古川 純
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.134, no.2, pp.143-148, 2014 (Released:2014-02-01)

Research into environmental dynamics of radioactive nuclides released by the Fukushima nuclear accident, especially radiocesium 137Cs (half-life, 30.1 years), is highly focused especially on diffusion processes of radiocesium into ecosystems, which is high-priority knowledge. Because of relatively sparse knowledge about the reallocation of radiocesium contained in organic matter in terrestrial ecosystems, the effects of diffused rediocesium into ecosystem cannot be accurately estimated. In this article, the terrestrial environmental dynamics of radiocesium mainly in the processes of plant uptake and the possibility of release from plants will be discussed. Plants uptake minerals from soil and these minerals are likewise ingested by animals that feed on plants, including humans. Therefore one of the main gateways of radiocesium into ecosystem is via plants. From the viewpoint of human dietary consumption, rice contamination with radiocesium has been energetically investigated and useful data are accumulating. Processes of radiocesium uptake mechanisms by plants are being researched using legumes, e.g. soybean. Speculation on the possibility of radiocesium release into forest atmosphere via plant activity will be introduced.
井門 敬子
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.126, no.6, pp.409-414, 2006 (Released:2006-06-01)
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Medical staff, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, nutritionists, laboratory medical technologists, social workers, and case managers, should act as a team to support patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The therapeutic purpose of a potent cocktail of anti-HIV drugs is to maintain undetectable plasma levels of HIV over the long term. To achieve this, it is necessary to maintain treatment compliance. However, noncompliance frequently occurs because of a poor understanding of HIV therapy or difficulty in taking anti-HIV drugs. Thus pharmacists should contribute as HIV medical team members by providing medication counseling to ensure treatment compliance or delivering drug information to achieve successful HIV therapy. We describe the roles of pharmacists on HIV medical teams at Ehime University Hospital in examples of nutritional disorder or pregnant women with HIV.
Lee Su Ui In Hyun Ju Kwon Mi So Park Bi-oh Jo Minmi Kim Mun-Ock Cho Sungchan Lee Sangku Lee Hyun-Jun Kwak Young Shin Kim Sunhong
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:09186158)
vol.36, no.11, pp.1754-1759, 2013

G-protein coupled receptor 43 (GPR43) serves as a receptor for short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), implicated in neutrophil migration and inflammatory cytokine production. However, the intracellular signaling pathway mediating GPR43 signaling remains unclear. Here, we show that β-arrestin 2 mediates the internalization of GPR43 by agonist. Agonism of GPR43 reduced the phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), which was relieved by short interfering RNA (siRNA) of β-arrestin 2. Subsequently, mRNA expression of proinflammatory cytokines, interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-1β, was downregulated by activation of GPR43 and knockdown of β-arrestin 2 recovered the expression of the cytokines. Taken together, these results suggest that GPR43 may be a plausible target for a variety of inflammatory diseases.
吉田 智大 吉永 真理
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.134, no.8, pp.901-908, 2014 (Released:2014-08-01)

In order to examine the effects of music on mood, we administered a survey to patients awaiting the preparation of their prescription medicines in pharmacy lounges. Two pharmacies took part in this study, both of which are in a metropolitan area treating fewer than 100 prescription sheets per day. Two hundred and fifty-two patients were divided into two groups: one group listened to background music (BGM) while waiting (n=111) and the other did not listen to BGM (n=119). The questionnaire included items assessing mood, present state of health, and demographic information like gender and age. After excluding incomplete questionnaires, 230 patients were included in our final sample for further statistical analysis. BGM was involved in decreasing feelings of fatigue and increasing feelings of vigor in patients with poorer health. This trend was more evident in female patients than in male patients. Using multiple regression analysis, we found that, in addition to BGM, environmental factors such as light level and noise level significantly affected mood. In conclusion, BGM alleviates uncomfortable moods caused by illness, particularly among females in poor health.
稲垣 治
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.133, no.2, pp.213-219, 2013 (Released:2013-02-01)

