岡田 志麻 藤原 義久 松浦 英文 安田 昌司 水貝 浩二郎 牧川 方昭 飯田 健夫
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.41, no.4, pp.493-497, 2003-12-10 (Released:2011-09-05)

Sleep is very important to keep our physical condition healthy. Many studies have been devoted to clarify the mechanism of sleep and to monitor the sleep all night. In this study, we paid attention to heart activity during sleep and have developed a nonrestraint monitoring method of heart activity using an acceleration sensor set inside the coverlet. This method is easy for the use of sleep monitoring at home in daily life. An acceleration sensor was set inside the coverlet as it opposing to subject's left chest. Subjects were asked to lie in supine position and the coverlet with an acceleration sensor was put on the subject. Mechanical vibration from heart activity expected to be carried to the acceleration sensor through the coverlet. As a result, periodic vibration was measured successfully and this vibration was proved to be in high correlation with the R wave of ECG in six subjects. The same results were obtained even in case of lying in right and left lateral decubitus position.
土屋 誠司 佐竹 純二 近間 正樹 上田博唯 大倉計美 蚊野 浩 安田昌司
情報処理学会研究報告ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション(HCI) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2006, no.3, pp.95-102, 2006-01-13

我々は,ユーザが視聴するTV番組の履歴を基に,ユーザの好むTV番組を推薦するシステムの開発を行っている.本システムは,EPGから得られる言語情報(番組タイトル,出演者名,番組概要文章)を利用して,ユーザの嗜好を推定し,ユーザが好むと思われるTV番組を推薦する.本研究では,システムをNICTのユビキタスホームにおける実サービスとして実装し,生活実証実験の中でテスト運用した結果に基づいて,その有用性とシステムがユーザの嗜好に与える影響などについて検討を行う.We developed a TV program recommendation system based on user's TV watching history. This system estimates user's interests using data of EPG such as TV program's titles, performer names and summaries of TV program, and then recommends the suitable TV programs for the user's interests. We implemented the system as one of application services in the Ubiquitous Home of NICT. In this study, we show the experimental results on the Ubiquitous Home and discuss problems about the influence of the system upon user's interests and the effectiveness of the system.
山下 真裕子 山田 逸成 安田 昌司
知能と情報 (ISSN:13477986)
vol.27, no.2, pp.599-607, 2015-04-15 (Released:2015-05-21)

宮本 琢也 安田 昌司 前川 佳一
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.30, pp.16-26, 2012-12-28 (Released:2017-08-01)

This paper focuses on Sanyo's case of engineer transfer between a corporate R&D and a manufacturing division and discusses how an interactive collaboration between the two divisions should be. Rechargeable battery market is somewhat unique in experiencing two of the major technology transitions in the 1990s. In this kind of the transition, particularly in terms of management of technology, it is extremely critical for a corporate R&D and a manufacturing division to collaborate closely, like taking care of both old and new technologies and making decision of shifting from the old to the new. This research focuses on the R&D management of Sanyo Electric Company in the 1990s. First, to address the case, two of the technical transitions are illustrated in terms of the imperative background to analyze, like an overview of the rechargeable battery market and the competition among Sanyo Electric and the other companies. Second, this paper analyzes the R&D activities in both corporate R&D and manufacturing division and the personnel transfer between the two divisions. One of the findings regarding personnel transfer is leaving the senior engineer in the corporate R&D, meanwhile transferring younger up-and-coming researchers to the manufacturing division. This fact leads to the discussion of how this interaction contributed to the outcome from the collaboration between a corporate R&D and a manufacturing division in a dynamic technological transition. Consequently, this paper found that a dynamic interaction functioned to offer solutions to the manufacturing division by ; younger engineers to facilitate the transfer of technology to the manufacturing division, while senior engineer left in the R&D division to explore new applications and to fine-tune technologies at R&D to customers' requirements consistently. With this combination of engineering team, Sanyo was able to manage the technology transitions tactfully.
近藤 康人 小泉 ゆりか 井関 正博 山田 淳 高岡 大造 滝沢 貴久男 安田 昌司 今井 八郎
一般社団法人 表面技術協会
表面技術 (ISSN:09151869)
vol.56, no.2, pp.106, 2005 (Released:2005-10-19)
3 2

