Senta Gewalt Shqipdona Lahu Gjin Ndrepepa Costanza Pellegrini Isabell Bernlochner Franz-Josef Neumann Maurizio Menichelli Tanja Morath Bernhard Witzenbichler Jochen Wöhrle Katharina Hoppe Gert Richardt Karl-Ludwig Laugwitz Heribert Schunkert Adnan Kastrati Stefanie Schüpke Katharina Mayer
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
pp.62776, (Released:2021-04-16)

Aim: Sex-specific analyses of direct head-to-head comparisons between newer P2Y12 inhibitors are limited. This study was conducted to assess the efficacy and safety of ticagrelor versus prasugrel in women and men with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) planned for an invasive strategy. Methods: This pre-specified analysis of the ISAR-REACT 5 trial included 956 women and 3,062 men with ACS randomly assigned to either ticagrelor or prasugrel. The primary endpoint was the 12-month incidence of death, myocardial infarction, or stroke; the safety endpoint was the 12-month incidence of bleeding (type 3–5 according to the Bleeding Academic Research Consortium [BARC]). Results: The primary endpoint occurred in 42 women (8.9%) in the ticagrelor group and 39 women (8.3%) in the prasugrel group (hazard ratio [HR]=1.10, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.71–1.70, P=0.657) and in 142 men (9.4%) in the ticagrelor group and 98 men (6.5%) in the prasugrel group (HR=1.47 [1.13–1.90], P=0.004; P for interaction [Pint]=0.275). BARC type 3–5 bleeding occurred in 36 women (9.7%) in the ticagrelor group and 34 women (9.7%) in the prasugrel group (HR=1.04 [0.65–1.67], P=0.856) and in 59 men in the ticagrelor group (4.4%) and 46 men (3.6%) in the prasugrel group (HR=1.24 [0.85–1.83], P=0.266; Pint=0.571). Conclusions: Although there was no significant interaction between sex and treatment effect of study drugs, the superior efficacy of prasugrel was more evident among men. No difference in bleeding between the two study groups was seen for both women and men.
Takahiro Sawada Kenzo Uzu Naoko Hashimoto Tetsuari Onishi Tomofumi Takaya Akira Shimane Yasuyo Taniguchi Yoshinori Yasaka Takeshi Ohara Hiroya Kawai
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
pp.50807, (Released:2019-10-18)

Aim: So far, the mechanisms behind the cardiovascular benefits of sodium/glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors have not been fully clarified. Methods: In order to evaluate the effects of SGLT2 inhibitors on systemic hemodynamics, glucose metabolism, lipid profile, and endothelial function, 50 diabetic patients with established coronary artery disease (CAD) were included in this analysis and were given empagliflozin 10 mg/d. Cookie meal testing (carbohydrates: 75 g, fats: 28.5 g), endothelial function testing using flow-mediated dilatation (FMD), and body composition evaluation were performed before and after six months of treatment. Changes in %FMD between the treatment periods and its association with metabolic biomarkers were evaluated. Results: After six months of treatment, the body weight and body fat percentage decreased significantly, while the body muscle percentage increased significantly. The hemoglobin A1c level and fasting and postprandial plasma glucose levels were significantly decreased with treatment. Postprandial insulin secretion was also significantly suppressed and the insulin resistance index was significantly decreased. Furthermore, the fasting and postprandial triglyceride (TG) levels decreased significantly, while total ketone bodies increased significantly after the six-month treatment. While the plasma brain natriuretic peptide level was not changed, the C-reactive protein level was decreased and FMD was significantly improved after the six-month treatment. Multiple regression analysis showed that the strongest predictive factor of FMD improvement is change in the plasma TG levels. Conclusion: SGLT2 inhibitors improve multiple metabolic parameters. Of these, a reduction in plasma TGs was strongly associated with endothelial function recovery in diabetic patients with CAD, and this reduction may be related to the cardiovascular benefits of SGLT2 inhibitors.
Daisaku Masuda Shizuya Yamashita
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
vol.24, no.2, pp.95-109, 2017-02-01 (Released:2017-02-01)
32 108

