田中 史子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.53, pp.124-136, 2007

プレイ・セラピーなどの臨床場面において, 構成度の低い物語は, 人形などのアイテムを用いて演じられるだけではなく, しばしば, 描画というかたちで示されることがある。そこで本稿では, 子どもたちの描画を実際に挙げながら, 白昼夢などの内的な物語を表現する手段としての, 描画の有用性をみていくことにする。
田中 史子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.54, pp.651-663, 2008

Many of the previous studies on daydreams investigated the contents of daydreams, and discussed their functions. Those studies examined what desires appeared in daydreams or how the personalities were related with the contents of daydreams. However, they had not thoroughly researched the reasons why people with such desires or personalities experienced their own themes through the means of daydreams. To deal with this problem, it was necessary to pay attention to the styles of daydreams and not only the contents. In this study, the degrees of repetition and fantasy of daydreams were investigated. It was considered that the degrees ranged extensively and that the functions of daydreams vary depending on these degrees. This study mainly focused on repetitious and fantasized daydreams. It was found that only certain scenes appeared in the repetitious daydreams, and that some fantasized daydreams were oriented toward danger and difficulty while others were oriented toward harmony and stability. These results suggest that the therapeutic meaning of daydreams lies in the process where people repeatedly deal with their own themes in a safe world and return to a harmonized world.
古川 雄嗣
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.54, pp.71-84, 2008

The subject of this paper is overcoming Nihilism on Shuzo Kuki's philosophy, which is able to be characterized by overcoming contingency through contingency. The fundamental question of Kuki's philosophy was the contingency of being. If it IS a contingency that I am or I am I, our being has no bottom, no sense, and no end. But, Kuki quested for exactly the sense in no-sense and the end in no-end. Kuki's analyses on various aspects of contingency (categorical, hypothetical, and disjunctive) ultimately arrive at the "Primitive Contingency (Urzufall)", but exactly there, we witness the "Metaphysical Absolute necessity, " Kuki terms this the "Metaphysical Absolute, " which can be characterized by "Necessity-Contingency." This means that the contingency recognized empirically is the necessity metaphysically, i.e. contingency is the "Other Being (Anderssein)" of necessity. Furthermore, this metaphysical view reveals that each contingent part and the necessary whole are mutually restricted to each other, therefore, some empirically contingent phenomenon is the reflection of metaphysical necessity. In this way, a contingent being which seems to be no-end appears to be a reflection of the metaphysical necessary end. It comes to be termed "Fate." When we accept the metaphysical necessary end which is revealed on the contingency as our own necessary end, we will hear the commandment "Do not pass a contingency in vain."
鍛冶 美幸
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.64, pp.291-302, 2018-03-30

仲倉 高広
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.63, pp.107-116, 2017

男性の同性愛を性的倒錯という考えから生きづらさという視点への変換を試み,同性愛男性との心理療法について検討することを目的とした。性的な倒錯と同性愛について,性的自我同一性を内包する自我同一性という視点を軸に,異性愛役割と身体領域・本能との葛藤・生きづらさ・二分化された自我意識を抱えさせられ,「共同体から無意識的に与えられている一体感」という基盤が脆弱になり,その一体感を性的場面に求め,「幻想的一体感」となり,倒錯的関係に陥りやすいと論じた。そして,心理療法では二分化にさらされている同性愛男性の自我意識を受けとめ続け,臨床心理士が耐え続けることが重要であり,クライエントのみならず,臨床心理士も自らの心の内にある「同性愛性」を意識化することが肝要である。同性愛男性のみならず,社会の構成員にとっても,「エロス的分化発達」へと拓かれ,人や精神世界などとの関係を豊かにするとも考えられた。This study considers psychotherapy treatment for homosexual men, attempting conversion of point of view not through sexual perversion but through difficulty adjusting to society. First, this paper defines sexual perversion and homosexuality. Through the position of ego identity enclosing gender identity, homosexuality causes a conflict and difficulty between playing a role of heterosexual male to adjust to society and their homosexual instinct orienting sexual interest to male. For homosexual men, it is difficult to keep their ego identity stable because of their vulnerable consciousness as a community member. In addition, they are likely to fall into relationships of sexual perversion to pursue an alternative sense of unity through sexual relationships instead of a sense of unity with society. It is important for clinical psychologists to accept clients' divided ego identity patiently with acknowledging each psychologist's perspective regarding homosexuality. Such methods of psychotherapy will bring a finely differentiated Eros and work for not only homosexual men but all members of society by enhancing relationships among humans, history, and the spiritual world.
家島 明彦
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.53, pp.166-180, 2007

