白國 紀行 谷村 正治 宮崎 文夫
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.72, no.716, pp.1021-1027, 2006-04-25 (Released:2011-03-04)

Among high-speed railway systems, the superconducting maglev train is an innovative transportation system, in which trains are levitated and driven at speeds of up to 550 km/h. But in case of quench of superconducting magnet, vehicles are forced to touch down on the guideway. For safe landing, we developed the new equipment named “Emergency Wheel”. Our process of development is as follows : (i) To know the maximum load for the landing, we simulated the electromagnetic power and dynamics of vehicles. (ii) Each element of emergency wheel was developed and tested in a factory. (iii) Quench tests were conducted on the Yamanashi Maglev Test Line and results showed a good accordance between simulation and test. Through the study and development of emergency wheel, we established a design method of safety equipment for Maglev.
段 智久 大石 直己 千田 二郎 藤本 元
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.60, no.577, pp.3192-3197, 1994-09-25 (Released:2008-03-28)
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In the experiments presented, a single diesel spray of n-tridecane was injected for a certain duration through a hole-type nozzle into a quiescent atmosphere at room temperature at high pressure. The experimental variables were nozzle hole dimensions such as the hole diameter dn, the hole length ln and the hole offset between the nozzle axis and the hole axis, and the nozzle needle lift, in order to assess the turbulent flow field inside the nozzle, and the other was the back pressure, in order to examine the effect of the ambient gas properties, especially its kinematic viscosity. The macroscopic spray structures were observed by using instantaneous photography and a high-speed video camera system. Furthermore, the microscopic structure was observed by meant of scattering photography of fuel droplets taken by the laser light sheet of a pulsed ruby laser, and the quantitative 2-D image of fuel concentration in the cross section of the spray containing its central axis was obtained by the image processing. From the experiments, the variation in the spray cone angle with the needle lift is promoted by the turbulence in the sac volume, and spray angle is closely related to the ambient kinematic vincosity.
清水 優史 谷田 好通
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.48, no.434, pp.1936-1944, 1982-10-25 (Released:2008-03-28)

血圧測定のよりどころであるコロトコフ音の発生機構のうち最低血圧でのそれを, 実験及び理論計算により明らかにした. コロトコフ音は外圧によりいくぶん圧平された管部を圧力波が出播する際, 波の先頭部に形成される圧力不連続面(衝撃波面)が管を急激に膨張させることにより生ずる. この衝撃波面は管法則の非線形性に起因する波の追いつき現象により作られ, その強さは管の圧平の度合と圧平部長さにより決定される.
清水 優史
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.50, no.460, pp.3107-3115, 1984-12-25 (Released:2008-03-28)

The genesis of Korotkoff sound at high cuff pressure has been made clear by the model expreimental study using the thin walled silicon rubber tube being modified to have zero internal cross sectional area as an artery ehen compressed by the relatively higher external pressure than the internal one. The sound is generated by the steep pressure wave front formed in the course of pressure wave propagation through the completely collapsed tube segment under the cuff. The amplitude of the pressure wave penetrating into the collapsed tube segment and that of the steep wave front reaching to the distal end of the segment, measured from the artery also weakens correspondingly and, at some Peb, the sound becomes unaudible. The pressure wave form depends strongly on the transmural pressure at the distal end of the collapsed segment.
石野 洋二郎 手嶋 啓介 藤井 博之 山本 優作 齋木 悠
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集B編 (ISSN:18848346)
vol.79, no.805, pp.1805-1815, 2013 (Released:2013-09-25)

A novel rotational internal combustion engine has been investigated in this study. No eccentric rotational component is used in this engine, resulting in vibration-free operation. The engine consists of rotor casing and two types of rotor; cycloid rotor and trochoid rotor. The shape of the cycloid rotor is characterized by epicycloid surface, and the trochoid rotor also superior-epitrochoid surface. In this paper, first, the typical configuration was shown. Next, a procedure for designing the rotors were described in detail. Furthermore the design drawing and appearance of the prototype engine were given. Its cyclic behavior, the time variations of the chamber volume and the estimated pressure were also indicated. Additionally the flame behavior in the working volume of the prototype engine driven in motoring condition, was presented. Finally the compactness and S/V ratio of the engine was investigated.
田村 健治
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
環境工学総合シンポジウム講演論文集 2011.21 (ISSN:24242969)
pp.184-185, 2011-06-29 (Released:2017-06-19)