Fasting hypertriglyceridemia is positively associated with the morbidity of coronary heart disease (CHD), and postprandial (non-fasting) hypertriglyceridemia is also correlated with the risk status for CHD, which is related to the increase in chylomicron (CM) remnant lipoproteins produced from the intestine. CM remnant particles, as well as oxidized low density lipoprotein (LDL) or very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) remnants, are highly atherogenic and act by enhancing systemic inflammation, platelet activation, coagulation, thrombus formation, and macrophage foam cell formation. The cholesterol levels of remnant lipoproteins significantly correlate with small, dense LDL; impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and CHD prevalence. We have developed an assay of apolipoprotein (apo)B-48 levels to evaluate the accumulation of CM remnants. Fasting apoB-48 levels correlate with the morbidity of postprandial hypertriglyceridemia, obesity, type III hyperlipoproteinemia, the metabolic syndrome, hypothyroidism, chronic kidney disease, and IGT. Fasting apoB-48 levels also correlate with carotid intima-media thickening and CHD prevalence, and a high apoB-48 level is a significant predictor of CHD risk, independent of the fasting TG level. Diet interventions, such as dietary fibers, polyphenols, medium-chain fatty acids, diacylglycerol, and long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), ameliorate postprandial hypertriglyceridemia, moreover, drugs for dyslipidemia (n-3 PUFA, statins, fibrates or ezetimibe) and diabetes concerning incretins (dipeptidyl-peptidase IV inhibitor or glucagon like peptide-1 analogue) may improve postprandial hypertriglyceridemia. Since the accumulation of CM remnants correlates to impaired lipid and glucose metabolism and atherosclerotic cardiovascular events, further studies are required to investigate the characteristics, physiological activities, and functions of CM remnants for the development of new interventions to reduce atherogenicity.
Eri Toda Kato Shinya Goto
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
pp.RV17049, (Released:2021-04-13)

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality across the world, warranting continuous research in this field. The elucidation of the atherogenesis mechanism is considered one of the most relevant scientific accomplishments of the last century. This has led to the clinical development of various novel therapeutic interventions for patients with or at risk of ASCVD, in which randomized clinical trials played a crucial role.The Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) Study Group was initially established to conduct a clinical trial studying thrombolysis for treatment of myocardial infarction. However, over the years, the TIMI Study Group has expanded their research interests to include antithrombotic therapy, lipid lowering, anti-diabetes, anti-obesity, and even heart failure. By leading large-scale, international, randomized, controlled trials of novel therapeutics, the TIMI Study Group has helped shape the very practice of cardiovascular medicine for over a quarter of a century, and decades of research continue to provide future promise for further advancement. Through a mutual goal to improve the care of ASCVD patients, the Japanese scientific community has become one of the important contributors to the TIMI Study Group's clinical research.In this review article, the authors aim to summarize major research lead by the TIMI Study Group in the ASCVD field.
Daisuke Kanda Masaaki Miyata Yoshiyuki Ikeda Akihiro Tokushige Takeshi Sonoda Ryo Arikawa Kazuhiro Anzaki Ippei Kosedo Satoshi Yoshino Takuro Takumi Mitsuru Ohish
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
pp.62908, (Released:2021-05-25)