本稿は, 以下の3つを目的とする。まず, マンガの現状を整理して報告しつつ, 心理学においてマンガを取り上げる必要性を訴える。次に, 日本の心理学領域において, マンガに関する研究論文を外観し, どのような先行研究があるか把握すると同時に体系的に示すことを試みる。更に, 心理学におけるマンガに関する研究の発展のために, 今後の研究の方向性・可能性について展望する。限られた紙面において述べられることは極めて表面的なことに留まるが, これから心理学においてマンガに関する研究を本格的に始めるための叩き台として読んで頂きたい。
藤居 尚子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.63, pp.131-143, 2017

本稿では近年,質的研究における調査面接と心理臨床面接とがSullivan(19531976)の「関与しながらの観察」の点で共通性が増してきたことをまず指摘した。次にセンシティブな話題に関する調査面接の特徴を概説し,それにあたり精神分析での逆転移の概念とその取り扱いを援用することの有用性を述べた。その際Sullivanから発展した対人関係論的精神分析の観点に依拠した。センシティブな話題に関する調査面接ではインタビュアーも激しく感情的に巻き込まれる。その感情は精神分析での逆転移と同一ではないが,その感情を逆転移の取り扱いを参考に吟味することで①インタビュアーの「共感的な中立性」(Patton, 1990)の維持,②センシティブな話題の面接での適切な境界保持に役立つことを論じた。ただし得られる情報の妥当性やフィードバック,インタビュアーの訓練とサポートの点で留意する必要がある旨を述べた。This paper first highlights the recent emphasis on similarities between qualitative research interviews and psychotherapeutic interviews in that both share the nature of Sullivan's (1953) "participant observation." Second, the author overviews sensitive research and argues how the reference to the psychoanalytical concept and technique of addressing countertransference can be beneficial for sensitive research. The argument is built on Interpersonal psychoanalysis, which evolved from Sullivan's theory. In sensitive research interviews, not only the interviewee but also the interviewer tend to be intensely emotionally engaged with each other. Although feelings held in the interviewer are not the same as countertransference in psychoanalysis itself, implementing analysis of the interviewer's feelings in a similar way as addressing countertransference in psychoanalysis can help the interviewer 1) to maintain an attitude of what Patton (1990) calls "empathic neutrality, " and 2) to keep proper boundary between the interviewee and the interviewer in sensitive research interviews. The author also explores some points that need to be addressed when including analysis of the interviewer's feelings in the research design; validity of the data, consideration on feedback, and training and support for the interviewer.
西浦 太郎
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.57, pp.167-180, 2011

In this paper, the figure of "Katago" that appears in the tales of old Japan will be analyzed and the issue of the Japanese returnee students and the present Japanese culture will be discussed. Katago is a 10 year old boy born between a father who is an oni (Japanese ogre) and mother (Japanese) who was taken away by Oni to his country. Katago dedicates himself to bring his mother back to Japan and they finally succeed in returning to Japan. However, he finally commits suicide because of having difficulties living with Japanese people. According to Kawai(Kawai,1994), most of the stories where Katago suffers from his/her duality, being a ogre and a human at the same time, ends with his death. Kawai analyzes the "Katago" from a cultural and psychological perspective and he concludes although Katago's death is almost inevitable, it is the task of Japanese culture not letting the Katago die, as he entails indispensable elements to regenerate the Japanese culture. However, the following two points have not been sufficiently examined; The first point is "why" the Katago has trouble living in Japan. And the second point is what actually happens in the psyche of Katago that leads to his death. The third point is, what kind of possibilities exists that enable Katago to live. Hence, the three points have been examined and discussed on the basis of some case studies children raised up by two different cultures and societies.
須藤 春佳
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.54, pp.626-638, 2008-03-31