The author reports the development of the new chemical water treatment technology using the aqueous of stabilization hypochlorous acid. This stabilization solution is prepared by the low environmental loading manufacturing equipment for very precise fluid control using diffusion phenomena. It is prepared from dilute hydrochloric acid and aqueous solution of sodium hypochlorite without the electrolysis. The work environment of the preparation process is very good, since the preparative procedure without using or generation of the chlorine. The prepared aqueous solution is high precise continuously prepared with optionally designated for the available chlorine concentration; 10 ppm < [available Cl] < 200 ppm, and the hydrogen ion exponent (the pH value; 5.0 < pH < 6.8). In addition, the aqueous solution is very long life, and it is possible to storage and/or prevails. This functional water is a solution presenting slightly acidic or neutrality without having the corrosiveness, since the hydrochloric acid is not contained in forming solution. Since it has the powerful oxidizability, this solution manifests very powerful pasteurization effect and deodorizing effect. This aqueous solution is used in order to deal with water supply, intermediate process water, and wastewater. It is widely applied in medicine, food processing, agriculture, livestock industry, fisheries field and so on. In addition, the author also reports applications of this technology for prevention of epidemics countermeasure.
和田 誠 小川 隆申 田村 浩章 山下 公明 大日方 昭善
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集B編 (ISSN:18848346)
vol.79, no.806, pp.1963-1972, 2013 (Released:2013-10-25)
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The motion of a liquid pouring from a beverage can is experimentally and numerically studied. First, we measure pouring motion for sixteen examinees and find that the can motion in pouring consists of three stages; tipping stage, filling stage, and returning stage. In each stage, the angular velocity of a can is nearly constant, and its average velocity is obtained. A liquid flow from a can rotating at the average angular velocity is visualized with high-speed cameras and is also numerically simulated with the Volume of Fluid (VOF) method. At the beginning of pouring, the liquid from a can opening is once blocked by the rim of a upper lid and then flows over the rim. It falls from the can forming a V-shaped surface, which converges few centimeters below the rim expanding the liquid surface in the direction perpendicular to the V-shaped surface. This results in a wavy pattern of the liquid surface. The computational result agrees with the experiment.
中根 一朗
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集B編 (ISSN:18848346)
vol.78, no.790, pp.1220-1234, 2012 (Released:2012-06-25)
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Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) pollinosis is the most common allergic diseases in Japan, and some researchers show about 26.5% of population being affected. Japanese cedar pollen is carried by the wind, but the pollen suspension transport behavior must be different from the wind (carrier air flow) behavior because the aerodynamic diameter of this pollen is relatively large. I estimate the mean aerodynamic diameter of Japanese cedar pollen as about 35μm in this study. The pollen falls when the wind is weak, and it is blown up and carried (saltation and resuspension) by the strong wind. If the pollen flow behavior was completely corresponding to the wind, the range of Japanese cedar growth would be very broad and the peculiar distribution of Japanese cedar might be confused. This study aims to clarify the cedar pollen suspension transport behavior and saltation transport mechanism, and to confirm the prediction method of this behavior and mechanism. Accordingly, the followings were done : (1) The aerodynamic diameter of Japanese cedar pollen was measured and the test particle was selected. (2) The suspension and saltation behavior of the test particle was observed and measured by the optical measurement methods. (3) The suspension and saltation behavior was also numerically calculated. These measured and calculated results are shown and evaluated by each other result in this paper. The knowledge about the relation between air and particle velocities is acquired. The saltation mechanism is cleared. The suspension and saltation transport behavior can be predicted by this study method.
小川 渉 鞍谷 文保 吉田 達哉 小出 俊雄 水田 泰次
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.19-00237, (Released:2019-12-26)