Aim: In this study, we aim to examine the clinical meaning of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) <70 mg/dL as assessed by Friedewald equation [LDL-C (F)] and Martin method [LDL-C (M)] and non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) <100 mg/dL on the occurrence of new lesions among Japanese patients with stable angina who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and were prescribed with strong statins. Methods: Among the 537 consecutive stable angina patients who had underwent PCI and had been prescribed with strong statins, the association between the occurrence of new lesions with myocardial ischemia at the 9-month follow-up coronary angiography and ≤ 2 years after PCI and baseline characteristics were assessed. Results: New lesions appeared 9 months and ≤ 2 years after PCI in 31 and 90 patients, respectively. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed diabetes mellitus (DM) was significantly associated with the occurrence of new lesions ≤ 2 years after PCI [odds ratio (OR) 1.71, 95 % confidence interval (CI) 1.06–2.83, p=0.031], and only non-HDL-C ≥ 100 mg/dL was associated with the occurrence of new lesions both at 9 months and ≤ 2 years after PCI [OR 1.80, 95 % CI 1.10–3.00, p=0.021 and OR 1.85, 95 % CI 1.13–3.07, p=0.016]. Conclusions: Non-HDL-C ≥ 100 mg/dL was determined to be the independent risk factor for the occurrence of new lesions 9 months and ≤ 2 years after PCI among stable angina patients with strong statins. Residual risk after PCI should be considered by assessing not only DM but also non-HDL-C beyond the scope of LDL-C-lowering therapy with strong statins.
Shen Gao Dong Zhao Yue Qi Wei Wang Miao Wang Jiayi Sun Jun Liu Yan Li Jing Liu
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
pp.43299, (Released:2018-03-07)

Aims: To investigate the association between circulating oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) levels and progression of subclinical atherosclerosis and to examine whether this link is independent of other low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-related parameters.Methods: Totally, 804 subjects who were free of cardiovascular disease at baseline completed risk factor surveys and carotid ultrasound measurements in 2002 and 2012. Modified Poisson regression was performed to examine the association between baseline serum ox-LDL levels and the 10-year risk of progression of carotid atherosclerosis which was defined as the development of at least one new plaque in a previously plaque-free carotid segment at re-examination.Results: The mean age of the subjects was 58.6±7.7 years at baseline and 43.3% were men. A total of 504 (62.7%) subjects had carotid plaque progression at re-examination. Subjects in the intermediate and highest tertiles of ox-LDL had a significantly higher adjusted risk of atherosclerosis progression than those in the lowest tertile [relative risk (95% confidence interval) 1.17 (1.01–1.34) for the intermediate tertile and 1.23 (1.07–1.42) for the highest tertile]. This association was independent of baseline levels of LDL-C, total LDL particle number, and small LDL particle number.Conclusion: This study demonstrates that serum ox-LDL levels predict 10-year progression of subclinical atherosclerosis. Moreover, this effect is independent of the cholesterol content, the number, and the size of LDL particles.
Mariko Harada-Shiba Hidenori Arai Yasushi Ishigaki Shun Ishibashi Tomonori Okamura Masatsune Ogura Kazushige Dobashi Atsushi Nohara Hideaki Bujo Katsumi Miyauchi Shizuya Yamashita Koutaro Yokote Working Group by Japan Atherosclerosis Society for Making Guidance of Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
pp.CR003, (Released:2018-06-07)

Statement1. Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is an autosomal hereditary disease with the 3 major clinical features of hyper-LDL-cholesterolemia, premature coronary artery disease and tendon and skin xanthomas. As there is a considerably high risk of coronary artery disease, in addition to early diagnosis and intensive treatment, family screening (cascade screening) is required (Recommendation level A)2.For a diagnosis of FH, at least 2 of the following criteria should be satisfied:① LDL-C ≥180 mg/dL, ② Tendon/skin xanthomas, ③ History of FH or premature coronary artery disease (CAD) within 2nd degree blood relatives (Recommendation level A)3. Intensive lipid-lowering therapy is necessary for the treatment of FH. First-line drug should be statin. (Recommendation level A, evidence level 3)4.Screening for coronary artery disease as well as asymptomatic atherosclerosis should be conducted periodically in FH patients. (Recommendation level A)5. For homozygous FH, consider LDL apheresis and treatment with PCSK9 inhibitors or MTP inhibitors. (Recommendation level A)6.For severe forms of heterozygous FH who have resistant to drug therapy, consider PCSK9 inhibitors and LDL apheresis. (Recommendation level A)7.Refer FH homozygotes as well as heterozygotes who are resistant to drug therapy, who are children or are pregnant or have the desire to bear children to a specialist. (Recommendation level A)
Yukinori Tamura
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
vol.28, no.11, pp.1109-1122, 2021-11-01 (Released:2021-11-01)
1 33

