村瀬 延哉
言語文化研究 (ISSN:03851494)
no.14, pp.p18-34, 1988

Le Menteur de Corneille fut joué au théâtre du Marais, peut-être en janvier 1643. La pièce eut un grand succès. C'est une comédie très amusante, en dépit des complications d'une intrigue qu'elle a empruntée à Alarcon. C'est aussi une bonne comédie de moeurs, car l'auteur porte à la scène les moeurs de la jeunesse galante de Paris et les décrit avec un certain réalisme.Mais peut-on la considérer comme une comédie de caractère? On a fait à cette question des réponses exactement opposées. Par exemple, selon Voltaire, le Menteur est "la première comédie de caractère qui ait illustré la France". Adam, lui, est tout à fait opposé à cette opinion : "C'est dire que le «Menteur» n'est pas une comédie de caractère. Corneille a voulu naturellement que son menteur fût vraisemblable, que son portrait fût peint de couleurs justes. Mais son propos n'est nullement d'en creuser les profondeurs, de révéler les secrets de l'homme qui ment". Quant à la description psychologique d'un personnage, les lecteurs contemporains sont sans aucun doute plus exigeants que ceux du 18^e siècle. Ce qui les incite sans doute à prendre parti pour Adam : le Menteur, pour eux, n'est pas une comédie de caractère.Mais il y a une scène où, Dorante, hâbleur romanesque, excite la curiosité d'un lecteur moderne, en faisant croire à l'existence d'un autre Dorante dissimulé derrière le masque de ce jeune homme sympathique. Au dénouement, il nie son amour pour Clarice à qui il a fait la cour depuis le début de la pièce et avoue qu'il aime Lucrèce, amie de Clarice; néanmoins, dans la Suite du Menteur, il l'abandonnera elle aussi, la veille de leurs noces. Cette inconstance, cette cruauté du héros nous dégoute un peu. C'est pourquoi Nadal critique le dénouement, en prenant à son compte les mots de Péguy : "Le dénouement du «Menteur» ne paraît pas répondre à «la comédie du noble jeu» menée jusque-là sans défaillance. Il reste étranger au caractère de Dorante et à la nature même de son mensonge. Découvert, le Menteur soutient qu'il a vraiment joué la comédie visà-vis de Clarice. C'est- la première veulerie, la première laideur. Le cœur lui-même ment; l'amour se nie. A la vérité, on ne comprend plus".Sa cruauté rappelle celle d'Alidor, héros de la Place Royale. De peur d'épouser sa bien-aimée, Alidor lui aussi l'abandonne et la livre à son ami. Dorante, qui est en apparence un joyeux drille, éprouve sans doute au fond la même inquiétude qu'Alidor, une sorte de complexe vis-à-vis des femmes.Si l'on essaie de comprendre le Menteur en le comparant à d'autres pièces de Corneille on peut s'attendre à de nouvelles révélations sur le caractère du héros.
橋本 晃啓 調枝 孝治 北村 靖治 宮原 満男
広島大学総合科学部紀要. VI, 保健体育学研究 (ISSN:02893002)
vol.5, pp.53-66, 1988-02-28

本研究では, バスケットボールの系列運動課題の再生レベルを向上させるリハーサルのタイプを明らかにすることを目的とした。このため, 大学生男子216名を以下の6つの条件に36名ずつ分け, 各条件のもとでそれぞれリハーサルを行わせた後, 系列運動課題を再生させた。6つのリハーサル条件とは, 1)図, 2)図と言語的説明, 3)映像と言語的説明, 4)図と小筋運動感覚, 5)図と言語と小筋運動感覚, 6)図と大筋運動感覚である。再生パフォーマンスの測度は, 1)系列運動課題の遂行時間, 2)下位系列位置における再生率であった。その結果を要約すると, 系列運動課題遂行時間については, 条件6が最も速く, 続いて条件5であった。さらに, 条件1と条件4では最も遅かった。系列運動課題の再生率については, 条件2, 条件3, 条件6で再生率が高く, 条件1と条件4は低かった。このことから以下の2点が結論づけられた。1)言語的説明は系列運動課題の再生に重要な役割を果たしているが, 言語や図に実際の運動を結びつけたリハーサル, すなわち, 筋肉活動による出力に伴うフィードバック情報を付加的に用いて精緻化リハーサルを行う必要がある。2)時間的順序性を含むコード(たとえば, 言語・映像・筋肉運動)を用いたリハーサルを妨害すると再生レベルは低下する。In this paper we intended to make clear the effects of rehearsal types on recall of serial motor task in basketball. 216 male undergraduate students (18-20 yrs.) were divided into following six groups with different rehearsal conditions, i. e. 1) pictorial, 2) picture-illustrated, 3) model-illustrated, 4) pictorial and fine motor, 5) pictorial, verbal, and fine motor, and 6) pictorial and gross motor rehearsal. The students were required to recall the serial motor task after the engagement in one of these conditions. The speed and accuracy in performing the serial motor task were measured for each group.The results were as follows ;Subjects in rehearsal condition No. 6 were the fastest with respect to serial movement time, and in rehearsal condition No. 2, 3, and 6 they performed with high accuracy in contrast with rehearsal condition No. 1 and 4 which showed the slowest and poorly accurate performance. Therefore the elaborate rehearsal with current movements facilitated recall performance. The interference of verbal, model-illustrated, and/or motor rehearsal has caused decline in the level of recall.
橋本 晃啓 調枝 孝治 北村 靖治
広島大学総合科学部紀要. VI, 保健体育学研究 (ISSN:02893002)
vol.6, pp.53-71, 1989-02-28

