江戸切子協同組合 (@edokiriko)


10 0 0 0 OA 東海道五十三次

RT @NDLJP_en: Japan is a mountainous country and there remains many #ukiyoe which depict mountains and people living together with them. ht…
RT @NDLJP_en: Hydrangea is a common flower in Japan during the rainy season. This is a work by #UTAGAWAHiroshige, a famous #ukiyoe artist.…
RT @NDLJP_en: Horikiri is a famous place for #shobu (sweet flags) in Tokyo. #Hiroshige depicted their beautiful violet flowers at the begin…
RT @NDLJP_en: May 5 is Kodomo no Hi (Children's Day) in Japan. In the past, it was known as Boy's Day. Carp-shaped windsocks called “koin…
お祝い事などに紅白の色彩が用いられる意味、由来について | レファレンス協同データベース https://t.co/XJ9zmL0x22 J-STAGE Articles - 日本文化における紅白の意味―日本の色彩文化の特質― https://t.co/g39Wz70K1I
RT @NDLJP_en: In Japan, plum blossoms are harbingers of spring, blooming ahead of other flowers. Learn how the plant has been a beloved par…

8 0 0 0 OA 美人名所合

RT @NDLJP_en: Ogata Gekko (1859-1920) depicted beautiful women at famous places. This one features Sumidagawa Hyakkaen (100 Flower Garden).…
RT @NDLJP_en: People in Edo enjoyed summer by boating and watching fireworks along the #SumidaRiver. #ndldigital https://t.co/aiCx5tzVH1 h…
RT @NDLJP_en: Horikiri is a famous place for #shobu (sweet flags) in Tokyo. #Hiroshige depicted their beautiful violet flowers at the begin…
RT @NDLJP_en: Have you heard that #VanGogh collected many #ukiyoe , Japanese color woodblock prints? You may find his works quite similar t…
RT @NDLJP_en: The bank of the Sumida River has long been a popular place to enjoy cherry blossoms in the spring. This woodblock print by Ko…
RT @NDLJP_en: Gotenyama was a popular place to view the cherry blossoms in spring, commanding a fine view of Tokyo Bay. #ndldigital https…
RT @NDLJP_en: Kabuki plays and ningyo joruri (puppet plays) based on the Ako Incident, which occurred in the mid-Edo era, became popular as…
RT @NDLJP_en: This illustrated catalog of Japanese flora published in the Edo preriod includes over 2000 illustrations of flowers and plant…
今日のTBSラジオたまむすび #tama954 TOKYOもんは「国立国会図書館」でした 当組合も納本しています 創立40・50・60周年記念誌 デジタルコレクションで見られるガラス関係資料 有名どころだと 大日本窯業協会 編 『日本近世窯業史. 第4編 硝子工業』 大正6年 https://t.co/V9PaIQPZ9d ですかね
RT @AlanHASE_Lab: 精密工学会誌(Vol.84,No.1,pp.46-51)に学生編集委員会WG0記事「180年磨き抜かれた伝統技術 江戸切子~三代秀石 堀口徹 氏の新たな挑戦~」が掲載されました. #WG0 https://t.co/jDdIObwRzi

6 0 0 0 OA 彩画職人部類

江戸の職人の姿が『彩画職人部類』にはございます。(江戸時代中期) 「硝子吹」として、硝子(びいどろ)職人が見られますね、上巻の最後。 PC向け 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション https://t.co/HZrRdZS18p


