鈴木 博
動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:02870223)
no.18, pp.47-53, 1980-06-25

HOLTHUIS(1973)は,海岸から少し内陸に入ったところにあり,海水が地下から浸透し,潮汐によって水面が上下する潮溜りをanchialine Pool(陸封潮溜り)とよんでいる。このような環境に生息するエビ類は,現在5科10余種が知られ,そのほとんどのエビの体色は鮮かな赤色である。ここに報告したエビはAntecaridina lauensis(EDMONDSON)で,Fiji諸島(模式標本産地)・Europa諸島(マダガスカル西方)・Dahlak諸島(シナイ半島東部)・Hawaii諸島などで知られ,日本では南大東島からの記録(諸喜田,1975)があるのみであった。 このエビが発見された黒島の古井戸は,典型的なanchialine poolで,塩分は1979年12月7日の測定では13.22‰であった。このエビの第1・2・5胸脚はそれぞれヌマエビ科の特徴を示しているが,眼上棘を欠き,額角は短かくとがり無棘,眼柄は短かく,複眼は退化的,鰓は7対,外肢がすべての胸脚に存在することなどが種の特徴である。暗所では,多くの個体は鮮かな赤色であるが,明所では色素細胞の収縮により,体は黄赤色か半透明となるものがみられる。
森下 悟至 本村 浩之
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.44, pp.58-63, 2018-02-28 (Released:2018-03-20)

Six specimens (39.9–81.4 mm standard length) of the Round Scorpionfish Neomerinthe erostris (Alcock, 1896) (Scorpaenidae), previously recorded from the Indo-West Pacific and in the western Pacific from Taiwan to New Caledonia and the Wallis and Futuna Islands, were collected from Uchinoura Bay, Osumi Peninsula; southern Okinawa Trough; and Iriomote Island, Yaeyama Islands, southern Japan. The six specimens represent the first records of N. erostris from Japanese waters and include the northernmost records (Uchinoura Bay) for the species. The Japanese specimens are described here in detail and the new Japanese name “Yabusame-kasago” is proposed for the species.
Imamura Hisashi
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.9, no.1, pp.1-36, 2004
7 31

The phylogenetic relationships of the superfamily Scorpaenoidea are reconstructed cladistically, based on specimens belonging to 18 families, 59 genera, and 86 species, by using osteological and myological characters recognized in 111 transformation series. The following relationships are inferred: (1) the former Scorpaenoidei is paraphyletic; (2) the family Sebastidae is not monophyletic, most of the genera included having initially branched off other ingroup taxa; (3) the family Setarchidae and Trachyscorpia have a sister relationship, being nested within the paraphyletic Scorpaenidae; and (4) the family Neosebastidae is the sister group of the former Platycephaloidei. In conclusion, the Scorpaenoidea is reclassified into 20 families, accepting several redefined taxa, such as the Sebastidae, Sebastolobidae, and Scorpaenidae.
田辺 力 曽田 貞滋
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.52, pp.24-25, 2022-02-28 (Released:2022-03-01)

Mechanical isolation found in two sympatric species of Parafontaria millipedes is caused by mismatched genital and body sizes between sexes during mating. Effective precopulatory isolation is lacked between the two species.
no.29, pp.1-3, 1963-05-25
西川 輝昭
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.51, pp.19-28, 2021-08-31 (Released:2021-08-31)