本研究では、バスケットボールの系列運動課題の精緻化リハーサルにおいて、どのような精緻コード化が行われているのかを、体制化および使用される情報コードという点から明らかにすることを目的とした。被験者は、バスケットボールに熟練した男子大学生64名(18歳~22歳)と熟練していない男子大学生56名(18歳~20歳)であった。被験者は以下の4つのリハーサル条件に同数ずつランダムに割り当てられ、各条件のもとでリハーサルを行った後、系列運動課題を1回だけ再生した。リハーサル条件は、a) 図で提示されリハーサル時に筋出力を禁止される、b) 言語と映像で提示されリハーサル時に筋出力を禁止される、c) 図で提示され小筋活動によってリハーサルする、d) 図で提示され大筋活動によってリハーサルする、であった。そして、再生後に系列運動課題を記憶したときの精緻コード化について、質問紙による調査を受けた。再生パフォーマンスは、系列運動課題の遂行時間と再生率から整理された。その結果、熟練者は「アウトサイドスクリーンプレイ」「2線速攻」に関する手続き的知識に基づいて、個々の動作を結びつけて3~4つの高次単位を形成し、動的な映像イメージを用いてコード化した。一方、未熟練者では、プレイに関する知識に乏しく、個々の動作を関係づけて高次単位を形成するという体制化の過程は見られなかった。また、熟練者と異なり、静的な画像イメージを用いてコード化する傾向が認められた。再生パフォーマンスは、速さ、正確さとも熟練者の方が優れており、再生レベルの向上に対する体制化の有効性が示唆された。Some questionnaires were employed to study the characteristics of elaborative coding for a serial motor task in basketball. 64 male experts on basketball (18-22 yrs.) and 56 male novices (18-20 yrs.) were divided into following four different rehearsal conditions, i. e. a) pictorial presentation of movement patterns without physical rehearsal, b) modeled and verbal explanation without physical rehearsal, c) pictorial presentation with fine motor rehearsal, and d) pictorial presentation with gross motor rehearsal. After the reproduction of the serial motor task, subjects were required to reply how they had encoded it. The speed and accuracy in performing the task were measured for each rehearsal condition, too. The results were as follows.1) The experts organized the to-be-remembered items of movement based on the procedural knowledges of "out-side screen play" and "2men break".Then they encoded the serial motor patterns by using the visual image of moving picture. On the other hand, the novices did not organize the items, since they have little knowledge of those plays. And they encoded by using the visual image of pictorial pattern.2) The experts performed the serial motor task much faster and much more accurately than the novices. Then the roles of organization in the elaborative coding processes were discussed in relation to recall performance.
村瀬 延哉
言語文化研究 (ISSN:03851494)
no.13, pp.p421-432, 1987