Take a look at Hiroshige's beautifully illustrated scenes of Mt. Fuji from 36 perspectives! https://t.co/HSQL3YtEAI #ndldigital https://t.co/zcc0b8ctZH
It is not unusual for Japanese companies to make and distribute original calendars. This one is of a silk manufacturing company in Fukushima from the Meiji period: #ndldigital https://t.co/cbo3UqtUFR https://t.co/u0tbH1ODSs
Deshima served as the sole gateway to the West during Japan's isolation. #ndldigital https://t.co/4vcPypcEJR https://t.co/mg5IwjoXCG
The koto is a major element of traditional Japanese music. Find stories of koto and koto music. #ndldigital https://t.co/jaMKo5jl9y https://t.co/RnTEzs5gv7
Did you know that soy beans can substitute for meat? Find out here: https://t.co/9Ic4UJnpEG https://t.co/3TU2oaE2Pl
Record of a game of go played by the last shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate: https://t.co/Uj7pZsYkVp https://t.co/Uu4SMbnp9Z
The Early Days of the NDL at the Akasaka Palaceでは、当時の写真と現在の写真、そして当時書かれたものや思い出を執筆した文献から、赤坂離宮にあった頃の国立国会図書館の草創期をふりかえります。https://t.co/3EnnAOf9dJ https://t.co/ZEBigUiXZw
In "The Early Days of the NDL at the Akasaka Palace," we look back at the early days of the National Diet Library at the Akasaka Palace through photographs taken then and now, contemporary documents, and later memoirs. #ndlnewsletter #ndldigital https://t.co/VZCPLlDrpW https://t.co/3fODUY6dUH

19 0 0 0 OA 今村押形

Oshigata is hand tracing of the blade of #JapaneseSwords. This is a collection of oshigata collected by Imamura Choga, a well-known appraiser of Japanese swords of the Meiji period. https://t.co/VcFkotyLIm https://t.co/2izIC1GZxb

3 0 0 0 OA 独唱:赤とんぼ

Do you know the Japanese nursery rhyme #Akatombo (red dragonflies)? Its nostalgic melody was composed by YAMADA Kosaku, and the lyrics were based on a poem by MIKI Rofu. Listen to this song in the NDL Historical Recording Collection! #ndldigital https://t.co/82m2Ne5svi https://t.co/lmzavXwv8J
使い方は、検索結果一覧の画像アイコン、またはアイテム詳細の「画像検索」ボタンを押すだけ。 ⬇️しくみを詳しく知りたい方はこちら! https://t.co/Ce4hW3UP8j #画像検索 https://t.co/zD36g6Ap69
This draft of haiku by Natsume Soseki was evaluated by Masaoka Shiki. Which one's your favorite? #ndldigital https://t.co/9DEyvlwnzF https://t.co/cALMBBrQbm
Ito Jakuchu was an Edo-period artist whose works remain popular today. Many of his works are available in the NDL Collections. #ndldigital https://t.co/C2VsBuYpjy https://t.co/bJJYvW4als
Ebony-colored paper was a hallmark of imperial documents in medieval Japan. Learn about the process of recycling Japanese paper here: #ndldigital https://t.co/RmN06MlKTy https://t.co/YgotUlxIM1
With a lineup of beautiful designs and exquisite top and side views of porcelain wares, "Pottery and Porcelain from the Meiji Era: Tojiki isho hyohon" introduces a book collecting pottery and porcelain designs. #ndldigital #ndlnewsletter https://t.co/T5BkSrjEiR https://t.co/UznHx2nB0p
Landscape of Yokuon-en Garden in the Edo period. Its ruins have become a famous sightseeing spot in Tokyo. Can you guess where? The answer is here: #ndldigital https://t.co/QkJBNpGX1P https://t.co/WvDEYwU6Vo
Traces of censorship by the Japanese government before WWII can be found in these periodicals: https://t.co/MybqHUFdZt https://t.co/cUCbZujGY8
How do we use knives, saws, and other tools for preserving materials? "Protecting Our Books―Tools for preservation and restoration" introduces many tools used at the NDL. Part 1 covers tools for cutting and folding. Enjoy the world of tools! #ndldigital https://t.co/tKdBhriuoI https://t.co/VfBE0REYPJ
Are you interested in #JapaneseCastle? Here are maps of castles collected during the mid to late Edo period. https://t.co/z1E7hqu4uH https://t.co/k0QAEshYwy
#Ryogoku Bridge in summer, crowded with people. This is from a two-volume hand-colored woodblock print by Tsuruoka Rosui, #ukiyoe artist, that depicts the east and west banks of the #SumidaRiver #ndldigital https://t.co/3Ec2CYtwpQ https://t.co/VYyzCXnyW2

