中河 伸俊
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.55, no.3, pp.244-259, 2004-12-31 (Released:2010-04-23)
3 1

社会的構築のメタファーが流布するとともに, その意味するところは多義化し, 探究の方法上の指針としてだけでなく, 批判のための一種の「イズム」として使われるようにもなっている.そうした「構築」系の “バベルの塔” 状況を整理するために, 本稿では, エンピリカル・リサーチャビリティ (経験的調査可能性) という補助線を引く.ただし, 近年では, 社会的いとなみを “エンピリカルに調べることができる” ということの意味自体が, 方法論的に問い返されている.そして従来のポジティヴィストと解釈学派の双方が批判の対象になっているが, その批判者の問にも, 調査研究の営為について, 認識論的 (そしてときには存在論的) に「折り返して」理解するアプローチと, (語用論的転回を経由した) 「折り返さないで」理解するアプローチの種差がみられる.2つの理解のコントラストは, 価値と事実の二分法の棄却問題への対応や, リフレクシヴィティという概念についての理解をみるとき鮮明になる.後者の, エスノメソドロジーに代表される「折り返さない」タイプの理解は, さまざまな領域で, エンピリカルな構築主義的探究のプログラムを組み立てるにあたって, 有効な指針を提供すると考えられる.応用や批判といった, 研究のアウトプットを「役に立てる」方途について考えるにあたっても, 思想的であるよりエンピリカルであることが重要である.そして, 活動と活動の接続として社会的いとなみを見る後者のタイプの理解は, 従来のものとは異なる, ローカルな秩序に即応した応用の試みを可能にするだろう.
中河 伸俊
理論と方法 (ISSN:09131442)
vol.16, no.1, pp.31-46, 2001-03-31 (Released:2016-09-30)

中河 伸俊
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.27, no.1, pp.89-113,147, 1982-07-31 (Released:2017-02-28)

Of the 297 inmates studied, abut one fourth have engaged in prostitution. The aim of this paper is to illustrate and analyze the careers of these inmates. By a "career" we mean one of many components of a person's life history, such as school career, occupational career, and marriage career. Acts of prostitution are treated as a part of the process of a deviant career, "career of prostitution" First the career of the inmates who have engaged in prostitution are compared with the careers of those who have not, in order to illustrate the characteristics of the careers of the former. Some of the findings from the comparison are as follows: The inmates who have engaged in prostitution tend to have less education, are more likely to have run away fromhome and to have repeated marriage (namely common-law marriage ) more often. Also, there are more "mentally retarded" among the inmates who have committed prostitution. It is likely that inferior job opportunities due to lower educational achievement, "mental retardation" and running away are some of the "causes" of prostitution. In the latter part of the paper, we observe the sequential process of "career of prostitution" in detail. The initial act of prostitution was usually committed when the inmates lived apart from their "conventional significant others". Also, interestingly, a number of the inmates' "careers of prostitution" show intermittence. By employing the age at which the initial act was commited and two other features as criteria, a typology of the inmates' "career of prostitution" is developed. It contains four types --- "the early-quitter" "the intermittently down fallen" "the exploited" and "the destitute" We hope this typology, along with other findings in this paper, will facilitate further reseaches on prostitution and the careers of women who have committed prostitution.
中河 伸俊
情報研究 : 関西大学総合情報学部紀要 (ISSN:1341156X)
vol.54, pp.3-26, 2022-01-30

中河 伸俊
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
no.6, pp.100-121, 1981

Strain theory (anomie theory) and deviant subculture theory are both motivational theory in the sense that both theories focus on the formation of motivation (or inclination) toward deviance in explaining the causes of deviant behaviors. In contrast, control theory, which has been developed as control theory of delinquency by Briar and Pilliavin, and Hirschi, and as deterrence theory by Tittle and Gibbs, among others, explains deviant behaviors by the lack of control. An individual's internal control over his inclinations toward deviance can be conceptualled as his normative reference relationships with others. Employing Kelman's typology of interpersonal influence, Schmitt presents three types of normative reference relationships: compliance normative reference relationship, identification normative reference relationship, and internalization normative reference relationship. All three types of relationships are relevant to the explanations of an individual's internal control process. Compliance occurs when an individual percieves other's possible rewards and sanctions (punishments) significant and conforms to others' normative opinions. Identification occurs when he percieves a "self-defining" relationship with others as desirable and accepts other's normative opinions. Internalization occurs when he integrates other's normative opinions into his own value system. This paper describes internal control mechanism and contingencies of the control for each type of the relationships. Then, the basic proposition of control theory is refotmulated as follows: the more (any or all types) of normative reference relationships an individual has with others, and the larger the strength of the relationship(s) is, the less he is likely to deviate from the others' behavioral standards. Finally, the paper briefly discusses cultural and socio-structural factors which influence the formation and maintenance of the three types of control, and, also presents an attempt to apply the typology of the control to differential association theory.
中河 伸俊
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.6, pp.100-121, 1981 (Released:2017-03-11)

