相川 慎也 芦原 貴司 天野 晃 有末 伊織 安藤 譲二 伊井 仁志 出江 紳一 伊東 保志 稲田 慎 井上 雅仁 今井 健 岩下 篤司 上村 和紀 内野 詠一郎 宇野 友貴 江村 拓人 大内田 研宙 大城 理 太田 淳 太田 岳 大谷 智仁 大家 渓 岡 崇史 岡崎 哲三 岡本 和也 岡山 慶太 小倉 正恒 小山 大介 海住 太郎 片山 統裕 勝田 稔三 加藤 雄樹 加納 慎一郎 鎌倉 令 亀田 成司 河添 悦昌 河野 喬仁 紀ノ定 保臣 木村 映善 木村 真之 粂 直人 藏富 壮留 黒田 知宏 小島 諒介 小西 有人 此内 緑 小林 哲生 坂田 泰史 朔 啓太 篠原 一彦 白記 達也 代田 悠一郎 杉山 治 鈴木 隆文 鈴木 英夫 外海 洋平 高橋 宏和 田代 洋行 田村 寛 寺澤 靖雄 飛松 省三 戸伏 倫之 中沢 一雄 中村 大輔 西川 拓也 西本 伸志 野村 泰伸 羽山 陽介 原口 亮 日比野 浩 平木 秀輔 平野 諒司 深山 理 稲岡 秀検 堀江 亮太 松村 泰志 松本 繁巳 溝手 勇 向井 正和 牟田口 淳 門司 恵介 百瀬 桂子 八木 哲也 柳原 一照 山口 陽平 山田 直生 山本 希美子 湯本 真人 横田 慎一郎 吉原 博幸 江藤 正俊 大城 理 岡山 慶太 川田 徹 紀ノ岡 正博 黒田 知宏 坂田 泰史 杉町 勝 中沢 一雄 中島 一樹 成瀬 恵治 橋爪 誠 原口 亮 平田 雅之 福岡 豊 不二門 尚 村田 正治 守本 祐司 横澤 宏一 吉田 正樹 和田 成生
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.Dictionary.1, pp.1-603, 2022 (Released:2022-03-31)
伊東 保志 赤滝 久美 三田 勝己 渡壁 誠 伊藤 晋彦
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:09151923)
vol.J86-D2, no.1, pp.130-139, 2003-01-01

筋音図(Mechanomyogram; MMG)とは収縮筋上の体表面上に現れる微細な振動を記録した信号であり,筋線維の収縮に伴って発生する側方向への圧力波に起因し,筋の機械的な活動を反映する.本研究では,筋力低下に至るまでの持続性収縮時の非定常なMMGを時間-周波数解析し,筋疲労に伴う運動単位の活動様式の変化をMMGから推察することを目的とした.実験では,上腕二頭筋を最大随意筋力の20%と80%(20%と80% MVC)で等尺性に持続収縮させ,このとき記録されたMMGを短時間フーリエ変換法を用いて解析し,RMS 振幅と平均周波数を求めた.20% MVCでのMMGのRMS振幅は収縮開始時に若干減少した後に漸増した.平均周波数は当初増大したが,その後はほぼ一定値を保った.一方80% MVC の場合,RMS 振幅は連続的に減少し,平均周波数はいったん増大した後に減少した.このようなMMGのRMS振幅と平均周波数の経時的変化は筋疲労の発生に伴うMU 活動様式の変化を反映しており、MMGによる筋疲労のモニタリングの有用性が示唆された.
伊東 保
言語文化研究 (ISSN:03851494)
no.14, pp.p84-100, 1988

Louis in The Waves is modeled on T. S. Eliot. That is clear when we see his neat, precise manner and appearance. His monologues show that he thinks the time past is contained in the time present, and that he can identify himself with a plant. His sense of time is very similar to the one in "Tradition and the Individual Talent". His fantasy is like that of The Golden Bough to which The Waste Land refers.The Waves has a number of images and motifs taken directly and indirectly from The Waste Land. The central figure of the novel is Percival, whose name and character remind us of the Knight of the Holy Grail. When he starts for India, the goal of his travel is to pursue the Grail. When he dies, the pursuit is taken over by Bernard, the novelist, who completes his novel at the end of the story when he can identify himself with Percival. His novel is his Holy Grail.Bernard's novel is written with cries and monosyllabic words, and represents his six friends' lives as well as his own as a whole. His novel is Virginia Woolf's ideal novel, which must be simple and saturated like poetry and must contain everything like a novel. She completed her novel by letting Bernard complete his novel, for the ideal is ideal and cannot be real.When T. S. Eliot wrote The Waste Land he was experiencing death of the heart. Woolf and the members of the Bloomsbury Group knew that and they thought the poem was "Tom's" autobiography. Woolf also experienced a kind of death, and she wrote this novel in order to be resurrected. The Waves is the autobiography of Virginia Woolf as a novelist.
伊東 保
言語文化研究 (ISSN:03851494)
no.9, pp.p41-59, 1983

Life has no plot, says Isadora Zelda Wing, the protagonist and narrator of Fear of Flying, but "to help us along we create little fictions ... which clarify and shape our experience," Erica Jong, the writer, quotes Jerzy Kosinski. Fear of Flying is an attempt to create a fiction whose completion generates a novel and a novelist. It is an autobiography by a would-be novelist, or, to use Steven Kellman's phrase, a self-begetting novel.Isadora, a poet and would-be novelist, seeks a "zipless fuck," and to have an odyssey with a lover. During the odyssey she attempts to retrieve her past, and affects by turns literary figures like Simone de Beauvoir, Virginia Woolf, Colett and soon. At the end the lover proves to be no real zipless fuck and leaves her. So she must face her real self. When she reads her notebook, with many things jotted down in it, a revelation comes that the odyssey was an attempt to fly on her own wings, and that she need not apologize for it. With this revelation, the notebook turns into the novel.Fear of Flying has an open ending; Isadora cannot get her zipless fuck nor does she leave her husband. That is a compromise and leaves Isadora and her creator in a state of frustration. The frustration leads them to write another novel, How to Save Your Own Life, in which Isadora gets her real zipless fuck. Thus the search for the zipless fuck completes itself as a metaphor for the search for the writer's identity as a woman novelist.