藤井 正人
人文学報 = Journal of humanities (ISSN:04490274)
no.115, pp.51-105, 2020

ウパニシャッドは, 古代インドの宗教儀礼文献であるヴェーダの中に現れた一群の哲学書である。その最古のものと考えられるのが, 本稿で取り上げる『ジャイミニーヤ・ウパニシャッド・ブラーフマナ』(Jaiminīya-Upanisad-Brāhmana [JUB])である。ヴェーダ祭式の歌詠部門(サーマ・ヴェーダ)に所属するジャイミニーヤ派の文献として, 祭式歌詠(サーマン)に関する哲学的な思弁を主な内容としている。JUBは, 先行するブラーフマナ文献のように個々の祭式や歌詠を具体的に記述することはほとんどなく, 祭式や歌詠をめぐって, あるいはそれらを離れて, 再生説を含むさまざまな哲学的思弁を展開している。同じくサーマ・ヴェーダ所属のカウトゥマ・ラーナーヤニーヤ派の『チャーンドーギヤ・ウパニシャッド』と, テキストと内容において近い関係にある。ジャイミニイヤ派内ではウパニシャッドとして扱われているが, ヴェーダの学派伝統の外にあってウパニシャッドを聖典として奉じる後世のヴェーダーンタ学派からは, 『ケーナ・ウパニシャッド』の部分(JUB 4.10.1–4 [4.18–21])を除いてウパニシャッドとは見なされなかった。この文献がヴェーダの文献成立史の中で最初のウパニシャッドとしてどのように生まれてきたか, その誕生の全体像を描くことが本稿の目的である。そのために, 以下の論点について順に考察していく。1. この文献は何を中心テーマとしているのか。2. それ以前の文献ではその中心テーマは扱われていたのか, いなかったのか。3. この文献がそれを中心テーマとする背景はなにか。4. この文献はその中心テーマからどのような思想を展開したのか。5. この文献を作り出したのがなぜこの学派(ジャイミニーヤ派)であったのか。6. この文献を最初のウパニシャッドと見なしうる根拠は何か。The Upanis. ads are philosophical texts produced in the Veda, a huge complex of ancient Indian ritual texts. The Jaiminīya-Upanis. ad-Brāhman. a [JUB] is the earliest of the texts which were produced as Upanis. ads in the history of Vedic literature. The JUB as a text belonging to the Jaiminīya school of the Sāmaveda, `the knowledge (veda) of sacred ritual chants (sāman)' has philosophical speculations about the ritual chants as its main contents. Unlike the preceding Brāhman. a texts, this text does not describe the details of the rituals and chants, but extends various philosophies including rebirth theories, in connection with, or apart from, the ritual and chants. It has a close relationship in texts and contents with the Chāndogya-Upanis. ad belonging to the Kauthuma-Rān. āyanīya school of the Sāmaveda. Though the JUB has been treated as an Upanis. ad inside the Jaiminīya school, it has not been acknowledged to be an Upanis. ad proper by the Vedāntins who, being outside the Vedic schools, worship the Upanis. ads as their highest authority, with the exception of the Kena-Upanis. ad portion (JUB 4.10.1–4 [4.18–21]). The purpose of this article is to elucidate the overall picture of the birth of the JUB as the first Upanis. ad in the history of Vedic texts. For this purpose, the following points will be discussed: 1. What is the main theme of the JUB? 2. Is the main theme of the JUB treated in its proceeding texts or not? 3. What is the background for the main theme of the JUB? 4. What kind of philosophies does the JUB develop from the main theme? 5. Why did the Jaiminīya school, not other schools, produce the JUB? 6. What are the gounds and criteria for judging the JUB as the first Upanis. ad?
船山 徹
東方學報 = The tôhô gakuhô : journal of oriental studies (ISSN:03042448)
vol.95, pp.522-402, 2020-12-25

