田村 均 TAMURA Hitoshi
名古屋大学文学部研究論集 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.58, pp.1-29, 2012-03-31 (Released:2012-09-06)

John Searle argues in his seminal paper of fictional discourse that the author of a work of fiction pretends to perform a series of illocutionary acts. He does not make it very clear, however, how one could make a pretended performance of an illocutionary act, e.g. an assertion: he does not tell us what else should be done in order to make a pretended assertion in addition to uttering an assertive sentence. The analysis of truth in fiction put forward by David Lewis may seem to give a plausible account of the meaning of fictional discourse; but his theory also contains the concept of pretence as a primitive notion of its explanatory components. Gregory Currie criticizes the Searlean pretence theory of fiction and advocates a communicative approach to the problem of fictional utterance. He introduces the idea of make-believe instead: the author of a fiction intends that the audience make believe her story. In his communicative approach it seems to be taken for granted that we know what it is to induce someone to make believe something and how it can be carried out by a speaker. Pretence or its equivalent, makebelieve, appears in these theories as a fundamental but unexplained frame of mind that constitutes the essence of fictional discourse. It is suggested that pretence or make-believe may be a primitive equipment of human mind like belief or truth inasmuch as storytelling and playacting can be seen everywhere in human life.
和田 光弘 WADA Mitsuhiro
名古屋大学文学部研究論集 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.57, pp.179-209, 2011-03-31 (Released:2011-04-14)

This paper is intended to prove the utility of digital historical documents concerning George Washington and the Continental (Confederation) Congress in reconstructing several interesting aspects of Colonial and Revolutionary America. As a full-text search can be pursued effectively and quickly by utilizing digitized editions supplied by the websites of the Library of Congress, etc. which are accessible for free, we approach the theme above from three viewpoints: colonial manners, the “first” president of the U.S., and pocket watches of George Washington. In dealing with these subjects, we need to be conscious the whole structure of the historical materials we use, from an angle of “set” concept or nesting construction of documents. Several facts found are as follows. (1) By examining the digitized Rules of Civility & Decent Behaviour in Company and Conversation written by George Washington himself, we find that he lays a stress on prohibitionary rules rather than recommendatory rules, especially talking about rules of conversation, resulting in our detecting interesting manner codes of the 18th century, some of which are still meaningful even today. (2) By investigating the digitized Journals of the Continental Congress which are the most fundamental documents on the Revolutionary era, we find that John Hanson of Maryland, so-called the “first” president of the U.S., cannot be identified even as the first president under the ratified Articles of Confederation nor as an identical president under the U.S. Constitution, inevitably. Moreover, it turns out that Founding Fathers uttered an important phrase, the “American Revolution” only six times in the Journals. (3) By using the full-text searching function equipped in the digitized Writings of George Washington form the Original Manuscript Sources compiled by J. Fitzpatrick, we reconstruct George Washington’s everyday life focusing on a word, “watch.” While showing the contemporary meanings of pocket watches and related items (seals, etc.) in the early modern Atlantic world, we dig into the deep structure of the Writings, and reveal the consumer world of Washington family, details of consignment system, and several customs concerning the transatlantic trade.
宮地 朝子
名古屋大学文学部研究論集 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.56, pp.1-18, 2010-03-31 (Released:2010-05-21)

This paper examines the syntactic and semantic characteristics of one of the Japanese particles that derived from noun called “hoka”. This particle has various historical and dialectal usages. The usages of the particle “hoka” is comprised of six categories as (1) Outside/different location, (2) The other thing or people (something else/somebody else), (3) A location other than the described location (indefinite), (4) a: Exceptional phrase in the form of “x yori-hoka-ni・・・NEG”, (4) b: Exceptional phrase in the form of “x yori-hoka・・・NEG”, (5) Additional phrase in the form of “x yori-hoka,” (6) Focus particle as Negative Polarity Item. The above mentioned first five categories show syntactic characteristics while the categories of 3, 4, and 5 can be explained as formal nouns. In contrast the type (6) can be explained as particle NPI because of reanalysis in non-existential sentence. Usage of the article “hoka” in semantic functions of noun phrase has some differences depending on its grammatical position in a sentence. We can consider the usages of categories No 1 and 2 as Referential Noun; No 3, 4, and 5 as Non-referential Noun Phrase. Furthermore, the category No 3 can be described as predicate nominal; No 4 as Quantified Noun Phrases; and No 5 as Noun Phrases Involving a Variable (NPIV) (Nishiyama 2003). In conclusion various usage of the particle “hoka” can be explained by diversity of nominal and its syntactic position.
名古屋大学文学部研究論集 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.58, pp.1-11, 2012-03-31 (Released:2012-10-05)
神塚 淑子
名古屋大学文学部研究論集 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.54, pp.79-98, 2008-03-31 (Released:2008-10-03)