Recently many pharmaceutical industries aim at “academic-industrial alliances” to increase opportunities for new drug development. The form of the alliance is mainly a “center-based” one, but recently “open-type” alliance has also become popular. To promote effective collaboration between academia and industries, both parties should obtain clear understanding and support from society through compliance with the social requirement including accountability on the collaborative research and transparency on their relationship. In addition, clinical studies need to comply with the “Ethical Guideline for Clinical Research,” or Good Clinical Practice (GCP). Pharmaceutical industries anticipate seeing the deliverables of academic research, and are working on realization of utilizing them in actual medicinal cases.
吉松 嘉代 河野 徳昭 川原 信夫 穐山 浩 手島 玲子 西島 正弘
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.132, no.5, pp.629-674, 2012 (Released:2012-05-01)
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Developments in the use of genetically modified plants for human and livestock health and phytoremediation were surveyed using information retrieved from Entrez PubMed, Chemical Abstracts Service, Google, congress abstracts and proceedings of related scientific societies, scientific journals, etc. Information obtained was classified into 8 categories according to the research objective and the usage of the transgenic plants as 1: nutraceuticals (functional foods), 2: oral vaccines, 3: edible curatives, 4: vaccine antigens, 5: therapeutic antibodies, 6: curatives, 7: diagnostic agents and reagents, and 8: phytoremediation. In total, 405 cases were collected from 2006 to 2010. The numbers of cases were 120 for nutraceuticals, 65 for oral vaccines, 25 for edible curatives, 36 for vaccine antigens, 36 for therapeutic antibodies, 76 for curatives, 15 for diagnostic agents and reagents, and 40 for phytoremediation (sum of each cases was 413 because some reports were related to several categories). Nutraceuticals, oral vaccines and curatives were predominant. The most frequently used edible crop was rice (51 cases), and tomato (28 cases), lettuce (22 cases), potato (18 cases), corn (15 cases) followed.
小林 大高 坂巻 弘之 小松 涼 飯島 伴典 飯島 康典 大津賀 博之 斉藤 克也 関 徹也 中村 英俊 山浦 知之 横林 邦明
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.134, no.7, pp.823-828, 2014 (Released:2014-07-01)

This study aimed to determine how much time can be saved with the use of unit-of-use packaging for prescription drugs as compared with bulk packaging in community pharmacies as well as to determine the number of errors. In a simulation, mock prescriptions were dispensed either in unit-of-use packages or by transferring medication from a bulk container, and a time study was conducted to measure the time spent on dispensing and prescription auditing by pharmacists. Pharmacists' and patients' degree of satisfaction was also surveyed. The time saved with unit-of-use packaging was 66.25 s per prescription. The sole dispensing error that was found in the study occurred with bulk dispensing. Among both pharmacists and patients, many were of the opinion that dispensing with unit-of-use packaging was preferable to bulk dispensing. Unit-of-use packaging shortens the time that pharmacists spend on dispensing activities and increases the efficiency of their work. Unit-of-use packaging is also thought to reduce the number of counting errors.
土屋 文人
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.134, no.5, pp.595-598, 2014 (Released:2014-05-01)

In Japan, information technology (IT) in the medical field has prevailed as a means for handling claims for health insurance reimbursement. In contrast, IT is primarily used for electronic medical records in Western countries. Originally, preparation of health insurance claims was one of the outcomes of computerized medical information in Japan. As its protocols are already well established in Japan, information from the insurance claim system is hard to integrate into the Electronic Medical Chart system. To ensure drug safety, it is necessary to determine the number of users, and to accurately tabulate the incidence of adverse events. For this purpose, three kinds of information are required: prescription information, dispensing information, and drug administration information. Prescription information and dispensing information should be consistent with each other in content. Dispensing information is essential to identify the “substance” when adverse events occur. Drug administration information is the “true drug history”. With these three kinds of information, it should be possible to enter drug safety data as evidence. To accurately capture these three kinds of information, it is necessary to utilize Standard Drug Code and Standard Usage Master, suggesting that it may be necessary to reconstruct the current system.
長沢 元夫
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.81, no.1, pp.129-138, 1961-01-25 (Released:2010-02-19)