This is the world's first attempt to explore the significance of the lost Chinese Buddhist text entitled Chu yao lü yi 出要律儀"Clarification of the Essence of Regulations in the Buddhist Monastic Code, " by exhaustively collecting its fragmentary quotations in later times (ninety-five passages in all) accompanied by Japanese translation and philological notes, and by comprehensive evaluation of the Chu yao lü yi as well. The present article has reached the following conclusions : The Chu yao lü yi was compiled in the early sixth century in the Liang dynasty 梁, and immediately cited in the fascicle three of the Fan fanyü ;翻梵語 "Translations of Indic Terms" arguably ascribed to the monk Baochang 寶唱(d. u.) in the Liang. The Chu yao lü yi was most probably consists of the two sections ; namely, literal quotations of the Chinese Buddhist translations of the monastic code (vinaya) as Major Section and the explanation of Buddhist terms which is called "Yin yi 音義(Pronunciations and Meanings of Words)" as Minor Section. All the fragmentary quotations recorded in the present article belong to the "Yin yi" section. The Yin yi section includes five kinds of information : 1 entry word ; 2 old translations and phonetic transcription prior to Kumārajīva 鳩摩羅什(ca. 350-409) ; 3 explanation by "specialist of monastic code (chi lü zhe持律者)" ; 4 explanation by "linguist (sheng lun zhe 聲論者, i. e., Chinese scholar-monk on the Sanskrit)" ; and explanation by "foreign monk (hu seng 胡僧)." It is noteworthy that phonetic transcriptions of Sanskrit words shown by the linguist are sometimes incorrect. The Yin yi section is highly valued as the linguistic explanation of Buddhist terms in the early sixth century prior to what is called Yiqie jing yin yi一切經音義"Pronunciations and Meanings [of Buddhist terms] in the Whole Canon" such as that of Xuan'ying玄應(the mid-sixth centurury). The Yin yi of the Chu yao lü yi are not free from ambiguity about the exact correspondence between Sanskrit and Chinese phonemes, and about the distinction between short and long vowels in Sanskrit, as well as other points. Further, the text is not equipped with systematic treatment regarding the notation of Skt. consonant cluster such as pra-, -tra, and sma. It is indeed true that the linguistic aspect of the Chu yao lü yi is far from satisfactory, but the composition of the Yin yi in a transitional period brought Chinese Buddhist linguistics to the ground-breaking production of comprehensive Yin yi texts called Yiqie jing yin yi in the late sixth century and thereafter.

1 0 0 0 IR 王杖十簡

冨谷 至
東方学報 (ISSN:03042448)
no.64, pp.p61-113, 1992-03
外村 中
東方学報 = Journal of Oriental studies (ISSN:03042448)
vol.93, pp.280-205, 2018-12

The Buddha-avatamsaka-sūtra (also : Avatamsaka-sūtra or Flower Adornment Sutra) with the teaching about Buddha Vairocana is thought to have been compiled in Northwestern India or Central Asia by the end of the 4th century CE at the latest. At present there is no complete version of the original Sanskrit sutra available. On the other hand, two full versions of Chinese translations are still extant : one is the so-called 60 fascicle Huayanjing made in the 5th century CE and the other is the so-called 80 fascicle Huayanjing in the 7th century CE. In East Asia, the Buddha-avatamsaka-sūtra has been considered as one of the most fundamental Mahāyāna sutras. However, due to the fact that the essential information is extremely fragmented and dispersed over the pages of the long texts, up to the present the two Chinese versions' contents concerning the buddha body and the universe have not been clearly understood by modern scholars yet. In order to establish a working basis for comparative discussion in the fields of history of science, arts and culture as well as religious studies, relevant fragments of information were extracted from both versions, organized and analyzed for this paper, coming to the following result : Concerning the issues, the basic idea of the Buddha-avatamsaka-sūtra apparently was established around the beginning of the second century CE or earlier. The original Sanskrit sutra seems to have been the earliest Mahāyāna scripture that explained an idea of a full picture of the universe in relation to the twofold buddha body. The sutra showed that the dharma body, which embodies the human buddha body, pervades the whole space of the universe. It also described the universe as following : 1) existing as one, 2) having limitless space, 3) having limitless time, 4) having no absolute center (=Buddha Vairocana is preaching not at the center of the universe), 5) being pure, 6) including even the inside of the atmosphere of a planet (=a world with Mt. Sumeru), and 7) really existing as a whole. However, for the 5th century CE version, the issue listed under no. 4) was obviously not translated literally, but intentionally edited to propagate the idea that the universe has an absolute center, where there is a cosmic lotus flower, on which Buddha Vairocana is turning the wheel of the dharma. That being so, it could be said that the 60 fascicle Huayanjing should not be considered as a mere translation but rather understood as a sutra, that was newly created in East Asia with a particular agenda. This new interpretation and possibility would have to be taken into account, especially when analyzing works of East Asian Buddhist art with respect to cosmological context.
黛 友明
人文學報 = The Zinbun Gakuhō : Journal of Humanities (ISSN:04490274)
no.113, pp.71-90, 2019-04-25