Baron Yoshio Tanaka (1838–1916), a famous historical researcher of natural history based in the “honzo-gaku” (traditional natural history) developed in the Edo Period in Japan, established himself as a talented and energetic higher governmental official in early modern Japan, establishing the National Museum. He also contributed much to the development of modern biological education by the compilation of wallcharts and translations of European and American textbooks into Japanese, and improved understanding of agricultural and fisheries products. He is therefore regarded to have bridged the gap between pre-modern and modern approaches in biology (especially botany), although his influence in the understanding of ascidians has been overlooked. However, a hand-written and previously unknown manuscript on this animal group by Tanaka (dated 1882), translated here into modern Japanese with detailed explanatory notes, included references to dissected museum specimens, evidence of Tanaka’s modern approach, since dissection and museum-deposition of specimens had not been practiced in “honzo-gaku”. The only cited western article in the manuscript, entitled “Cuvier’s molluscs”, was identified as Deshayes’ molluscan volume [completed in 1845 and including good figures of ascidian anatomy] included in the third edition of Cuvier’s “Le Règne Animal”, issued between 1836 and 1849. However, Tanaka made no reference to Lankester’s “urochordate” concept, published in 1877, and left no detailed figures of ascidian anatomy, necessary for modern taxonomy. In fact, the modern taxonomy of Japanese ascidians was begun in 1882 by foreign taxonomists, to be followed soon after by a Japanese researcher, Dr. Asajiro Oka. However, these endeavors did not avail themselves of Tanaka’s museum specimens, which were possibly unavailable even then, due to irregular museum deposition practice. It is clear that the gap between pre-modern and modern practices, was very significant in the case of ascidians.
石川 忠
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.19, pp.20-33, 2005-08-20 (Released:2018-03-30)

The family Reduviidae, or assassin bugs, is highly diverse in its number of taxa, morphology, habitat, and feeding behavior. It is the second largest family in terms of the number of species, in the suborder Heteroptera, or true bugs, with about 6,800 species classified into at least 23 subfamilies. The diversity in morphology is explained here using examples of four subfamilies, viz., the Harpactorinae having a general form, the Emesinae characterized by a strikingly slender body and appendages, the Holoptilinae with the body and appendages densely covered with very long setae, and the Phymatinae having forelegs strongly specialized for capturing prey. Reduviids are found on the living leaves of trees, on tree trunks, under the bark of rotten trees, on dead branches with leaves, in grasslands, including marshes, among leaf-litter of forest floors, and so on. Among the subfamilies in the Reduviidae, the Centrocnemidinae exclusively live on the tree trunks and their body surface strongly resembles a trunk in color and structure; the Emesinae contains unique inhabitants of lava tubes and spider webs. All reduviids are predatory and food items range from small arthropods, such as insects, to mammal blood, including that of humans. Different subfamilies or tribes have developed distinctive feeding methods and behavior. For example, the Harpactorinae pin their prey using the anteriorly extended rostrum, and the Emesinae catch their prey by the quick movement of their raptorial forelegs. The history of taxonomic and faunal studies on the Japanese Reduviidae is briefly documented. Eighty-two species in 45 genera (nine subfamilies) are currently recognized in Japan. Finally, approximately 120 species are estimated to occur in the country.
中坊 徹次
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.30, pp.31-54, 2011-02-20 (Released:2018-03-30)

Oncorhynchus kawamurae (Osteichthyes : Salmonidae) (Japanese name "Kunimasu"), a species endemic to Lake Tazawa, Akita Prefecture, Japan, was believed to have become extinct just before World War II. However, it was discovered in March and April, 2010 in Lake Saiko, Yamanashi Prefecture, one of the lakes to which eyed eggs of the species were introduced in 1935. The species is unique within Oncorhynchus in occurring normally in depths of 150-270m (water temperature 3.8-4.2℃), and spawning in 105-225m depth around September (3.8-4.5℃) and 15m depth (shallowest recorded) around February (3.0-4.6℃). Although Kunimasu shares the lake-spawning characteristic with the North American kokanee (O. nerka), no populations of the latter occur and spawn in such depths or temperatures. The specific distinctiveness of the black-coloured kunimasu from kokanee is here supported by morphological and biological characteristics recorded in pre-1941 literature. Because of the low temperatures tolerated during spawning, Kunimasu may have been derived from a population of "O. nerka" in the early Pleistocene (ca. 160 my BP), Lake Tazawa having become established at about that time. Subsequent climatic changes during the Pleistocene and Holocene resulted in the species necessarily moving into colder (deeper) water.
金子 奈都美 窪寺 恒己
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.22, pp.38-43, 2007-02-20 (Released:2018-03-30)