受到武則天、唐玄宗尊崇、對唐代社會具有很大影響力的道士司馬承禎(公元六四七~ 七三五年),在天台山度過了很長的歲月。他在上清派道教(茅山派道教)的譜係中占有 一席之地。這篇論文的目的,在於闡明:對於司馬承禎而言,天台山是一個怎樣的地方? 以及司馬氏與其作爲上清派道教的継承者這一意識及天台山之間,究竟存在怎樣的聯繫? 據説司馬承禎在天台山中的住處爲靈墟與桐柏觀。本文的第一章,依據司馬承禎缘於靈 墟所作的《素琴傳》,闡明他是一位喜愛天台山的風光氣候的文人隠士。接下來的第二章, 對司馬承禎接受唐睿宗的勅命於天台山重建桐柏觀的相關事項進行考察。 第三章,對司馬承禎爲説明桐柏真人王君(王子晉、王子喬)的事跡而著的《上清侍 帝晨桐柏真人真圖讚》進行考察。《圖讚》的内容多基於《眞誥》之記述。本文指出其與 《眞誥》的對應關係,説明司馬承禎對上清派的宗教的世界觀所持有的極大關注。随後的 第四章,對司馬承禎向玄宗上書得到许可建立五嶽眞君祠一事進行考察,指明奏請設置五 嶽眞君祠、於天台山設王眞君壇、以及撰述《上清侍帝晨桐柏真人真圖讚》等一係列事 情,均與其作爲上清派道教継承者的使命感密不可分。
神塚 淑子
名古屋大学文学部研究論集 (ISSN:04694716)
no.54, pp.79-98, 2008
広瀬 幸雄 HIROSE Yukio
vol.35, pp.61-76, 1989-03-31 (Released:2007-12-12)
伊藤 伸幸 ITO Nobuyuki
名古屋大学文学部研究論集 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.57, pp.65-86, 2011-03-31 (Released:2011-04-14)

Existen dos tendencias escultóricas muy conocidas en Mesoamérica en la que se representan cabezas humanas, ambos estilos fueron realizados en formatos distintos: las cabezas Colosales y las cabezas Grandes. La cultura Olmeca se distingue por haber plasmado una forma escultórica conocida como “Cabeza Colosal”. Esta escultura muestra como atributos distintivos la cabeza y el rostro de un personaje que porta un casco con dos protecciones sobre las orejas. Sus rasgos faciales son realistas, ojos almendrados, nariz corta y ancha, labios gruesos, ceño fruncido y otros caracteres. Por otra parte, en varias regiones de Mesoamérica, existen otro tipo de representaciones escultóricas que podría llamarse “Cabeza Grande”. Esta corriente escultórica se caracteriza por que el personaje no porta casco como el que se representa en las “Cabezas Colosales”, de igual forma mantienen una expresión facial menos realista y su tamaño es más pequeño que el de las “Cabezas Colosales”. Referente a la distribución de las esculturas, las “Cabezas Colosales” sólo se encuentran en la región de Golfo de México a diferencia de las “Cabezas Grandes”, mismas que se distribuyen en varias regiones del Golfo de México, Altiplano Central de México y Costa Sur. Se presume que en Costa Sur se esculpieron las “Cabezas Grandes”, modificando algunas de las características originarias que poseen las “Cabezas Colosales” del Golfo de México. Hasta el periodo Clásico Tardío continuó la tradición escultórica de las cabezas, convirtiéndose en otra forma escultórica representativa de la Costa Sur de Mesoamérica.
梶原 義実 KAJIWARA Yoshimitsu
名古屋大学文学部研究論集 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.56, pp.69-86, 2010-03-31 (Released:2010-05-21)

Gyoki (行基) is a famous and virtuous Buddhist priest in Nara period. He is known getting many supporters from the people and the local influential person by having performed much social work such as the construction of a bridge and the harbor facilities, the building of the hotels for travelers, and the digging of the pond and the ditch, while occasionally receiving persecution of the legal government. Furthermore, he had a legend that“Forty-nine Temples built by Gyoki”. But almost of these temples have not been discovered archeologically yet despite many archeologists and historians tried it. In this paper, we insists to approach how Gyoki and his believers group recognized ancient temples by comparing aspects of building or reconstructing of ancient temple with the presumed position of "forty-nine temples built by Gyoki" and other Gyoki-related temples in Izumi district, hometown of him.
田村 均 TAMURA Hitoshi
名古屋大学文学部研究論集 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.56, pp.1-24, 2010-03-31 (Released:2010-05-21)

This report deals with the results of a questionnaire about four historico-philosophical concepts: “modernity”, “tradition”, “individualism”, and “the will”. The questionnaire was designed to make it appear what attitudes or evaluations Japanese people had toward these concepts. It was filled out by more than five hundred Japanese college students. The results are this: the majority of them hold that contemporary Japan is a modern society but that it more or less belongs to the Eastern tradition; they feel that individualism is something nice; and, most important, they think that an individual can have several Ishi (wills) simultaneously. It is a common presupposition in English that one does not have wills. Nearly ninety percent of Japanese college students, however, take it for granted that there can be plural Ishi (the Japanese counterpart of “the will”) at one time in one person. They may not believe that it is the one and only Ishi (the will) that makes decision and chooses the best course of action among options. They may have quite a different scheme of explanation of decision making from that which English speakers naturally presumes to be valid. Hopefully, a new perspective for the explanation of human action will be obtained through a comparative study of the Japanese concept of Ishi with its English counterpart.
山田 弘明 YAMADA Hiroaki
vol.49, pp.5-24, 2003-03-31 (Released:2007-12-18)