大山 武司 前川 正信 柏原 昇
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.28, no.4, pp.493-497, 1982-04

We studied the data obtained by administering Tsumura Hachimijiogan to 28 impotent patients and 29 normal individuals. During two weeks of administration, we assessed the efficacy of the drug by examining the answers of the subjects to a questionnaire handed out before administration, the Cornell Medical Index (C.M.I.) and the results of the Yatabe-Guilford (Y-G) tests. We also measured blood testosterone, 17-KS and 17-OHCS, before and after administration to assess the influence of Hachimijiogan on hormone production. 1) Ability of erection: An increased ability of erection was observed in 65.4% of the impotent patients and an amelioration of morning erection in 50% of the patients. An increased ability of erection was observed in 36% of the control subjects, and an amelioration of morning erection in 24%. 2) Efficacy rate of Hachimijogan was 64% in the control group and 76.9% in the impotent group. The efficacy rate as observed by age was 100% for the control subjects who were over 40 years old; it was smallest for the control subjects in their thirties. However, little difference in the efficacy rate was observed with age in the impotent group. 3) Efficacy rate for problem groups: There was no difference between the efficacy rate for the problem groups in the C.M.I. and Y-G tests and the overall efficacy. 4) Efficacy rate by habitus: The drug was very effective for 71.4% of the impotent patients who had a slender build. 5) The side effects most frequently observed were gastroenteritic disorders. In three cases, drug administration was discontinued because of side effects. Side effects were observed at the highest percentage in pyknic subjects, appearing in more than half of them. 6) Blood testosterone, urinary 17-KS, 17-OHCS: There was no significant difference between the values obtained for the patients or control subjects before and after the administration of Hachimijiogan.
斯波 光生 大橋 仲生 稲田 文衛 有馬 滋
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.24, no.6, pp.481-485, 1978-06

Transurethral incision and excision under direct observation was carried out in 15 men with urethral stricture with Storz's pediatric resectoscope (12Fr.). Postoperative result was satisfactory as observed for 2.5 to 15 months in all the cases including 5 cases of stricture of long length, 4.5 to 15.0 cm. This method is recommended as the first choice surgery for stricture of the male urethra.
田島 惇 大見 嘉郎 阿曽 佳郎 太田 信隆 牛山 知己 畑 昌宏 藤井 一彦 増田 宏昭
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.29, no.3, pp.p365-369, 1983-03

Moristerol was orally administered in 20 cases of benign prostatic hypertrophy. One capsule of Moristerol contained 200 mg of soysterol . In all the cases, 9 capsules of Moristerol were given per day in three divided doses for 6 weeks. Clinical improvement was observed in 11 of the 20 cases (55%). It consisted mainly of subjective complaints such as improvement of dysuria, narrow and weak urinary stream and feeling of incomplete voiding. As objective findings, a statistically significant decrease of residual urine volume was noted after treatment, although shrinkage of the enlarged prostate was not clear upon palpation or roentgenography. In addition to the improvement of symptoms, serum lipid peroxide which might be considered to be a provocative cause of benign prostatic hypertrophy, was also significantly decreased by Moristerol administration. No marked side effects were seen in this study.
安住 誠 佐賀 祐司 橋本 博 柿崎 秀宏
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.52, no.10, pp.781-784, 2006-10

佐野 克行 寺島 和光 檜作 和子 立花 克彦 田中 祐吉
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.44, no.1, pp.57-59, 1998-01

河 源 谷口 久哲 木下 秀文 松田 公志
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.55, no.2, pp.87-92, 2009-02

A specialized clinic for middle-aged and elderly hypogonadal men was established in our institution five years ago. A retrospective study of the 511 patients who attended our clinic during this period was conducted and the issues involved in treating these patients were identified. The patients' age distribution, symptoms, serum testosterone values, treatment, and course were examined. The patients' mean age was 54.0 years (range, 35 to 74 years); approximately half of the patients were in their fifties. Most patients complained of decline in libido, general fatigue, and erectile dysfunction. The patients' mean serum free testosterone was 9.28 pg/ml; 40.3% of patients had a serum free testosterone value of less than 8.5 pg/ml, which is the threshold value for the initiation of androgen replacement therapy (ART) in Japan. ART was given to 220 (43.1%) patients, and it was considered effective in 100. It appears that male climacteric disorder and late-onset hypogonadism have become commonly recognized in Japan. There will be an increasing need for specialized clinics for such men in the future.
本郷 祥子 野本 剛史 川上 正能 花井 一也 稲土 博右 寺地 敏郎
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.56, no.2, pp.107-110, 2010-02

