土谷 尚嗣 西郷 甲矢人
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.4, pp.462-477, 2019-12-01 (Released:2020-03-01)

One of the biggest mysteries in current science is how subjective experience, or consciousness, arises from objective substance and its physical interactions, such as human brains. Since 1990s, empirical and scientific studies on the relationship between consciousness and brain have advanced massively, especially thanks to neuroscientific approaches. Despite its empirical progress, there remains skeptical philosophers, cognitive scientists, and psychologists, who consider the science of consciousness is impossible,partly because the concept of consciousness is so difficult to define. Due to this difficulty, they argue, scholars who claim that they are empirically researching consciousness even do not know what they themselves are talking about. These skeptics hold that scientific methods cannot be applied to concepts that are not possible to define. In this article, we argue that consciousness is possible to rigorously define in a strict mathematical sense. To build this logic, we introduce category theory, which is a theory developed in mathematics in the latter half of the 20th century. Category theory is a framework originally invented to deal with relationships among objects, in particular between algebra and geometry. In recent years, category theory has been recognized for its potential to be applied to consciousness research. Throughout this paper, we propose several concrete examples of Consciousness Category and, eventually, we conclude that we can apply “Yoneda’s lemma” to Consciousness Category. Yoneda’s lemma, one of the most fundamental and powerful tools in category theory, says, in simple terms,that definitions of any concept is the same as descriptions of all relationships between the concept and the others. This striking viewpoint, which is founded mathematically,provides the validity to the act of defining consciousness through descriptions of relationships. We end with a future perspective; enriching Consciousness Category will provide a common language among researchers who disagree in some aspects of their respective definitions of consciousness. Common language is a necessary component for the big breakthrough to solve the mystery of consciousness.


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圏論による意識の理解 | 土谷尚嗣、西郷甲矢人 (@NaoTsuchiya) https://t.co/lNRCFSwxew
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https://t.co/DjEjDK4GWu 圏論についてまだ理解している訳ではないですが、 神経科学の分野で検討されていたりと様々な科学を繋ぐアイデアになるかも知れないと思いました https://t.co/Bt2Lkn786s
https://t.co/vUtEddOQyN なかなかおもしろい こういうカジュアルな形での圏論の応用例みたいなのもっと読みたいな
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(1/n) Criticisms against Yoneda's Lemma in category theory: 1. The lemma supports (only-)formal-semantics = evolutionist mechanist/computer linguistics = logical positivism = Mach-ism: "Intension = extension = extension-referring function/relation": https://t.co/IWDjV3Q0Xl
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やっと出た! 色々な裏事情があり、日本語バージョンが認知科学ででてから2年もかかりましたが、english version が でました。日本語バージョンは https://t.co/eYB4TsLHQW からアクセスできます。 https://t.co/Qig9rz0HPE
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去場さんが好きそうなやつを拾った https://t.co/PQMmAUg6lr
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@gogomorizo 情報の質に結びつけようという試みは,最近であれば圏論と意識をつなげようという試みがされていますね(難しすぎて自分は追えていませんが...
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圏論の勉強まだまだ途中なのですが、どのように応用されているかということで最近以下の文献読んでいました。確かに定義という観点で圏の言葉は使えそうですが、ここから圏論を用いてどんなことが言えるかとなるとまだまだ勉強しないといけないことが多そうだなと……。 https://t.co/lEbjNk4HfZ
今月頭から認知科学雑誌にて、土谷さんと西郷さんによる「圏論による意識の理解」が公開されてた。意識の圏には米田の補題の適用することで、自分と他人の意識それぞれの同じ意味(構造?)での圏を考えることができるらしい https://t.co/pd0JwFUa1E
扉が「誌上討論:圏論的アプローチで意識は理解できるか」 編集にあたって(JAIST日高) https://t.co/93wkONSJfE ターゲット論文の「圏論による意識の理解」https://t.co/yYiSlWIG37 土谷さんと西郷さん。各論で布山さんの「土谷・西郷「圏論による意識の理解」へのコメント」

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