馬場 裕子 木竜 徹 山崎 健
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.45, no.1, pp.48-54, 2007 (Released:2008-06-05)

AIM: We investigated the differences in the occurrence of muscle fatigue depending on the contraction type and relationship between muscle fatigue and strength improvement with surface EMG (SEMG). In practice, for short-term resistance training, we studied a personally customized process for individuals. PROTOCOL: Sixteen healthy male subjects (21-23 yr-old) participated in this research. Squat exercise was preformed two times per week for six consecutive weeks. A one-day session consisted of three sets of 12 strokes. We measured the knee joint angle (KJA) with a flexibility goniometer and the muscle activity of the vastus lateralis with SEMG in each stroke of the squat exercise. Each stroke was divided into concentric and eccentric contractions referring to the KJA. SEMGs were evaluated using the average rectified value (ARV) and mean power frequency (MPF). RESULTS: For the eccentric contraction, muscular strength increased regardless of muscle fatigue. However, increasing muscular strength (r=0.49, p<0.10) correlated with the ratio of muscle fatigue occurrence for the concentric contraction. Focusing on the concentric contraction, we devised a personally customized process with the time-varying behavior of muscle fatigue. As a result, muscular strength improvement could be effectively evaluated using SEMGs.
岡田 志麻 藤原 義久 松浦 英文 安田 昌司 水貝 浩二郎 牧川 方昭 飯田 健夫
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.41, no.4, pp.493-497, 2003-12-10 (Released:2011-09-05)

Sleep is very important to keep our physical condition healthy. Many studies have been devoted to clarify the mechanism of sleep and to monitor the sleep all night. In this study, we paid attention to heart activity during sleep and have developed a nonrestraint monitoring method of heart activity using an acceleration sensor set inside the coverlet. This method is easy for the use of sleep monitoring at home in daily life. An acceleration sensor was set inside the coverlet as it opposing to subject's left chest. Subjects were asked to lie in supine position and the coverlet with an acceleration sensor was put on the subject. Mechanical vibration from heart activity expected to be carried to the acceleration sensor through the coverlet. As a result, periodic vibration was measured successfully and this vibration was proved to be in high correlation with the R wave of ECG in six subjects. The same results were obtained even in case of lying in right and left lateral decubitus position.
尾股 定夫 春田 峰雪
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.52, no.Supplement, pp.OS-62-OS-63, 2014 (Released:2014-10-04)

We developed a new cuff-less blood pressure measuring instrument using our phase shift technology. Using the new device we can continuously and noninvasively get information on the blood pressure per pulsation of the blood vessel. However the traditional medical device used in hospital or in our house is not able to measure continuously the blood pressure. Over the past many years, there have been numerous studies on cuff less blood pressure monitor, but a new medical device capable of detecting invasively blood pressure have not been developed. This study describes development of a new type of cuff-less blood pressure instrument which is designed to operate with an optical sensor.
酒井 拓哉 山崎 陽一 神山 斉己
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.52, no.Supplement, pp.O-430-O-431, 2014 (Released:2014-10-04)

Many non-invasive assessment techniques of arteriosclerosis have been proposed by assuming the blood vessels as the simple cylindrical tube. The arterial system is more complicated and can be described by a tree structure. However, previous assessment techniques do not take into account the spatial information of the arterial system. In this study, we propose a method in which the physical properties of whole arteries can be estimated from the observable states using Avolio's model. In order to evaluate whether or not the proposed method provides the precise information on the arterial tree, we made a simulation analysis with the simplified arterial model. The objective parameters and the observable state are Young's modulus and pulse wave velocity, respectively. The results showed the proposed method has an ability to estimate the spatial information. It is also suggested that we need a customized optimization technique for the objective information and the observable state.
青山 慎 山岸 隼 三宅 仁
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.53, no.Supplement, pp.S393-S395, 2015 (Released:2016-06-18)

The stress is classified roughly into the distress and the eustress. The method for distress reduction is to receive counseling. However more convenient stress evaluation system is needed. We focused on onomatopoeias. Relevance of them and stress was investigated. The first purpose of this study was to develop of simple evaluation system using onomatopoeias. The second was to evaluate the system and usefulness of onomatopoeias. Ten male subjects were participated in the experiment using the system for two weeks. After that, they answered the system evaluation test of 34 items in 5-stages. As the result, the average was 3.94. Therefore, the system evaluated as a high rate. However, the average of one evaluation item, "This system leads to distress reduction", was 2.8. This means that the system could not reduce subjects' distress. Thus, the system needs a more clear feedback that those users are in the distress state.
古山 明夫
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.53, no.Supplement, pp.S308-S308, 2015 (Released:2016-06-18)