57 0 0 0 OA 朝顔三十六花撰

Have you heard that there are many varieties of #morningglories? This is an illustrated book of morning glories, which depicts many variegated morning glories with strangely shaped flowers and leaves. https://t.co/e7anFinkp9 https://t.co/IPoTAntYp2
These tools were used to make Japan's first indigenous calendar. Read more to find out: https://t.co/XR9ka9JgeJ #ndldigital https://t.co/KW1m3iR78T

16 0 0 0 OA 東海道五十三次

“53 stations on the Tokaido” (Edo-Kyoto highway in Edo-period Japan) by Katsushika Hokusai. Compared to Utagawa Hiroshige's work on the same theme, Hokusai focused more on people than landscapes. #ndlditital https://t.co/2Li5YlL8Ko https://t.co/S5KsvSdxTO
This #sugoroku is from the late Edo period, when culinary culture reached full maturity. If you have a chance to visit Japan someday, try a variety of Japanese dishes! #ndldigital https://t.co/6dL0kUiu2Y https://t.co/BQclRslxTX

17 0 0 0 OA 月百姿 銀河月

A Chinese folk story has it that Vega and Altair, who love each other, can meet once a year across the Milky Way. In Japan, this is celebrated as the #Tanabata Festival. https://t.co/7gxdDLFpti https://t.co/QqoWn0vcrO
Browsing library materials—A look at documents from medieval Japan, Part 5 "Since I have eye trouble”—Medieval etiquette when using carved seals: https://t.co/Er4SuAUmjU https://t.co/z8F8DTv4xX
How do we use knives, saws, and other tools for preserving materials? "Protecting Our Books―Tools for preservation and restoration" introduces many tools used at the NDL. Part 1 covers tools for cutting and folding. Enjoy the world of tools! #ndldigital https://t.co/tKdBhriuoI https://t.co/wOhat02IjR
「本の万華鏡」は英語版も作成しています。新たに公開した5本の英語版コンテンツを紹介します。 https://t.co/NylKscZc4n https://t.co/8z65z8FuPD
「Protecting Our Books―Tools for preservation and restoration (1) Cutting and folding」では、丸包丁やへら、筋押機など、切ったり折ったりするためのさまざまな道具を紹介しています。 https://t.co/TME1x9QL0e https://t.co/3KzoP4cD6w

10 0 0 0 OA 東海道五十三次

Japan is a mountainous country and there remains many #ukiyoe which depict mountains and people living together with them. https://t.co/1L0tugLREu https://t.co/5p9ukxZEGy
“Shakkei” (borrowed scenery) is a feature of #JapaneseGarden, which originated from China. Ritsurin Garden in Kagawa shows a good example of shakkei in complete harmony with the background scenery of the hill, Shiunzan. #ndldigital https://t.co/GrsZw7eU8H https://t.co/7ERKj712J2
Fashionable designs of Japanese confectionery during the Edo period! https://t.co/iiErXcPFLG #ndldigital https://t.co/v8riDjnl10

4 0 0 0 OA 風俗三十二相

Nishikie (#nishikie) beauties painted by #TsukiokaYoshitoshi. These paintings depict women of various ages, statuses, and occupations from the Edo to Meiji periods. Enjoy their lively expressions and the detailed patterns of their kimonos. https://t.co/UYpMdCSfsh https://t.co/LqrgCrZA1Y
Finding the roots of Japonism in Europe from the NDL's exhibition on Rimpa school artists: https://t.co/9a94u0ghGU #ndldigital https://t.co/ACP55kznS8
#Hiroshige depicted the landscape of the Kujukurihama beach in Chiba. Sardine fishing was active here in the Edo period. You can see the men pulling a large net in the picture. #ndldigital #ukiyoe https://t.co/XKSSTJCLPL https://t.co/j00txN9ZV9

