平山 真理
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.25, pp.104-122, 2000 (Released:2017-03-30)

It is welcomed that victims policy has developed recently in Japan. In this trend, however, there is a danger that "viewpoints of actual victims" are substituted for "viewpoints of potential victims(namely citizens)" in victims policy. Its typical example is Megan's Law in the U.S.A. In this paper, I examine the legislative process and the problems of Megan's Law. My examinations are following. As problems of the political character of the legislative process of Megan's Low: 1.The panic among citizens provoked by the sensational sexual crime helped Megan's Law pass in a rapid speed; 2.The politicians were very active toward Megan's Law's enactment because they wanted to show citizens that they cared for citizens' safety; 3.The Federal Government's role was great too, because they compelled all states to enact Megan's Law in a certain period. Next, as problems of actual functions of Megan's Law: 1.Megan's Law violates offenders' constitutional rights. And many offender have been attacked and ostracized by citizens; 2.The possibility of grasping sexual offenders. Megan's Law targets only a part of dangerous sexual offenders and gives citizens a false sense of security; 3.There may be the problem of "Crime displacement" and also it has not proved yet that Megan's Law prevent offenders from reoffending. From these perspectives, it can be said that Megan's Law makes it easier for law enforcement officers to track sexual offenders even after their release. As information provision systems for victims are developing recently in Japan, I think that examining problems stated above is important to discuss victims policy in Japan. And at last, I stress that the fundamental issue of victims policy is to respect victims' rights and offenders' rights at the same time, so policies which limits offenders rights too much should be criticized.
齊藤 知範
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.43, pp.25-41, 2018-10-20 (Released:2020-03-20)

アグニューは,マートンの古典的な緊張理論を改訂し,一般緊張理論(GST)として再生した.それ以来,人々がなぜ犯罪へと追い込まれるのかを説明する有力な枠組みとして,一般緊張理論は幅広い支持を集めてきた.一般高齢者と初回の万引きにより検挙された高齢被疑者をマッチドペアにしたデータセットを用いて,一般緊張理論における2つの種類の緊張が高齢者の万引きリスクに影響するかを分析した.ひとつの緊張は目標を達成することができないことであり,もうひとつの緊張は価値あるものを失っていることである.また,対処スキル,社会経済的地位,セルフコントロール,ソーシャルサポートの供与が高齢者の万引きのリスクを低減させるかについても,分析した. 主要な結果は,以下に示すとおりである.1 目標を達成することができないことは,高齢者による万引きのリスクの高さに影響する.2 価値あるものを失っていることは,高齢者による万引きのリスクの高さに影響する.3 社会経済的地位,セルフコントロール,ソーシャルサポートの供与は,高齢者による万引きのリスクを低減させる. 結果にもとづき,理論的含意,実践的含意についても議論する.
中河 伸俊
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.6, pp.100-121, 1981 (Released:2017-03-11)

Strain theory (anomie theory) and deviant subculture theory are both motivational theory in the sense that both theories focus on the formation of motivation (or inclination) toward deviance in explaining the causes of deviant behaviors. In contrast, control theory, which has been developed as control theory of delinquency by Briar and Pilliavin, and Hirschi, and as deterrence theory by Tittle and Gibbs, among others, explains deviant behaviors by the lack of control. An individual's internal control over his inclinations toward deviance can be conceptualled as his normative reference relationships with others. Employing Kelman's typology of interpersonal influence, Schmitt presents three types of normative reference relationships: compliance normative reference relationship, identification normative reference relationship, and internalization normative reference relationship. All three types of relationships are relevant to the explanations of an individual's internal control process. Compliance occurs when an individual percieves other's possible rewards and sanctions (punishments) significant and conforms to others' normative opinions. Identification occurs when he percieves a "self-defining" relationship with others as desirable and accepts other's normative opinions. Internalization occurs when he integrates other's normative opinions into his own value system. This paper describes internal control mechanism and contingencies of the control for each type of the relationships. Then, the basic proposition of control theory is refotmulated as follows: the more (any or all types) of normative reference relationships an individual has with others, and the larger the strength of the relationship(s) is, the less he is likely to deviate from the others' behavioral standards. Finally, the paper briefly discusses cultural and socio-structural factors which influence the formation and maintenance of the three types of control, and, also presents an attempt to apply the typology of the control to differential association theory.
秦 政春
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.11, pp.175-198, 1986 (Released:2017-03-30)

