ontological concept of intersubjectivity implies a modality of being together in this world, community in general is also grounded on this same modality. From a religious study's perspective, I examine his main works Phenomenology of Perception (1945) and posthumous works The Visible and the Invisible (1964), and analyze the structure of intersubjectivity apparent in them. The structure has to be totally resolved in order to illuminate the connection between religion and community. On the point that the self and the other exist together causing a unit of "we" to emerge, a kind of moment may support it. A moment means not only God or a divine thing, but also something monistic/This paper will attempt to show that intersubjectivity is based on the monistic concept of being.
嶋田 英晴
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.22, pp.85-96, 2005-03-31

This paper treats of the centralized leadership of the rabbinical Judaism. The term "centralized leadership of the rabbinical Judaism" means the leadership of the Babylonian (Iraqi) Jewish aristocracy over the whole Jewish communities under the Islamic rule from the early seventh to the middle of the eleventh century. As the Yeshivah (center for rabbinical study) in Iraq began to decline from the middle of the tenth century, the rabbinical Jewish people in the local areas could not any longer ask for the various questions concerning the Talmudic law. Consequently, local Jewish communities inherited all the traditions of the rabbinical Judaism and arranged the independent systems controlling the inside of their own communities by placing their own rabbis as their leaders. This is the beginning of the "rabbinical Judaism" in the ordinary meaning of the words frequently used in our time. On the basis of the matters mentioned above, this paper explains the actual conditions and the declining course of the centralized leadership of the rabbinical Judaism in the tenth century from the view point of both internal and external factors.
谷口 茂
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.7, pp.182-184, 1990-03-20

李 勝鉉
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.20, pp.89-105, 2003-03-31

Philosopher of religion Yanagi Muneyoshi (1889-1961), born in the Meiji period and active throughout the Taisho and Showa periods, propagated a unique view of religion known as the "religion of aesthetics" (bi no shukyo). At the beginning of his career, Yanagi studied western culture through his participation in the "White Birch" (Shirakaba) literary group. He later turned his attention to eastern culture and formed his own thoughts on religion in the course of founding the "Folk Art Movement" (mingei undo). His activities at this time encompassed a wide spectrum, ranging from a quest for "pure" religious truth to the study of art. Yanagi embraced both religion and art at once, and stated that they were in fact originally "not two" (funi], but rather one and the same. When Yanagi became interested in eastern culture he also encountered Korean folk culture for the first time. Strongly impressed by the beauty of items for daily use, created by simple Korean people who did not personalize their works by imprinting their names upon them, he began to advocate a theory of "folk art." Previous studies of Yanagi have been undertaken from the three separate disciplinary viewpoints of folk art, Korean culture, and religious studies. However, for Yanagi himself, these three aspects remained inseparable throughout his entire life. This article attempts to keep his perspective in mind. It is in the interest of maintaining this inclusive perspective that I focus on Yanagi's early religious thought, from the years 1910 to 1924, while focusing initially on his activities in the Shirakaba group and his relationship with Korea. It was during these years that he chose the career of a philosopher of religion, began the search for a universal concept of religion which would fuse eastern and western ideas, and finally created a theory of religion and art which considered both as an indivisible entity. His initial encounter with the Korean people also falls into this period. Investigation of this stage of Yanagi's life will, I believe, reveal the most essential foundations of his thought.
西村 明
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:02896400)
no.19, pp.47-61, 2001

This paper deals with Nagai Takashi's thoughts on the victims of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki. Nagai, a doctor of radio therapeutics at Nagasaki Medical College, wrote many literary works about the aftermath of the atomic bomb. Just before 1995, the fiftieth anniversary of the attack, Takahashi Shinji criticized Nagai's thought, describing his works as "Urakami holocaust doctorine." Two Catholic thinkers, Kataoka Chizuko and Motoshima Hitoshi, argued against Takahashi. This paper further evaluates Takahashi's criticism of Nagai's ideological role in postwar Nagasaki. Nagai's attitude toward the atomic bomb dead was influenced by his experience of continually facing the death of the victims of radiation throughout his life and career. He deliberated on the meaning of death, and came to use the term "holocaust" to describe the atomic bombing. However, though he defined the atrocity, he was ultimately unable to articulate ideas that would lead to an end to war and the establishment of permanent peace.
稲場 圭信
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.16, pp.27-42, 1999-03-31

