加戸 啓太 平沢 岳人
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.14, no.27, pp.307-310, 2008-06-20

Computer vision is concerned with the theory and technology for robot's eyes that obtain information from images. It focuses on how to reconstruct structure or other information about the 3D scene from one or several images. Tracking is one of the indispensable requirements for computer vision system and is responsible for registering the virtual world in the real world. The authors select a marker-based tracking method, which computes the location such as position and orientation of a square marker in physical space out of an image captured by a camera. In this paper, the authors would like to propose some applied tools for construction industry.
伊藤 行 田尻 道昿 中村 直
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
no.70, pp.75-81, 1962-03-25

We examined positively the Moon-Spencer's color harmony theory, especially as to the area effect of color. The sabjects of the examination were pupils of elementary, junior, senior high school, and students of university, in all, about 540 persons. We made 40 samples of 4 colored arrangements. It was so difficult to make the samples in comformity with the Moon-Spencer's theory, that we painted as we liked in the fixed area-ratio, and showed the samples to the boys and girles. The answers about the harmony or the disharmony of colors were obtained by investigation. We ascertained one by one wether the samples which were judged as harmonious by the majority were conform to the theory. The conclusion of the research in our case, did not come out very clearly: it was rather a denial of the Moon-Spencer's theory. We consider that the examination of 4 colored samples has many factors and therefore the focal point of the problem becomes vague.
和田 一郎 鈴木 一元 黒坂 五馬
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
no.115, pp.31-37, 1965-09-30

This research was carried out one of the information-act to make a dicision of shop for the project of shopping facilities. For this, research was carried out to clear out to clear up the relation between the selection of shop-design and personality. Dec. 1964, The field work was operated by the group interview to the students of Tokyo Dress-making School. The progress of research was devided into two stages, one was to try Yatabe-Kibler, personal inventry, another was Siheffe's Sensory test by means of color fiem that had photographed the shopfacade (Coffee-Shop) Analisis 1st stage was to compute the standard-deviation-σ-of Yatabe-Kibler test, and in this result, we decided to make two groups ; over+σ-we called it "C" group (Circulate type group), under-σ-called it "S" group (Shizopherenia type group) 2nd stage was to check the statiscal significant between C group (Sheffe's test) and S's by means of "F test". As a result, about, the selection of a facade design we can't see auy relation. The fact made clear that between the selection mechanism of facade design and personality have nothing to do.