Masaharu Kodama Yuta Tanabe Masayoshi Nakayama
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.MI-131, (Released:2016-04-05)

In many Hydrangea cultivars, sepal color depends on soil conditions. The traditional concept is that different levels of absorption of aluminum ions from soil and its accumulation in sepal vacuoles changes Hydrangea sepal color. To investigate how sepal coloration can be stabilized, we examined the components that may contribute to color variability according to the traditional concept. Using 10 cultivars and lines with sepals of stable red or stable blue color plants or with sepals of variable color (red or purple) plants grown in acid soils and alkaline soils, we analyzed sepal pH and sepal contents of anthocyanin, aluminum ion, 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid, and 3-O-caffeoylquinic acid. Sepals of all cultivars became bluer when plants were grown in acid soil than when they were grown in alkaline soil, even if the change in stable color plants was milder than that of variable color plants. The same component changes probably happen in sepals of both stable and variable color plants in response to different soil conditions to cause the coloration change. When the two soil conditions were compared, a statistically significant difference was detected for delphinidin 3-glucoside, which is a major anthocyanin of Hydrangea, in the variable-color line ‘HH2’ and for 3-O-caffeoylquinic acid in the stable red line ‘HH19’, but not for any other compound examined, including aluminum ions. Although there is possibility that localization of aluminum ions in vacuoles of the colored cells changes, it is assumed that changes in contents of aluminum ion chelaters such as phosphoric acid affect the sepal color change in response to different soil conditions, as well as the coloration stability or variability. When cultivars were compared in terms of properties of sepal coloration, although contents of aluminum ions and 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid tended to be higher in stable blue cultivars than in other cultivars, these differences were not statistically significant. In agreement with previous reports, our data indicate that a lower content of 3-O-caffeoylquinic acid is essential for blue Hydrangea sepals.
Shiro Mori Takuya Yamane Masaki Yahata Koichi Shinoda Naho Murata
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.MI-117, (Released:2016-03-25)

Limonium bellidifolium (2n = 2x = 18), a perennial statice belonging to the family Plumbaginaceae, is cultivated as a garden plant or for cut flowers and is an important breeding material for the production of hybrid cultivars in the genus. In this study, chromosome doubling in L. bellidifolium was attempted to increase the variability in horticultural traits. Seeds of this species were treated with an antimitotic agent, colchicine, at different concentrations and exposure periods. The treated seeds were sown in soil in a cell tray and the seedlings were grown in a greenhouse. More than 50% of the seedlings treated with colchicine for 24 or 48 h, irrespective of the concentration, survived for 4 months after treatment. Most of the seedlings treated for 72 h at any concentration showed very poor growth and abnormal thickening of the hypocotyl, and ultimately died. The surviving seedlings were grown in 9-cm pots. Flow cytometry analysis of leaf tissues showed that 2.5%–5% of plants that received 0.05% colchicine for 72 h, 0.25% colchicine for 24 h, 0.25% colchicine for 48 h, or 0.5% colchicine for 48 h were tetraploid (4x) or mixoploid (2x + 4x). The highest frequencies of tetraploids and mixoploids occurred following treatment with 0.05% colchicine for 72 h. These results showed that colchicine treatment of seeds is effective for chromosome doubling in L. bellidifolium. After 3 years of cultivation, the morphological characteristics of diploid and tetraploid L. bellidifolium plants at the flowering stage were investigated. The stomatal density was lower in all investigated tetraploid and mixoploid plants than in the control diploid plant. The stomatal length was 1.1- to 1.5-fold higher in all tetraploid and mixoploid plants than in the control. Tetraploid plants tended to have wider and thicker leaves than the control and also produced larger flowers.
Ayumi Deguchi Fumi Tatsuzawa Munetaka Hosokawa Motoaki Doi Sho Ohno
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.MI-121, (Released:2016-02-04)