Strain theory (anomie theory) and deviant subculture theory are both motivational theory in the sense that both theories focus on the formation of motivation (or inclination) toward deviance in explaining the causes of deviant behaviors. In contrast, control theory, which has been developed as control theory of delinquency by Briar and Pilliavin, and Hirschi, and as deterrence theory by Tittle and Gibbs, among others, explains deviant behaviors by the lack of control. An individual's internal control over his inclinations toward deviance can be conceptualled as his normative reference relationships with others. Employing Kelman's typology of interpersonal influence, Schmitt presents three types of normative reference relationships: compliance normative reference relationship, identification normative reference relationship, and internalization normative reference relationship. All three types of relationships are relevant to the explanations of an individual's internal control process. Compliance occurs when an individual percieves other's possible rewards and sanctions (punishments) significant and conforms to others' normative opinions. Identification occurs when he percieves a "self-defining" relationship with others as desirable and accepts other's normative opinions. Internalization occurs when he integrates other's normative opinions into his own value system. This paper describes internal control mechanism and contingencies of the control for each type of the relationships. Then, the basic proposition of control theory is refotmulated as follows: the more (any or all types) of normative reference relationships an individual has with others, and the larger the strength of the relationship(s) is, the less he is likely to deviate from the others' behavioral standards. Finally, the paper briefly discusses cultural and socio-structural factors which influence the formation and maintenance of the three types of control, and, also presents an attempt to apply the typology of the control to differential association theory.
中河 伸俊
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.27, no.1, pp.89-113,147, 1982

Of the 297 inmates studied, abut one fourth have engaged in prostitution. The aim of this paper is to illustrate and analyze the careers of these inmates. By a "career" we mean one of many components of a person's life history, such as school career, occupational career, and marriage career. Acts of prostitution are treated as a part of the process of a deviant career, "career of prostitution"<br> First the career of the inmates who have engaged in prostitution are compared with the careers of those who have not, in order to illustrate the characteristics of the careers of the former. Some of the findings from the comparison are as follows: The inmates who have engaged in prostitution tend to have less education, are more likely to have run away fromhome and to have repeated marriage (namely common-law marriage ) more often. Also, there are more "mentally retarded" among the inmates who have committed prostitution. It is likely that inferior job opportunities due to lower educational achievement, "mental retardation" and running away are some of the "causes" of prostitution.<br> In the latter part of the paper, we observe the sequential process of "career of prostitution" in detail. The initial act of prostitution was usually committed when the inmates lived apart from their "conventional significant others". Also, interestingly, a number of the inmates' "careers of prostitution" show intermittence. By employing the age at which the initial act was commited and two other features as criteria, a typology of the inmates' "career of prostitution" is developed. It contains four types --- "the early-quitter" "the intermittently down fallen" "the exploited" and "the destitute" We hope this typology, along with other findings in this paper, will facilitate further reseaches on prostitution and the careers of women who have committed prostitution.
中河 伸俊
The Japanese Association of Sociology of Law
法社会学 (ISSN:04376161)
vol.2003, no.58, pp.79-97,273, 2003-03-30 (Released:2009-04-22)

Claims-making is a key concept in constructionist studies on social problems. This concept makes it possible to see both social problems and legal phenomena as process-achievements within a sequence of situated activities. From this claims-making perspective, this paper proposes a few research topics. One of those is a "translation" problem. A various "social problem" claims and "everyday" claims are inevitably "translated" into legal claims when they move into legal arena. What various parties, including legal and other experts, do when the "translation" is taking place is an important question, both theoretically and practically.
中河 伸俊
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.55, no.3, pp.244-259, 2004-12-31
1 1

社会的構築のメタファーが流布するとともに, その意味するところは多義化し, 探究の方法上の指針としてだけでなく, 批判のための一種の「イズム」として使われるようにもなっている.そうした「構築」系の "バベルの塔" 状況を整理するために, 本稿では, エンピリカル・リサーチャビリティ (経験的調査可能性) という補助線を引く.ただし, 近年では, 社会的いとなみを "エンピリカルに調べることができる" ということの意味自体が, 方法論的に問い返されている.そして従来のポジティヴィストと解釈学派の双方が批判の対象になっているが, その批判者の問にも, 調査研究の営為について, 認識論的 (そしてときには存在論的) に「折り返して」理解するアプローチと, (語用論的転回を経由した) 「折り返さないで」理解するアプローチの種差がみられる.2つの理解のコントラストは, 価値と事実の二分法の棄却問題への対応や, リフレクシヴィティという概念についての理解をみるとき鮮明になる.後者の, エスノメソドロジーに代表される「折り返さない」タイプの理解は, さまざまな領域で, エンピリカルな構築主義的探究のプログラムを組み立てるにあたって, 有効な指針を提供すると考えられる.応用や批判といった, 研究のアウトプットを「役に立てる」方途について考えるにあたっても, 思想的であるよりエンピリカルであることが重要である.そして, 活動と活動の接続として社会的いとなみを見る後者のタイプの理解は, 従来のものとは異なる, ローカルな秩序に即応した応用の試みを可能にするだろう.