Il y a une affinité entre Polyeucte et Alidor, héros extravagant de La Place royale. Tous les deux considèrent leurs bien-aimées comme un obstacle à la réalisation de leur idéal. Et ils les cèdent à d'autres: ce qui est profondément blessant pour une femme, même si on le faisait pour assurer son bonheur.Examinons de plus près le cas d'Alidor. Sa liberté et sa tranquillité d'esprit lui importent par-dessus tout. L'amour qu'il éprouve pour Angélique semble souvent l'empêcher de s'assurer s'il jouit toujours de cette liberté. Il explique ainsi ses tourments: "Et de tous mes soucis la liberté bannie / Me soumet en esclave à trop de tyrannie". Du reste, il se plaint à son ami Cléandre de ce qu'Angélique l'accable de "faveurs fatales à son repos". Peut-être, est-ce une âme trop sensible!Il s'inquiète aussi de savoir s'il aimera bien toujours Angélique: "Et pour peu qu'elle (= sa beauté) dure, aucun me peut-il dire / Si je pourrai l'aimer jusqu'à ce qu'elle expire ? / Du temps, qui change tout, les révolutions / Ne changent-elles pas nos résolutions?"D'ailleurs, il est sans doute en proie à d'autres inquiétudes, quoiqu'il hésite à l'avouer: est-il et sera-t-il vraiment aimé d'Angélique? C'est pourquoi il crie d'allégresse après l'avoir irrémédiablement blessée en la cédant à Cléandre: "Plus je t'étais ingrat, plus tu me chérissais; / Ton ardeur croissait plus je te trahissais."Comme l'auteur, Alidor est jeune et célibataire. Il ne comprend pas bien la réalité, ni les femmes. Ainsi se laisse-t-il quelquefois entraîner à des chimères ou des inquiétudes. Les problèmes d'amour le tourmentent.Polyeucte est, pour ainsi dire, un Alidor marié. En effet, Corneille épousa Marie de Lampérière quelques années avant la première représentation de la pièce. On peut donc dire qu'elle eut pour rôle d'apaiser les inquiétudes d'Alidor, en fournissant une réponse aux problèmes qu'il se posait.Polyeucte, lui aussi, a conscience de la fragilité de l'amour humain. Par conséquent il se voue à l'amour de Dieu et décide de céder sa femme à Sévère. Mais, malgré cela, elle ne le quitte pas, ainsi que l'a fait Angélique. Au contraire, elle abandonne son père et son ancien amoureux, favori de l'empereur, pour suivre son mari couvert d'ignominie à en croire l'opinion publique.Le rêve d'Alidor se réalise dans Polyeucte. La pièce fournit la preuve de l'existance d'un amour conjugal qui surmonte les épreuves les plus difficiles. La vie conjuale que mena l'auteur lui aurait inspiré cette confiance en la profondeur de l'amour d'une femme.
小田 司
広島大学総合科学部紀要. IV, 理系編 (ISSN:13408364)
no.19, pp.189-191, 1993-12-31

斉藤 忠資
広島大学総合科学部紀要. III, 人間文化研究 (ISSN:09187782)
no.12, pp.1-15, 2003

的場 いづみ
地域文化研究 (ISSN:03851451)
vol.26, pp.161-183, 2000

The Korean War had been neglected in American literature, until the oral history of the Vietnam War boomed in the 80s and many of the veterans published their memory of the war. Encouraged by this oral history boom, Korean War veterans have published their own oral histories for the last two decades. William Styron's two fictions, The Long March (1956) and "Marriott, the Marine"(1971), are considered as earlier works concerned with the Korean War in American literature. Though Styron served in the Marines twice, first during the Second World War and second during the Korean War, he spent most of his time in camps and was not sent to the battlefields. Based on his own military experience, the settings of the two fictions were both military camps in North Carolina, not battlefields in Korea. Although the actual battlefields in Korea were not represented in the fictions, it is possible to see his viewpoint on the Korean War in them.In The Long March antagonism between individuals and the inhumane military system is represented through a captain's rebellion to a colonel. The theme, the inhumane military system suppressing the individuals, frequently appears in war stories and films of the time, such as Norman Mailer's The Naked and the Dead (1948), James Jones's From Here to Eternity (1951), and David Lean's The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957). As Styron, stimulated by the success of The Naked and the Dead and From Here to Eternity, decided to fictionalize his own camp experience as The Long March, it is considered that he was strongly influenced by the conflicts frequently seen in the Second World War stories in the 40 s and early 50s."Marriott, the Marine" is a part of his uncompleted novel The Way of the Warrior in which Styron planned to demonstrate that a regular officer, who embodies the esprit of corps of the Marines, has become suspicious of the justification of his service, realizing the inhumanity of military system. Although the conflicts between the individuals and the military system, repeatedly seen in the Second World War stories, succeeded in the novel, influences of the Vietnam War were also scattered in it. For example, the officer's suspicion of his service and the government, which Styron planned to clarify, suggests the anti-war movement even in the military, which was public knowledge in 1966.Besides, in "Marriott, the Marine" brutality in a certain U.S. soldier is portrayed: prejudice against communists and Asian people, and desire for murder. In 1971, when "Marriott, the Marine" was published, he also published an essay, "Calley," a kind of review on several books about First Lieutenant William Calley and the massacre in My Lai which, revealed in 1969, shocked the people in the U.S.A., and helped many of them regard U.S. soldiers as baby killers and rapists. Styron portrays the same kind of brutality in soldiers who served in the Korean War.Prejudice against communists and Asian people is amplified in "Love Day," a Second World War story published in 1985. The story suggests that the prejudice for ideology and races, not only in military but also in U.S. society, contributes to the brutality and inhumanity in the soldiers. Comparing The Long March with "Marriott, the Marine" and "Love Day," it is clear that Styron has reconstructed his memory of military service in the Second World War and in the Korean War with insight gained from the Vietnam War.
伊東 保
言語文化研究 (ISSN:03851494)
no.14, pp.p84-100, 1988