20 0 0 0 OA 下谷広小路

Now, we are in the rainy season, "tsuyu," in most areas of Japan. #ndldigital https://t.co/ceHpGnDut9 https://t.co/0OV9yVo1P4
A woodblock print from a collection of illustrations by Kawasaki Kyosen, an artist who drew traditional toys from all around Japan. How many dogs can you find? #ndldigital https://t.co/mE9cwY58Ff https://t.co/tEGZDJalUe
Hydrangea is a common flower in Japan during the rainy season. This is a work by #UTAGAWAHiroshige, a famous #ukiyoe artist. Don't you think this collaboration with a kingfisher is amazing? #ndldigital https://t.co/hsLI8RBdvK https://t.co/0FQ2Nij75L
This wood-block print depicts the Tomioka seishijo (Tomioka Silk Mill), Japan's oldest silk-reeling factory, which was named a UNECO World Heritage site in 2014. #ndldigital https://t.co/moOQ4pNrLi https://t.co/a5vigREwFe

32 0 0 0 OA 奇機新話

Hot air balloons, steamships and electricity must have been a big surprise for Japanese youngsters at the beginning of the Meiji era. This book, published in 1869, is an abstract translation of the Boy's Playbook of Science (London, 1860). #ndldigital https://t.co/PiTUcpJLZU https://t.co/BF96VtagU2
Rainbow in an #ukiyoe. It gives us a mysterious impression, maybe because it is not colorful. What did people in the Edo period imagine when seeing rainbows? #ndldigital https://t.co/dyFejjNRjx https://t.co/Uk621eOMsD

19 0 0 0 OA 大日本物産圖會

Early summer is the season to pick fresh tea leaves in Japan! Here is a #nishikie depicting #TeaPicking in #Uji, #Kyoto. Learn more about famous products around Japan in Meiji era at https://t.co/ba5amv0AE8 #ndldigital https://t.co/0QwMRF8hfA
Are you interested in #JapaneseCastle? Here are maps of castles collected during the mid to late Edo period. https://t.co/z1E7hqu4uH https://t.co/zv6U5MS256
Wisteria flowers, swallows, tadpoles...how many symbols of the season can you find? Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) depicted women and a child playing in a garden with a grove of trees and a pond in early summer. #ndldigital https://t.co/QsPRX06bR0 https://t.co/T49YSK53bf
"View of Ryogoku, One of the Five Great Bridges of Tokyo" by #KobayashiKiyochika. He depicts the Ryogoku Bridge with the bustle of people close-up as well as Mt. Fuji in the distance, which makes for an excellent balance. #ukiyoe #ndldigital https://t.co/EqYDk8Gj9z https://t.co/kTj704fFqi

33 0 0 0 OA 翻車考

Ocean #sunfish attracted a lot of interest because of their unique looks. This book was created by KURIMOTO Tanshu, a Shogunate doctor and naturalist in the Edo period. https://t.co/5HgHPui03v https://t.co/PB1eMyBFVQ
May 5 is Kodomo no Hi (Children's Day) in Japan. In the past, it was known as Boy's Day. Carp-shaped windsocks called “koinobori” are raised to celebrate the holiday. #ndldigital #UtagawaHiroshige https://t.co/G5D4GUiz9I https://t.co/7DVc2vBRvF

18 0 0 0 OA 綾きぬ

Some samples of silk woven #kimono designs of the early Showa era. #ndlditgital https://t.co/BtcutzHymW https://t.co/TwhJxFxguF

16 0 0 0 OA 売茶翁茶器図

Maisao (Baisao) was a Buddhist monk and #Sencha master in the mid-Edo period, who is regarded as the founder of the Sencha #teaceremony. This book is a color-printed illustration of the Sencha utensils in his collection. #ndldigital https://t.co/0NxEdNjtuL https://t.co/ODcXNJ0ncH

