東島 仁
人文学報 (ISSN:04490274)
no.100, pp.129-144, 2011

近年,心・行動の生物学的な基盤を遺伝子の働きや遺伝情報を手掛かりに探る心・行動の生命科学が,急成長を続けている。その進展には,公共の福祉への大きな貢献と同時に,多くの社会・倫理的な課題が伴うことは人類の歴史から明らかである。本稿では,心・行動の生命科学の研究領域で世界的な注目を集め,今や100名に1人が持つとも言われる自閉症スペクトラム障害に着目し,関連領域の学術的な発展に伴う障害概念の変遷と,社会的影響を論ずる。自閉症スペクトラム障害概念、が形成される道のりは,医学的な症例研究に端を発した心・行動の生命科学研究における自閉症スペクトラム障害領域の発展と展開,そして社会との関わりの歴史である。本論では,まず自閉症スペクトラム障害を取り巻く世界,そして我が国の社会的な状況を概観する。次に,医学や生命科学が科学表象の産出を通じて該当概念、を形作る歴史的な流れを振り返る。そして,生命科学によって自閉症スペクトラム障害の生物学的な基盤が解明され,様々な技術が開発される過程で現代社会にもたらされつつある課題を考察する。There has been no greater task for the life sciences than elucidating the biological bases of mind & behavior. Science has made significant contributions to human welfare,but history shows that the rapid and overwelming advancement of research into mind & behavior have been accompanied by various social and ethical implications for human society. This article explores a historical change,the recent development of an important disease concept - autism spectrum disorders (ASD) - in genetic and genomic research of human mind & behavior. It then considers the ethical and social implications of this change in modern society. ASD is a group of neurodevelopmental disorders that is currently diagnosed by the observation of core behavioral symptoms. The prevalence of ASD is almost one in100. In this paper,I first try to describe the social and scientific context ASD, both in the past and present. 1 then examined some social and ethical issues resulting from representations and technologies that have,or will have emerged from the advancement of research in genetic and genomic aspects of ASD.
宇佐美 文理
東方學報 (ISSN:03042448)
vol.69, pp.205-245, 1997-03-31

p.207, p.214, p.217は図版のため公開していません
宮宅 潔
東方學報 (ISSN:03042448)
vol.87, pp.1-52, 2012-12-10

In the bamboo manuscripts unearthed from the Zhangjiashan 張家山 Han tomb, the term geng 更 denotes the work shift of state laborers. For instance, wu geng 五更(five geng) means engaging in official labor in five shifts, and geng liqie更隷妾 means a female penal laborer who worked by rotation. The antonym of geng is rong 冗, which means being engaged in a specific official task at frequent but irregular intervals, outside of the rotation system. Interestingly, the Zhangjiashan bamboo strips tell us that not only short-term state laborers drawn among the common population but also lower officials (scribes 史, diviners of scapulimancy 卜, oracles 祝, etc.), and elder officials attended to their work by rotation. According to the Shuihudi 睡虎地bamboo strips, the head of a low-level department in a county (xian 縣) office of the Qin empire was called sefu 嗇夫. Under the sefu, there were subordinates, the zuo佐and shi 史. In the Shuihudi materials, we find the phrase, zuo shi rong zhe佐史冗者(zuo and shi who worked outside of the rotation system). It follows that some public servants at the zuo/shi level were on duty by rotation and worked only several months per year. On the other hand, there is no indication that officials at levels higher than sefu worked by rotation. Most sefu were paid 100 bushels (bai dan 百石) annually or more. Officials at this level were called youzhi 有秩. One salary grade below youzhi was doushi 斗食, which appears as a specific standard of annual reward in the salary scale of the Latter Han dynasty in Hou Hanshu 後漢書. However, this was originally a category of daily food supply for state laborers, and meant to receive one dou 斗 of grain each day. It is, therefore, supposed that official servants at the doushi rank were rewarded according to the number of days on duty in earlier times, but came to receive a fixed annual salary by the second half of the Former Han at the latest. By contrast, youzhi officials had already received a fixed amount of annual salary, which the word zhi 秩 originally meant, during 538 the Qin. The above facts indicate that in the era of the Shuihudi and Zhangjiashan strips, some public servants at the zou/shi level attended to their work by rotation, and were paid according to the number of days on duty. In this respect, they were not substantially different from state laborers, or punitive laborers, even though the amount of daily pay each received, and other working conditions were not the same. Yet essential differences existed between youzhi and doushi. Officials at the rank of doushi or below had characteristics between those of guan 官(public servants) and min 民(commoners). Over time, doushi became a specific rank of annual salary, included into the category of youzhi. At the same time, evidence suggesting that zou/shi officials worked by rotation disappeared from historical sources. We can thus say that the bottom of bureaucratic hierarchy fluctuated over time, and the lowest class of official servants were formed through incorporating state laborers into the sphere of bureaucrats. In this sense, there was not a deep gap between guan and min, as both sides were linked with each other in a series of gradations.
森村 謙一
東方学報 (ISSN:03042448)
vol.84, pp.280-210, 2009-03