A 39-year-old man visited our clinic with gross hematuria. Cystoscopy revealed a papillary tumor at the urinarybladder dome. Abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography(CT) demonstrated a tumor extending from the umbilicus to the bladder dome. Transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TUR-Bt) was performed and histopathological findings revealed adenocarcinoma. Chest CT and examination of the upper gastrointestinal did not reveal anyabnormal findings. The tumor was diagnosed as stage IIIA urachal carcinoma, and en bloc segmental resection was performed. About 10 months later, chest CT demonstrated multiple lung metastases. After two courses of combination chemotherapywith methotrexate (MTX), 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), epirubicin (epiADM), and cisplatin (CDDP), the multiple lung metastases completelydisappeared. The patient has survived 23 months to date with no evidence of disease and is receiving adjuvant chemotherapywith tegafur uracil.
本郷 祥子 野本 剛史 川上 正能 花井 一也 稲土 博右 寺地 敏郎
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.56, no.2, pp.107-110, 2010-02

A 39-year-old man visited our clinic with gross hematuria. Cystoscopy revealed a papillary tumor at the urinarybladder dome. Abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography(CT) demonstrated a tumor extending from the umbilicus to the bladder dome. Transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TUR-Bt) was performed and histopathological findings revealed adenocarcinoma. Chest CT and examination of the upper gastrointestinal did not reveal anyabnormal findings. The tumor was diagnosed as stage IIIA urachal carcinoma, and en bloc segmental resection was performed. About 10 months later, chest CT demonstrated multiple lung metastases. After two courses of combination chemotherapywith methotrexate (MTX), 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), epirubicin (epiADM), and cisplatin (CDDP), the multiple lung metastases completelydisappeared. The patient has survived 23 months to date with no evidence of disease and is receiving adjuvant chemotherapywith tegafur uracil.
梶田 洋一郎 羽渕 友則 賀本 敏行 奥野 博 寺井 章人 筧 善行 寺地 敏郎 小川 修 吉田 修
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.46, no.10, pp.711-714, 2000-10

1)Sheldonらの分類でstage IIIA迄の尿膜管癌の初回手術として,臍・尿膜管全摘除術を加えた膀胱部分切除術にて長期の生存,膀胱温存が得られる可能性が示唆された.2)CEAは患者血清4例中2例,尿膜管癌組織5例中5例で陽性であり,尿膜管癌の腫瘍マーカーとなる可能性が示唆された.3)p53は尿膜管癌組織5例中4例で陽性であったが,stageや予後との相関は認められなかった
鈴木 和浩 小沢 雅史 中里 晴樹 黒川 公平 林 雅道 神保 進 小林 幹男 鈴木 孝憲 今井 強一 山中 英寿
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.41, no.3, pp.197-203, 1995-03

内田 豊昭 小林 健一 本田 直康 青 輝昭 小俣 二也 遠藤 忠雄 石橋 晃 小柴 健
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.31, no.10, pp.1701-1707, 1985-10

1)膀胱腫瘍10例(11腫瘍)に対してBCG 30 mgから240 mgによる膀胱腔内注入療法を施行した.2) 11腫瘍中7腫瘍に腫瘍消失,4腫瘍に20~80%の腫瘍縮小効果が認められた.3)腫瘍の大きさ別では米粒大腫瘍の4腫瘍は全例消失し,小指頭大の腫瘍では5腫瘍中3腫瘍が消失し,残りの2腫瘍にも著明な縮小が認められた.4)悪性度の判明した8腫瘍についてみるとGrade 1は5例中4腫瘍全例が消失,1腫瘍が50%縮小し,Grade 2は3腫瘍が20~80%の腫瘍縮小を認めた.5)副作用としては,膀胱刺激症状を10例中7例(70%),発熱4例(40%),血尿3例(30%)を認めた
青木 志保 島田 誠 井上 克己 永田 将一 斎藤 克幸 小川 雄一郎 松原 英司 前田 智子 菅原 基子 林 圭一郎 松本 祐樹
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.58, no.6, pp.287-290, 2012-06