This article will deal with the correlation between voluntary activities and religion in terms of altruism. In the United Kingdom there are over five-hundred thousand voluntary organizations, and among them about 170,000 are registered charities. The charitable purposes of these organizations are altruistic and classified under four headings : the relief of poverty, the advancement of education, the advancement of religion, and other purposes beneficial to the community. Although it received only indirect mention in the preamble of the Statute of Elizabeth I (the Charitable Uses Act 1601 ),the advancement of religion has always been considered a charitable object. Indeed, the very concept of charity is essentially religious in origin. Thus, charitable activities and religions have traditionally been strongly related. After surveying the literature on altruism, we shall consider the social dimension of these voluntary activities and their significance. There after we shall take a general view of the system of charities in the United Kingdom and its history. In the rest of the article, we shall discuss the correlation between religions and voluntary activities in terms of altruism from various standpoints. The discussion will refer to the meanings of altruism and charitable activities to religious people. Finally, this article will illustrate the differences and affinities between voluntary activities of religious people and those of non-religious people.
池澤 優
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.24, pp.13-29, 2007-03-31

宮嶋 俊一
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:02896400)
no.15, pp.45-59, 1997

In den 20er Jahren wurde in Europa eine Debatte um den indischen Evangelisten Sadhu Sundar Singh, der damals wegen seiner ,,angeblichen" Wundererlebnisse und Missionsreise nach Tibet in Lebensbeschreibungen bekannt war, ausgetragen. Dieser sogenannte ,,Sadhustreit" wurde hauptsachlich von dem Sadhu verteidigenden Marburger Religionswissenschaftler Friedrich Heiler und dem ihm widersprechenden Pastor und Religionspsychologen Oskar Pfister gefuhrt. Heiler behauptete in seinem Buch ,,Sadhu Sundar Singh: Apostel des Ostens und Westens (1923)", in dem die vorhandenen Beschreibungen von Sadhus Leben zusammengefaBt, 〟religib'ses Leben" und 〟Vorstellungswelt" Sadhus dargestellt und seine Bedeutung fur Indien und das abendlandische Christentum eingeschatzt wurde, daB Sadhu die religiose ,,Wahrheit" sei und seine 〟wunderbaren" Ereignisse historische Wirklichkeit seien. Dagegen pruft Pfister die einzelnen Ereignisse in ,,Die Legende Sundar Singhs (1926)" nach, um historische , Wahrheit" zu suchen, und kam zu dem SchluB, daB alle solchen Ereignisse Legenden, d.h. die Ubertreibungen oder Erfindungen Sadhus seien. Auf Grund dieser historischen fuhrte er psychologische Untersuchungen durch, und stellte fest, daB Sadhu, der zwischen Phantasie und Wirklichkeit nicht unterscheiden konnte, ein Neurotiker sei. Am problematischsten an Heilers Zugang ist, daB er von Anfang an die religiose 〟Wahrheit" Sadhus anerkannte und seine Behauptungen auf Grund dieses 〟Glaubens" aufstellte. Das Wahrheitsproblem, ob Sadhu 〟Apostel oder Betruger (1925)" sei, ist keine religionswissenschaftliche Fragestellung. Die historischkritische Methode Pfisters schien sich nicht unmittelbar auf ein solches religioses 〟Wahrheitsproblem" zu beziehen. Weil er aber auch 〟Wahrheit", d.h. historische , Wahrheit" suchte, wurde die Debatte um die, Wahrheit" gefuhrt. Darilber hinaus war die psychologische Untersuchung und ,,Diagnose" Pfisters nicht religionswissenschaftlich, so daB er die religiose Bedeutung Sadhus nicht klar machen konnte. In diesem Punkt war Heilers Forschunghaltung, daB 〟eligiose Leben" und 〟Vorstellungswelt" im Kontext der indischen Religionen zu untersuchen zu versuchen, religionswissenschaftlich, obwohl er an Sadhus Schriften ausschlieBlich seine eigene Religiositat ablas. Meiner Ansicht nach kann man sich einerseits einem historischen 〟Sachverhalt" durch Materialbearbeitung nahern, obwohl man die historische 〟Wahrheit" nicht erreichen kann. Was von Sadhu untersucht werden sollte, sind erstens solche hypothetischen 〟Sachverhalte". Anderseits sollte die Bedeutung Sadhus nicht im Kontext der personlichen Religiositat, sondern der religiosen Gemeinschaft betrachtet werden. Obwohl sich Sadhu relativ unabhangig von christlichen Gemeinschaften betatigte, kann man z.B. die Entstehung seiner Religiositat historisch im damaligen indischen religiosen Kontext untersuchen und seine Bedeutung innerhalb seiner Anhangerschaft erlautern, zu der auch Heiler gehorte(!). Eine Schwierigkeit ist die Entstehung eines Risses zwischen dem historischen 〟Sachverhalt", den Pfister beim Sadhustreit - mit dem Ausdruck der 〟historischen Wahrheit" - erreichen wollte, und der religiosen 〟Wahrheit", an die Heiler glaubte. Diesen Ris zuzuschutten zu versuchen, konnte zu einer Aufgabe der Religionswissenschaft werden.
江川 純一
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.19, pp.63-76, 2002-03-31