A Ti electrode with a noble metal coating was used for sterilization of water. The main product from electrolysis for sterilization is hypochlorite acid. It was found that the hypochlorite acid production rate was consistently higher on Pt-Ir and Pt-Ir-Ta coated Ti electrodes, compared to Pt coated Ti electrodes. The production rate of hypochlorite was independent of temperature. Therefore, it was thought that this hypochlorite would be effective in sterilization of hot bath water and pool water. At the same time, ozone was generated in the electrolyte water. Generation of ozone was conspicuously observed under electrolysis of Pt electrodes. The production rate of ozone depended on the temperature and the concentration of chloride ions in the electrolyte. A high concentration of ozone was observed when the temperature of the solution was below about 15ºC, concentration of chloride ions was 1mM, and a membrane was used to separate the cell. The ozone generated by electrolysis of Pt coated Ti electrodes had a significant effect on sterilization for Bacillus subtilis spores.
藤原 義久 冷水 一也 源野 広和 松浦 英文 安田 昌司 飯田 健夫 牧川 方昭
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.43, no.1, pp.162-171, 2005

This paper describes the development of a sensor incorporating an algorithm that estimates the quality of comfortableness by measuring peripheral skin temperature, pulse, and galvanic skin response (GSR) that reflect autonomic nervous system activity. A correct answer rate of 83% was obtained between the subjective comfortableness and the estimated comfortableness by the developed sensor. For the application of this human feeling sensor, we used it to estimate the comfortableness of subjects receiving massages, then developed two alternative adaptive massage control procedures based on the sensor's estimate, and verified the effectiveness of the results through testing the subjects. We observed that in course A (dynamic comfortableness) the peripheral skin temperature dropped and the GSR and pulse rate increased, while in course B (static comfortableness) the peripheral skin temperature rose and the GSR and pulse rate dropped. By the end of the control sequence, there was a statistically significant difference in the amounts of change in both the peripheral skin temperature and the GSR between the two sequences (<i>p</i> < 0.05). To examine the effects of each course more closely, we mapped the trajectories of physiological change during the control sequences of each course at twentysecond intervals, and the results correlated closely with the subjective assessments. These results suggest that bio-control adapted to comfortableness is feasible.
岡田 志麻 藤原 義久 松浦 英文 安田 昌司 水貝 浩二郎 牧川 方昭 飯田 健夫
生体医工学 : 日本エム・イー学会誌 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.41, no.4, pp.493-497, 2003-12-10

Sleep is very important to keep our physical condition healthy. Many studies have been devoted to clarify the mechanism of sleep and to monitor the sleep all night. In this study, we paid attention to heart activity during sleep and have developed a nonrestraint monitoring method of heart activity using an acceleration sensor set inside the coverlet. This method is easy for the use of sleep monitoring at home in daily life. An acceleration sensor was set inside the coverlet as it opposing to subject's left chest. Subjects were asked to lie in supine position and the coverlet with an acceleration sensor was put on the subject. Mechanical vibration from heart activity expected to be carried to the acceleration sensor through the coverlet. As a result, periodic vibration was measured successfully and this vibration was proved to be in high correlation with the R wave of ECG in six subjects. The same results were obtained even in case of lying in right and left lateral decubitus position.
宮本 琢也 前川 佳一 安田 昌司
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織科学 (ISSN:02869713)
vol.47, no.3, pp.5-16, 2014-03-20 (Released:2014-06-30)

本稿は,社内ベンチャープロジェクトにおける,技術と市場の統合について扱う.技術と市場の統合の重要性は多くの議論がなされてきたが,その一方で,技術と市場を橋渡しする組織的主体に関する研究があまりなされてこなかった. 本稿では,三洋電機のワンセグ携帯電話の事例をもとに,カンパニー内に設置される事業本部研究所が,社内ベンチャープロジェクトにおいて果たす役割と,そのプロセス管理について分析した.
安田 昌司 前川 佳一
vol.001, 2010-09-10