Zinc is an essential micronutrient for human health and is involved in various biological functions, such as growth, metabolism, and immune function. In recent years, research on intracellular zinc dynamics has progressed, and it has become clear that zinc transporters strictly control intracellular zinc localization, zinc regulates the functions of various proteins and signal transduction pathways as a second messenger similar to calcium ions, and intracellular zinc dyshomeostasis is associated with impaired insulin synthesis, secretion, sensitivity, lipid metabolism, and vascular function. Numerous animal and human studies have shown that zinc deficiency may be associated with the risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and zinc administration might be beneficial for the prevention and treatment of these diseases. Therefore, an understanding of zinc biology may help the establishment of novel strategies for the prevention and treatment of diabetes and CVDs. This review will summarize the current knowledge on the role of zinc homeostasis in the pathogenesis of diabetes and atherosclerosis and will discuss the potential of zinc in the prevention of these diseases.
Eri Toda Kato Shinya Goto
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
vol.28, no.6, pp.563-572, 2021-06-01 (Released:2021-06-01)

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality across the world, warranting continuous research in this field. The elucidation of the atherogenesis mechanism is considered one of the most relevant scientific accomplishments of the last century. This has led to the clinical development of various novel therapeutic interventions for patients with or at risk of ASCVD, in which randomized clinical trials played a crucial role.The Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) Study Group was initially established to conduct a clinical trial studying thrombolysis for treatment of myocardial infarction. However, over the years, the TIMI Study Group has expanded their research interests to include antithrombotic therapy, lipid lowering, anti-diabetes, anti-obesity, and even heart failure. By leading large-scale, international, randomized, controlled trials of novel therapeutics, the TIMI Study Group has helped shape the very practice of cardiovascular medicine for over a quarter of a century, and decades of research continue to provide future promise for further advancement. Through a mutual goal to improve the care of ASCVD patients, the Japanese scientific community has become one of the important contributors to the TIMI Study Group’s clinical research.In this review article, the authors aim to summarize major research lead by the TIMI Study Group in the ASCVD field.
Hiroto Yabushita Shinichi Goto Sunao Nakamura Hideki Oka Masamitsu Nakayama Shinya Goto
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
pp.59675, (Released:2020-10-02)

Aim: The clinically meaningful coronary stenosis is diagnosed by trained interventional cardiologists. Whether artificial intelligence (AI) could detect coronary stenosis from CAG video is unclear. Methods: The 199 consecutive patients who underwent coronary arteriography (CAG) with chest pain between December 2018 and May 2019 was enrolled. Each patient underwent CAG with multiple view resulting in total numbers of 1,838 videos. A multi-layer 3-dimensional convolution neural network (CNN) was trained as an AI to detect clinically meaningful coronary artery stenosis diagnosed by the expert interventional cardiologist, using data from 146 patients (resulted in 1,359 videos) randomly selected from the entire dataset (training dataset). This training dataset was further split into 109 patients (989 videos) for derivation and 37 patients (370 videos) for validation. The AI developed in derivation cohort was tuned in validation cohort to make final model. Results: The final model was selected as the model with best performance in validation dataset. Then, the predictive accuracy of final model was tested with the remaining 53 patients (479 videos) in test dataset. Our AI model showed a c-statistic of 0.61 in validation dataset and 0.61 in test dataset, respectively. Conclusion: An artificial intelligence applied to CAG videos could detect clinically meaningful coronary atherosclerotic stenosis diagnosed by expert cardiologists with modest predictive value. Further studies with improved AI at larger sample size is necessary.
Maria Teresa B Abola Jonathan Golledge Tetsuro Miyata Seung-Woon Rha Bryan P Yan Timothy C Dy Marie Simonette V Ganzon Pankaj Kumar Handa Salim Harris Jiang Zhisheng Ramakrishna Pinjala Peter Ashley Robless Hiroyoshi Yokoi Elaine B Alajar April Ann Bermudez-delos Santos Elmer Jasper B Llanes Gay Marjorie Obrado-Nabablit Noemi S Pestaño Felix Eduardo Punzalan Bernadette Tumanan-Mendoza
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
pp.53660, (Released:2020-07-04)

