橋本 京子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.57, pp.489-502, 2011

This study investigates how students perceive self and the circumstances when writing a graduation thesis, and also the relationship between positive cognitions and mental health. Thirty-one university students who were writing graduation theses were administered a questionnaire six months before the deadline and again one month before it. Students perceived themselves more emotionally unbalanced and more incapable, but more positive about their attitudes concerning their graduation theses than their classmates did. To perceive themselves more optimistic, strong-willed, and emotionally balanced was negatively correlated with feelings of depression in writing a graduation thesis. With regard to cognition about circumstances, they were more aware of the deadline and the progress of the graduation thesis one month before the deadline, and such awareness correlated with feelings of depression. From the analysis of their free descriptions, both enjoyment and suffering in writing a graduation thesis were abstract six months before the deadline, and they got both enjoyment and suffering in the concrete process of writing a graduation thesis and giving meaning to the results of their research one month before the deadline. The enjoyment and suffering in writing a graduation thesis were inextricably linked with each other.
竹内 一真
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.57, pp.407-419, 2011-04-25

This study clarifies how the technical skills of expert are studied. Such skills of expert have been extensive studied from anthropology and folklore to pedagogy and business administration. But the approach, or the background, to these skills is very common. This study focuses on the common approach to the skill. Especially Legistimate Peripheral Participation (LPP) (Lave & Wenger, 1991) is unique and is used widely. This study shows how technical skill has been studied before and after LPP. Preceding it, technical skills were considered studies by cognitive scientists, especially researcher, in regard to expert systems. Cognitive scientists have tried making an expert machine mainly to use for interviews with experts. But experts can’t talk about their skills a lot. Experts practice actual interacting with the environment, not merely thinking about it. On the other hand, LPP has off ered a new perspective to “learning” by clarifying how learners participate in the “community of practice.” Under this approach, learners become masters through participation into the community. In LPP, learners develop to interact with the environment, with artifacts and with other persons. After LPP, some research remains to be focused on teachers, not on the learners in community of practice.
馬場 智子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.56, pp.71-83, 2010-03-31

The Thai government carried out an education opportunity expansion policy to establish the first a half of secondary education course in elementary schools in the '90s. It had an effective result, the quantitative expansion, but it became clear in regard to the equality of the result that there is a limit to learning. Moreover, there is the attendance percentage difference at the now local interval that succeeded in the quantitative expansion. For the cause of this difference, the lowness of the school attendance percentage of the indigenous Thai mountain people is discussed. In later years, the Thai government has began to recognize the indigenous Thai mountain people as Thai citizens and has undertaken policies to build an elementary school in a mountain village to carry out education for the Thai residents there. I am basing this report on a preceding study about the educational issues of the indigenous Thai mountain people and am intended to consider a necessary method to guarantee educational opportunities.
奥井 遼
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.58, pp.183-193, 2012

This paper proposes that the theory of phenomenology constructed by Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961) represents an effective method to analyze body-knowledge. In recent years, many educational researchers have paid attention to body-knowledge or tacit knowledge because it differs from intellectual knowledge, which modern educational studies have regarded as useful means to improve children's abilities in school. Those researchers who criticize learning by an intellectual method as "representationalism" regard learning through bodies, actions, or tasks as important for comprehensive education. However, to seek to means of sharing tacit knowledge among people, it is necessary to rely on language or the representation itself. To a complex relationship between actions and representations, I take the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty. In response to Saussure's initial insight, Merleau-Ponty claims that meaning of words arises not through concepts that pre-exist in language but through language as a system of differences. For Merleau-Ponty, there is no meaning before the speakers start to speak, just a "silence." The meaning emerges from the paradoxical relation between existing and not-yet-expressed meaning, through the expressive field situated between speakers, signs, and prior language use and current speech; all of these things are anchored by bodily intentionality ("l'intentionalité corporelle"). In light of this view of Merleau-Ponty, we can consider how we could express body-knowledge apart from the representational use of language.
河野 一紀
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.57, pp.181-194, 2011-04-25

This paper considers the transition in Lacan’s theory of signifier from meaning to jouissance in his consideration of the Oedipus complex. At first, Lacan reconceptualized the Saussurian concept of signifier in his own manner, in which the nature of signifier was related to the Freudian phallus, which played the crucial role in the Oedipus complex. Later, Lacan clearly distinguishes the Oedipus complex from castration, which led to consideration of the origin of signifier in relation to jouissance. This introduced an entirely new relationship between the Symbolic and the Real, and the essential ambiguity of signifier is then doubled. -On the one hand, it stems from the gap in meaning, that is, between signifier and signified, and on the other, the gap in speaking itself, that is, between signifier and jouissance. From these consequences, two clinical concepts are reconsidered: interpretation and transference. Moreover, this primitive mode of language in subject is termed lalangue, and this concept evidently shows Lacan’s rejection of all other linguistics.
桐村 豪文
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.58, pp.101-113, 2012-04-27