Louis in The Waves is modeled on T. S. Eliot. That is clear when we see his neat, precise manner and appearance. His monologues show that he thinks the time past is contained in the time present, and that he can identify himself with a plant. His sense of time is very similar to the one in "Tradition and the Individual Talent". His fantasy is like that of The Golden Bough to which The Waste Land refers.The Waves has a number of images and motifs taken directly and indirectly from The Waste Land. The central figure of the novel is Percival, whose name and character remind us of the Knight of the Holy Grail. When he starts for India, the goal of his travel is to pursue the Grail. When he dies, the pursuit is taken over by Bernard, the novelist, who completes his novel at the end of the story when he can identify himself with Percival. His novel is his Holy Grail.Bernard's novel is written with cries and monosyllabic words, and represents his six friends' lives as well as his own as a whole. His novel is Virginia Woolf's ideal novel, which must be simple and saturated like poetry and must contain everything like a novel. She completed her novel by letting Bernard complete his novel, for the ideal is ideal and cannot be real.When T. S. Eliot wrote The Waste Land he was experiencing death of the heart. Woolf and the members of the Bloomsbury Group knew that and they thought the poem was "Tom's" autobiography. Woolf also experienced a kind of death, and she wrote this novel in order to be resurrected. The Waves is the autobiography of Virginia Woolf as a novelist.
橋原 孝博 小村 堯 宮原 満男
広島大学総合科学部紀要. VI, 保健体育学研究 (ISSN:02893002)
vol.6, pp.33-41, 1988

The purpose of this study was to establish the automated 16mm motion analysis system for three dimensional cinematography(DLT method).Nac motion analyser equipped with graf-pen degitizer,and NEC personalcomputer were used for the 16mm film analysis,where the coordinates were automatically transferred into the computer.The position data calculated by DLT method were very accurate.The mean deviations of computed coordinates from the actualcoordinates were 0.011m in the vertical direction(Z),0.019m in the horizontal direction(X)and 0.008m in the horizontal direction(Y).
田原 光広
地域文化研究 (ISSN:03851451)
vol.29, pp.125-166, 2003

Although he had pursued a liberalist career as a Whig politician, Edmund Burke became the first modern conservative when he published Reflections on the Revolution in France to argue against the French Revolution and defend the British constitution. In this work, Burke significantly tried to seek British national identity in order to refute the political theory behind the French Revolution. The purpose of this paper is to examine Burke's political arguments and elucidate concretely the characteristics of his interpretation of British national identity. After making a survey of the main arguments between Burke and Richard Price, who passionately endorsed the French Revolution in his preaching Discourse on the Love of Our Country, I employ five viewpoints to understand Burke's insistence: 'abstract' and 'metaphysical' principles supported by Price, the British constitution built on 'the pattern of nature', British society as an 'organic' system, two opposing symbolic images of 'oak tree' and 'poplar tree' which represent the British constitution and French revolutionary system, and the contrasting aethetic and political sense between British landscape gardening and French formal or 'geometrical' gardening. These viewpoints are reinforced and generalized by referring to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, William Godwin's Caleb Williams, Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Shakespearean Criticism, and James Gillray's caricatures. In the age of the French Revolution, Burke was given the opportunity to play a historical role of incorporating into his political arguments aesthetic, cultural, and literary arguments about 'nature' and 'art' which were inextraicably connected with British and French national identity.
菊地 邦雄
広島大学総合科学部紀要. VI, 保健体育学研究 (ISSN:02893002)
vol.8, pp.31-38, 1991-02-28