Xi-xin is a crude drug using a subterranean portion of a few plants of Asiasarum genus (Asaraceae family). The most important of its component has been reported as methyleugenol which makes up about 50% of its essential oil but this was found to vary greatly according to habitat of the plant. Some plants contained safrole, eucarvone, and 1, 8-cineol as the chief components. Xi-xin oil from Manchurian plant was proved to contain elemicin, an isomer of cis-asaron.Tu-xi-xin is the dried root of Hetehotropa genus of the same family and used as a substitute for Xi-xin. The chief component of its essential oil had been reported as safrole but elemicin was found to be present as the chief component in some of the crude drug.
関根 勇一
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.130, no.6, pp.769-775, 2010 (Released:2010-06-01)
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Signal-transducing adaptor protein-2 (STAP-2) was recently identified as a novel adaptor protein and is a family of STAP adaptor protein and has a variety of functions in cellular signal transductions. Especially STAP-2 has a crucial role in immune systems by controlling cytokine signal transduction. STAP-2 functionally interacts with STAT3 through its YXXQ motif and enhances STAT3 transcriptional activation. In contrast, STAP-2 interacts with STAT5 through its PH and SH2-like domains and decreases STAT5 activity. Importantly, STAP-2 also binds to MyD88 and IKK-α/β and regulates LPS/TLR4 signaling. Moreover, STAP-2 interacts with Epstein-Barr virus-derived LMP1 and modulates LMP1-mediated NF-κB signaling. More importantly, experiments using STAP-2 deficient mice showed that STAP-2 modulated several T-cell functions. T-cells from STAP-2 deficient mice showed enhanced integrin-mediated cell adhesion to fibronectin. Furthermore STAP-2-deficient T-cells show reduced chemotaxis toward SDF-1α. These accumulated evidences indicate that novel adaptor protein STAP-2 plays an important modulator role in both of innate and adaptive immune systems.
竹本 常松 中島 正
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.84, no.12, pp.1183-1186, 1964-12-25 (Released:2010-02-19)

A colorless pillar crystalline component, m.p. 207° (decomp.), [α]D+80.0°(H2O), C5H8O4N2 of good flavor without smell, and of having insecticidal property was isolated from Tricholoma muscarium KAWAMURA (Jap. name: Haetorishimeji) in the process illustrated in Fig. 1. The compound was considered to be acidic amino acid, still unknown substance, which named tricholomic acid.
竹本 常松 横部 哲朗 中島 正
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.84, no.12, pp.1186-1188, 1964-12-25 (Released:2010-02-19)