The black flower color of dahlias (Dahlia variabilis) has been suggested to be attributed to a high accumulation of cyanidin (Cy)-based anthocyanins. A possible explanation for this effect is that Cy-based anthocyanins in dahlias contribute more to the black flower color than pelargonidin (Pg)-based anthocyanins by lowering petal lightness (L*) and chroma (C*), but no obvious evidence has been reported. In this study, four major anthocyanins accumulated in dahlia petals, 3,5-diglucoside (3,5diG) and 3-(6''-malonylglucoside)-5-glucoside (3MG5G) of Pg and Cy, were purified and their colors were evaluated in vitro at various pHs (3.0, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, or 7.0) and various concentrations (0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0 mg·mL−1 at pH 5.0 or pH 3.0). The color of solution of purified anthocyanins varied depending on pH. At pH 5.0, which is approximately the same as pH of dahlia petals, and at pH 3.0, at which anthocyanins are relatively stable, the L* and C* of Cy 3,5diG were similar to or higher than those of Pg 3,5diG, suggesting that Cy 3,5diG did not contribute more to the black flower coloring than Pg 3,5diG. On the other hand, the L* and C* of Cy 3MG5G were significantly lower than those of Pg 3MG5G, particularly above 2.0 mg·mL−1, suggesting that Cy 3MG5G contributed more than Pg 3MG5G. A similar tendency was observed in the color measurement of mixed anthocyanins in various proportion of Pg and Cy. The L* and C* of Pg 3MG5G were much higher than those of the other three anthocyanins; therefore, its color was considered to be the farthest from black among the four anthocyanins. The accumulated amount of 3MG5G-type anthocyanins was much higher than that of 3,5diG-type anthocyanins in all nine cultivars, although the proportion of Pg- and Cy-based anthocyanins varied among the cultivars. Considering these results, it was suggested that because 3MG5G-type anthocyanins predominantly accumulate in petals, and Cy 3MG5G has a significantly higher contribution to lowering L* and C* than Pg 3MG5G, the high accumulation of Cy-based anthocyanins is critical for the black flower coloring of dahlias. The contribution of each anthocyanin is considered to depend on the structure; therefore, identifying the anthocyanin with the highest contribution to lowering L* and C* may enable the production of black flowers in various species through the high accumulation of the anthocyanin in petals.
Silvana Nicola Giuseppe Pignata Manuela Casale Paolo E. Lo Turco Walter Gaino
一般社団法人 園芸学会
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.MI-R01, (Released:2015-11-14)

Investigating several environmental factors affecting plant growth implies having sound experimental facilities equipped to test individual factors in lab-scale although applicable later at the industrial scale. Sometimes, detailed information is hardly given in a manuscript that allows for replications by other authors, maybe due to the shortening of pages requested by journal publishers and editors. A system and methodology was developed for qualitative and quantitative analyses of baby leaf vegetables (BLV) raised in floating growing systems (FGS). Lab-scale pilot plants (LSPP) were developed in 2 greenhouses differing in structure and equipment, suitable for different growing seasons in a continental climate. The equipment and technology allowed multiple treatments and replicates for sound statistical design and data analyses. Environmental conditions and cultural techniques were studied in major and minor species (white mustard, Brassica alba L. Boiss; black mustard, Brassica nigra L. Koch; garden cress, Lepidium sativum L.; water cress, Nasturtium officinale R. Br.; rocket salad, Eruca sativa Mill.; perennial wild rocket, Diplotaxis tenuifolia L. DC.; corn salad, Valerianella olitoria L.; baby spinach, Spinacia oleracea L.) to determine best cultivation techniques in a standard soilless culture system (SCS) for BLV, based on FGS. Considering that SCS can improve raw material quality at harvest, and enhance the postharvest shelf-life of many vegetables and herbs, a standardized growing system is required to obtain premium quality raw material in terms of commercial stage, low nitrate content and long shelf-life. Among the SCS used, the FGS are suitable systems to grow leafy vegetables because the plants can grow at high densities, thereby producing high yields, and in a short time. FGS are based on sub-irrigation technology, avoiding over-head irrigation and contact between nutrient solution and edible parts, and result in greater qualitative and quantitative yields than the traditional cultivation techniques, reducing pollution, crop and substrate residues, leading to clean raw material with potential low microbiological load. The FGS is a modern technology that could be exploited more to enhance yield, quality and safety of fresh and fresh-cut BLV. The LSPP installed are providing the basis for expanding the research to other species and agronomic factors.
八木 雅史
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
vol.84, no.1, pp.3-13, 2015