本稿では, 高取正男の思想のなかでも, 村落共同体に対する認識と「ワタクシ」という概念に注目し検討した。高取のいう「ワタクシ」とは, 「近代的自我の成立する以前に存在した個人意識」のことである。ヨーロッパの個人主義が, 個室に代表されるのに対して, 私の茶碗, 私の枕というように, 日本においてはモノとの関係において顕著にみられるとともに, 禁忌(タブー)や儀礼という形でしか現れてこないものという点に特徴があるという。高取は, 1950年代から, 村落共同体を, 狩猟採集民や村を訪れる人(神)と関連させることで, 歴史的展開をつかむ枠組みを模索していた。その特徴は, 村落共同体の脆弱性という認識をベースとして, 災害や飢饉があった時は共同体自体を維持するために弱者を切り捨てる, 非情なシステムをも有していると見なしたことにある。このような村落共同体に対する冷徹な認識は, 岩波講座『日本歴史』に収録された「日本史研究と民俗学」(1976年)以降, 「米作り」が, 自立した農民を登場させる一方で, 半定住にとどまらざるを得ない「農業補助者」を再生産する「二重構造」(「本源的二重構造」)を持つと総括されはじめる。そして, これが, 差別をはじめとする日本という社会の諸問題の根源だと位置付けた。しかし, 高取は村落共同体の不安定性を単に封建制度の残存で克服されるべき悪弊と批判する姿勢とは明確に距離を置いていた。「ワタクシ」への注目はそのことを端的に示している。盆の無縁仏や門付けへの施しを, 飢饉における加害の経験と結びつけ, 生き残ったものの「贖罪」行為として理解し, また, 村落共同体から離脱していく人びとを, 「ワタクシ」の暴発と捉え, 丹念にその心性に分け入ることも忘れなかったのである。
永田 英正
東方學報 (ISSN:03042448)
vol.41, pp.157-196, 1970-03-31
川島 浩平
人文学報 (ISSN:04490274)
no.100, pp.77-112, 2011

「黒人は固有の運動能力を有する」という意味での「黒人身体能力神話」を研究の対象とするにあたって,次の二つの立場を措定することがで、きる。第一は,「神話」の浸透を国際的な広がりをもつ現象として捉え,その起源と形成・普及の過程をグローパルな視点から解明しようとする立場である。第二は,「神話」の浸透におけるすぐれて日本的な状況に注目する立場である。ここで問われるべきは,「神話」の歴史性や時代的文脈におけるその性質であると同時に,否それ以上に,「量的」あるいは「比率的」な展開のありかたである。すなわち,グローパルな水準に照らし,「なぜ日本において,かくも無批判に『神話』が受容されるのか」である。本論は第二の立場に立ち,「神話」の日本における受容の過程を,「人種」/「黒人」という言葉・概念との遭遇とその習得を中心に解明することを目的とする。具体的な構成は以下の通りである。まず第一節にて,「黒人」,「身体能力」,「神話」などの主要概念に定義を与え,文献調査や意識調査の結果を紹介し,日米間の神話に対する意識や態度の差異の度合を明らかにする。第二節では,研究調査の方法論を詳述する。特に,アンケートと聞き取りの結果に基づいて設定した神話受容の過程を解明するために検討すべき4つの経験領域(1 実際の「黒人」との遭遇,2. 「人種」や「黒人」という言葉・概念との遭遇とその習得,3. これらの言葉・概念の公的教育カリキュラムによる学習. 4. 「神話」を支持するに至った契機と体験)の説明に力点を置く。第三節では,第一の経験領域に関してすでに発表した主要な分析結果を報告し,第四節では,第二の経験領域に関して具体的な分析を行う。最後にこの分析に続く作業を展望し,本研究調査の意義を指摘する。
向井 佑介
東方学報 = Journal of Oriental studies (ISSN:03042448)
vol.88, pp.81-110, 2013-12

This paper will consider the Sinification of the Buddhist stupa, which originated in India, through an examination of archaeological findings, iconographic materials and written documents from early Chinese Buddhism. First, I examine how early Chinese Buddhist temples were planned, and how religious activities were practiced in there. The pagodas at that time were placed in the center of temples and played important role in religious activity. Recent excavation at the northern Wei temple on the western hill of the Yungang 雲岡 caves clarifies that the buildings of this temple consisted of a pagoda placed in a courtyard and a square-shaped monastery surrounding it. This finding indicates that this style of temple, which originated in the Gandharan vihara, was introduced into Chinese Buddhist temples by the late 5th century. In addition, investigation of the Siyuan-fosi 思遠佛寺 temple at Fangshan 方山and the Siyan-fotu 思燕佛圖 temple at Chaoyang 朝陽 proves that the inside of these pagodas were decorated with clay statuary and wall paintings. The inside of these decorated pagodas was a space for not only worship by believers but also meditation by monks, and through these religious practices they prayed for ascending to Tusita 兜率 heaven where Maitreya Bodhisattva 彌勒菩薩 was believed to live. Second, I discuss how people understood the cosmology of Chinese pagodas by fusing the Buddhist perspectives of the universe with traditional Chinese ideas about immortality and ascension. In China, Buddhist stupas were changed into many-storied tall buildings, on the top of which small stupas were placed. This change occurred because the Buddha was thought to be similar to Chinese immortals, and pagodas were built on the model of the tall buildings on which immortals were deified. The objects called Lupan 露盤 on the top of pagodas symbolize the Chinese traditional idea of immortals, as the origin of this term lies not in Buddhist literatures but derives from the word Chenglupan 承露盤, dew basins on the top of the tall buildings for immortals. On the other hand, pagodas, at that time, were sometimes united with Mt. Sumeru 須彌山, and people desired to ascend to Tushita heaven of Maitreya Bodhisattva through this mythic mountain. Connecting heaven and earth, pagodas embodied ideas about immortality and ascension, and increased peoples' belief in them.
向井 佑介
東方学報 (ISSN:03042448)
vol.85, pp.133-177, 2010-03