Background: Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is the most underdiagnosed, underestimated and undertreated of the atherosclerotic vascular diseases despite its poor prognosis. There may be racial or contextual differences in the Asia-Pacific region as to epidemiology, availability of diagnostic and therapeutic modalities, and even patient treatment response. The Asian Pacific Society of Atherosclerosis and Vascular Diseases (APSAVD) thus coordinated the development of an Asia-Pacific Consensus Statement (APCS) on the Management of PAD. Objectives: The APSAVD aimed to accomplish the following: 1) determine the applicability of the 2016 AHA/ACC guidelines on the Management of Patients with Lower Extremity Peripheral Artery Disease to the Asia-Pacific region; 2) review Asia-Pacific literature; and 3) increase the awareness of PAD. Methodology: A Steering Committee was organized to oversee development of the APCS, appoint a Technical Working Group (TWG) and Consensus Panel (CP). The TWG appraised the relevance of the 2016 AHA/ACC PAD Guideline and proposed recommendations which were reviewed by the CP using a modified Delphi technique. Results: A total of 91 recommendations were generated covering history and physical examination, diagnosis, and treatment of PAD—3 new recommendations, 31 adaptations and 57 adopted statements. This Asia-Pacific Consensus Statement on the Management of PAD constitutes the first for the Asia-Pacific Region. It is intended for use by health practitioners involved in preventing, diagnosing and treating patients with PAD and ultimately the patients and their families themselves.
Koichiro Fujisue Kenshi Yamanaga Suguru Nagamatsu Hideki Shimomura Takuro Yamashita Koichi Nakao Sunao Nakamura Masaharu Ishihara Kunihiko Matsui Naritsugu Sakaino Takashi Miyazaki Nobuyasu Yamamoto Shunichi Koide Toshiyuki Matsumura Kazuteru Fujimoto Ryusuke Tsunoda Yasuhiro Morikami Koushi Matsuyama Shuichi Oshima Kenji Sakamoto Yasuhiro Izumiya Koichi Kaikita Seiji Hokimoto Hisao Ogawa Kenichi Tsujita
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
pp.54726, (Released:2020-05-20)

Aim: Coronary plaque regression is weak in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). We evaluated whether dual lipid-lowering therapy (DLLT) with ezetimibe and atorvastatin attenuates coronary plaques in ACS patients with DM. Methods: The prospective, randomized controlled, multicenter PRECISE-IVUS (Plaque Regression with Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitor or Synthesis Inhibitor Evaluated by Intravascular Ultrasound) trial assigned 246 patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention to DLLT or atorvastatin monotherapy and evaluated IVUS-derived changes in percent atheroma volume (ΔPAV), at baseline and 9-12-month follow-up, in 126 ACS cases, including 25 DM patients. The atorvastatin dose was up-titrated to achieve low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) <70 mg/dL. Results: In DM patients, the monotherapy group (n=13) and the DLLT group (n=12) showed a similar prevalence of coronary risks and baseline lipid profiles. During the study, the change in LDL-C level was similar between DM and non-DM patients. Compared with non-DM patients, DM patients showed weaker regression of ΔPAV by DLLT than those who underwent monotherapy (DM: −2.77±3.47% vs. −0.77±2.51%, P=0.11; non-DM: −2.01±3.36% vs. −0.08±2.66%, P=0.008). The change in LDL-C level was not correlated with ΔPAV in non-DM patients, but there was significant correlation between the change in LDL-C level and ΔPAV in DM patients (r=0.52, P=0.008). Conclusions: ACS patients with DM showed weaker coronary plaque regression than their counterparts. A significant correlation between the change in LDL-C level and ΔPAV in DM patients suggested that more intensive lipid-lowering therapy is required in ACS patients with DM.
Michikazu Nakai Makoto Watanabe Yoshihiro Kokubo Kunihiro Nishimura Aya Higashiyama Misa Takegami Yoko M Nakao Tomonori Okamura Yoshihiro Miyamoto
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
pp.48843, (Released:2020-02-06)