ゲノム解析,マーカー育種という言葉が誕生して久しい昨今であるが,遺伝的に雑ぱくで,高次倍数性を含む花きにおいては,ゲノム関連研究はその他の園芸品目に比べても遅れていた.ところが近年の次世代型シーケンサーの誕生により,その環境が変わりつつある.主要な花きにおいては,網羅的な発現遺伝子情報の収集が行われ,カーネーションでは全ゲノムシーケンスが行われた.本総説では,カーネーションにおける,SSR マーカーによる標準連鎖地図の作成,花型,萎凋細菌病抵抗性に連鎖した DNA マーカーの開発などゲノム研究の最近の成果を中心にまとめるとともに,次世代シーケンサーを活用したその他の主要花きにおけるゲノム研究について概説した.
Takuya Morimoto Takashi Akagi Ryutaro Tao
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.MI-060, (Released:2015-04-04)
14 24

Flowering plants have developed a genetically determined self-incompatibility (SI) system to maintain genetic diversity within a species. The Solanaceae, the Rosaceae, and the Plantaginaceae have the S-RNase-based gametophytic SI (GSI) system, which uses S-RNase and F-box proteins as the pistil S and pollen S determinants, respectively. SI is associated with culture and breeding difficulties in rosaceous fruit trees, such as apple, pear, and stone fruit species; therefore, researchers in the pomology field have long studied the mechanism and genetics of SI in order to obtain clues to overcome these difficulties. Here, we investigated the evolutionary paths of the S-RNase genes by tracking their duplication patterns. Phylogenetic analysis and estimation of proxy ages for the establishment of S-RNase and its homologs in several rosaceous species showed that the divergence of S-RNase in the subtribe Malinae and the genus Prunus predated the gene in most recent common ancestors of Rosaceae species. Furthermore, the duplicated S-RNase-like genes were accompanied by duplicated pollen S-like F-box genes, suggesting segmental duplications of the S locus. Analysis of the expression patterns and evolutionary speeds of duplicated S-RNase-like genes in Prunus suggested that these genes have lost the SI recognition function, resulting in a single S locus. Furthermore, the S loci in the current Rosaceae species might have evolved independently from the duplicated S loci, which could explain the presence of genus-specific SI recognition mechanisms in the Rosaceae. The results of the present study should be valuable for the future development of artificial SI control and for self-compatible breeding in rosaceous horticultural plant species.
鈴木 雄大 山岸 真澄
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
vol.85, no.3, pp.224-231, 2016 (Released:2016-07-23)
14 16

日本で主に生産されている食用ユリはコオニユリ(Lilium leichtlinii, 2n = 2x = 24)であるが,ウイルス病やボトリチス病が問題となっている.三倍体オニユリ(L. lancifolium, 2n = 3x = 36)の鱗茎も食用に利用できる.後者は道端や農地の周辺で野生化していることより日本の気候に適応していると考えられ,食用ユリの遺伝資源として重要である.しかしオニユリは葉腋にムカゴを発生させるため(ムカゴは鱗茎と栄養を競合し,鱗茎の肥大を妨げる),経済栽培には用いられていない.種間交雑は遺伝的な多様性を増加させるので観賞用ユリの品種育成には積極的に用いられているが,食用ユリの育種にはあまり使われていない.本研究では三倍体オニユリとコオニユリを交雑し,その F1 の形質を調査した.結果,得られた F1 はすべて,染色体数 26 本から 34 本の異数体であった.ムカゴ発生能力は F1 集団で連続分布し,量的形質として認められた.F1 57 個体のうち 49 個体(86%)でムカゴが発生しなかった.このことはこの交雑組み合わせから,ムカゴをつけない異数体が得られることを示している.葯の形態に異常が認められる個体が分離した.また F1 における花粉の発芽率は20% を超えるものはなく,85% の個体で発芽しなかった.しかし,食用ユリの収穫対象は鱗茎なので,花器官の形態異常や低い花粉稔性は食用ユリにおいては大きな問題にはならないと考えた.以上の結果より三倍体オニユリとコオニユリの種間雑種によってすぐれた食用ユリ品種を育成できる可能性が示された.
Ahmed Mohammed Aly Mahmoud
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
vol.89, no.5, pp.575-585, 2020 (Released:2020-10-30)
1 1