Author has been studying the history of 本草學 BenCaoXue (Pharmacognocy in East). On this time, the medicinal property of materials was thoroughly interpreted with two points of View. One was the decipherment of descriptions on original text; the other was the collection of modern pharmacological information. The original texts with which the old descriptions were examined are mainly ≪神農本草轎經集注 Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing Ji Zhu≫ in A. D. 5 and ≪新修本草 Xin Xiu Ben Cao≫ in A. D. 7. The letters from which picked up the names of materials are ≪五行大義 Wu Xing Da Yi≫, ≪黄帝内經太秦 Huang Di Nei Jing Tai Su≫ and ≪醫心方 Yi Xin Fang≫. The data gained from both sides above mentioned have filled up in each domain, but reciprocal verifications have not been done sufficiently until now, accordingly, the principle in the investigations of this paper was the minute comparison and verification between above two data. This time about 130 species of materials were adopted, many of which belong to the plant, but specific animals and minerals were also examined in scores respectively. Those materials have been very popular crud drags in the history of Asia and Orient. At that time, those materials had been connected each other with a thinking-model (五行 Wu Xing), for example: 五行(Origin) ; 木Wood 火Fire 土Earth 金Metal 水Water : 五穀(Cereals) ; 麻Hemp 粟Millet 麥Barley 米Rice 大豆Soybean : 五果(Fruits) ; 李Plum 杏apricot 棗Jujube 桃Peach 栗Chestnut : 五畜(Domestics) ; 犬Dog 羊Sheep 牛Cattle 鶏Chicken 彘Pig : 五石((Minerals) ; 曾靑Malachite 雄黄Orpiment 玉Jewel 金Gold 赤石脂Kaolin. (1) Habitats i. Plant-articles abound in 華中HuaZhong (The Yangtze valley), 華北HuaBei (The reaches of the Yellow River). A lot of the plants had been imported from South (India ~ Indo-china) and West (Central-Asia ~ Arabia ~ Africa). ii. Animal-articles inhabit in 華中 and 華南 (HuaNan・The south-east of China). iii. Mineral-articles yielded in the area 華北, 華中~ The west-China. (2) Efficacies i. General-feature・Exceedingly abundant technical-terms had been used on diseases and symptoms. This time exhaustive arrangement on them were carried out, all the Articles were classified into 14 categories according to their proper efficacy. Categories were decided on the human body system, for example: 消化器系 The digestive system, 呼吸器系 The respiratory system, and so on. The results of the classification were made up into Table 2 (5 sheets).
小野 達哉
東方學報 (ISSN:03042448)
vol.86, pp.169-199, 2011-08-31

The Qing 淸 government often announced that it transferred han 漢 elite officials from central posts (han-lin-guany 翰林官 and ke-dao-guan科道官) to local posts (dao-yuan 道員) on a large scale in shun-zhi 順治 era. This also included that they could return to high ranking central officials (jing-tang 京堂) after their experiences as local officials. This article calls it nei-wai-hu-yong 內外互用. Such a personal transfer aimed at making the new elite course and overthrowing the former custom of promotions. 748 On the other hand, nei-sheng-wai-zhuan 內陞外轉was the former promotion course of han漢elite officials. This system promoted a few han elite officials from ke-dao-guan to jing-tang 京堂 or dao-yuan 道員 annually. For this reason, there was a conflict over official posts between nei-wai-hu-yong and nei-sheng-gai-zhuan. This article researches whether the personal transfer through nei-wai-hu-yong could achieve its aim or not. The essence is as follows. When nei-wai-hu-yong was carried out, it shocked han elite officials very much. They feared that this personal transfer meant dropping out from elite course. In fact, although the Qing government made effort to push nei-wai-hu-yong, real use of personnel appointment tended to preserve former nei-sheng-gai-zhuan. Comparing nei-wai-huyong with nei-sheng-gai-zhuan, nei-sheng-gai-zhuan was given good treatmentobviously. Even rules of personnel appointment ordered that ke-dao-guan of neisheng- gai-zhuan took priority over officials of nei-wai-hu-yong in personnel appointment. Officials of nei-wai-hu-yong were made to stand in disadvantageous situation clearly. These viewpoints show firm stability of han officialʼs elite course. Each official post was given proper rank for each han officialʼs situation, and he was promoted to proper official post for his situation. Preserving such a personnel appointment was shared by han officials as norm, and it supported stability of bureaucratic organization. Han officialʼs norm for personnel appointment decided whether the policy of personal transfer succeeded or not.
吉村 智博
人文學報 = The Zinbun Gakuhō : Journal of Humanities (ISSN:04490274)
vol.100, pp.113-127, 2011-03


