川本 竜彦
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山.第2集 (ISSN:24330590)
vol.35, no.1, pp.41-56, 1990-04-14 (Released:2018-01-15)

The Kannabe monogenetic volcano group is situated in the back-arc region of southwest Japan and is composed of six scoria cones (Nishiki, Yamanomiya, Buri, Otsukue, Kiyotaki and Kannabe) and one scoria bed (Nishibashi-kita). Stratigraphic relationships between various groups of ejecta are inferred from the tephrochronology of fall scoriae and widespread tephra. With the exception of Yamanomiya and Kiyotaki, the volcanic activity began with the formation of scoriae and ended with a phase of lava flow extrusion. No such lava flows are developed in either Yamanomiya or Kiyotaki. The volcanic activity of the Kannabe volcano group mainly took place prior to 21,000-22,000 y. B. P. with the exception of the Kannabe scoria cone itself, which was active before 6,000-6,500 y. B. P. In the vicinity of the Yamanomiya scoria cone, a new debris avalanche deposit has been discovered. This consists mainly of blocks of the Yamanomiya scoria cone, which preserve their original stratification defined by preferential alignment of scoriae and spatters.
澤田 可洋 涌井 仙一郎 小宮 学
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山.第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.27, no.3, pp.195-202, 1982

Atmospheric pressure waves generated by the big eruption of Mount St. Helens at 15 32 GMT on May 18, 1980 are recorded with microbarographs at eight stations of Japan Meteorological Agency in Japan of about 7, 000-9, 000 km in great circle distance from the volcano. The wave train is also detected with World Wide Standard Seismograph (long period and vertical component) settled at Matsushiro, Nagano Prefecture. It is the third time since the 1883 Krakatau Eruption and the 1956 Bezymianny Eruption that atmospheric pressure waves caused by volcanic eruptions at long distance are recorded with barograph or micrographs in Japan. The barograms of atmospheric pressure waves begin with increase of atmospheric pressure and distinct waves which give the maximum amplitude of 3-5 minutes of period. The mean of the maximum amplitude of records is 0.10 mb and the mean propagation velocity 308 m/sec. The antipodean wave train (A<sub>2</sub>) and the third one (A<sub>3</sub>) are not detected. The estimated energy of the eruption by applying the results by HUNT et al. (1960) and WESTON (1961) is at least 10<sup>23</sup> ergs. This estimated energy almost coincides to the energy of the 1956 Bezymianny Eruption estimated by MURAYAMA (1969). It would not be appropriate to directly compare with the kinetic energy of the eruption estimated through the amount of ejecta, but the above-mentioned estimated energy is almost same order of the mechanical energy of the blast according to DECKER R. and DECKER B. (1981). Comparing with records of atmospheric pressure waves detected in the United States, West Germany and the Netherlands, the maximum amplitude of barograms obtained in Japan is less about 10%. This may be caused by prevailing westward winds in the upper atmosphere on the propagation path from Mt. St. Helens to Japan, but the remarkable difference of propagation velocity is not seen.
水田 敏夫 小畑 正明 江上 桂子
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山.第2集 (ISSN:24330590)
vol.35, no.2, pp.249-262, 1990-07-02 (Released:2018-01-15)

Morphology, abundance and vertical distribution of vesicles were studied in a thick (40-60 m) andesitic lava flow, that lies in the underground of Kumamoto City. The vesicles are frozen bubbles that were fomed in the molten lavas at the time of its eruption. The lava can be divided into three zones: (1) an upper vesicular zone (2) a middle non-vesicular and compact zone and (3) a lower, thinner vesicular zone. The vesicles in the upper zone are elongated vertically, probably due to bouyancy-driven ascent of the bubbles, and those in the lower zone are flattened and elongated horizontally, that may be ascribed to a viscous shear flow at the bottom of the lava flow. Size distribution of the vesicles typically display nearly the log-normal distribution. Abundance, the mean size and the number density of the vesicles are greater in the upper zone than in the lower zone. Such vesicle distribution pattern is consistent to the hypothesis that the lava originally contained abundant bubbles when it was poured on the ground and then the bubbles started to ascent in the lava. Vesicles in the lower zone were the bubbles trapped by the advancing cooling front from the bottom surface of the lava. Bubbles that have escaped from the cold trap below have been accumulated in the upper zone and have been frozen in the lava upon cooling from the top surface. Mass balance calculation, however, indicates that much of the bubbles that were originally present in the lava, have been escaped through the lava surface. A dynamic cooling model was, therefore, proposed, that is to say, in the presence of surface flow in the lave during its cooling, impermeable lava crusts may not be maimtained so that gas bubbles may leak out of the lava into the air.
永田 武
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山.第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.23, no.1, pp.109-112, 1978

The observation networks for monitoring volcanic activities of 66 active volcanoes in Japan are reviewed. For the purpose of improving the present observation networks to strengthen efficiency of the prediciton of possible volcanic eruptions of these volcanoes, several practieal technical proposals are made.
小坂 丈予 小沢 竹二郎 酒井 均 平林 順一
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山.第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.28, no.1, pp.59-74, 1983
6 1