13 0 0 0 OA 紅型 : 古琉球

Exhibition catalogue of #bingata, a traditional dyeing technique in #Okinawa.The characteristic charm of bingata is its vivid colors, bold color schemes, and the simplicity of its figures. #ndldigital https://t.co/Lhf1kWBi1f https://t.co/B53u28RIsz
In the Edo period, there were no bridges or boats on the Oi River, and the only way to cross it was to rely on laborers called kawagoshi ninsoku. The picture depicts travelers crossing it on flat platforms or on the shoulders of ninsoku. #ndldigital https://t.co/GG9mvWj43D https://t.co/DgRQUpO3vs
"Narumikata―The beauty of ancient design" introduces a collection of old Japanese designs from a wide variety of sources including treasures of Horyu-ji Temple and Shosoin, dyeing and weaving works, crafts and buildings. #ndldigital https://t.co/ZkVzNMvKLy https://t.co/pWVfw8KvIK
This article is an introduction to the Kyoho Meibutsucho, a catalog of famous swords in the early 18th century. These swords are particularly well known as masterpieces of swordsmithing. Some of them have been designated as National Treasures. #ndldigital https://t.co/veOi6xZwAc https://t.co/haWWiRZIXn

63 0 0 0 OA 内外野菜圖

Looks delicious! A variety of #vegetables from a picture book published by a Japanese government-operated nursery company in the late 19th century. Find more at #ndldigital https://t.co/wnOIsNbwAp https://t.co/tSlPJH7xY9
テレビ番組の大食い競争を思わせるような大酒、大食の催しは、実は江戸時代にもありました。写本に豊富なイラストが残っていることにも驚かされます。 https://t.co/Yo5UQRofuT 『国立国会図書館月報』4月号 https://t.co/XJqXqaQzHm
This piece by Kobayashi Kiyochika, famous as one of the last ukiyo-e artists of the Meiji era, is a series of woodblock prints depicting scenic landscapes from throughout Japan. #ndldigital https://t.co/SCQAQQcReT https://t.co/5dSJs8hEpi

17 0 0 0 OA 旅みやげ

#KawaseHasui (1883-1957), a landscape print artist, depicted Japanese nature in various seasons. #ndldigital https://t.co/k3uSYlV6ek https://t.co/wQ7t3ZBBwb
Gotenyama was a popular place to view the cherry blossoms in spring, commanding a fine view of Tokyo Bay. #ndldigital https://t.co/nuAJdc2rb4 https://t.co/Y2NWhP5wmM

8 0 0 0 OA 美人名所合

Ogata Gekko (1859-1920) depicted beautiful women at famous places. This one features Sumidagawa Hyakkaen (100 Flower Garden). #ndldigital https://t.co/jnTJIS4lI0 https://t.co/FuH3szubYl

18 0 0 0 OA 教草

A series of woodblock prints illustrating the manufacturing process of products from various parts of Japan, compiled on the occasion of the World Exposition in Vienna in 1873. This picture is about #rice cultivation. #ndldigital https://t.co/e5D5bRHHuV https://t.co/fXXwhANCbG

16 0 0 0 OA 売茶翁茶器図

Maisao (Baisao) was a Buddhist monk and #Sencha master in the mid-Edo period, who is regarded as the founder of the Sencha #teaceremony. This book is a color-printed illustration of the Sencha utensils in his collection. #ndldigital https://t.co/0NxEdNjtuL https://t.co/3KywnwxSkQ
Rimpa school is an art community from 17c. Trace its history through our exhibition: https://t.co/9a94u0fJRm #ndldigital https://t.co/Ad3w0XfBnN
Japanese people love "hanami" (cherry blossom viewing), not only during the daytime but also at night. "View in Yoshiwara, cherry" by INOUE Tankei (1864-1889) depicted people enjoying hanami. Published in 1888. https://t.co/3kgePiTuUP https://t.co/n0EqmxplA0
The Smiling Book, a collection of poems and quotes accompanied by illustrations: https://t.co/yQ40nCLMj5 https://t.co/9KjmstgnMS
Explore records of earthquake disasters in the NDL Digital Collections https://t.co/PJFRp91ABE #ndldigital https://t.co/5QeymdmGCe
Find your favorite #ChildrensBook at the NDL Digital Collections! You can enjoy a wonderful picnic like in this book. #ndldigital https://t.co/eWjAXnN3sV https://t.co/qLz28KVc8o
Take a look at a book no bigger than a match box. It's one of the smallest items in the NDL: https://t.co/PUGcWLdXWD https://t.co/KlAPOzTu8u
Dig into the world of WATANABE Seitei (1851–1918), a master of kachoga (flower and bird paintings), through this article. You can enjoy block prints depicting the vibrant beauty of realistic flowers and birds. https://t.co/5ncZAeY42A https://t.co/iZ6ViDzXAU