Aim: To construct a risk prediction model for cardiovascular disease (CVD) based on the Suita study, an urban Japanese cohort study, and compare its accuracy against the Framingham CVD risk score (FRS) model. Methods: After excluding participants with missing data or those who lost to follow-up, this study consisted of 3,080 men and 3,470 women participants aged 30–79 years without CVD at baseline in 1989–1999. The main outcome of this study was incidence of CVD, defined as the incidence of stroke or coronary heart disease. Multivariable Cox proportional hazards models with stepwise selection were used to develop the prediction model. To assess model performance, concordance statistics (C-statistics) and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using a bootstrap procedure. A calibration test was also conducted. Results: During a median follow-up period of 16.9 years, 351 men and 241 women developed CVD. We formulated risk models with and without electrocardiogram (ECG) data that included age, sex, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, smoking, and urinary protein as risk factors. The C-statistics of the Suita CVD risk models with ECG data (0.782; 95% CI, 0.766–0.799) and without ECG data (0.781; 95% CI, 0.765–0.797) were significantly higher than that of the FRS model (0.768; 95% CI, 0.750–0.785). Conclusions: The Suita CVD risk model is feasible to use and improves predictability of the incidence of CVD relative to the FRS model in Japan.
Naofumi Yoshida Kengo Sasaki Daisuke Sasaki Tomoya Yamashita Hajime Fukuda Tomohiro Hayashi Tokiko Tabata Ro Osawa Ken-ichi Hirata Akihiko Kondo
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
pp.47415, (Released:2018-12-27)

Aim: Bacteroides vulgatus and B. dorei have a protective effect against atherosclerosis, suggesting that expansion of these species in the gut microbiota could help patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). This study aimed to investigate the effect of resistant starch (RS) on the gut microbiota and its metabolites in fecal sample cultures from patients with CAD and individuals without CAD, using a single-batch fermentation system.Methods: Fecal samples from 11 patients with CAD and 10 individuals without CAD were fermented for 30 h with or without RS in the Kobe University Human Intestinal Microbiota Model (KUHIMM). Gut microbiota and the abundance of B. vulgatus and B. dorei were analyzed using 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) gene sequencing and the quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Short-chain fatty acids were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography.Results: Gut microbial analysis showed significantly lower levels of B. vulgatus and B. dorei in the original fecal samples from patients with CAD, which was simulated after 30 h of fermentation in the KUHIMM. Although RS significantly increased the absolute numbers of B. vulgatus and B. dorei, and butyrate levels in CAD fecal sample cultures, the numbers varied among each patient.Conclusions: The effect of RS on gut microbiota and its metabolites in the KUHIMM varied between CAD and non-CAD fecal sample cultures. The KUHIMM may be useful for preclinical evaluations of the effects of RS on the gut microbiota and its metabolites.
Haruo Ohnishi Yasushi Saito
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
vol.20, no.12, pp.861-877, 2013-12-19 (Released:2013-12-19)
37 72