厚生労働省は今後の医療体制を「病院から在宅へ」とその転換を進めている。そこで在宅医療を担う医療機関は、在宅医療機能の強化や24 時間体制への対応を求められている。在宅医療をさらに進めるためには、在宅医療を実施する在宅医、そして在宅医療に送り出す病院医などがより連携し、相互の理解をさらに深めると同時に、在宅における医療介護間の連携をより密にしなければならない。そこで、名古屋市医師会が展開しようとしている在宅医療・介護支援システムの構築や在宅医療・介護連携支援センターの設置は、切れ目のない医療連携を推進するために必要不可欠であり、また、ICTを活用した情報共有システムの導入は、在宅における医療と介護のサービスをより充実したものにするため、その意義は大きいものと考えられる。今回、名古屋市の委託事業として名古屋市医師会が中村区をフィールドとして実施した名古屋市在宅医療・介護連携推進事業の経験を報告する。
和田森 直 石原 康利
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.49, no.1, pp.220-225, 2011-02-10 (Released:2011-12-13)

A measurable depth of the blood glucose level by using photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) was discussed experimentally in order to improve detection sensitivity. Since a measurable depth of the PAS based on a modulation frequency of the chopped light irradiated to a sample, the relationship between modulation frequency and the thickness of a sample was evaluated. In our experiments, the photoacoustic detector consisted of an acoustic resonant pipe and an optical microphone, and a two-layer model composed of silicone sheets with the different optical absorption were used. We varied the thickness of the upper-layer for the two-layer model from 0.50 to 5.00 mm at each modulation frequencies to investigate the relationship between the measurable depth and the modulation frequency. As results, it is shown that the measurable depth was 2-3 mm with modulation frequency of 1.6-1.9 kHz. Furthermore, the reason for the measurable depth to be deeper than the thermal diffusion length of a sample was discussed. From these analyses of thermoelastic wave, the relation between the photoacoustic signal propagation and the measurable depth in a tissue was clarified.
松本 健郎 梅田 宗紀 西林 秀郎 石塚 繁廣 高橋 慎一
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.51, no.4, pp.261-267, 2013-08-10 (Released:2013-12-11)

A novel apparatus for noninvasive measurement of pressure-cross-sectional area relationship, i. e., tube law, of brachial artery was developed. It is based on an oscillometric method in which a cuff is wrapped around the upper arm and pressurized to measure the oscillation in the cuff pressure. The oscillation of the cuff pressure is caused by the volume change in the brachial artery due to heartbeats. The volume change was obtained by multiplying the amplitude of the cuff pressure with cuff compliance that had been measured from the increase in the cuff pressure just after loading a precise amount of air into the cuff. Oscillation of the cuff pressure disappears when the artery is collapsed. By using this principle, an occluding pressure OP when the artery begins to collapse was measured. A modified transmural pressure mPt was introduced whose origin was taken at the point where the external pressure of the artery, i. e., the cuff pressure equals to OP. Relationship between mPt and cross-sectional area of the artery A was obtained as the tube law:The volumetric change of the brachial artery was obtained at each mPt and was fitted to the function $\displaystyle A=A_b \left\{ \frac{1}{b} \ln \left( \frac{ {}_mP_t - P_b } {a} +1 \right) +1 \right\}$ where Ab, Pb, a, and b are constants while assuming constant pulse pressure. Volume elastic modulus VE and in vivo cross-sectional area eA of the brachial artery were obtained from the tube law. Estimated tube law was very similar to that obtained by measuring the diameter of the brachial artery with ultrasound while changing the transmural pressure by pressurizing and depressurizing an airtight chamber that had been attached around the upper arm. Estimated eA correlated well with eA measured by ultrasound (R2=0.930, PVE obtained in the two methods was less than±3% (n=5). The present method is capable of obtaining pressure-cross sectional relationship of the brachial artery correctly with a simple process comparable to blood pressure measurement. Since it has been reported that in vivo brachial artery diameter correlates well with the severity of atherosclerosis, eA obtained in the present method might become a promising index for atherosclerosis.
田中 邦雄
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.61, no.1, pp.21-30, 2023-03-10 (Released:2023-08-11)