Cymbals are percussion instruments that vibrate and radiate sounds when hit with a stick. A bell is the raised section in the middle of the cymbal and its size produces different sounds. In this study, we investigate the effect of bell size on the sound characteristics of cymbals. The radiated sounds and vibrations for cymbals with two different bell sizes are measured. In addition, the natural frequency and mode shape are obtained by finite element analysis and the sound radiation efficiency is calculated for each mode. The measured results indicate that the sound frequency characteristics for the large bell show three peaks with large sound pressure within the range of 1000 to 3000 Hz and the sound pressure for the small bell is larger than that for the large bell within the range of 4000 to 5000 Hz. The vibration frequency characteristics show there is no remarkable difference between the large and small bells. The sound radiation efficiencies indicate that the large bell has many modes with high radiation efficiency within the range of 1000 to 3000 Hz and their modes have a small number of nodal diameters and a large deformation at the bell. The small bell has many modes with high efficiency within the range of 4000 to 5000 Hz. This is reason for the difference in sound characteristics between the large and small bells.
田中 光太郎 高橋 けんし 戸野倉 賢一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集B編 (ISSN:18848346)
vol.78, no.789, pp.1003-1007, 2012 (Released:2012-05-25)

A near-IR laser based spectrometer for continuous measurement of stable carbon isotopes in CO2 has been developed. 12CO2 and 13CO2 are detected with wavelength modulation spectroscopy and a Herriott-type multi-pass cell with a optical path length of 29.9 m using a distributed feedback laser diode in the 2-μm wavelength region. To measure the isotope ratio precisely, the influence of pressure and temperature variation in δ13C was evaluated. The limit of detection for 12CO2 in our system was 16 ± 1 ppbv. The precision in the determination of δ13C was 0.1‰ for 120 seconds signal integration time at ambient concentration levels. We demonstrate that our system enables automated continuous measurements of δ13C of CO2 in ambient air without any complex operation by users.
品川 晃徳 野澤 久幸 内山 裕太郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.17-00086, (Released:2017-06-05)

It is thought that the first step to understanding vehicle movement is to measure and analyze that movement in order to confirm that it falls within the range of the laws of physics. In the case of a four-wheeled vehicle, in general, the friction limit is defined within the circle of longitudinal acceleration and lateral acceleration through the use of a G-G diagram. Then measurements are taken to confirm that the driving state is within that range. Two-wheeled off-road vehicles are mainly ridden on slippery dirt roads that include steep slopes and rough, uneven surfaces. An analysis method for the driving state and the vehicle movement limits that would be suitable for analyzing the movement of such two-wheeled off-road vehicles under these conditions was examined. These movement limits were then formulated by taking into consideration the coefficient of friction and the road surface gradient in accordance with the basic laws of physics and also by focusing on the vehicle movement in the longitudinal direction. Measurements were also taken during actual off-road riding by top-class Japanese off-road motorcycle riders. It was confirmed that this measurement data was distributed within the range of the assumed vehicle movement limits. Consequently, it was confirmed that it is possible to use such measurements to accurately grasp the vehicle movement limits and the associated driving state for two-wheeled off-road vehicles.
松本 光広
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.82, no.834, pp.15-00127, 2016 (Released:2016-02-25)

A bicycle wheel consists of a hub, spokes, nipples and a rim. The rim deforms from true circle to irregular circle when a worker assembles the wheel. People can ride a bicycle in safety when the rim is the true circle. The worker needs to correct the deformed rim. The worker can correct the deformed rim through the use of a relation between a nipple position to rotate a nipple rotation angle and rim displacements. I developed a task support equipment to correct the deformed rim through the use of the relation. The worker does not need to know the relation through the use of the developed task support equipment. The worker can correct the deformed rim through the use of the developed task support equipment. The developed task support equipment shows the worker the nipple position to rotate the nipple rotation angle. The worker rotates the nipple as shown by the developed task support equipment. I measured the relation between the nipple rotation angle and the rim displacements. I suggested a method to calculate the corrected rim displacements through the use of the relation. I made up a hardware and a software in the task support equipment. I implemented the method in the software. I checked performance of the developed task support equipment. I corrected the deformed rim through the use of the developed task support equipment. The results have shown the usefulness in the developed task support equipment for correcting the deformed rim.