KARM-RJ 001 KAFM-RJ 001 安田昌司, 前川佳一. 電機メーカにおける研究開発戦略の変遷事例 : 企業内研究所の存在意義を考える. 日本経営学会第84回大会報告要旨集.宮城,2010-09-02/05.
藤原 義久 冷水 一也 源野 広和 松浦 英文 安田 昌司 飯田 健夫 牧川 方昭
生体医工学 : 日本エム・イー学会誌 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.43, no.1, pp.162-171, 2005-03-10

This paper describes the development of a sensor incorporating an algorithm that estimates the quality of comfortableness by measuring peripheral skin temperature, pulse, and galvanic skin response (GSR) that reflect autonomic nervous system activity. A correct answer rate of 83% was obtained between the subjective comfortableness and the estimated comfortableness by the developed sensor. For the application of this human feeling sensor, we used it to estimated the comfortableness of subjects receiving massages, then developed two alternative adaptive massage control procedures based on the sensor's estimate, and verified the effectiveness of the results through testing the subjects. We observed that in course A (dynamic comfortableness) the peripheral skin temperature dropped and the GSR and pulse rate increased, while in course B (static comfortableness) the peripheral skin temperature rose and the GSR and pulse rate dropped. By the end of the control sequence, there was a statistically significant difference in the amounts of change in both the peripheral skin temperature and the GSR between the two sequences (p<0.05). To examine the effects of each course more closely, we mapped the trajectories of physiological change during the control sequences of each course at twentysecond intervals, and the results correlated closely with the subjective assessments. These results suggest that bio-control adapted to comfortableness is feasible.
千葉 直樹 蚊野 浩 美濃 導彦 安田 昌司
電子情報通信学会論文誌. D-II, 情報・システム, II-パターン処理 (ISSN:09151923)
vol.82, no.10, pp.1581-1589, 1999-10-25

複数の静止画像からパノラマ画像を自動合成する手法を提案する.我々の手法は従来手法よりも処理が高速で,かつ自由なカメラ運動で撮像された奥行の深いシーンでも合成可能である.これを実現するために画像特徴 (小方形領域) を用いた,次の二つの特長を有する手法を提案する.第1は,階層的オプティ力ルフロー推定に基づいて画像特徴の対応を得た後,線形解法により変換行列を算出する高速な変換行列算出方法である.この方法により,画像間の幾何学的な変形を高速かつ正確に行うことが可能になった.第2は,シーンが単一平面で近似できない場合に,画像特徴を頂点とする三角パッチに分割し,各パッチごとに平面射影変換行列を算出することで,奥行が深いシーンへの対応を可能としたことである.ここで,平面射影変換行列を求めるためには,通常4組の対応点が必要であるが,3組の対応点がら算出する手法を提案する.最後に実画像を用いた実験により,本手法の有効性を示す.
藤原 義久 冷水 一也 源野 広和 松浦 英文 安田 昌司 飯田 健夫 牧川 方昭
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.43, no.1, pp.162-171, 2005 (Released:2007-01-19)

This paper describes the development of a sensor incorporating an algorithm that estimates the quality of comfortableness by measuring peripheral skin temperature, pulse, and galvanic skin response (GSR) that reflect autonomic nervous system activity. A correct answer rate of 83% was obtained between the subjective comfortableness and the estimated comfortableness by the developed sensor. For the application of this human feeling sensor, we used it to estimate the comfortableness of subjects receiving massages, then developed two alternative adaptive massage control procedures based on the sensor's estimate, and verified the effectiveness of the results through testing the subjects. We observed that in course A (dynamic comfortableness) the peripheral skin temperature dropped and the GSR and pulse rate increased, while in course B (static comfortableness) the peripheral skin temperature rose and the GSR and pulse rate dropped. By the end of the control sequence, there was a statistically significant difference in the amounts of change in both the peripheral skin temperature and the GSR between the two sequences (p < 0.05). To examine the effects of each course more closely, we mapped the trajectories of physiological change during the control sequences of each course at twentysecond intervals, and the results correlated closely with the subjective assessments. These results suggest that bio-control adapted to comfortableness is feasible.