Tomato grafting is an important agricultural technique to overcome biotic and abiotic stresses and increase plant growth and productivity. Breeding and selection of resistant and vigorous rootstocks are necessary to achieve grafting goals. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate eight tomato interspecific hybrids between accession Solanum lycopersicum L. LA1221 ‘VFNT cherry’, as the female parent and each of wild accessions S. chmielewskii LA1028 (Chm-1028); S. galapagense LA0530 (Gal-530); S. habrochaites CGN 15391 (Habr-15391) and LA1777 (Habr-1777); S. pennellii AusTRCF 312075 (Pen-312075) and LA716 (Pen-716); and S. pimpinellifolum AusTRCF311810 (Pim-311810) and CGN18388 (Pim-18388), as male parents, as rootstocks under greenhouse conditions compared to the commercial rootstock ‘Emperador’, to select the most suitable rootstock. S. lycopersicum ‘Santa Cruz Piedade’ was selected as a scion and used as self-grafted and non-grafted controls. Plant growth and productivity measurements were estimated for the grafted and non-grafted plants. The response to the evaluated rootstocks was not consistent for many of the studied traits, denoting that the scion was differently influenced by the rootstocks. Grafts did not always outperform self-grafts. Grafting onto either Pen-312075, Habr-15391, or Pim-18388. in addition to self-grafting, increased the total and marketable yields compared to the non-grafted plants, with proportions that would enable increased profits and cover the extra cost of grafting. In addition, fruits from these grafts had acceptable quality traits. Therefore, the interspecific hybrids Pen-312075, Habr-15391, and Pim-18388 are considered suitable rootstocks to improve the scion ‘Santa Cruz Piedade’. Greater and continuing efforts are needed to evaluate several interspecific hybrids, as well as different high yielding scion cultivars, to select the most suitable rootstocks for different scion cultivars.
Mi Sang Lim Sun Hee Choi
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
vol.87, no.1, pp.132-139, 2018 (Released:2018-02-06)
1 2

The genetic diversity and relationships among plants belonging to the subfamily Sedoideae (Crassulaceae), some of which are indigenous to Korea or introduced from other countries, were determined using chloroplast (cp) nucleotide sequence analysis. To analyze genetic diversity and variation among 19 plants including species belonging to Sedum, Hylotelephium, and Phedimus, the tRNA-Leucine gene (trnL [UAA]) and adjoining spacer in chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) were sequenced and compared across species. Species were divided into two main groups based on the cpDNA sequence comparison. The generated phylogeny indicated that many native Sedum species had diverged from S. album. Members of the Phedimus and Hylotelephium species, and several Sedum species analyzed here, clustered distinctively in different groups. Using cpDNA sequence analysis, we successfully discriminated Sedoideae plants cultivated in Korea from each other, even at the intraspecific level, and the results were reflective of the morphological and biogeographical characteristics. These findings could be useful for classifying samples for proper naming, choosing breeding materials for new cultivars, or identifying species for conservation of horticultural crop resources.
Masafumi Omori Yosuke Fujiwara Hisayo Yamane Kenji Miura Ryutaro Tao
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.QH-062, (Released:2023-06-14)

Evaluating the function of genes expressed in fruit tissues of fruit tree species using a genetic transformation approach is a long process because the trees are generally recalcitrant to genetic transformation and cannot bear fruit during their long juvenile phases. Transient gene expression in fruit enables the functional analysis of genes associated with fruit traits, which may accelerate the study of fruit physiology. Here, by using the recently developed “Tsukuba system”, we successfully established an efficient transient expression system in harvested fruit tissues. The “Tsukuba system” utilizes a combination of the geminiviral replication system and a double terminator, which ensures sufficient levels of transgene expression. We used blueberry fruit as a model to characterize the applicability of this system for transient expression in fruit tissue. The pTKB3-EGFP vector was introduced by agroinfiltration into the fruit tissues of several blueberry cultivars. We found that transient GFP fluorescence in fruit peaked 4–6 days after agroinfiltration. Agrobacterium suspensions were easily injected into soft, mature fruit, and GFP was strongly expressed; however, hard, immature fruit were not penetrable by Agrobacterium suspensions, and GFP was rarely detected. We then tested the applicability of the developed system to other fruit tree species: six families, 17 species, and 26 cultivars. GFP fluorescence was detected in all species, except for Japanese apricot. In blueberry, bilberry, sweet cherry, apricot, and satsuma mandarin, GFP was highly expressed and observed in a large proportion of the flesh. In kiwifruit, hardy kiwifruits, persimmon, peach, apple, European pear, and grape, GFP fluorescence was limited to certain parts of the fruits. Finally, transient VcMYBA1 overexpression in blueberry was tested as a model for gene functional analysis in fruit. Transient VcMYBA1 overexpression induced red pigmentation in the flesh, suggesting that VcMYBA1 expression caused anthocyanin accumulation. This study provides a technical basis for the rapid evaluation of genes expressed in fruit, which will be useful for gene function evaluation studies in fruit crops with long juvenile phases.
Natsu Tanikawa Hiroyuki Sano Fumi Tatsuzawa
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.QH-067, (Released:2023-06-14)