The clinical efficacy of fish oil and high-purity eicosapentaenoic acid ethyl ester (hp-EPA-E) for treating cardiovascular disease (CVD) has been reported. Fish oil contains saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids that have pharmacological effects opposite to those of ω3 fatty acids (ω3). Moreover, ω3, such as EPA and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), do not necessarily have the same metabolic and biological actions. This has obscured the clinical efficacy of ω3. Recently, the Japan EPA Lipid Intervention Study (JELIS) of hp-EPA-E established the clinical efficacy of EPA for CVD, and higher levels of blood EPA, not DHA, were found to be associated with a lower incidence of major coronary events. A significant reduction in the risk of coronary events was observed when the ratio of EPA to arachidonic acid (AA) (EPA/AA) was >0.75. Furthermore, the ratio of prostaglandin (PG) I3 and PGI2 to thromboxane A2 (TXA2) ([PGI2+PGI3]/TXA2) was determined to have a linear relationship with the EPA/AA ratio as follows: (PGI2+PGI3)/TXA2 =λ+π* (EPA/AA). Like PGI2, PGI3 not only inhibits platelet aggregation and vasoconstriction, but also is assumed to reduce cardiac ischemic injury and arteriosclerosis and promote angiogenesis. Thus, the effects of EPA in reducing the risk of CVD could be mediated by biological action of PGI3 in addition to hypotriglyceridemic action of EPA. Compared with DHA, EPA administration increases the EPA/AA ratio and the (PGI2+PGI3)/TXA2 balance to a state that inhibits the onset and/or progression of CVD.
Mariko Harada-Shiba John J.P. Kastelein G. Kees Hovingh Kausik K. Ray Akira Ohtake Osamu Arisaka Takao Ohta Tomoo Okada Hideki Suganami Albert Wiegman
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
pp.42242, (Released:2017-11-29)

Aim: Children with Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) are widely prescribed statins, and it has been suggested that the effects of statins differ among ethnicities. We compared the efficacy and safety of pitavastatin in children and adolescents with FH in clinical trials conducted in Japan and Europe.
Tamio Teramoto Makiko Usami Yoshiharu Takagi Marie T. Baccara-Dinet for the ODYSSEY Japan Investigators
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
pp.45070, (Released:2018-08-01)

Aim: To examine the efficacy and safety of alirocumab in Japanese patients with dyslipidemia with or without diabetes mellitus (DM).Methods: Patients (n=216) with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (heFH), non-FH at high cardiovascular risk with coronary artery disease (CAD), or category III (primary prevention) were enrolled; 148 (68.5%) patients had a diagnosis of DM at baseline. Patients were randomized (2:1), with stratification factor (heFH, non-FH), to alirocumab (75 mg every 2 weeks [Q2W] with increase to 150 mg if week 8 LDL-C was above predefined limits) or placebo subcutaneously for 52 weeks on top of stable statin therapy.Results: At Week 24, least square (LS) mean±standard error changes in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) concentration from baseline in alirocumab-treated patients were -63.1±1.6% and -60.8±2.7% in those with and without DM. These LDL-C reductions were maintained to Week 52: -63.0±1.6% (LS mean difference vs placebo -62.4±3.0%; P<0.0001) with DM and -61.3±2.8% (LS mean difference vs placebo -53.4±4.0%; P<0.0001) without DM. The most common adverse events in the alirocumab group were nasopharyngitis, back pain, injection site reaction, and fall. No particular safety signals or concerns were noted between DM and non-DM groups at 52 weeks. A dose-increase in alirocumab from 75 to 150 mg Q2W was necessary in two heFH patients, neither of whom had DM.Conclusions: In high-cardiovascular-risk Japanese patients with hypercholesterolemia on stable statin therapy, alirocumab produced substantial and sustained LDL-C reductions throughout the 52-week study regardless of DM status at baseline, with a similar safety profile to placebo.
Yuichiro Arima
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
vol.30, no.12, pp.1751-1758, 2023-12-01 (Released:2023-12-01)

Ketone bodies, consisting of beta-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate, and acetone, are metabolic byproducts known as energy substrates during fasting. Recent advancements have shed light on the multifaceted effects of ketone body metabolism, which led to increased interest in therapeutic interventions aimed at elevating ketone body levels. However, excessive elevation of ketone body concentration can lead to ketoacidosis, which may have fatal consequences. Therefore, in this review, we aimed to focus on the latest insights on ketone body metabolism, particularly emphasizing its association with mitochondria as the primary site of interaction. Given the distinct separation between ketone body synthesis and breakdown pathways, we provide an overview of each metabolic pathway. Additionally, we discuss the relevance of ketone bodies to conditions such as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, we explore the utilization of ketone body metabolism, including dietary interventions, in the context of aging, where mitochondrial dysfunction plays a crucial role. Through this review, we aim to present a comprehensive understanding of ketone body metabolism and its intricate relationship with mitochondrial function, spanning the potential implications in various health conditions and the aging process.
Tadayuki Tanimura Masayuki Teramoto Akiko Tamakoshi Hiroyasu Iso
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
pp.63416, (Released:2022-07-06)