We report a case of vesical endometriosis that worsened during the early pregnancy period. A 37-yearold woman had been under treatment for endometriosis (including vesical endometriosis) by a gynecologist during the past 10 years. She was treated for sterility 1 year ago, and became pregnant through in vitro fertilization. In her 8th gestational week, she complained of gross hematuria at our hospital. Cystoscopic findings revealed some tumors that appeared worse than the last findings two years ago. In order to deny malignancy, transurethral resection of the bladder tumor was performed in her 12th gestational week. The pathologic diagnosis was endometriosis. She was able to stay pregnant, and delivered a girl. After delivery, cystoscopic findings revealed reduction of tumors. In most cases pregnancy cures endometriosis ; however, in this case symptoms became worse during the early stage of pregnancy. The reason for this contrary event is discussed.
百瀬 剛一 島崎 淳 片山 喬 遠藤 博志
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.6, no.8, pp.673-681, 1960-08

We report 3 cases of females with congenita l masculinization of the external genitalia, who were born of mothers treated with certain oral progestins during pregnancy (2 are ethynyltestosterone and the other one, 17a-ethynyl-19 nortestosterone).
田島 政晴
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.34, no.11, pp.2013-2020, 1988-11

Orchidometer "Test size"にて1歳未満~86歳1782睾丸の計測を行った.睾丸容積は,8歳ごろまで発育が緩かで,12~13歳ごろから増加率が速やかとなり,18~19歳前後でピークに達し,それ以後はプラトーに移行した.従来の報告値より高値を示した.真の睾丸の実測容積は,Test sizeは,計測値に係数0.608をかけ,超音波断層法では係数1.098をかければ算出できる
伊藤 坦 川村 寿一 王 本欽 吉田 修 藤田 透 鳥塚 莞爾
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.26, no.10, pp.p1221-1228, 1980-10

Diagnostic validity of renal scintitomography using 99m-Tc-DMSA was investigated in 16 cases with a variety of renal space occupying lesions. The serial sagittal section of renal images with a 0.5 to 2.0 cm distance well revealed a localization of space occupying lesions in the kidney. Although renal scintitomography does not differentiate malignant solid tumors from cystic renal mass, its usefulness is evaluated in the combination with IVP and renal scintigrams consisting of early dynamic and late static images or with IVP and ultrasonography.
山田 瑞穂 西浦 力 川上 一郎
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.3, no.9, 1957-09