We investigated bluish-purple Platycodon grandiflorus flowers for yet unidentified flavonoid-related compounds and their flower coloration mechanisms. We identified a new polyacylated anthocyanin, delphinidin 3-O-[6-O-(α-rhamnopyranosyl)-β-glucopyranoside]-7-O-[6-O-(4-O-(6-O-(4-O-(6-O-(4-O-(β-glucopyranosyl)-trans-caffeoyl)-β-glucopyranosyl)-trans-caffeoyl)-β-glucopyranosyl)-trans-caffeoyl)-β-glucopyranoside] (3) as the minor anthocyanin component along with four known anthocyanins, four known flavones, and chlorogenic acid. The major anthocyanin of the bluish-purple P. grandiflorus flowers is platyconin. While platyconin has two caffeic acids linked in series via glucose molecules at the 7-position of delphinidin, anthocyanin 3 has three caffeic acids linked in series via glucose molecules at the 7-position of delphinidin. To investigate the effects of the number of aromatic acyl groups in polyacylated anthocyanin on bluing and stability, the color and stability of anthocyanin 3 in diluted aqueous solution (5 × 10−5 M) at a weak acidic condition (pH 5.7, the same pH as the petal sap) were compared with those of platyconin. Results showed that even if the three caffeic acids were bound in series at the 7-position of delphinidin, there was no further bluing or stabilizing effects of anthocyanin 3 compared to platyconin, but a tendency toward weakening color intensity was observed. Investigation of the change in anthocyanin content at the flower developmental stages showed that delphinidin 3-rutinoside-7-glucoside, which is the deacylated form of platyconin, first accumulated up to sufficient amounts at the bud stage, followed by an increase in platyconin content. At the bud stage, the petals were not purple or violet, except for veins, despite the presence of a good amount of delphinidin 3-rutinoside-7-glucoside, indicating the delphinidin 3-rutinoside-7-glucoside was present in some colorless state.
Rei Kaneeda Keith Hardie Ken Hoshino Chie Yoshida Takashi Handa
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.QH-065, (Released:2023-05-31)

The most popular fragrant cut rose cultivar in Japan is ‘Yves Piaget’, but its petals often become malformed after harvest. These malformed flowers, referred to as “incurved flowers”, are characterized by petals curving toward the adaxial side which prevents normal flowering and significantly decreases the cut flower quality. It has been reported that jasmonic acid (JA) affects petal growth, and could suppress the emergence of incurved flowers. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the use of exogenous JA, methyl jasmonate (MeJA), applied to cut flowers of ‘Yves Piaget’ by 24 h pulse-uptake treatment. Results showed that 500 μM MeJA 24 h pulse-uptake treatment was effective at suppressing the number of incurved petals. Then, salicylic acid (SA), an antagonist of JA, was applied to see if the number of incurved petals increased. We compared three treatments: deionized water uptake treatment (control), 500 μM MeJA pulse-uptake treatment, and 500 μM SA continuous-uptake treatment. Vase life did not differ significantly between the three treatments, but the 500 μM MeJA pulse-uptake treatment produced a better-preserved flower shape due to only slight petal bluing and discoloration. In contrast, the control and 500 μM SA continuous-uptake treatments produced cut flowers with major petal wilting, bluing, and discoloration. The 500 μM MeJA pulse-uptake treatment tended to extend the number of days from flower bud to full bloom and decrease the number of incurved petals due to the continued high-water absorption. The commercial value of roses lies in the blooming process from bud until full bloom; the increased number of days from bud to full bloom after 500 μM MeJA pulse-uptake treatment improved the cut flower quality. In contrast, there was less water absorption and more incurved petals in the days after the 500 μM SA continuous-uptake treatment, indicating an antagonistic response to the 500 μM MeJA pulse-uptake treatment. In conclusion, treatment of ‘Yves Piaget’ cut flowers with 500 μM MeJA pulse-uptake could decrease the number of incurved petals and improve the cut flower quality.
Hikaru Ishikawa Yasuyuki Togano Tomoki Shibuya
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.QH-054, (Released:2023-05-31)