It may be true that improving student outcomes is the ultimate purpose of all educational policymakers and educational researchers. Improving the effectiveness of the intervention, which involves an educational program, a product, a practice, or a policy aimed at improving student outcomes is a typical purpose to be accomplished. However, it should be noted that this study addressed the question "how and why can you say that intervention X caused the outcome Y?" or "what gives assurance that intervention X caused the outcome Y?" and not "did intervention X cause the outcome Y?" That is, the purpose of this study was not to discuss the effectiveness itself but pave the way for discussing the effectiveness. The target of this paper is the methodology used in the Comprehensive School Reform Quality Center report, which evaluated and rated the effectiveness of models used by the schools in the Comprehensive School Reform program. The characteristic of the methodology is a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT), which is the "gold standard" for evidence-based policies in the USA. This paper demonstrates why the methodology is superior to the econometric methodology based on the theory of Cartwright.
山本 良子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.53, pp.273-285, 2007

本研究では,他者に悪い事象が生じるネガティブ状況に 限定し,その状況下で"非当事者"に,理論上想定されている"共感的苦痛"と"シャ-デンフロイデ"の両情動が実際に経験されているのかどうか,また,経験されている場合,どのように経験されているのか,その情動経験の詳細について把握することを主な目的とした。
中村 夕衣
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.54, pp.331-344, 2008

A prevalent and important problem existed regarding the students indifference to learn at the universities. Allan Bloom discussed this problem in The Closing of the American Mind in 1987. Focused on his ideas, we studied this problem. He found that the indifference of his students was caused by two things. On the one hand, they had lost their standard to interpret things, for the power of convention had declined. Therefore they needed to try to create values themselves to be committed. On the other hand, they were inclined to be open to every value, lifestyle, and culture. Bloom pointed out that it had been the only moral postulate that they had believed in. They tended to refuse to judge the values of others. Bloom saw the idea of relativism in their attitudes. He thought that both the causes were the obstacles in their quest for knowledge and certitude. He discussed the relation between this problem and the falling of Eros, which could compel a student to long for perfection. We will see the background of the indifference of the students as the falling of Eros in the present day.
高橋 菜穂子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.58, pp.369-381, 2012-04-27

This qualitative study was performed to examine residential child care workers' interpretations of their roles in collaboration with child welfare centers and children's schools, and to examine workers' difficulties in cooperation with other agencies. Semi-structured interviews were conducted among 8 Children's home workers. The data showed that workers feel that their role is to act as mediators of social resources and the child, and that it is their responsibility to ensure soft and flexible communication between social resources compared with social workers or teachers. The workers are skilled in supporting children in their transitions between different settings and services. On the other hand, workers sometimes feel a lack of shared information and tension between other agencies. In such situations, they draw lines of their responsibilities on child protection and try to exclude communication with other agencies. Collaboration with other agencies requires that workers build a foundation of close communication with others and can work effectively across boundaries to support children.
加藤 のぞみ
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.58, pp.327-339, 2012-04-27

This study considers how mothers of children with mental retardation waver through bringing up and living with their children. The participants in this study were eight mothers whose children had intellectual disabilities, including autistic disorder, and were registered at special support education schools. The data collected were based on semi-structured interviews and reports in which the participants recorded impressive communication of a day. The interview was conducted twice per a participant. The data were analyzed using the Modified Grounded Theory Approach. The resalts indicated that the mothers acquired affirmative maternal feelings through attempts to sense the distance with their child, and through the growth of mothers and children. As a result, the mother-child relationship became stable and they could maintain a flexible relation with their child. Moreover, this will lead to taking steps forward in the life of the child and the mother will provide the room for their own life again.
田中 久美子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.58, pp.315-325, 2012-04-27

Hearing impaired clients tend not to participate in psychotherapy, and those who do often aren't fully understood their psychic world. Particularly in Japan, there are insufficient psychological supports and few clinical psychological studies have been performed for the hearing impaired. Generally people who have lost their hearing at some point in their life can communicate somewhat using vocal language, but hearing impaired from birth can't. Psychotherapy in latter group is thought to be impossible. It may initially seem that they can't communicate with clinicians, but mutual exchange may occur if clinicians are able to use sign language. People with hearing impairment have the right to receive sufficient communications, and clinicians should be aware of the necessity of sign language. Ideally, we can use sign language, but it may take long time to master. Therefore, we must at least recognize that it is important to involve interpreters with sign language, but they tend to be troubled with many points between clients and therapists.
齋藤 桂
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.54, pp.359-370, 2008-03-31

Owing to the advancement of globalization, many countries' population has changed. Language minority students (LM3) represent a large and growing school age population in the United States, and they fail disproportionately when compared to white students. The improvement of these students' academic achievement is the key concept under the new federal education law. This paper analyses the education for LMS through its illustration in San Francisco Unified School District under the implementation and impact of The Federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). This law is a reorganization of the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and designed to help educating LM3 in schools all over the United States. The redesign of the 1965 Act had many issues to deal with. They related to education autonomy of the states, local school districts j and individual students and parents. This paper examines how the school district and schools attempt to overcome these issues and address to close the achievement gap for students with limited English proficiency under NCLB, by studying a case of the practice of Language and Literacy Assessment Rubric (LALAR) in San Francisco Unified School District in California.