春日 由香
国語科教育 (ISSN:02870479)
vol.69, pp.67-74, 2011-03-31 (Released:2017-07-10)

In this study, poetry pieces of 343 students were analyzed and considered with a focus on dialogue. The purpose of this study is to clarify and theorize the "story" in the classroom, connecting the knowledge situated in individual practice with the characteristics and functions of the Japanese language. I consider dialogue in teaching the creation of children's poetry as follows; Dialogue is the interaction with the object, the self-interaction or the interaction with a teacher and students, in the form of questions, answers, and tweets. In other words, teaching poetry writing consists of the conditioning of three types of relationships: between writer and object, between writer and self, and between writer and others. This paper reports on giving titles in poetry writing. It also seeks to clarify that a teacher of dialogue can enhance the world of words for students through five types of dialogue: (1) supplementary material, (2) praise, (3) images, (4) questions, and (5) devices.
菊野 雅之
国語科教育 (ISSN:02870479)
vol.65, pp.82-75, 2009-03-31 (Released:2017-07-10)

Up to now, when using "The death of Atsumori" as teaching material, the following has been overlooked. There was a samurai of the Kumagai house who renounced his position when grieving. On the other hand, another member of the Kumagai house promoted the procedure to recognize the honor of officially identifying a severed head. This appearance should be clarified. Another point is that in the textbook, the ending has been deleted ("even music and the arts can in the end can lead a man to praise the way of Buddha"), which has the potential for study in the original 'The Tale of Heike'. Moreover, the modernistic significance of classical education should consider study conditions that include the clarification of the modernism of the classics. Part of this significance is <otherness> in the classics. Acknowledging classics as a different existence for modern values is considered necessary in teaching material theory.
関口 貴之
国語科教育 (ISSN:02870479)
vol.69, pp.75-82, 2011-03-31 (Released:2017-07-10)

This study describes academic outlooks and their historical transition in Kanagawa Prefecture public high school entrance exam through analysis of achievement tests using the course of study and text format (continuous texts and non-continuous texts) and the following five processes: (retrieving information, formulating a broad general understanding, developing an interpretation, reflecting on and evaluating the content of a text, and reflecting on and evaluating the form of a text) in Reading Literacy of OECD/PISA. The research objects of this analysis are the achievement tests which were used for the Kanagawa Prefecture public high school entrance exam from 1957 through 2009. The following points were clarified through the result of this analysis: 1. Although the course of study should influence achievement tests directly, it has little influence on these tests. 2. Questions on reflecting on and evaluating and non-continuous text began to be used in recent years (after 2008). However, this represents a qualitative change rather than a change of form. 3. There have been notable changes after 1984 in particular, and almost the same questions are used. The opportunity represented by this change correlates to the opportunity of the qualitative change of an education-conscious society, which is clarified by the research of the sociology of education.
瀧口 美絵
国語科教育 (ISSN:02870479)
vol.70, pp.44-51, 2011-09-30 (Released:2017-07-10)

Kanji Hatano, a Japanese educational psychologist, sees the Nishimoto vs. Yamashita controversy about media education in Broadcasting Education of 1960 as an important issue for Japanese literacy instruction. In this paper, I examine Kanji Hatano's philosophy of media education. From the beginning, the Nishimoto vs. Yamashita controversy was not limited to Japanese literacy instruction, but concerned the whole area of education. Hatano participated in the controversy in 1961 by bringing it into the realm of Japanese language instruction. The point of the controversy is whether we should understand broadcasting as a supplement for content-area teaching or as an autonomous "artistic media," which is a matter of the positioning of broadcasting education. This point was analyzed and considered, and it clarified how Hatano understood the "new media" of TV and positioned it in Japanese language instruction.
笠原 美保子
国語科教育 (ISSN:02870479)
vol.65, pp.27-34, 2009

While many people see the need for communication education in Japan, communication education has not taken root in high school. The purpose of this study is to explore the reason why instruction in "speaking and listening" has not been established in Japanese high school. In this study, a national survey by questionnaire was conducted on 95 teachers in charge of "language expression" regarding the kind of teaching materials used, and the kind of lessons carried out. "Language expression" is defined as using half the lesson time for "speaking and listening". In practice however, only about 10% of the time is used for "speaking and listening", and the rest of the time is diverted to composition, study of Chinese characters (Kanji), the study of proverbs, and in extreme cases, word processor practice, or the study of Chinese literature. This shows that instruction in "speaking and listening" in high school Japanese class is easily diverted to other areas of instruction. The reason for this is due to the difficulty in carrying out instruction in "speaking and listening", and its weak connection with university entrance examinations.
竜田 徹
vol.83, pp.24-32, 2019