En general, la tumeur embryoide mixte du rein est observee chez l'enfant. Selon les statistiques, plus 80 % des malades de cette tumeur sont des enfants de moins de 6 an s, mais les adultes se trouvent dans la proportion de 6 ou 7 %. Nous avons observe un cas de cette tumeur chez une malade de 57 ans. Observation : II s'agit d'une malade A gee de 57 ans. II y a une annee, et deux mois, elle avait manifesto de l'hematurie, et depuis un mois, elle a commence a sentir des douleurs au rein gauche et a l'abdomen gauche ; depuis une semaine elle a manifes to une tres forte hematurie. L'aspect ge n eral est celui d'une personne maigre et anemique. On sent dans la partie gauche de l'abdomen le rein grossi de la grosseur de la the d'un enfant. Cystoscopie On ne trouve aucun eta. morbide, mais on observe une u rine sanglante sortant par l'orifice ureteral gauche ; l'examen d'indigocarmine est negatif du cOt e gauche. Radiographie Pyelo-uretero-graphie ascendente par radioscopie, le bassinet et l 'u retre droit sont un peu dilates, mais a gauche le bassinet et d'uretre sont gigantesques . (Fig. 1, 2, 3) R esultat de l'intervention chirurgicale Nephrectomie gauche par anesthesie generale d'Heidbrink. On a extirpê le rein gauche qui etait tres grand et qui adherait forte ment l'aorte et au tissu conjonctif environnant' mais on n'extirpa pas une metastase lymphoide environnant l'aorte. La dimen s i o n du rein extirpe est de 16 c m x 13.5 cm X1 0 c m ; et le poids est de 1.225 g ; l'uretre a 30 cm de longueur et 5.5 cm de largeur. he rein est presque entierement occupe par le tissue de la tumeur. (Fig. 4, 5) Les suites operatoires sont favo r a bles. Cependant, comme l'anemie etait tres forte (erythrocyte est 287 X 1 04, contenu hemoglobine par Sahli est 48 %, leucocyte est 3,4 00), on ne pouvait pas faire de radio-therapie. Sur ces entrefaites, la tumeur metas t atique restee grossissait dans le flanc gauche. Apt-es un mois, on a pratique la radio-the rapie, mais apres l'avoir poursuivie pendant environ 30 jours it a fallu suspendre le traitement a cause de l'anemie. En 3 mois, cette tumeur a metastase aux ganglions lymphatiques du bile du poumon. La patiente est morte 5 mois apres l'intervention. Anatomine pathologique On trouve la metastase aux poumons, au foie, au corps surrenal droit, et aux ganglions lymphatiques retroperitonal, autour de l'aorte, du hile du poumon, sur la clavicule gauche, autour de la trachee, de la bifurcation de la trachee, du Nile du foie, et de la petite coubure de l'estomac. (Fig. C, 7) Pathologie microscopique : Dans le tissu de la tumeur ex tirpee, on trouve une formation serree des cellules, mais on ne trouve pas une formation en nid ; la disposition des cellules rappelle un peu celle d'une glande, ou d'un glomerule, mais on ne trouve pas de tissu glandulaire a proprement parles, ni d'os. ni de cartilage, ni de muscle etc L'observation des tissus de la metastase est presque la même que celle de la tumeur primitive. (Fig. 8, 9, 10, 11)
山田 哲夫 村山 鉄郎
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.49, no.2, pp.111-114, 2003-02

症例1は55歳女で,充満時膀胱部痛,頻尿を主訴とし,抗生剤を内服したが軽快しないため受診した.膀胱組織に著しい浮腫と充血,軽度なリンパ球と好酸球浸潤が見られた.硬膜外麻酔と水圧療法,Serotonin selective reuptake inhibitor(SSRI)の投与を行った.治療後,膀胱症状や腰痛,頸部痛を主とした全身の筋肉痛が軽快した.症例2は63歳女で,充満時膀胱部痛を主訴とし,膀胱組織にかなり強い浮腫や充血,軽度な炎症細胞浸潤が認められた.硬膜外麻酔と水圧療法,SSRIの投与を行い,疲労時稀に排尿痛,膀胱痛を軽度に感じるのみとなった.筋線維症候群の症状と膀胱症状はほぼ平行した
林 法信
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.6, no.10, pp.882-913, 1960-10