Already 50 years have past since the principle of MRI has been proposed. MRI has become the necessary clinical diagnostic tool such as X-CT. MRI techniques have been still in further progress. In this manuscript, the historical review of NMR and MRI were introduced, and the fundamental principle of NMR phenomena such as the principle of magnetic resonance, relaxation process and NMR information were introduced to understand MRI techniques. Following these introduction, fundamental MR imaging techniques such as 2-D Fourier Transform in relation to MR imaging, parameters of image construction, the role of gradient field, contrast enhanced images and fast MR imaging techniques were introduced.
清水 達哉 佐藤 真理 藤田 尚正 辻 潔美 北川 善政 田村 正人
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.Annual57, no.Abstract, pp.S175_1, 2019 (Released:2019-12-27)

目的:骨組織はメカニカルストレスに応答する事が知られ、臨床では超音波刺激による骨折の治療法が確立されているが、詳細なメカニズムは不明である。本研究では、骨組織の超音波刺激応答細胞を同定するため、骨細胞をもつゼブラフィッシュともたないメダカを用いて骨折実験を行った。また、超音波刺激への細胞内応答機構を調べるために骨細胞株に超音波刺激を行ない遺伝子発現を調べた。材料と方法:ゼブラフィッシュとメダカの尾骨を骨折させ、超音波刺激による骨折治癒過程を骨組織染色にて評価した。骨細胞株に超音波刺激を加え、刺激群および対象群からRNAを抽出しqPCRによる遺伝子発現解析を行なった。結果と考察:骨細胞をもつゼブラフィッシュは骨細胞をもたないメダカに比べ超音波刺激により骨折治癒が有意に促進された。この事から、主に骨細胞が骨組織への超音波刺激に応答していると考えられた。また、骨細胞株に超音波刺激を加えると種々のGrowth factorの遺伝子が3-50倍上昇した。つまり、骨細胞は超音波刺激を感知してこれらGrowth factorを分泌する事で、骨折の治癒に重要な血管誘導、繊維芽細胞増殖を増強して治癒を促進すると考えられた。
清野 公宏 鈴木 郁斗 野川 雅道 五十嵐 朗 内藤 尚 小川 充洋 山越 憲一 高田 重男 田中 志信
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.55Annual, no.5PM-Abstract, pp.460, 2017 (Released:2017-09-13)

これまで我々は腎・尿路系疾患発見に重要な指標である尿成分を全自動で計測可能なトイレ内蔵型尿成分計測システムの開発を最終目的として,近赤外光を用いた尿糖計測法について基礎的検討を続けてきた.具体的には糖尿病の早期発見に有用なグルコースをメインターゲットとし,蛋白摂取量の指標である尿素,塩分摂取量の指標である塩化ナトリウム,尿中成分の排出量測定に有用なクレアチニンの4成分について,糖尿病が疑われる成人男性等から採取した尿(高尿糖随時尿)などを対象に各4成分の濃度推定を行ってきた.その結果計測波長範囲(750-2500nm)の中から各成分の感度波長を4種類選定し重回帰モデルを構築することで,実用に供し得る精度で濃度予測が可能であることを確認した.今回は実用化に向けて,多波長LEDを光源とした場合の測定精度を次のような方法で検証した.すなわちFT-IRで得た透過光強度スペクトルに対して,中心波長の重みを1,半値幅を200nmとしたガウス関数を乗じることで,LEDのブロード状の発光特性を模擬し,上述の重回帰分析を行った. その結果,グルコース,クレアチニンについてはγ=0.7前後で濃度予測精度の更なる向上を要するものの,尿素,塩化ナトリウムについてはγ>0.8以上となり,多波長LEDを光源として用いることの妥当性が確認できた.
髙嶋 倫太郎 河本 浩明 山海 嘉之
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.58, no.1, pp.28-38, 2020-03-10 (Released:2020-04-16)