Specimens of two small octopus species collected from intertidal waters of the Ryukyus were identified as species of Abdopus, based on the following combination of characters: small to medium body (<70mm ML) with long arms (>4×ML), arm autotomy, number of gill lamellae (6-7 per demibranch), enlarged suckers on second and third arms of male, hectocotilized arm with small ligula (<2.3% of hectocotylized arm), and highly sculptured skin. Two specimens collected at Oku and Sesoko, northern parts of Okinawa Island were identified as A. abaculus due to the presence of large circular white spots on dorsal mantle and dorsal arm surfaces. Four specimens collected from Awase at Okinawa Island, Kabira at Ishigaki Island, and Nakano at Iriomote Island were identified as A. aculeatus by their brownish yellow body color, comparatively large body (37.7-51.0mm), long arms (6-9×ML), and highly sculptured skin with primary papillae on dorsal mantle and above eyes. Abdopus aculeatus had been confused with Octopus oliveri in the Japanese literature. These two species were distinguished by arm length (<5×ML in O. oliveri), number of gill lamellae (7-8 in O. oliveri), body color (dark purple in O. oliveri), presence of papillae above the eyes (absent in O. oliveri), and shape of penis (V-shape in O. oliveri versus linear in A. aculeatus). These specimens are the first records of Abdopus from Japanese waters as well as the northern-most records for both species.
長澤 和也 谷口 倫太郎
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.51, pp.29-37, 2021-08-31 (Released:2021-08-31)

An adult female of the argulid branchiuran Argulus coregoni Thorell, 1864 was collected from the dorsal body surface of an oily bitterling, Tanakia limbata (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846) (Cyprinidae: Acheilognathinae), in the lower reaches of the Asahi River, Okayama Prefecture, western Japan. This represents a new host record for A. coregoni and its new prefectural record in Japan. The external morphology of the female collected is reported in detail. Tanakia limbata is the second acheilognathine host of A. coregoni. The occurrence of A. coregoni on the oily bitterling is unusual because this parasite usually infects various salmonids and ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis Temminck and Schlegel, 1846 (Plecoglossidae), in the upper and middle or lower-reaches of rivers, respectively, in central and western Japan. The individual of A. coregoni probably parasitized the oily bitterling after detachment from ayu near the collection locality.
馬渡 静夫
動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:02870223)
vol.9, pp.41-44a, 1973 (Released:2018-03-30)

1972年10月4日富士五湖の一つである河口湖にPectinatella magnifica(LEIDY)の多数の寒天質群体が浮游し,汀にうち上げられていることを確認した。地元では9月初め頃より多数浮き出して「淡水水母」と誤認されていたものである。本種は日本産のカンテンコケムシPectinatella gelatinosa OKAに群体などは似ているが,その体芽の周辺に碇型の棘を10数本有することで容易に区別される。もともとアメリカ東部の特産として知られ,1900年初順に中部ヨーロッパに運ばれた歴史があるが,今回の日本での出現も,近年の日米間の交流の急増と関係が深いものと思われる。この記録は東洋地区では初めてのものであり,アメリカでの発見から約120年後の出来事である。(第9回動物分類学会大会にて講演)
鶴崎 展巨
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.52, pp.4-16, 2022-02-28 (Released:2022-03-01)

Reproductive interference may be liable to occur in harvestmen, because of their non-elaborated mating behavior and presence of nuptial gifts that may elicit females’ less discrimination to mates. Thus, it is probable that a substantial difference in body size is crucial for building sympatry for two closely related species of harvestmen lacking an effective pre-mating barrier for reproductive isolation. I will review some possible cases of character displacement found in Japanese harvestmen: 1) Leiobunum montanum and L. hiraiwai: These two species occurring widely in beech forests in western Japan show a checkerboard pattern of distribution, i.e., they do not coexist in a single local area. A single exception to the rule is found on the northern slope of Mt. Hyonosen, Tottori, where L. montanum getting extremely elongated body coexists with L. hiraiwai. 2) Gagrellula ferruginea and G. testacea: Distributional ranges of the two species meet at the western part of Hiroshima Prefecture, making a narrow zone of sympatry, though a few introgressions of genes are also indicated. Gagrellula testacea becomes smaller in Kyushu where larger G. grandis occurs and attains the smallest body in Shikoku where it becomes sympatric with G. ferruginea. Other examples include 3) Nelima genufusca, N. nigricoxa, and related species; 4) Pseudobiantes japonicus and Epedanellus tuberculatus (Laniatores: Epedanidae).