From Amanita strobiliformis (PAUL.) QUER. (Jap. name: Ibotengutake), colorless and odorless pillar crystalline component with good flavor, providing remarkable fly-killing properties, m. p. 151-152° (decomp.), C5H8O5N2 was isolated. The compound is considered to be an unknown acidic amino acid and is called ibotenic acid, naming after the ibotengutake.
高田 宏文
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.131, no.8, pp.1195-1200, 2011 (Released:2011-08-01)
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The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways are signal transduction mechanisms that regulate many cellular processes in eukaryotic organisms, from yeasts to mammals. Multiple MAPKs regulate eukaryotic gene expression in response to various extracellular stimuli through phosphorylation of transcription factors. We have been studying the Pmk1 MAPK, a homologue of the mammalian ERK/MAPK in fission yeast. The Pmk1 MAPK regulates cell integrity and cell morphology. We have previously demonstrated that Atf1, a transcription factor downstream of the stress-activated MAPK pathway, serves also as a target of the Pmk1 MAPK signaling in fission yeast. Here, we identified ecm33+ gene, encoding a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored cell surface protein as a transcriptional target of Pmk1 and Atf1. The gene expression of ecm33+ is regulated by two transcription factors Atf1 and Mbx1. We also developed an in vivo real-time monitoring system of Atf1 or Mbx1 transcriptional activity, which enables to monitor the activation of the Pmk1 MAPK pathway by various stimuli. Finally, we demonstrated that Ecm33 is involved in the negative regulation of the Pmk1 MAPK signaling through the control of Ca2+ homeostasis. The ecm33 deleted cells displayed Ca2+ sensitivity and increased phosphorylation levels of Pmk1 MAPK. In addition, the Ecm33 overproducing cells displayed phenotypes closely similar to those of the pmk1 knockout cell. Collectively, Ecm33 plays a role in the negative feedback regulation of Pmk1 cell integrity signaling.
岡田 欣晃
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.132, no.9, pp.1045-1049, 2012 (Released:2012-09-01)
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Roundabout4 (Robo4) is a transmembrane receptor that belongs to the Robo family of neural cell adhesion molecules. Robo4 has been shown to play a role in endothelial cell (EC) migration, proliferation, angiogenesis, and stabilizing the vasculature. Robo4 is expressed specifically in ECs in the developing embryo, placenta, tumors, and normal tissues. The goal of our study is to understand the mechanism for Robo4 gene expression. In the previous study we demonstrated that EC-specific Robo4 gene expression was regulated by the 3-kb Robo4 promoter in the 5′-flanking region of the human Robo4 gene. In vitro studies demonstrated that the Robo4 promoter is activated by the transcription factors GA-binding protein (GABP) and SP1 through the ETS binding site at −119 and the 2 SP1 binding sites at −42 and −153, respectively. The functional relevance of these sites was confirmed by in vivo reporter gene assays using Hprt locus knock in mice. In addition to the regulation mechanism by transcription factors, our recent study implicated that epigenetic modification of the promoter contributes to the Robo4 gene expression. Here I will discuss the regulation mechanism of Robo4 gene expression by transcription factors and epigenetic control.
Zeyad El-Akawi Nisreen Abdel-Latif Khalid Abdul-Razzak Mustafa Al-Aboosi
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
Journal of Health Science (ISSN:13449702)
vol.53, no.5, pp.596-599, 2007 (Released:2007-10-01)
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Minimal reports are available on the relationship between blood lipids such as cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and acne. Most of available literature was about the effect of drugs used in acne treatment on these parameters. In this work we determined plasma total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-C and LDL-C levels in 166 (83 males and 83 females) newly diagnosed untreated Jordanian acne patients and compared with 105 (52 males and 53 females) of age and sex matched healthy controls. Results indicated that acne patients, males and females, had significantly low plasma HDL-C levels (p=0.000). Plasma total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL-C levels were shown to be within the normal range except for triglycerides and LDL-C levels in severe acne cases for both sexes, were shown to be significantly elevated compared with those in healthy controls (p=0.004 and 0.000 consequently). It has been noticed that there was a trend for plasma HDL-C of acne patients to decrease as the severity of acne condition increases. Our results indicated that acne patients have significant changes in the plasma lipids profile that should be considered in the pathogenesis as well as in the treatment of acne.
Mari Asami Koji Kosaka Nobue Yoshida
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
Journal of Health Science (ISSN:13449702)
vol.55, no.4, pp.549-553, 2009 (Released:2009-08-01)