水泳選手, 男子13名(年齢14~17歳), 女子8名(年齢12~15歳)の合計21名を被検者として, 上肢, 下肢の等速性筋力を測定し, つぎの結果を得た。(1) 下肢のピークトルクは, 上肢のそれより, 男女ともに上まわった。(2) 上肢, 下肢のピークトルクともに, 男子は女子を上まわり, 上肢の女子のピークトルクは男子のそれの59.0~65.0%, 下肢のそれは59.2~78.5%であった。(3) 上肢の%ピークトルクでは, 男女差はみられないが, 下肢のそれでは, 女子が男子を上まわった。(4) 同じ角速度における上肢の%ピークトルクと下肢のそれとの間には, 男女ともに有意な相関はみとめられなかった。(5) 競泳種目別の上肢のピークトルクと下肢のピークトルクとの関係では, 自由形, 背泳, バタフライは, 下肢のピークトルクが上肢のピークトルクを上まわり, 平泳は一定の傾向を示さなかった。The purpose of this study was to clarify the characteristics of isokinetic muscle contraction of upper limb and lower limb.Thirteen male swimmers aged 14 to 17 years and eight famale swimmers aged 12 to 15 years were served in this experiment.Upper arm extension and leg extension were determined by measuring the peak torque generated through a range of constant velocity of the use of an isokinetic dynamometer (Cybex II, Lumex Inc.).First, each subject was in sitting position in a chair with the knee angle 90 degrees, and swag the right leg in vigorous knee extension at the velocity of 30, 120, 210 and 300 °/sec. Secondarily, each subject lay on its face in a long chair with the elbow angle 120 degrees, and shook the right upper limb at the same each velocity of knee extension.The results were summarized as follow;1) Peak torque of lower limb was superior to that of upper limb in male and female swimmers.2) Peak torque of male swimmers was greater than that of female swimmers in upper limb and lower limb.3) No apparent difference of male and female was found in % peak torque of upper limb, but % peak torque of female was superior to that of male in lower limb.4) In free, back and butterfly swimming styles, peak torque of lower limb was greater that of upper limb. In breast swimming style, no an apparent tendency was observed in peak torque of upper limb and lower limb.
友田 卓爾
地域文化研究 (ISSN:03851451)
vol.31, pp.45-74, 2005

In November 1640 the Long Parliament met, and soon a commercially produced weekly manuscript of parliamentary proceedings was available in London. Nehemiah Wallington (1598-1658), the puritan artisan (turner) who lived in Little Eastcheap, read the serious newsbooks of the early 1640s. He compiled materials into the journal "Historical Notoces of Events occurring chiefly in the reign of Charles 1". He stood at his shop-door to watch the passing by of some political procession, or to look out for his book with keen anxiety. The aim of this article is to prove that the parliamentary news between November 1640 and May 1641 described in "Historical Notices of Events" is extracted or cited from the following two volumes which preceded the newsbooks : "The Diurnall Occurrences, or Dayly Proceedings of Both Houses, in this Great and Happy Parliament, From the third of November 1640, to the third of November 1641. With A Continuation of all the Speeches, from June last, to the third of November, 1641." and "Speeches and Passages of This Great and Happy parliament: From the third of November, 1640 to this instant June, 1641. Collected into One Volume, and according to the most perfect Originalls, exactly published." Commercial production of printed news undermined old norms of secrecy that precluded popular discussion of political matters. Wallington cried "Oh the damage and misery that we were in by paying of ship-money; and the wrong and impoverishing of very many thousands in paying monies for the Corporations which was against all law and conscience!" News publications incorporated a greater number of people into the arena of political debate.
伊東 保
言語文化研究 (ISSN:03851494)
no.9, pp.p41-59, 1983

Life has no plot, says Isadora Zelda Wing, the protagonist and narrator of Fear of Flying, but "to help us along we create little fictions ... which clarify and shape our experience," Erica Jong, the writer, quotes Jerzy Kosinski. Fear of Flying is an attempt to create a fiction whose completion generates a novel and a novelist. It is an autobiography by a would-be novelist, or, to use Steven Kellman's phrase, a self-begetting novel.Isadora, a poet and would-be novelist, seeks a "zipless fuck," and to have an odyssey with a lover. During the odyssey she attempts to retrieve her past, and affects by turns literary figures like Simone de Beauvoir, Virginia Woolf, Colett and soon. At the end the lover proves to be no real zipless fuck and leaves her. So she must face her real self. When she reads her notebook, with many things jotted down in it, a revelation comes that the odyssey was an attempt to fly on her own wings, and that she need not apologize for it. With this revelation, the notebook turns into the novel.Fear of Flying has an open ending; Isadora cannot get her zipless fuck nor does she leave her husband. That is a compromise and leaves Isadora and her creator in a state of frustration. The frustration leads them to write another novel, How to Save Your Own Life, in which Isadora gets her real zipless fuck. Thus the search for the zipless fuck completes itself as a metaphor for the search for the writer's identity as a woman novelist.