本稿は,フランスの宗教学者ロベール・エルツ(1881-1915)の三本目(そして最後)の論文「聖ベス-アルプスの祭祀-(Saint Besse -etude d'un culte alpestre)」を扱っている。エルツについては,ボルネオ島ダヤク族の死をめぐる習俗(具体的には二次埋葬)・観念に時間的構造をみようとした1907年の「死の集合表象の研究」,ニュージーランドのマオリ族の事例を扱い,右手と左手の価値の差を右利きという生理学的要因ではなく,善と悪,生と死,男と女,南と北,聖と俗,浄と不浄といった社会的な価値の両極を象徴するものとして捉えようとした1909年の「右手の優越」が知られている。彼の師・先輩にあたるM・モースはエルツの研究について,「人間性の間の部分(cote sombre de l'humanite)」を対象としたものと言い表していた。「死」(「死の集合表象」),「タブー」(「右手の優越」),「罪」(博士論文)といった具合に,エルツは宗教に注目する事によって,人間性の裏側に光を当てようとしたのである。「聖ベス」論文でも伝承における「妬み」,祭祀における人々の「対立・葛藤」が取り上げられている。しかし,彼が生前残した最後の論文であるこの「聖ベス」は,フィールドワークによる資料採集を行い,事象から離れることなく理論のレヴェルにまで達している点で前二論文とは異なっている。昨年(2000年),雑誌『宗教研究』において,「「民間信仰」研究の百年」という特集が組まれたが,「聖ベス論文」は「民衆」レヴェルの宗教研究として,88年前の論考でありながら現在でも十分参考になり得る。むしろ「民衆」レヴェルの宗教への取り組み方,その概念そのものの再考が要請されている現在だからこそ,この論文を見直す意味があるのではないだろうか。以下では,祭祀とそれにまつわる伝承,歴史について彼がいかなるアプローチを施したかを,同時代のフランスのフォルクロリスト達,フランス社会学派のモースなどと比較しつつ考察し,その位置付けを行なう。
井関 大介
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:02896400)
no.28, pp.89-107, 2010

論文/ArticlesMasuho Zanko was a "vulgar" Shintoist active mainly in the first half of the eighteenth century. As he argued that the Japanese must respect Shinto first and foremost of all religions, many contemporary writers naturally criticized him. Through analyzing his works carefully, it is clear that he propagated Shinto not because he thought it is the only true religion but because he thought it the most useful for administration of the nation and for the relief of the people - especially "the foolish people," in his words. Contrary to his apparent absolutism, his ideas of religions (which his critics rejected as being exclusively Shinto)—based on a sort of relativism or pragmatism—indirectly seems to share common ground with his critics. In this paper, through analyzing the rhetoric found in the criticisms of Zanko, I try to examine the extent of his discourse objecting to other religions and consider them something controllable and useful in this period.