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The concentrations of chlorate and perchlorate were examined by ion chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (IC-MS-MS) in 106 bottled beverages purchased or obtained mainly in the Tokyo area to estimate exposure to these chemicals attributable to bottled beverages. The bottled beverages were classified into 5 categories: water from the water supply (n=5), natural water (n=49), bottled water (n=10), tea (n=25), and soft drinks (n=17). Chlorate was detected in 85 bottled beverages (highest concentration, 700 μg/l), including all of the samples of bottled water from the water supply at levels ranging from 25 to 120 μg/l. Perchlorate was detected above the minimum reporting limit (i.e., 0.05 μg/l) from 62 bottled beverages, with the highest concentration of 0.92 μg/l. As the average consumption of bottled beverages calculated from market statistics is approximately 400 ml/day per person, it seems important to take the amounts of chlorate and perchlorate ingested from bottled beverages into consideration for estimation of total intake of these chemicals.
白井 義啓 篠島 俊史 内山 周 竹腰 昌広 津島 永吉 田端 俊英
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.134, no.3, pp.439-445, 2014 (Released:2014-03-01)
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The cerebellar cortex, the brain region responsible for motor coordination and learning expresses a high density of B-type γ-aminobutyric acid receptor (GABAbR). Previous in vitro and in situ studies indicated that cerebellar GABAbR may mediate multiple forms of inhibitory and excitatory modulation of cerebellar circuits. Nevertheless, the in vivo influence of cerebellar GABAbR activation is unclear. As the first step in addressing this issue, we examined how pharmacological activation of cerebellar GABAbR modulates optokinetic reflex (OKR), an involuntary cerebellum-dependent eye movement for stabilizing the retinal image against the drift of the visual scene. We injected baclofen, a GABAbR-selective agonist, or control saline into the cerebellar flocculi of adult mice and then performed 1-h OKR measurement sessions on two consecutive days. In the day 1 session, the baclofen (5 nM)-injected mice and control mice showed similar initial OKR gains and similar training-induced increases in the OKR gain (OKR adaptation). This result suggests that GABAbR activation does not affect cerebellar computation for executing OKR and formation of short-term memory for OKR adaptation. At the beginning of the day 2 session, the baclofen (5 nM or 50 μM)-injected mice showed an OKR gain higher than that achieved in the day 1 session while the control mice did not. This result suggests that GABAbR activation may facilitate the formation of OKR adaptation-related long-term memory. These findings provide a new insight into the functional architecture of the cerebellar circuits and indicate GABAbR to be a new target of pharmacological therapy against diseases with cerebellar dysfunction.
増永 卓司
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.134, no.1, pp.39-43, 2014 (Released:2014-01-01)
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Cosmetics are consumer products intended to contribute to increasing quality of life and designed for long-term daily use. Due to such features of cosmetics, they are required to ensure quality and safety at a high level, as well as to perform well, in response to consumers' demands. Recently, the technology associated with nanomaterials has progressed rapidly and has been applied to various products, including cosmetics. For example, nano-sized titanium dioxide has been formulated in sunscreen products in pursuit of improving its performance. As some researchers and media have expressed concerns about the safety of nanomaterials, a vague feeling of anxiety has been raised in society. In response to this concern, the Japan Cosmetic Industry Association (JCIA) has begun original research related to the safety assurance of nanomaterials formulated in cosmetics, to allow consumers to use cosmetics without such concerns. This paper describes the activities of the JCIA regarding safety research on nanomaterials, including a survey of the actual usage of nanomaterials in cosmetics, analysis of the existence of nanomaterials on the skin, and assessment of skin carcinogenicity of nano-sized titanium dioxide. It also describes the international status of safety assurance and regulation regarding nanomaterials in cosmetics.
田淵 紀彦 村上 礼隆 福長 将仁
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.133, no.12, pp.1417-1423, 2013 (Released:2013-12-01)

Borrelia duttonii, a causative agent of relapsing fever, is transmitted between the distinct microenvironments of the vector tick, Ornithodoros moubata, and a mammalian host. We identified the total and membrane fraction proteins of B. duttonii strain Ly isolated from a patient in Tanzania by using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). The analyses of the total and membrane fractions from bacterial cultures incubated at 37°C identified 68 and 15 proteins, respectively. Since spirochaete clearance in mice is associated with an immunoglobulin M (IgM) and immunoglobulin G3 (IgG3)-mediated response, immunoblot analyses were used to identify the proteins reactive with IgM and IgG3 of gerbil serum against B. duttonii strain Ly. The outcome showed that six proteins (antigen p83/100, membrane-associated protein P66 (P66), flagellar filament outer layer protein, hypothetical protein BDU_412, vlp protein gamma subfamily (γ-Vlp) and flagellin (FlaB)) were identified against IgM, and four (antigen p83/100, P66, γ-Vlp and FlaB) of the six proteins also reacted with IgG3. It is believed that these proteins are immunodominant antigens for the host immune response. Some of these immunogenic proteins might be used as molecular diagnostic tools in the study of relapsing fever in Tanzania.