明仁 藍澤 正宏 池田 祐二 岸田 宗範 林 公義 中山 耕至 中坊 徹次
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.18-044, (Released:2019-04-05)

Hybrids of Rhinogobius biwaensis and Rhinogobius sp. BF were identified in the ponds of Sento Imperial Palace, Kyoto City, Japan, from microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers. Mitochondrial DNA analysis indicated that five of seven Rhinogobius specimens had R. biwaensis haplotypes, the remaining specimens having those of Rhinogobius sp. BF. In DAPC and STRUCTURE analyses based on microsatellite data, all specimens examined showed intermediate status between R. biwaensis and Rhinogobius sp. BF, the two species being considered to have formed a hybrid swarm in the ponds because genetically pure individuals of either were not found. This is the first report of recent hybridization under field conditions in Rhinogobius fishes from Japan, confirmed by nuclear and mitochondrial DNA data. Hybrid Rhinogobius specimens from the ponds had 5–17 predorsal scales, an intermediate range between those of non-hybrid R. biwaensis (0–6) and Rhinogobius sp. BF (11–20). However, in appearance they were more similar to R. biwaensis than Rhinogobius sp. BF, having bluish-white distal coloring anteriorly on the first and second dorsal fins, a reduced reddish longitudinal band on the anal fin, and lacking yellowish dorsal and posterior margins on the caudal fin. However, they differed from R. biwaensis in having a narrower white posterior caudal fin margin. Further morphological differentiation of the hybrid specimens was not apparent.
明仁 藍澤 正宏 池田 祐二 岸田 宗範 林 公義 中山 耕至 中坊 徹次
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.66, no.1, pp.53-62, 2019-04-25 (Released:2019-04-25)

Hybrids of Rhinogobius biwaensis and Rhinogobius sp. BF were identified in the ponds of Sento Imperial Palace, Kyoto City, Japan, from microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers. Mitochondrial DNA analysis indicated that five of seven Rhinogobius specimens had R. biwaensis haplotypes, the remaining specimens having those of Rhinogobius sp. BF. In DAPC and STRUCTURE analyses based on microsatellite data, all specimens examined showed intermediate status between R. biwaensis and Rhinogobius sp. BF, the two species being considered to have formed a hybrid swarm in the ponds because genetically pure individuals of either were not found. This is the first report of recent hybridization under field conditions in Rhinogobius fishes from Japan, confirmed by nuclear and mitochondrial DNA data. Hybrid Rhinogobius specimens from the ponds had 5–17 predorsal scales, an intermediate range between those of non-hybrid R. biwaensis (0–6) and Rhinogobius sp. BF (11–20). However, in appearance they were more similar to R. biwaensis than Rhinogobius sp. BF, having bluish-white distal coloring anteriorly on the first and second dorsal fins, a reduced reddish longitudinal band on the anal fin, and lacking yellowish dorsal and posterior margins on the caudal fin. However, they differed from R. biwaensis in having a narrower white posterior caudal fin margin. Further morphological differentiation of the hybrid specimens was not apparent.
明仁 藍澤 正宏 池田 祐二 岸田 宗範 林 公義 中山 耕至 中坊 徹次
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)

<p>Hybrids of <i>Rhinogobius biwaensis</i> and <i>Rhinogobius</i> sp. BF were identified in the ponds of Sento Imperial Palace, Kyoto City, Japan, from microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers. Mitochondrial DNA analysis indicated that five of seven <i>Rhinogobius</i> specimens had <i>R. biwaensis</i> haplotypes, the remaining specimens having those of <i>Rhinogobius</i> sp. BF. In DAPC and STRUCTURE analyses based on microsatellite data, all specimens examined showed intermediate status between <i>R. biwaensis</i> and <i>Rhinogobius</i> sp. BF, the two species being considered to have formed a hybrid swarm in the ponds because genetically pure individuals of either were not found. This is the first report of recent hybridization under field conditions in <i>Rhinogobius</i> fishes from Japan, confirmed by nuclear and mitochondrial DNA data. Hybrid <i>Rhinogobius</i> specimens from the ponds had 5–17 predorsal scales, an intermediate range between those of non-hybrid <i>R. biwaensis</i> (0–6) and <i>Rhinogobius</i> sp. BF (11–20). However, in appearance they were more similar to <i>R. biwaensis</i> than <i>Rhinogobius</i> sp. BF, having bluish-white distal coloring anteriorly on the first and second dorsal fins, a reduced reddish longitudinal band on the anal fin, and lacking yellowish dorsal and posterior margins on the caudal fin. However, they differed from <i>R. biwaensis</i> in having a narrower white posterior caudal fin margin. Further morphological differentiation of the hybrid specimens was not apparent.</p>
明仁 藍澤 正宏 池田 祐二 岸田 宗範 林 公義 中山 耕至 中坊 徹次
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.66, no.1, pp.53-62, 2019

<p>Hybrids of <i>Rhinogobius biwaensis</i> and <i>Rhinogobius</i> sp. BF were identified in the ponds of Sento Imperial Palace, Kyoto City, Japan, from microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers. Mitochondrial DNA analysis indicated that five of seven <i>Rhinogobius</i> specimens had <i>R. biwaensis</i> haplotypes, the remaining specimens having those of <i>Rhinogobius</i> sp. BF. In DAPC and STRUCTURE analyses based on microsatellite data, all specimens examined showed intermediate status between <i>R. biwaensis</i> and <i>Rhinogobius</i> sp. BF, the two species being considered to have formed a hybrid swarm in the ponds because genetically pure individuals of either were not found. This is the first report of recent hybridization under field conditions in <i>Rhinogobius</i> fishes from Japan, confirmed by nuclear and mitochondrial DNA data. Hybrid <i>Rhinogobius</i> specimens from the ponds had 5–17 predorsal scales, an intermediate range between those of non-hybrid <i>R. biwaensis</i> (0–6) and <i>Rhinogobius</i> sp. BF (11–20). However, in appearance they were more similar to <i>R. biwaensis</i> than <i>Rhinogobius</i> sp. BF, having bluish-white distal coloring anteriorly on the first and second dorsal fins, a reduced reddish longitudinal band on the anal fin, and lacking yellowish dorsal and posterior margins on the caudal fin. However, they differed from <i>R. biwaensis</i> in having a narrower white posterior caudal fin margin. Further morphological differentiation of the hybrid specimens was not apparent.</p>
中坊 徹次
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.30, pp.31-54, 2011-02-20 (Released:2018-03-30)