The large berry mutant (LBM) of the ‘Delaware’ (V. vinifera × (V. labrusca × V. aestivalis)) is known to produce larger berries than ‘Delaware’ when subjected to traditional double gibberellic acid-3 (GA3) treatment. In this study, we first compared ‘Delaware’ and the LBM in terms of their berry and cluster quality to reevaluate previous findings on LBM. Next, we compared berry size without GA3, histological characteristics of the early developmental berry, and then GA-related gene expression to reveal the characteristics of the LBM. The previous finding that LBM yielded larger berry sizes than ‘Delaware’ with double GA3 treatment was verified, but without GA3 treatment, LBM did not produce larger berries than ‘Delaware’. This highlights the prerequisite of exogenous GA for larger berry size in LBM. Histological analysis revealed an increase in cell numbers of the inner and outer mesocarp walls in the early developmental stage of LBM berries. Gene expression analysis of the flower buds and berries indicated an increased expression of VvGID1A, encoding the GA receptor, in LBM than in ‘Delaware’ 3 h after the first GA3 treatment. Additionally, the expression of VvGID1A and VvGID1B was higher in LBM than that in ‘Delaware’ before and after the second GA3 treatment. The expression of VvGID2A, which interacts with the GA receptor and promotes GA signaling, was also higher in LBM than in ‘Delaware’ before the first GA3 treatment. However, the expression of VvSLR1, VvGAI1, and VvGAI2 that encode DELLA proteins, essential negative regulators for GA reactions, mostly showed no significant changes. These results suggest that LBM berries had higher GA sensitivity than the ‘Delaware’. Based on these results, we believe that the larger berry size in LBM may be due to increased cell numbers resulting from high GA sensitivity.
Kaori M. Nakajima Manato Ohishi Fumio Sato Megumu Takahashi
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.QH-045, (Released:2023-05-31)

In Japan, broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. Italica) is primarily harvested manually. Some Japanese broccoli cultivars have short stems, but these broccoli heads are more difficult to harvest, and complicate the introduction of mechanical harvesters. Therefore, research is focused on strategies to control stem length. The present study examined the effects of the plant hormone gibberellin (GA) on the morphological and agronomic traits of broccoli shoots. The broccoli cultivar ‘SK9-099’, widely distributed in Japan and characterized by a short stem, was studied. These experiments were conducted over three cropping seasons, i.e., spring (Exp. 1), summer (Exp. 2), and fall (Exp. 3), with four GA treatment plots at 0 ppm (Control), 20 ppm, 100 ppm, and 500 ppm. This study observed that, on average, GA elongated stem length from approximately 16.0 cm in the control plot to 24.7 cm in the 500 ppm plot for the three cropping seasons, without decreasing yield. In addition, GA treatment accelerated apical bud growth and shortened the overall growth period by 16 days in the 500 ppm plot compared to the control in the fall, equivalent to 20.5% of the growth period from transplantation to harvest in the latter.This study highlights several practical benefits of GA application for growers, minimizing manual harvesting labor, avoid the difficult of designing mechanical harvesters for short-stemmed cultivars, and increase field usage efficiency by shortening the growth period.
Haruka Sato Natsumi Kawato Furong Li Kanto Ito Ami Shinoda Taichi Hasunuma Jiayi Liu Yasuyuki Kawaharada Chikako Nishitani Masato Wada Manabu Watanabe Sadao Komori
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.QH-041, (Released:2023-05-31)