In the last few decades, a considerable number of tombs were discovered and our knowledge about the mortuary system in the Northern Wei 北魏 Period has rapidly deepened. The transformation of mortuary system in the 5th century reflects not only the Sinification process of the Tuoba Xianbei 拓跋鮮卑 but also intercultural conflict between agricultural and nomadic traditions. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the Sinification process of nomads analyzing the transformation of burial structure and customs in the 5th century. First, I re-examined chronological framework of potteries unearthed from the tombs in the southern suburbs of Datong 大同 and concluded it to be right for the most part. According to the Sinification process of the Tuoba Xianbei, crafting technique of potteries was improved in stages, especially in the late 5th century. Secondly, the burial structure must have been variable according to the status or wealth of its owners. Since early part of the Northern Wei period, a small group of the aristocracy had already been buried in the brick-chambered tombs, such as the tombs at Meidai Village 美岱村 and the mural tomb at Shaling Village 沙嶺村. The brick chamber tombs with curvy-side square plan and pyramidal ceiling were rapidly diffused as the upper-class burials in the late 5th century, while the pit-style or underground cave style burials with wooden coffins held the majority in the lower and middle class cemetery. The square-shaped chambers with terracotta figurines and funerary couches were prepared for its owners' next life. These things indicate that the new type of burial structure which had been diffused in the late 5 th century was attended by ideological changes on burials.
吉永 進一
人文學報 = The Zinbun Gakuhō : Journal of Humanities (ISSN:04490274)
vol.108, pp.123-125, 2015-12-30

特集 : 日本宗教史像の再構築 --トランスナショナルヒストリーを中心として-- ≪第III部 :神の声を聴く --カオダイ教, 道院, 大本教の神託比較研究--≫

1 0 0 0 OA 梁武の蓋天説

山田 慶兒
東方學報 (ISSN:03042448)
vol.48, pp.99-134, 1975-12-10
永岡 崇
人文学報 = Journal of humanities (ISSN:04490274)
no.107, pp.103-129, 2015

本稿は,漫画家・エッセイスト辛酸なめ子の諸作品を読み解くことを通じて,現代日本におけ る象徴天皇制やスピリチュアリティ文化と批判的に対峙する作法について思考するものである。 現在,天皇は非政治性を建前とした「象徴」として,またスピリチュアリティ文化は過酷な競 争社会を生きる現代人につかの間の「癒し」を提供するものとして,柔和で無害な相貌で存在しているようにみえる。だが,これらの文化/制度は,それを中心にして形成される「空気」のなかで,ときとして暴力性や抑圧性を露わにすることがある。このような暴力性・抑圧性に対 する批判は多いが,外部的な視点に立ったイデオロギー批判に代表される従来の批評的言語は, ポストモダンな天皇制やスピリチュアリティ文化を前に,有効性を喪失してしまっているように思われる。そのようななか,興味深い批評の言葉を創出しているのが,辛酸なめ子の作品である。なめ子は,作品のなかで,皇室やスピリチュアリティ文化を題材として積極的に取り上げ,それらを戯画化することでユーモラスな世界を創造する。彼女の手法として重要なのは, 第一に,皇室ファン,またスピリチュアリティ文化の愛好者として,つまり作品の題材となる 文化のインサイダーとして自己規定しながら,同時にアウトサイダーとしての視点をも導入す る姿勢であり,第二に,さまざまなジャンル(皇室,スピリチュアリティ,女子校文化,芸能 ゴシップなど) の間の境界線を混線させて笑いを生みだすスタイルである。そのことにより,なめ子の作品は天皇制やスピリチュアリティに内包される権威性や差別性を機能不全に陥らせることに成功している。それは,外部者の立場から"本当のこと"を突きつけるという批判のスタイルが通用しない領域が広がっているなか,天皇制やスピリチュアリティ文化を構成する「空気」に亀裂を入れる批評の言語の可能性を示すものといえるのではないだろうか。