Aims: Evidence of the effects of physical activity on mortality from aortic diseases, especially in Asian populations, remains limited. This study aimed to examine these effects using data from a large long-term cohort study of Japanese men and women. Methods: Between 1988 and 1990, 32,083 men and 43,454 women in Japan, aged 40–79 years with no history of coronary heart disease, stroke, aortic diseases, or cancer, filled in questionnaires on time spent walking and participating in sports and were followed up until 2009. Multivariable hazard ratios (HRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of aortic disease mortality and its types (aortic aneurysm and dissection) according to the time spent walking and participating in sports were calculated after adjusting for potential confounding factors using the Cox proportional hazards model. Results: During a median follow-up of 19.1 years, a total of 173 deaths from aortic disease (91 cases of aortic dissection and 82 of aortic aneurysm) were documented. Sports participation time was inversely associated with the risk of death from aortic aneurysm: the multivariable HRs (95% CIs) were 0.68 (0.40–1.16) for <1 h/week, 0.50 (0.19–1.35) for 3–4 h/week, and 0.31 (0.10–0.93) for ≥ 5 h/week (p for trend=0.23) compared with 1–2 h/week. The time spent walking was not associated with death from aortic aneurysm, dissection, and total aortic diseases. Conclusions: Greater time spent in sports participation was associated with a reduced risk of mortality from aortic aneurism in the Japanese population. Further studies are needed to investigate the relationship between physical activity and aortic dissection.
Ehimen C Aneni Chukwuemeka U Osondu Javier De La Cruz Seth S Martin Michael J Blaha Adnan Younus Theodore Feldman Arthur S Agatston Emir Veledar Khurram Nasir
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
pp.40741, (Released:2018-09-14)

Aims: There is limited knowledge about the association of lipoprotein particles and markers of coronary atherosclerosis such as coronary artery calcification (CAC) in relatively young high-risk persons. This study examines the association of lipoprotein subfractions and CAC in high cardiometabolic risk individuals.Methods: The study presents analysis from baseline data of a randomized trial targeted at high-risk workers. Employees of Baptist Health South Florida with metabolic syndrome or diabetes were recruited. At baseline, all 182 participants had lipoprotein subfraction analysis using the ion mobility technique and participants above 35 years (N=170) had CAC test done. Principal components (PC) were computed for the combination of lipoprotein subclasses. Multiple bootstrapped regression analyses (BSA) were conducted to assess the relationship between lipoprotein subfractions and CAC.Results: The study population (N=170) was largely female (84%) with a mean age of 58 years. Three PCs accounted for 88% variation in the sample. PC2, with main contributions from VLDL particles in the positive direction and large LDL particles in the negative direction was associated with a 22% increase in CAC odds (P value <0.05 in 100% of BSA). PC3, with main contributions from HDL lipoprotein particles in the positive direction and small/medium LDL and large IDL particles in the negative direction, was associated with a 9% reduction in CAC odds (P<0.05 in 88% of BSA). PC1, which had approximately even contributions from HDL, LDL, IDL and VLDL lipoprotein subfractions in the positive direction, was not associated with CAC.Conclusion: In a relatively young but high-risk population, a lipoprotein profile predominated by triglyceride-rich lipoproteins was associated with increased risk of CAC, while one predominated by HDL lipoproteins offered modest protection. Lipoprotein sub-fraction analysis may help to further discriminate patients who require more intensive cardiovascular work-up and treatment.