Shoot regeneration experiments from growth-point-derived callus were conducted to improve apple genome editing techniques. The plant material studied was in vitro maintained shoots of ‘Fuji’. In the first step, a procedure for shoot formation from apple callus was established. After using the two earlier reported cases’ experimental procedures and media compositions, we investigated the effect of media variations in callus induction, callus multiplication, and shoot induction from the meristem. The procedure that yielded a higher shoot regeneration rate with meristem-derived callus involved shoot multiplication with 1001 medium followed by the Caboni’s callus induction medium, then without callus propagation on liquid medium, and then either Caboni’s or Saito-Suzuki’s shoot induction medium. In this experiment, axillary buds may remain as the shoot apexes were excised at 1 mm. In the next experiment, shoot apexes were excised at 0.5 mm to completely eliminate the axillary bud. Then treatment in the dark was added to the procedure to further improve shoot regeneration rates for the meristem-derived callus. Shoot multiplication medium and shoot induction medium procedures were conducted under dark conditions. This yielded the following optimal procedure: excising meristems from chlorosis shoots after 2–3 months of dark treatment in shoot multiplication medium on 1001; placing the excised meristems in Carboni’s callus induction medium in the dark for 20 days; then transferring the formed callus Saito-Suzuki’s shoot induction medium with incubation in the dark for at least 2 weeks. The shoot regeneration rates of calli treated in the dark for 6 weeks with shoot induction medium reached 68%. Relative to previous reports, this value is considered high for shoot regeneration from calli in apple cultivars.
Yosuke Isoyama Atomu Sugimura Kazuyoshi Nada Hideki Kato Hatsuyoshi Kitamura
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.QH-029, (Released:2023-03-09)

Supplemental interlighting is a technique to improve horticultural light conditions. However, optimal methods for energy-efficient supplemental lighting are not yet established. Therefore, this study investigated the influence of supplemental light canopy position during the tomato fruit enlargement stage on photosynthetic function and aboveground dry-matter weight. A supplementary interlighting module was fixed at the initial irradiation position, then the irradiation position for three other modules were raised to 10 cm above each fruit truss at different developmental stages. These stages were the early enlargement stage (ES), from flowering until the first fruit reached a diameter of 10 mm, then the vigorously enlarging stage (VES), with tomato fruit diameter from 10 to 30 mm, and the late enlargement stage (LS) with a tomato fruit diameter greater than 30 mm. Cultivation was carried out using a D-tray system with a planting density of 5.5 plants·m−2. The LED supplemental interlighting reduced specific leaf area (SLA), altering the plant canopy structure. This increased the canopy light transmittance from 40% to 70% at 20 cm from the canopy and from 20% to 40% at 40 cm from the canopy, especially during the ES. The total chlorophyll (Chl) content of leaves was higher under all irradiated treatments compared to the untreated control. However, Chl a/b ratios decreased for all treatments except in leaves under continuous LED irradiation. The maximum photosynthetic rate was higher in leaves closer to the supplemental interlighting exposure, but was lower in the 17th and 13th leaves at 6 μmol·m2·s−1 and 4 μmol·m2·s−1, respectively. Fruit dry-matter weight increased significantly to 143.2–156.5 g in all supplemental interlighting treatments compared with 119.6 g for the control. Interlighting treatment during VES achieved the highest yield and the greatest increase in fruit and total dry-matter weight. Therefore, VES-irradiation is most efficient to increase dry-matter weight.
Chutisorn Deemark Ladawan Lerslerwong Supatchaya Nampila Somyot Meetha Supat Isarangkool Na Ayutthaya
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.QH-011, (Released:2023-02-04)

Papaya cultivators in northeast Thailand deal with dry conditions that dramatically affect growth, yield, and fruit quality. The use of intercropping fruit crops, especially banana, should improve papaya production. This study evaluated intercropping papaya and banana in terms of papaya growth, fruit quality, and nutrient content. Experiments were conducted at the Fruit Tree Experimental Field, Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University between January 2019 and July 2020. The mono-papaya and intercropped papaya with banana used 3 × 2 m spacing, and the intercropped papaya used 1 row of banana with 3 rows of papaya. Plant growth was analyzed between the 5th and 19th month post-transplantation, while fruit yield and nutrient status were evaluated between the 14th and 19th month after transplantation. Plant height, number of leaves, and girth were not different between mono- and intercropped papaya. All plant growth patterns were sigmoidal, reaching stable growth rates between the 15th and 19th month after transplantation. Fruit numbers were not significantly different, but banana-intercropping with papaya increased papaya yield through fruit length and pulp thickness. Nutrient levels in all plant parts were not significantly different. In addition, nutrient analysis identified that papaya fruit extracted N, K, and B at higher levels than other parts, while P and Ca were the highest removed by the stem.
Masashi Yamamoto
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.QH-035, (Released:2023-01-28)