Bullying is not only educational problem but also serious societal problem at present. Contemporary bullying problem is characterized by bullying the weaker in groups. In addition, some forms of bullying tend to become more wicked and criminal obviously. Recently, there are cases in which bullied juveniles committed suicide. Based upon these contemporary tendencies concerning bullying problem, this paper analyzes the primary factor of bullying. Moreover, the problem of educational process in school which affects the bullying is distussed in a viewpoint of educational pathology. The results are as follows : (1) There are two types of deviant behaviors, bullying and non-bullying (see Figure 2). Bullying deviant behavior type is characterized by a series of bullying acts as a matter of course. This type is relevant to defiant attitudes toward class teacher. On the other hand, non-bullying type is characterized by criminal acts and absence of bullying. (2) Bullying is related to the defiant attitude toward class teacher, as previously stated. For example, juveniles who commit the bullying speak in of their class teachers behind their back (see Table 1). Consequently, it stands to reason that bullying is caused by juveniles' distrust of class teachers (see Table 2). (3) The structure of human relations in a classroom forms the background of bullying among juveniles. In every classroom, there are a few juveniles disliked by all other classmates. Classmates turn a cold shoulder on, and bully these isolated members in various ways. That is to say, the juvenile is entirely alienated and bullied by the rest of his/her classmates (see Figure 5). (4) As a result of Hayashi's quantification method of the first type the most influential variable of bullying is an attitude toward a class teacher, and then breach of school regulations (see Table 4). As to a variable of suffering the bully, the primary factor is immaturity in mentality (see Table 5). (5) Simply stated, bullying problem is a pathological phenomenon of school education, because the problem reflects mutually distrustful relationships between class teachers and juveniles. However, it is necessary to interpret positively this fact. We need to investigate desirable relationship structure between class teachers and juveniles in order to eradicate bullying.
岩井 宜子
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.20, pp.115-132, 1995

The sexual offences may be grouped into three types with their protecting interests. Those in the first type consist of rape and sexual assault etc., which protect freedom to consent to sexual intercourse or other indecent acts. Those in the second type consist of the article forbidding obscene acts to juveniles in Ordinance for eliminating harmful circumstances surrounding juveniles, Child Welfare Act and Anti-Prostitution Act etc., which protect the youth who have the immature capacity to concent to sexual activities, from sexual abuse by the adults. Those in the third type consist of the crime of indececent behavior in public, and the crime of distributing the pornographic books etc., which protect social sexual morality or sexual sense. Looking the history of the regulation on the sexual offences, it declares clearly the changes of the women's social and marital status. Those in the first type were considered as the offences which invade sexual morality in the past, but recently, the existance of consent at the sexual intercourse had been regarded as important, so the necessity of the protection from the injury by the sexual assault in the familiar terms were recognized gradually. Those in the second type aim to regulate the activities of sexual abuse to the juveniles whether or not the victim consents. In those field, ambiguity of the word "Inkou" (obscene act) and the rationality of paternalistic intrusion by the penal sanction are called in question. Those in the third type were gradually decriminalized with the progress of the sence of liberation of sex. In this paper, it is aimed to consider what is the better method to protect the interests being invaded by those in the first and the second types of sexual offences.
武内 謙治
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.40, pp.68-83, 2015

上野 正雄
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.42, pp.65-71, 2017

少年法は保護処分すなわち教育によって少年を更生させようとする.しかし,近時の少年法を巡る 動きを見ると少年の責任を追及するという姿勢が強くなってきている.その背景には,少年を可塑性 が高いという点で質的に成人と異なる存在と見るか(子ども観),少年と成人の連続性を重視して本質 的な相違はないと見るか(小さな大人観),法対象者の見方の違いがある.このような中で,近時の脳 科学・神経科学の進歩は,衝動的行動を抑制する前頭前皮質の成熟は20代後半まで緩徐に進行するが, 感情をつかさどる大脳辺縁系は10歳頃に始まる思春期に成熟が促進され,この両者の成熟速度の不均 衡のため,10代の若者は危険な行動に走りがちだが,一方で環境に素早く適応することができる,と いう知見をもたらした.これは「子ども」観が拠って立つ科学的根拠の一つとなる.反面,非行少年 に対する責任を追及するという方策は,少年の更生とそれによる社会の安全確保にとって望ましいも のではないことになる.その上で,「子ども」観の徹底という点から,少年法上のいくつかの制度につ いてどのように解釈し,運用することが適切なのかを検討する.
渡部 真
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
no.5, pp.166-187, 1980-09
清田 勝彦
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.9, pp.139-160, 1984 (Released:2017-03-30)

The purpose of this paper is to study the essential characteristics of the contemporary-type juvenile delinquency in relation to its social back-gorunds. First, the author referred to the differences between the traditional and the contemporary types of juvenile delinquency. Secondly, the author pointed out that distinctive tendencies of the contemporary-type juvenile delinquency are "generalization of delinquency" and the increase of "play-type delinquency", and analized the characteristics of each tendency in connection with its social backgrounds. In this paper, the author defines the contemporary-type juvenile delinquency as "the characteristic form of juvenile delinquency in contemporary society and the form of juvenile delinquency which sharply reflects the contemporary social situations". By defining in this manner, it is clear that the form of juvenile delinquency which has the distinction of "generalization" and "play-type" is a tapical form of the contemporary-type juvenile delinquency. But traditional-type juvenile delinquency which is committed by boys with handicaps in their dispositions and/or environments, remains firmly in this society, and the author would like to define much of this type as another contemporary-type juvenile delinquency. Recent tendency of juvenile delinquency is the strong dichotomy between the middle-class, play- and escape-type juvenile delinquency and the traditional, violent- and aggressive-type juvenile delinquency. The author analized this in relation to the duality of contemporary social structures and the social situations of administrated society.
潮見 憲三郎
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.11, pp.79-99, 1986 (Released:2017-03-30)