It is said that same sex friendship is important for psychological development during preadolescence. Sullivan (1953) called this "chumship" and suggested its both developmental and psychotherapeutic significance. What nature of this relationship is developmentally supportive and psychotherapeutic? In this thesis, some aspects of chumship that are considered to be developmentally supportive and psychotherapeutic were discussed. First, developmentally supportive points were as follows; 1. Chumship plays protective role during transitional period. 2.Chumship gives the sense of security and modeling function. 3. Chum becomes the medium between internal and external world. Second, some aspects considered to be psychotherapeutic were as follows; 1. Sharing experience between the two promotes "consensual validation". 2. Chumship makes humane and empathetic environment. 3.Chumship provides an isomorphic experience between the two, and enable one to meet the inner self through the relationship with the other, and 4. Chumship can provide corrective emotional experience. On the other hand, it is suggested that the psychodynamics of identification contain an emotionally an1bivalent nature, so one can feel attachment and hostility to the same person. Some psychopathological phenomenon concerning chumship, for example, "hysterie a deux" in adolescence, were discussed. Thus, the nature of churnship was discussed from various aspects in this thesis.
竹家 一美
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.56, pp.319-331, 2010

This study examines the life story of a career woman, focusing on her decision to refuse infertility treatment. An in-depth individual interview was conducted to understand the lifestyle and values of this individual, and this material was then analyzed qualitatively. When initially employed at an advertising agency after college graduation, the participant had visions of becoming a career woman, wife, and mother. At 37 years of age, her career suffered a major and sudden failure. At the same time, a gynecologist informed her that she might be infertile. Because of her experience of what she saw as a "goalless world", derived from the loss of her career, she felt unable to pursue infertility treatment. Despite the impending limit on her reproductive ability at 45 years of age, the participant expressed satisfaction with her decision. After experiencing a midlife transition, she had accepted her life as a woman without children. This said, she is training to work as a psychotherapist. Her life story, including her experience of failure in her career and her encounter with infertility, should be considered to have positive meaning and be one dimension of a woman's development.
鍛治 まどか
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.57, pp.253-266, 2011-04-25

Many studies of bereavement deal with the mourning process. Through this process, the relationship is built between the bereaved and the dead. This paper focuses on what the relationship is. How can we be with the dead when we are left alive and alone? I researched what a relationship with a dead father or mother is by the "Nine-In-One Drawing Method" and interviews with two subjects as cooperators. In these interviews, I asked about their mourning processes and found them to be very individual. I asked them to draw about their dead father or mother. While they were drawing, their relationship with the deceased parent appeared. They could feel warmth, and they felt cared for in the relationship. I believe that such experiences play important roles in the mourning process, enabling them to have an individual relationship with the dead. The relationship was not realistic. But it was true in the intermediate area. Therefore, I am convinced that a relationship with the dead can take form in the intermediate area, and it should be grasped and understood in relation to the mourning process.
井藤 元
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.55, pp.173-187, 2009-03-31

The objective of this paper is to open up new possibilities for the reconstruction of Schiller's theory of aesthetic education. Scholars have praised Schiller's Aesthetic Letters (Über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen) ever since it was published. However, each analyst has produced a different interpretation. Not a few point out that it is inconsistent with itself. So in this study I attempt to interpret this book while addressing the alleged contradictions and attendant confusion. This paper rests on the premise that Schiller's theory of aesthetic education is unfinished because he offered no conclusion. On the assumption that Aesthetic Letters represents a fragmentary theory, I attempt to extract the essence of this theory, which in Aesthetic Letters is reconstructed by using Schiller's theory of the "Sublime" (Über das Erhabene ). I argue that his theory is a crucial complement to the theory in Aesthetic Letters. Only through an analysis of the Sublime can we properly elucidate his theory of aesthetic education. Through a systematic analysis, it thus becomes possible to open up new possibilities to interpret his aesthetic educational theory.