In this study, we proposed and developed a novel ultra-multijointed assistive mechanism for gripping, which can assist flexion and extension from the back of the hand. In addition, we confirmed the applicability of our mechanism to gripping of daily objects with assistance of flexion and extension by our mechanism. In the mechanism, many links are combined at the hinged joints, and a wire is inserted into the mechanism to transmit a bending force. To generate bending torque for the finger, the wire is pulled by the tip of the ultra-multijointed structure. When the wire is not pulled, no bending torque is generated for the finger, and the ultra-multijointed structure becomes flexible in the bending direction of the finger’s flexion and extension. By extruding this ultra-multijointed structure according to the finger surface length, which changes with flexion and extension, it is possible to adapt it to flex and extend for a wide range of finger postures for gripping daily objects. To confirm the applicability of the gripping assistant, we conducted experiments using a hand mockup and in a healthy volunteer. We have demonstrated the applicability of the assistive mechanism for providing assistive force to support fingers in gripping daily objects by assisting the flexion and extension of the fingers.
河合 秀紀 伊藤 明良 王 天舒 黒木 裕士
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.Annual59, no.Abstract, pp.236, 2021 (Released:2021-10-17)

相原 伸平 坂井 宝 塩野谷 明
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.Annual60, no.Proc, pp.290-292, 2022 (Released:2023-05-12)

跳躍動作は,スポーツの様々な場面でみられる基本動作である.跳躍動作の評価は,技能や体力の評価のみならず,競技パフォーマンス向上を目的としたトレーニングの実践にも貢献する.跳躍動作の評価には,最も基礎的な跳躍動作の垂直跳びが広く採用される.標準機器としてフォースプレートを使用し,床反力が計測されるが,利便性やコストの課題がある.本研究では,跳躍動作の新しい計測技術の実現にむけて,簡易的に使用できる単眼カメラを用いた床反力推定手法を開発した.時系列のカメラ画像を入力として,画像中の人物の3次元姿勢を推定し,さらに,3次元姿勢情報にTransformerをベースとしたディープラーニングモデルを適用することにより,跳躍動作時の床反力推定を可能とした.データ収集試験を行い,モデルの学習と評価を実施した.提案手法で推定した時系列データとフォースプレートで計測した床反力の時系列データとの相関係数は0.87であり,有意に強い相関を有することを確認した(P <0.001).垂直跳びの評価に使用される跳躍時の最大床反力の相関は0.90を達成した.先行研究で報告される回帰モデルを比較した結果, 最も高い精度となった.本研究により,カメラのみで床反力を推定できる可能性を見出した.また,本研究のアプローチは,歩行動作や走行動作などの床反力推定が可能であり,ヘルスケアやリハビリテーションへの応用が期待できる.
渡井 康之 松井 岳巳
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.54Annual, no.Proc, pp.3T5-3-6-1-3T5-3-6-2, 2016 (Released:2016-11-19)

To prevent heat stroke, we will develop a system to determine presence or absence of a rise in deep body temperature using physiological indices, i.e., heart rate, respiratory rate and body surface temperature. Prior to development, we conducted tests using ergometer for 15 min. with nine male students. We measured three physiological indices and deep body temperature for 15 min. with one-minute intervals after the exercise and conducted linear discriminant analysis by leave-one-out cross-validation. 37.5 degrees of deep body temperature was set as boundary and we classified heat stroke preliminary group from normal one. The sensitivity was 90.5% and the positive predictive value was 47.5%.
前田 祐佳 関根 正樹 田村 俊世 水谷 孝一
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.54, no.6, pp.261-266, 2016-12-10 (Released:2017-03-17)

This study evaluated the effect of pulse arrival time (PAT) on the difference between heart rate variability (HRV) and pulse rate variability (PRV). HRV is the degree of fluctuation in the time intervals between heart beats obtained from ECG, and is a global measure of autonomic nervous system (ANS) function. PRV is obtained from photoplethysmogram (PPG), and several researchers have attempted to use PRV instead of HRV for ANS monitoring, because measuring PPG is easier than measuring ECG. PPG reflects the change in blood volume ejected from the heart. Therefore, there is a strong correlation between the HRV and the PRV, and the PRV is regarded as an acceptable alternative to HRV at rest in ANS evaluation. In this study, we focused on the influence of change of body position on PRV, and we evaluated the effect of PAT on the difference between HRV and PRV. PAT is the sum of pulse transit time (PTT) and the pre-ejection period. Therefore, we used PAT to verify the difference between HRV and PRV. Seven healthy volunteers participated in this experiment. Their ECG and PPG were simultaneously recorded for 5 min before and 5 min after standing up from a chair. The results of the correlation coefficient indicated a strong correlation (r=0.9) between the HRV and the PRV in both sitting and standing positions. In contrast, the results of high-frequency spectral component showed a significant difference while standing, suggesting the influence of PAT on PRV. These results indicate that PRV is not identical to HRV, and that we should pay attention to use PRV instead of HRV for measuring ANS function.