Self-incompatibility and compatibility of Citrus depressa (Shiikuwasha) and its related species were determined by pollen tube growth within the style. Among the 30 accessions investigated, twelve C. depressa, two C. ryukyuensis (Tanibuta), and three species derived from C. depressa, C. keraji, C. oto, and C. tarogayo, were self-incompatible, while ten C. depressa, one C. tachibana (Tachibana), and two C. tachibana relatives showed self-compatibility. Of the self-incompatible accessions, some cross-incompatible relationships were discovered. All self-incompatible C. depressa except “Ishikunibu” were cross-incompatible with each other. Two C. ryukyuensis were cross-incompatible. This species showed cross-compatibility with C. depressa. C. depressa “Ishikunibu” was cross-compatible with all self-incompatible C. depressa and C. ryukyuensis. From the above, three genotypes determining incompatibility were found in C. depressa and C. ryukyuensis. In addition, all self-incompatible C. depressa and C. ryukyuensis accessions were cross-compatible with self-incompatible C. keraji, C. oto, and C. tarogayo which are related to C. depressa. The present study suggests that S (self-incompatible) alleles of C. depressa and C. ryukyuensis are derivatives of themselves and not from C. maxima (pummelo), major source of citrus S alleles.
Sho Yamamoto Tetsuri Kikuchi Yutaka Yamagiwa Takashi Handa
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
vol.86, no.3, pp.379-388, 2017 (Released:2017-07-22)
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Lilium auratum var. auratum Lindl. is distributed in the eastern part of Honshu, the main island of Japan. L. auratum var. platyphyllum Baker is endemic to the Izu archipelago, which consists of nine large islands located in south of Honshu’s Izu peninsula. Both varieties have been used as important parents of Oriental hybrid lily cultivars. They have large white flowers with yellow central stripes and colored spots on their tepals. L. auratum var. platyphyllum has larger flowers and wider leaves than L. auratum var. auratum. L. auratum var. platyphyllum has yellow spots, whereas L. auratum var. auratum has red or brown ones. Natural hybridization between these two taxa has been suggested on the basis of spot colors of populations in the Izu archipelago and the Izu peninsula. However, their genetic diversity and hybridity in nature have not been reported. We performed morphological analysis using 72 individuals of L. auratum var. auratum from seven populations and 72 individuals of L. auratum var. platyphyllum from six populations. We also performed simple sequence repeat (SSR) analysis using 102 individuals of L. auratum var. auratum from seven populations and 134 individuals of L. auratum var. platyphyllum from six populations. Both analyses revealed that L. auratum var. auratum and L. auratum var. platyphyllum are genetically different and that L. auratum var. platyphyllum has genetic diversity among populations in the archipelago.
Sho Yamamoto Yutaka Yamagiwa Zentaro Inaba Takashi Handa
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
vol.87, no.1, pp.115-123, 2018 (Released:2018-02-06)
2 2

Lilium japonicum Thunb. which has pink or white-colored funnel-like flowers, is distributed in Kyushu, Shikoku, and the western part of Honshu, the main island of Japan. L. auratum Lindl. which has large white flowers with yellow central stripes and red spots, is distributed in the eastern part of Honshu. Natural hybridization of these two species has only been found on the Izu Peninsula of Honshu. However, details of the variation and hybridity of the interspecific hybrid population of these species on this peninsula remain unknown. In the present study, we conducted a morphological examination using 43, 21, and 90 individuals of L. japonicum, L. auratum, and the putative hybrid, respectively, from six, four, and ten populations of the Izu Peninsula, respectively. In addition, we performed simple sequence repeat (SSR) analysis using 47, 41, and 106 individuals of L. japonicum, L. auratum, and the putative hybrid, respectively, from six, four, and ten populations, respectively. Putative hybrid populations that resembled L. japonicum in morphology and SSR profile were found in the southern to eastern part of the peninsula, whereas those that resembled L. auratum and those exhibiting an intermediate morphology and SSR profile were found in the southern part of the peninsula. Large morphological variations exist in putative hybrid in the southern population, and interspecific hybridization has occurred in the southern and eastern populations. These results suggest that the center of natural hybridization is located in the southern part of the Izu Peninsula.