Kiso-Ontake Volcano erupted suddenly on the 28th of October, 1979. The eruption started forming ten new craters on the southern flank of the volcano's summit. This paper deals with geochemical study on its volcanic activity after the eruption. The ratio of Cl to S was found to be high in the water-soluble components of the volcanic ash. The content of SO<sub>2</sub> was larger than that of H<sub>2</sub>S in the volcanic gas. According to these observations and considering the sulfur isotopic ratio, the under ground temperature was estimated to be higher than 250℃, while that at the orifice was measured to be as low as 90℃. These facts and seismic observation indicate that magma was not elavated to a sarrow part, but that only high temperature-gas, which was separated from the magma, came up rapidly along the crack, and then rushed into the mud reservoir near the surface, where a large amount of water was evaporated, following the eruption caused by prompt increase of pressure. At an early stage of the eruption, the content of Cl<sup>-</sup> was larger than that of SO<sup>2</sup><sub>4</sub> in spring and pond waters, which were in contact with the fumarolic gases at the summit, but its relation was reversed later. This has been explained by the absorption of HCl, which had been contained in the volcanic gas at the early stage, into the water phase near the summit. From 1980 to 1982, the outlet temperature of fumarole increased to 108-145℃. However, the ratio of SO<sub>2</sub> to H<sub>2</sub>S reduced rapidly, which indicates the decrease of temperature at depth. Therefore, the increase of the temperature of the fumarole is thought to be caused due to the decrease of cooling effect by ground water, because water was evaporated by the continuation of the eruptive activity. Recently no significant changes have been observed in temperature and chemical compositions of volcanic gas, suggesting that the activity will remain to be low for the time being.
古本 定
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
vol.2, no.1, pp.37-46, 1957

An attempt was made to discover any statistical relation of earthquakes as premonitory phenomena to volcanic eruptions on the basis of reports of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. The results seem to be negative. However certain factors must be kept in mind. First, seismic activity was tabulated according to the method of weekly local seismicity, an unique method employed in Hawaii. Secondly, the data used were obtained from low-powered seismometers. Hence, the possibility of seismic activity serving as premonitory phenomena of eruptions is still not excluded. It is then inferred that for further investigations seismometers of higher magnifications are necessary and consonantly a better way of tabulating seismic activity must be devised. It has also been found that there is a definite statistical relation between the frequency of earthquakes and their strength.
小林 哲夫 早川 由紀夫 荒牧 重雄
The Volcanological Society of Japan
火山.第2集 (ISSN:24330590)
vol.28, no.2, pp.129-139, 1983-07-01 (Released:2018-01-15)

大隅降下軽石堆積物は, 約22, 000年前に鹿児島湾最奥部で起こった一連の巨大噴火の最初期のプリニアン噴火の産物である.灰白色の軽石と遊離結晶および少量の石質岩片からなる本堆積物は, 全層にわたってほぼ均質な見かけを呈するが, 多くの場合, 上方に向かって粒径がやや大きくなる逆級化層理を示す.層厚分布図(Fig.3)と3種の粒径分布図(軽石の平均最大粒径・石質岩片の平均最大粒径・堆積物の中央粒径;Figs.5, 6, 7)は, いずれも本堆積物の噴出火口が姶良カルデラの南縁, 現在桜島火山の位置する地点付近にあったことを示している.分布軸は火口からN120°E方向に伸びるが, 分布軸から60 km以上離れた地点にも厚く堆積している.又, 堆積物は分布軸の逆方向すなわち風上側にも20 km以上追跡できる.分布軸上で火口から30 km離れた地点での層厚は10 mに達するが, 40 km地点より遠方は海域のため層厚値は得られない.そのため噴出量の見積もりには多くの困難が伴うが, すでに知られている他のプリニアン軽石堆積物の層厚-面積曲線(Fig.4)にあてはめて計算すると, 総体積98 km3(総重量7×1016g)が得られ, 本堆積物は支笏-1軽石堆積物(116 km3)に次ぐ最大規模のプリニアン軽石堆積物であることがわかる.3種の粒径分布図から得られる粒径-面積曲線(Fig.8)は, 噴出速度・噴煙柱の高さ・噴出率などで示される噴火の「強さ」を比較する上で有効である.それにより, 大隅降下軽石噴火の「強さ」はけっして例外的なものではなく, プリニアン噴火の平均あるいはそれをやや上回る程度であったことが判明した.
早川 由紀夫
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山.第2集 (ISSN:24330590)
vol.28, no.3, pp.263-273, 1983-10-01 (Released:2018-01-15)

The Chuseri pumice is a widespread Holocene dacitic tephra layer erupted from the Nakano Umi crater in the Towada caldera. The pumice is directly overlain by the Kanegasawa bedded pumice and Utarube ash. The Chuseri pumice. Kanegasawa pumice, and Utarube ash define the Chuseri tephra formation. Volumes are calculated using isopach maps to be 6.5 km^3 for the Chuseri pumice, 1.2 km3 for the Kanegasawa pumice, and 0.9 km3 for the Utarube ash. Plots of the areas enclosed by the isopleths of maximum pumice size and maximum lithic size show the Chuseri pumice to be an average plinian eruption product. The Utarube ash is an ash-fall deposit containing accretionary lapilli and is interbedded with surge deposit near source area. Grainsize characteristics of the Chuseri pumice are described. Like other plinian deposits, the Chuseri pumice does not contain an appreciable amount of fine ash (finer than 1/16mm), at least, as far as 45 km from the source vent. A new radiocarbon date (GaK-9761) on charcoal from within the Chuseri pumice deposit establishes an age for the eruption of 5,390±140 years B.P.
藤井 敏嗣
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山.第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.23, no.2, pp.117-130, 1978

約半世紀にわたる実験岩石学的研究により,主要なマグプの生成に関する物理化学的条件については,かなり解明されたと言ってもよいであろう. しかし,マグマ生成の物理化学的条件が分っただけではマグマの成因を理解したことにはならない. マグマカミ生成し,地表あるいは地殻浅部に到達するまでのメカニズムを理解して,はじめてマグマの成因が分ったと言える. このためにも,マグマの物理的性質についての知識は重要である. 本稿では,マグマの物理的性質のうち,移動現象に関係のある粘性と密度とをとりあげる.