Oncorhynchus kawamurae (Osteichthyes : Salmonidae) (Japanese name "Kunimasu"), a species endemic to Lake Tazawa, Akita Prefecture, Japan, was believed to have become extinct just before World War II. However, it was discovered in March and April, 2010 in Lake Saiko, Yamanashi Prefecture, one of the lakes to which eyed eggs of the species were introduced in 1935. The species is unique within Oncorhynchus in occurring normally in depths of 150-270m (water temperature 3.8-4.2℃), and spawning in 105-225m depth around September (3.8-4.5℃) and 15m depth (shallowest recorded) around February (3.0-4.6℃). Although Kunimasu shares the lake-spawning characteristic with the North American kokanee (O. nerka), no populations of the latter occur and spawn in such depths or temperatures. The specific distinctiveness of the black-coloured kunimasu from kokanee is here supported by morphological and biological characteristics recorded in pre-1941 literature. Because of the low temperatures tolerated during spawning, Kunimasu may have been derived from a population of "O. nerka" in the early Pleistocene (ca. 160 my BP), Lake Tazawa having become established at about that time. Subsequent climatic changes during the Pleistocene and Holocene resulted in the species necessarily moving into colder (deeper) water.
田中 克 中坊 徹次 山下 洋 中山 耕至 益田 玲爾 上田 拓史

有明海筑後川河口域を中心に有明海産スズキの生態を種々の側面より調べるとともに,養殖場から逸散したタイリクスズキの成長,成熟,仔稚魚の分布などを宇和島海域を中心に調べた.得られた主な成果は以下のとおりである.筑後川河口域におけるかいあし類分布は,塩分1〜3psuにピークを持つ低塩分汽水性特産種Sinocalanus sinensisを優占種とする群と,塩分15〜20psu以上の下流域におけるAcartia omorii, Oithona davisae, Paracalanus parvusなどの沿岸性種より構成される群に分かれた.前者の分布は高濁度水と一致した.S. sinensisの消化管内容物からはフェオ色素が多く出現したが,A. omoriiなどの消化管よりはクロロフィルaが多く出現した.前者はデトリタス食物連鎖であることが推定された.低塩分汽水域にはスズキをはじめ,エツ・アリアケヒメシラウオ・ハゼクチ・ヤマノカミなどの有明海特産種の稚魚や当歳魚が集合し,S.sinensisを専食した.一方,塩分15〜20psu以上の河口下流域に出現するカタクチイワシやメバルなどは優占する多様なかいあし類を摂食した.実験的に確認したスズキ当歳魚のδ^<13>Cの濃縮係数や半減期をもとに,スズキの胃内容物と筋肉のδ^<13>Cを調べた結果,多くの個体は4月には淡水・低塩分域まで遡上し,5〜7月には中塩分域に,8月には高塩分域に移動することが確認された.一方,タイリクスズキの採集場所より,養殖が行われている近くに分布することが明らかとなり,成長は日本産のスズキを上回り,雌雄の生殖腺より11〜12月に生殖可能なことが予想された.しかし,卵や仔稚魚は採集されなかった.有明海で採集されたスズキの遺伝子を分析した結果,個体変異は大きかったもののいずれの個体もスズキとタイリクスズキの遺伝子を有していた.また,中国大陸沿岸域には南北で異なる地方個体群の存在が示唆された.本研究を通じて有明海湾奥部筑後川河口域上流部に,高濁度汽水-特産種かいあし類・アミ類-特産種稚魚・当歳魚間の強いつながりが確認され,この「大陸沿岸遺存生態系」の起原を求めて韓国西岸で調査することが必須と考えられた.
中山 耕至 木下 泉 青海 忠久 中坊 徹次 田中 克
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.43, no.1, pp.13-20, 1996-05-31 (Released:2010-06-28)

Two geographical forms of the temperate bass, Lateolabrax japonicus, from the coasts of China and Japan, are described and compared based on early stage morphological characteristics. Both forms were laboratory-reared under the same conditions. Larvae derived from the Chinese population differed from those from the Japanese population in chromatophore patterns and snout length. Melanophores and xanthophores on the body formed vertical bands in the former, but were scattered in the latter. Larvae and juveniles of the former also had a significantly shorter snout length. Such morphological differences in early ontogenetic characters suggested that the Chinese and Japanese temperate bass represent distinct species.
中坊 徹次 田 祥麟
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:18847374)
vol.33, no.2, pp.195-196, 1986

韓国南東部にあたる慶尚北道蔚珍郡平海面金音里の沿岸から, 韓国初記録のネズッポ科ネズッポ属魚類の1種, <I>Repomucenus beniteguri</I> (Jordan et Snyder) (新韓国名: Nal-Tot-Yangtae;和名: トビヌメリ) を採集し, 記載した.記載した標本は雄1個体で, 10-20mの砂底からヒラメ底刺網によって採集された.
中坊 徹次 山本 圭介 堀川 博史 中山 耕至