16 0 0 0 OA 新板植木つくし

#Omochae (toy pictures) are #ukiyoe prints designed for children to learn about daily life while playing. Here are some examples of toy pictures that depict collections of the same types of things. #ndldigital https://t.co/xRXW0Q8lqh https://t.co/YY30gRk2f0

70 0 0 0 OA 彩美

Some #kimono designs of the Taisho period, published in 1920. #ndldigital https://t.co/vnM6LvI47v https://t.co/xdO7POgYax
This artwork by Kobayashi Kiyochika depicts Shinkyo, the "sacred bridge," in deep snow. It serves as a gateway to the historical landmarks that comprise the Shrines and Temples of Nikko World Heritage Site. #ndldigital https://t.co/SCQAQQcReT https://t.co/KZIjjTNBA3

7 0 0 0 OA 彩画職人部類

A picture book focused on #artisans by #TachibanaMinko depicts 28 artisans of the #Edo period, such as umbrella makers, carpenters, inkstone carvers, washi paper craftsmen, and more. #ndldigital https://t.co/Inzs0uLUsE https://t.co/GZWemYVsJq

6 0 0 0 OA 節分

The night before the beginning of Spring (around February 4) is #Setsubun (bean-throwing festival). On this night, the whole family shouts "Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi! (Devils out, good luck in!)" and throws beans all over the house. #ndldigital https://t.co/9KsbFluPzd https://t.co/3xLVGqHwiZ
FURUYA Korin (1875-1910) was one of the leading designers of modern Kyoto. Umetsukushi is a collection of his pattern designs featuring #ume (plum), published in 1907. #ndldigital https://t.co/h2fTbCHcOx https://t.co/zyLAmZFT41
This illustrated catalog of Japanese flora published in the Edo preriod includes over 2000 illustrations of flowers and plants. Lilies, surprisingly, are classified as vegetables. #ndldigital https://t.co/C2VsBuYpjy https://t.co/NqtCgIebmV

81 0 0 0 OA 東莠南畝讖 3巻

Enjoy beautiful illustrations of over 460 kinds of fauna and flora in this 3-volume illustrated reference book from the mid-18th century. https://t.co/wo39bG6537 #ndldigital https://t.co/h4gZMVTzz5
Step inside the Nakamura-za, one of the largest kabuki theaters of the 19th century: https://t.co/bDuhaBM1gD #ndldigital https://t.co/sdLULoBG9q
The NDL holds a great number of documents comprising the personal papers of politicians, high-ranking officials, and military officers dating back as far as the closing days of the Tokugawa Shogunate. #japanesestudies https://t.co/EpYjTgQ6AO https://t.co/rFl2sKEMdz

28 0 0 0 OA 武蔵百景

Look at the people in the early Meiji era. Kobayashi Kiyochika, one of the last ukiyoe artists, depicts various scenes of the Tokyo area. Published in 1884. #ndldigital https://t.co/1A0XgreIMN https://t.co/PLTlMBYuZJ

