Kato Aitaro Sakaguchi Arito Yoshida Shingo Mochizuki Hiromine Kaneda Yoshiyuki
地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.78, no.1, pp.83-90, 2003

We conducted permeability measurements of basalt sampled from an exhumed ancient fault zone in the Cretaceous Shimanto accretionary complex in Japan, in order to investigate permeability structure and evolution following shear failure. Permeability showed a strong reduction with increase in the effective confining pressure and temperature. Rapid sealing at elevated temperatures was observed during hold experiments following shear failure. The results indicate that the permeability of a subduction megathrust fault would rapidly decrease due to the precipitation of clay-like minerals and other minerals, and indicates the potential for high fluid pressure in fault zones.
井上 勝仁

報告番号: ; 学位授与年月日: 2012-03-22 ; 学位の種別: 修士 ; 学位の種類: 修士(環境学) ; 学位記番号: 修創域第4442号 ; 研究科・専攻: 新領域創成科学研究科環境学研究系社会文化環境学専攻
片岡 孝夫
經濟學研究 (ISSN:04516265)
vol.58, no.4, pp.87-100, 2009-03-12

サーチ論的な貨幣的交換のモデルを用いて貨幣供給量と定常均衡の関係,ならびに定常均衡の動学的分析を行う。 貨幣供給量が最適な定常均衡に対応する水準にあるとき,連続的な定常均衡が存在し,それらの中のどれが実現するかは初期条件に依存する。貨幣供給量が上の水準を上回るときには,比較的好ましい鞍点安定的定な常均衡が存在するが,その水準に僅かでも及ばない場合には,貨幣は機能不全を起こし,経済は常に自給自足経済と同程度の劣悪な状態に収束してしまう。このような状況下で,政府が増発した貨幣で実物財を購入するならば,その財が廃棄されたとしても,パレートの意味で改善がなされる場合があることが示される。
左波 宣平
經濟論叢 (ISSN:00130273)
vol.100, no.5, pp.389-402, 1967-11

1 0 0 0 OA お知らせ

浦辺 徹郎 遠山 濶志 石田 貴文
東京大学理学系研究科・理学部ニュース (ISSN:21873070)
vol.44, no.4, pp.14-15, 2012-11

Tabuchi Masashi Inoue Shigeki Kanzaki Ryohei Nakatani Kei
Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
Neuroscience letters (ISSN:03043940)
vol.528, no.1, pp.61-66, 2012-10
8 1

Kenyon cells (KCs), which are present in the mushroom bodies (MBs) of the insect brain, play an important role in olfactory information processing and associative learning. However, the intrinsic electrophysiological properties of KCs in silkmoth (Bombyx mori) MBs remain unknown. Here, we use whole-cell patch-clamp recordings to elucidate the functional parameters of membrane voltage and voltage-activated ionic currents of KCs in silkmoth MBs. KCs generated action potentials in response to stepping pulses of depolarizing current, and application of GABA-receptor blocker abolished inhibitory synaptic inputs and depolarized resting membrane potential. Pharmacological isolation of KC voltage-gated ionic currents revealed that KCs express a range of voltage-activated channels, including transient and non-inactivating potassium, sodium, and calcium channels. Our results provide the first electrophysiological characterization of KCs in silkmoth MBs and represent an important step toward understanding neuronal computation that underlies olfactory information processing in silkmoths.
Nishimura Hirokazu
pp.1-18, 2012-12-05

This paper is the sequel to our previous paper (Differetial Geometry ofMicrolinear Fr¨olicher spaces IV-1), where three approaches to jet bundlesare presented and compared. The first objective in this paper is to give theaffine bundle theorem for the second and third approaches to jet bundles.The second objective is to deal with the three approaches to jet bundles inthe context where coordinates are available. In this context all the threeapproaches are shown to be equivalent.
Nishimura Hirokazu
pp.1-70, 2012-12-05

The fourth paper of our series of papers entitled ”Differential Geometryof Microlinear Fr¨olicher Spaces is concerned with jet bundles. We presentthree distinct approaches together with transmogrifications of the firstinto the second and of the second to the third. The affine bundle theoremand the equivalence of the three approaches with coordinates are relegatedto a subsequent paper.
The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
African Study Monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.12, no.1, pp.19-42, 1991-06

This report forms one of a series of papers examining my hypothesis that the aye-aye's (Daubentonia madagascariensis) unusual adaptation is more reasonably explained by a diet of hard-nuts rather than one of wood-boring insect larvae. An extensive survey showed that the distribution of the aye-aye and that of Canarium spp. (which bears hard-nuts) overlapped on the eastern coast and in the central highland of Madagascar. An intensive study was conducted at the Nosy Mangabe Special Reserve on a total of 33 nights during three different periods in 1988 and 1989. I observed the aye-ayes eating ramy nuts (Canarium spp.) throughout the entire observation period, the parasitical outgrowth of the cambial layer of Afzelia bijuga from June through October except for August, insect larvae, beans of Entada phaseoloides, and the flowers of Macaranga cuspidata from September to October. The aye-aye spends a relatively high proportion (over 40%) of its time engaged in feeding during October and December when ramy forms the main part of its diet, while from June to July, and September, when other food items are additionally consumed, the proportion of resting time becomes relatively high (over 10%). Although the aye-aye was often spotted singly, it was also common to see more than one individual (up to four) adjacent to another (13% of all the observation units in which the aye-aye was spotted) throughout the observation periods. Two species of ramy (Canarium spp.) are distributed in the Nosy Mangabe Special Reserve. C. Boivini bore fruits over the entire observation period. A single nut of the ramy provides of 4.38 kcal of energy and requires about two minutes on average for consumption. I estimated the nightly energy intake as 262.8 kcal.
Kuwabara Tomohiko Igarashi Kensuke
Extremophiles (ISSN:14310651)
vol.16, no.6, pp.863-870, 2012-11
9 1

Thermosipho globiformans is a member ofThermotogales, which contains rod-shaped, Gram-negative,anaerobic (hyper)thermophiles. These bacteria arecharacterized by an outer sheath-like envelope, the toga,which includes the outer membrane and an amorphouslayer, and forms large periplasm at the poles of each rod.The cytoplasmic membrane and its contents are called‘‘cell’’, and the toga and its contents ‘‘rod’’, to distinguishbetween them. Optical cells were constructed to observebinary fission of T. globiformans. High-temperaturemicroscopy of rods adhering to optical cells’ coverslipsshowed that the large periplasm forms between newlydivided cells in a rod, followed by rod fission at the middleof the periplasm, which was accompanied by a sidewardmotion of the newly generated rod pole(s). Electronmicroscopic observations revealed that sessile rods grownon a glass plate have nanotubes adhered to the glass, andthese may be involved in the sideward motion. Epifluorescencemicroscopy with a membrane-staining dye suggestedthat formation of the septal outer membrane isdistinct from cytokinesis. Transmission electron microscopyindicated that the amorphous layer forms in the periplasmbetween already-divided cells. These findingssuggest that the large periplasm is the structure in whichthe septal toga forms, an event separate from cytokinesis.