Crime news often poses problems of undue damage to peace and integrity of the people involved. Particularly true in our society where competitive media swarm over whatever topic (or scandal) they sniff out and almost one-ethnic nation of a hundred million population of one language, one time (GMT) and of virtually one life-style well sup on headlines passed over into the door of each house. The year 1985 was characterized by our mass media having reached a new depth in combing out scandals, murders and accident bloodsheds, too deep and too derogatory. Reporters' pushing too far recoiled on itself. Mr.Asano, a reporter at the Kyodo News Agency, voiced a call for more decency in reporting. He referred to Scandinavian "anonymity reporting" and Press council/Ombudsman system. Asano's point was supported by many fellow news-men, lawyers, academics as well as by lay citizens. They initiated a movement to improve the present system of mass media. There is another problem for us to sift out. The government policy of "non-access to public documents," apparently undemocratic practices obstinately handed over from old regime, should be recalled. Establishment of the principle of free access to public documents provides a basis for a drastic change in the relations between the government and the media and between the media and the people・・・・・・from subordinative to equal relationships, because the press no longer "monopolize" the news-sources. Some examples of autonomous schemes of self-restraint on the part of mass media are reviewed : Ombudsman of the Washington Post and other United States newspapers, and Swedish Press Ombudsman and Press Council. They are not legal entities, their decisions being publicized by virtue of agreement with mass media. They accept complaints, investigate those worthy of attention, and then take steps to remedy the problems ・・・・・・"intercession, conciliation, or, in extremes, publicizing professional misconduct in order to force improvement. The word publicizing means to let both newsrporters, editors and the readers know what is right and what is wrong. They all need improved recognition・・・・・・a sure method to control the problem.
土井 隆義
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.13, pp.102-121, 1988

This paper studies the mechanism of the construction of an offender's motive during criminal investigation and prosecution as a statement by which to interpret his acts. Motives are constructed after the fact as interpretations of acts and are attributed to the actor. The criminal investigation and prosecution process adapts concrete offenses to abstract categories of crime. This process is a public ex post facto interpretation of offensive acts. Therefore an offender's motive is constructed during the criminal proceedings and is attributed to him. In other words, an offender's motive is not a psychological fact which existed at the empirical scene of the crime, but a product which is spun out of the communication between a representative of authority and a deviant actor. From this standpoint, the suspect's confession, the report of the criminal investigation and the trial in criminal court are analyzed. As an actor is an interpreter of his own acts, the confession of a motive by a suspect must be viewed not as venting a pre-existing psychological fact but as an attempt to account for his offensive conduct. This work is done under the case-solving-frame furnished by the investigator in the interrogation process, so the statement of motive constructed in this situation is constrained by the view of the authorities. Furthermore, the statement of motive fixed in the report of the investigation cannot be reduced to the suspect's past mental state at the scene of the crime, because the spoken words in the confession are transformed into written words in the report, and the information is limited by this conversion. Therefore the verdict in court is given not to the act itself but to the concept which was granted to it during the investigation. Since the offender's motive does not belong to the past empirical world, this verdict is actually a technical simplification of the multiple reality of the crime. The work of achieving a verdict is also a search for the motive of the suspect according to 'taken-for-granted ideas.' Thus the offender, an object attributed a deviant motive, comes to be categorized as the anonymous person type "criminal."
石川 恵美子
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.12, pp.23-46, 1987 (Released:2017-03-30)

I examined what kind of concrete behaviors were stipulated as predelinquency in its concept. I'll leave abstract discussion on the concept of pre-delinquency to the scholars and judges. I also tried to clarify, from a variety of data, whether or not difference between pre-delinquent and a similar concept of "misdemeanor juvenile" (Furyo-koi Shonen) devised by the police was obvious enough. I learned: If a misdemeanor juvenile has committed any one of such behaviors as runaway from home, drug addiction, violence and fight, he is probably considered to be a pre-delinquent. And when the misdemeanor juvenile under the police guidance is regarded as having rehabilitated himself, he is not probably refferred to the Family Court as a pre-delinquent. (It is obvious that the police decides whether the juveniles are pre-delinquents or not.) The exsisting Juvenile Law has inadequacies regarding pre-delinquency. The followings will exemplify the exhibited problems; 1. Many pre-delinquents are sent to the Family Court escorted by the police (The police actually takes charge of them and escort them to the Family Court on the pretext that they go together voluntarily). 2. The pre-delinquents are referred to the Detention House in so many cases. This comes because some judges decide by themselves without hearing the research secretary (of the family court)' opinions. 3. Police officers often want to visit the juveniles confined in the Detention House for the purpose of information-gathering. 4. Further, there is no legal controle when the police try to find pre-delinquents. There is no legal basis when the police guide the pre-delinquents and misdemeanor juveniles, either. Something must be done immediately to cope with these circumstances from the view point of juveniles' (fundamental) human rights.
齊藤 知範 山根 由子
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.43, pp.104-120, 2018-10-20 (Released:2020-03-20)

山本 奈生
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.32, pp.120-133, 2007-10-20 (Released:2017-03-30)