1 0 0 0 OA 壺型の宇宙

小南 一郎
東方學報 (ISSN:03042448)
vol.61, pp.165-221, 1989-03-31
山室 信一
人文學報 = The Zinbun Gakuhō : Journal of Humanities (ISSN:04490274)
vol.101, pp.63-80, 2011-03

1895年から1945年の敗戦に至るまでの日本は, 日本列島弧だけによって成立していたわけではない。それは本国といくっかの植民地をそれぞれに異なった法域として結合するという国制を採ることによって形成されていったが, そこでは権利と義務が差異化されることで統合が図られていった。こうした日本帝国の特質を明確化するために, 国民帝国という概念を提起する。国民帝国という概念には, 第1に国民国家と植民地帝国という二つの次元があり, それが一体化されたものであること, しかしながら, 第2にまさにそうした異なった二つの次元から成り立っているという理由において, 国民帝国は複雑に絡み合った法的状態にならざるをえず, そのために国民国家としても植民地帝国としてもそれぞれが矛盾し, 拮抗する事態から逃れられなかった事実の諸相を摘出した。その考察を通じて, 総体としての国民帝国・日本の歴史的特質の一面を明らかにする。 The Meiji state's experience of forming a nation state affected its possession of colonies and also the changes that accompanied the Meiji state's becoming a colonial empire. In this paper, I will employ the concept of nation—empire for the purpose of clarifying the character of Japanese total empire. To do so, I wish first to emphasize that the concept of nation—empire has two dimensions, for it is meant to incorporate both the nation state and the colonial empire. But my second point is that for precisely that reason, it contains tendencies that contradict the nation—empire itself.
林 巳奈夫
東方學報 (ISSN:03042448)
vol.41, pp.1-70, 1970-03-31
高階 絵里加
人文學報 = The Zinbun Gakuhō : Journal of Humanities (ISSN:04490274)
vol.101, pp.19-35, 2011-03

明治期の洋画家である高橋由一の油彩作品にっいては, 近年, その革新性のみならず, 江戸美術とのつながりにみられるような伝統的側面も研究されてきている。由一の風景画のなかでも, 明治14-5年ごろの制作とされる《山形市街図》は, 同構図の写真との影響関係から, 従来, 伝統的風景表現を脱した写実的絵画とみなされてきた。本小論では, この《山形市街図》が, 写真にもとづきながらも, 遠近法の消失点に中心モティーフを置く独特の手法において, 江戸名所絵の伝統を踏襲していることを指摘する。また, 群童にはない空の表現や点景人物の加筆などの点においても, 広重のような江戸の浮世絵風景版画の描き方とのっながりが見られることを考察する。
森 時彦
東方學報 (ISSN:03042448)
vol.85, pp.595-616, 2010-03-25

Construction of cotton mills in Shanghai and Qingdao by Japanese spinning companies reached its peak in the first half of the 1920s. This monograph examines the historical background of such a strategic shift from product export to capital export which was promoted by Japanese spinning companies.

1 0 0 0 OA 王杖十簡

冨谷 至
東方學報 (ISSN:03042448)
vol.64, pp.61-113, 1992-03-31
高階 絵里加
人文学報 (ISSN:04490274)
no.101, pp.19-35, 2011