According to the modified method of Brdieka and Mu ller, Polarographic serum reactions were carried out on 109 patients with urogenital diseases, which were divided into. the following six groups : Group A—malignant tumors, Group B—benign tumors, Group C—tuberculous diseases, Grcup D—urolithiasis, Group E—inflammation and other pathological condition in urogenital organs, Control Group—normal individuals. The protein waves were determined and their clinical usefulness for diagnosis of cancer was examined. Method A.: Direct Test (Total protein Reaction) i) The First Method To 0.05 cc. n a tive serum was added 10 cc. ammoniacal cobaltous solution (A, solution) and the mixture was polarographed. ii) The Second Meth od To 0.3 cc. seru m were added 0.3 cc. distilled water and 0.15 cc. of IM.KOH, the mixture shaken, and after standing for 20 minutes at room temperature, to 0.1 cc. of the mixture 20 cc. of A solution was added and polarographed. B Filtrate Test (Filtrate Reaction) iii) Third Method To 0.5 cc. serum were added 1.0 cc. distilled water, and 1.0 cc. of 20Yo sulfosalicylic acid solution (S.S.A.), the mixture thoroughly shaken and left standing at room temperature. Exactly after 10 minutes the mixture was filtered through a 5.5 cm. NO.5 Toyo filter-paper. To 0.5 cc. of the filtrate was added 5.0cc. ammoniacal cobaltous solution (B solution) and polarographed. iv) The Fourth Method To 0.5 cc. seru m 1.0 cc. distilled water and 0.1 cc. of 1M. KOH were added, the mixture shaken and allowed to stand for 30 minutes at room temperature. Then 1.0 cc. of 20% S.S.A. solution was added, the contents of the tube shaken, and after standing exactly 10 minutes was filtered. To 0.5cc. of the filtrate was added 5.0 cc. B solution and polarographed. v) The Fifth Method This is a way according to Sato's method. To 0.1 cc. serum was added 5.0 cc. of 60% methanol solution, the mixture shaken in a tube with tightly fitting stopper, left standing at room temperature for 30 minutes and then filtered. To 0.3 cc. of the filtrate was added 4.7 cc. of B solution and polarographed. ammonia cal cobaltous solution A solution B solution 8 x 10-3 M • COC12• 6H20 5 cc. 5 cc. 1M • NH4C1 5 cc. 5 c c. 1M • NH4oH 5 cc. 30 c c . distilled water 35 cc. 10 c c . Conclusion 1. From the experimental data of the first and the second waves (W1, W2) and their middvlea lue(sW 1±Win2 t)h ef irstm ethoidt ,w ass howtnh atp ositivreea dingwse rea 2 few in any of the malignant tumors, benign tumors, and non-tumorous diseases. Consequently, the diagnostic usefulness of this method for carcinoma seems to be very little and there is almost no significant difference among these groups. Both of the values of wave height rate (W2/W1 and W1/W2) in each group were distributed within a normal range and no significant difference was found. Finally, it seems difficult to find any clinical significance by means of the first method alone. 2. In the second mothod, the highest positive percentages were seen in t h e second wav(eW 2)n,e xtw asi n them iddlvea lue(W ±1W 2)'antdh el oweswt asi nt hef irstw ave \2 (W1). Clinical application of the second method seems to be more useful than the first method, although this reaction is not specific for carcinoma. Malignant tumors showed 83% of positive result, and nearly the same percentage was seen in urolithiasis and pyonephrosis, but other urogenital diseases generally showed lower positive percentages than malignant tumors. Percentages of positive rasults, however, were somewhat different among the urogenital organs even in cancer. In wave height rate only one case of e ssential renal hamaturia showed a value of 1.1 in W2/W1 which was remarkably lower than that of the control group and 1.0 in W1/W2w hich was higher. The values in all the other diseases were distributed withi n the normal range and neither significant difference between those diseases and control group nor clinical significance of this test was recognized. Both of the values of the changed ratio o f the first wave and the second wave W2 (Wb1yt hefi rsmt ethoWdb,2 y t hef irsmt ethod)wdeisretr ibuwteitdh itnh en ormal range, and neither significant difference between the diseases and the control group nor diagnostic significance of this test was recognized.
久保田 恵章 玉木 正義 前田 真一 勝股 克成 森脇 崇之 田代 和弘 出口 隆
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.51, no.1, pp.9-11, 2005-01

著者らの施設における男性不妊症に対する精巣内精子採取法(TESE)の臨床成績について検討した.対象は,男性不妊症でTESEを施行した30例(平均年齢35.0歳)で,内訳は閉塞性無精子症7例(精管,射精管閉塞4例,精管切断術後3例),非閉塞性無精子症21例(染色体異常1例,原因不明20例),射精障害(脊髄損傷)2例であった.30例中20例で精子回収が可能であったが,1例は不動精子で凍結保存はできなかった.20例中15例にICSI(卵細胞質内精子注入法)を施行し,8例で妊娠が成立,7例で出産に成功した.非閉塞性無精子症21例中精子回収可能であった11例(52%)と不可能であった10例における精子回収の予測因子の検討では,FSH・LHは非回収群で有意に高値であり,Johnsen's scoreは非回収群で有意に低かった.この3因子は精子回収の予測因子となり得ると考えられたOwing to progress of assisted reproduction technology in recent years, it has become possible for couples with infertility problems to have children. Between March 1998 and May 2003 testicular sperm extraction (TESE) was performed on 30 men with male-factor infertility in our hospital. Consequently, we succeeded in recovering 20 spermatozoa. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection was subsequently performed in 15 couples and resulted in 8 pregnancies. There was a statistically significant difference in follicle-stimulating hormone, luteirizing hormone and Johnsen's score between the non-obstructive groups with successful TESE and those with unsuccessful TESE.