丹生 裕一
国語科教育 (ISSN:02870479)
vol.61, pp.35-42, 2007-03-31 (Released:2017-07-10)

The National Literacy Strategy was introduced to primary schools in England in 1998/1999 when the subject, "English" was replaced by the "Literacy Hour." A file, Framework for Teaching, is a practical tool to help teachers to deliver the Literacy Hour. The Office of Standards in Education had noticed that teachers' weak subject knowledge restricted the effectiveness of receiving and practicing the objectives in the File. In order to find out how teachers with a good reputation were getting through, I carefully examined the data I collected in Lancashire where I visited in 2003. Mrs. Bernadette Wood was introduced by the Local Education Authority as the best teacher' for Literacy Hour in Lancashire. She was the head teacher and also a class teacher at a primary school. I found that she had adopted a significant amount of ideas from some documents in the Teaching Resources published by DfES. The point is that she had pierced a writer's view on the structure of the aimed ability that the contents were based upon. She also had set in some activities originally that stimulated pupils' emotions and had reconciled the interest with the result of a majority of the pupils achieving a higher level.
若木 常佳
vol.81, pp.32-40, 2017

<p>教師は,自分の内なる自己(「ゲシュタルト」)を教師にとって望ましい形で育成する必要がある。この目的のために,教師を養成し指導する機関はどうすればよいのか? この課題に対し,自己の内面を教師として望ましい姿に育て続けているY氏を対象として,Y氏の内面に構築された「思考様式」の形成過程を追究した。その結果,教師の養成と指導に3つの手掛かりを得た。1点めは,指導技術と教育観についての学修の順序に関すること,2点めは,教師(教師になろうとする者も含む)と教師教育者の両者が「ゲシュタルト形成に関わる成長史」について理解すること,3点めは,他者との関わりも含め,学修内容の相対化を意識させることである。</p>
幸田 国広
vol.78, pp.21-28, 2015

Over the years, the "appreciation" concept of Minoru Nishio has transformed, and while this study aims to discuss this concept, the term "appreciation" also needs to be analyzed historically from the national language perspective; thereby emphasizing prewar Japanese literature. Hence, I demonstrate a point in time wherein a transition concerning "independence of the appreciation" was determined. This transition was used as the grounds to allow the debating of literary education with Motoki Tokieda, which occurred before the educational practices of Shigeru Araki, particularly in a domain mainly comprising the literature education theory of Nishio by following the generation process of the "appreciation" concept from prewar days. During the prewar era, significant attention was paid to and debates were conducted on "the appreciation" in Japanese literature. Thus, demonstrating that the "appreciation" idea of Okazaki probably influenced this background, which promoted the discovery of the concept. "The appreciation" depicted the characteristics of the times, and it also was the term that strongly reflected the educational philosophy of each debater.
幸田 国広
vol.74, pp.14-21, 2013

This study explores the process of creating standard study material using the example of "Rashomon." "Rashomon" has been a best-seller since the 1970s, and its influence and popularity have significantly increased along with textbook revisions because of the revision in the curriculum. In related literature, research methods such as work theory and reading guidance note that "Rashomon" has maintained a constant position as a short story for one year of initial learning. Along with using literature classics as teaching material, it is important that textbook companies and educational bodies consider adopting literature classics as "standard study material." This study demonstrates the primary interdependencies between the different organizations involved in school curriculum design.
八木 雄一郎
国語科教育 (ISSN:02870479)
vol.61, pp.27-34, 2007-03-31

The Literary History installed into Japanese in 1902 has an important significance when one studies the formation process of the concept of Japanese classics in the history of Japanese language teaching. Therefore, this report focuses on the survey of 1898, which is the original form. And from the background of opposition in the investigation committees engaged in making of this survey, the point at issue in the establishment process of the Literary History concept is clarified. The opposition was between Kazutoshi Ueda and Yoshikata Konakamura. The cause of the opposition was that Ueda presented Japanese language teaching theory with an emphasis on modern language based on linguistics, whereas Konakamura presented Japanese language teaching theory with an emphasis on classical language based on National learning. As a conclusion, Ueda's theory was accepted. The writings after the Kinko Era (12c-16c) were handled in Reading, and the writings before Chuko era (8c-12c) were handled only in Literary History.