明治期の洋画家である高橋由一の油彩作品にっいては, 近年, その革新性のみならず, 江戸美術とのつながりにみられるような伝統的側面も研究されてきている。由一の風景画のなかでも, 明治14-5年ごろの制作とされる《山形市街図》は, 同構図の写真との影響関係から, 従来, 伝統的風景表現を脱した写実的絵画とみなされてきた。本小論では, この《山形市街図》が, 写真にもとづきながらも, 遠近法の消失点に中心モティーフを置く独特の手法において, 江戸名所絵の伝統を踏襲していることを指摘する。また, 群童にはない空の表現や点景人物の加筆などの点においても, 広重のような江戸の浮世絵風景版画の描き方とのっながりが見られることを考察する。In recent years, it has been pointed out by several scholars that the oil paintings by Takahashi Yuichi, one of the predecessors of Western-style painting in the Meiji era of Japan, have several traditional aspects as well as a visual radicality. Among his landscape paintings, the View of Yamagata City was probably painted after the photograph of the same composition and has been considered as a realistic painting devoid of any traditional elements. Despite its close relationship to the photograph, this paper reconsiders the View of Yamagata City as a landscape painted within the tradition of the Famous Views of Yedo, showing the same style which set the major motif on the vanishing point of perspective. Moreover, the expression of the sunset sky and the existence of small-scale people, which do not appear in the photograph are also reminiscent of landscape prints by Ukiyo-e painters such as Hiroshige.

1 0 0 0 IR 泥孰攷

稻葉 穰
東方学報 (ISSN:03042448)
vol.85, pp.692-674, 2010-03

The word Nezak and the appellations containing it are considered to be a clue for elucidating the complicated political circumstances of East Iran and Central Asia after the collapse of the Sasanian Empire. Two Chinese words have been assumed as transcriptions of Nezak, one of which is Na-sai and the other is Ni-shu. The validity of the identification of the latter with Nezak is discussed in this paper through the consideration of the way of composing titles and appellations in Pre-Islamic Central Asia together with the analysis of the political landscape of the western part of Central Asia in the 7th century. It is concluded that Ni shu and Nezak might be different transcriptions of the same word, which will help us to consider how the minor tribal groups and city-states had survived under the hegemony of powerful empires or confederations such as the Hephthalites and Western Turks.

1 0 0 0 OA 三教交渉論叢

麥谷 邦夫

参考・引用文献あり ; 英文タイトル,目次: 巻末
麥谷 邦夫

参考・引用文献あり ; 英文タイトル,目次: 巻末
山本 達也
人文学報 (ISSN:04490274)
no.98, pp.205-228, 2009

本論は,チベット難民が多く居住する北インドのダラムサラに訪れる観光客に焦点を当て,そこで観光客たちが見せる,一筋縄ではいかない多彩な視点や反応に着目する。それらを通して,観光客という存在やそれを取りまいてきた研究の前提を問い直すことを目的とするものである。ブーアスティンに始まり,マッカネルを経由してその議論が始まった1970年代以降数々の理論的進展を成し遂げてきた観光社会学,観光人類学に代表される旧来の観光研究は,観光客という存在や彼らの実践を考える際に,特に「真正性」という観点を軸として考察を展開してきた。こういった研究は,観光客という存在を,「真正性を求める」「真正性に興味がない」というふうにアプリオリに定義し,その前提をもとに,こういった研究は議論を展開していった。だが,観光客はこのように定義されるべきものなのであろうか。このように特定の視点を持ってのみ観光に臨むのであろうか。むしろ,観光客は多彩な視点を持って観光に臨んでいるし,また,現地での情報や出会いを通して,状況に応じて極めてアドホックに視点を変えていく存在なのではないだろうか。「真正性」を軸にしてアプリオリに定義された観光客像を持って議論を展開してきた旧来の諸研究は,その前提にはまらない観光客を捨象してしまい,また,現地で遭遇した出来事により「真正性」に対する視点を変更したり,その間で揺れ動くような状況が生じたりした観光客を考察することができていない。こういった研究が保持しているのは,西洋近代が提示してきた,同一性を前提とした主体観ではないだろうか。こういった視点を保持するよりも,我々は,観光客をもっと開かれた視点から考察する必要があるだろう。本論が提示する事例は,旧来の研究がアプリオリに設定していた観光客という存在に再考を迫るものである。This paper explores different viewpoints and reactions from guests who visit at Dharamsala in North India where a vast majority of Tibetan refugee are living. Based on this case study, this paper reconsiders the premise of previous studies about "the guest". Since the 1970's, numerous scholars have developed their studies of tourism on a certain premise of 'the authenticity'. They have treated "the guest" and "the tourist" as either "those who desires the authenticity in tourism" or "those who are indifferent to the authenticity in tourism". Those earlier studies therefore have regarded them simply as the premised categories. However, I question the validity of such premises in previous studies, by asking if we can define them in advance, and if they actually enjoy a tour in such a simply perspective. This paper argues that guests and tourists approach their tourism with diverse interests and viewpoints. The tourists can change their perspectives when they learn some critical information or they come across someone who can significantly affect their thought on 'the authenticity'. In essence, this case study criticizes the previous studies on the tourism and reconsiders their premise on guests and tourists.