12 0 0 0 OA 相合傘

#IzumiKyoka , a novelist, is known to have published beautifully designed books called Kyoka-bon. "Aiaigasa" is one of them, designed by #HashiguchiGoyo , a painter and printmaker. #ndldigital https://t.co/C0iLBFp2FS https://t.co/hvnlhyzIKa
Wonderful Japanese gardens which no longer exist are introduced in this article. This map is of a site in Asakusabashi. #ndldigital https://t.co/QkJBNpGX1P https://t.co/Skj0BlBXWz
“Edo jiman meisan zue” is an illustrated book of short stories, in which mascots personifying some of Edo’s best loved products take part in an adventure. It is written by Santo Kyodeon, one of Edo's best-selling authors. https://t.co/PLfF60pnJW https://t.co/QS76CtIBKv
In Japan, plum blossoms are harbingers of spring, blooming ahead of other flowers. Learn how the plant has been a beloved part of Japanese culture for more than a thousand years: #ndldigital https://t.co/ruV7bkKF36 https://t.co/dWN1jNGunD
The NDL holds several different versions of the Man’yoshu as well as a variety of materials related to it. Let's take a closer look at some of these historical materials. #ndldigital https://t.co/hPWLsulTSE https://t.co/tV9ElnkeQf
2022年6月に国立国会図書館法が改正されたことにより、2023年1月から民間発行のオンライン資料(電子書籍・電子雑誌)の収集範囲が拡大します。オンライン資料収集制度について、図解も交えてご紹介します。 https://t.co/9OmqxZHuF7 『国立国会図書館月報』1月号 https://t.co/4vySW5AhPK
Happy New Year! How did you spend the New Year holiday? This picture depicts how people celebrated the new year in the Edo period, in which people wear gorgeous kimonos and dance in the room. This traditional art is called manzai. #ndldigital https://t.co/ugXUuPW09c https://t.co/lpoeMuIC4A
Take a look at Hiroshige's beautifully illustrated scenes of Mt. Fuji from 36 perspectives! https://t.co/HSQL3YtEAI #ndldigital https://t.co/uH47uOJKIG

30 0 0 0 OA

Photos of snowflakes by Nakaya Ukichiro, a Japanese physicist who succeeded in creating the first artificial snow in the world. He said “Snowflakes are letters sent from heaven.” #ndldigital https://t.co/khgJjdyokN https://t.co/YpU9ncSchZ
Hiroshige's artwork depicts hot springs that remain popular to this day #ndldigital https://t.co/FVW5EgkKQa https://t.co/amuzUBaqvf
『客車略図 上巻』には、様々な客車の図面が掲載されています。御料車や一等車の図面から、当時の車両に思いを馳せてみてはいかがでしょう。 三木理史氏「国立国会図書館資料にみる鉄道関係資料―鉄道を調べる―」 #国立国会図書館月報 https://t.co/IBdZdtq50S https://t.co/IW24p7r4Bp
At the end of the year, the sound of pounding rice cake was heard every day in the streets of Edo. The embraced child is holding Mochibana (rice cake flowers) which is a Japanese New Year's decoration. #kunisada #toyokuni3 #nishikie #ndldigital https://t.co/0IMITuELhF https://t.co/CMIia1TVlX

5 0 0 0 OA 隅田川雪見

A snowflake pattern is used on the kimono worn by the woman in the center of Utagawa Yoshitora's #ukiyoe. #ndldigital https://t.co/q5Ee0AeChH https://t.co/8yyXrTAkxy
Bunsho is a Nara e-hon of a fairytale known as Bunsho-zoshi. https://t.co/tdQ660zTtz https://t.co/hxF6XclT3Y
Bento are a rich microcosm of life in Japan. Find out more: https://t.co/DYdQ8HboDo https://t.co/8kV1jeA8qm
Oda Kazuma (1882-1956), a printmaker, depicted Shinjuku, one of the busiest nightlife districts in Tokyo, in 1930 (lithograph). You can see a girl selling flowers on the street. #ndldigital https://t.co/kk5gdAk5IC https://t.co/p7ka1CU7Ri

17 0 0 0 OA 犬百人一首

Inu hyakuninisshu is a parody of Ogura #HyakuninIsshu (a classical Japanese anthology of one hundred Japanese #waka by one hundred poets). "Inu (dog)" in the title is a play on words. #ndldigital https://t.co/cVdgZxyrDp https://t.co/kMICnvk5rW
Takinogawa has been famous for its scenic beauty since the Edo period and has been depicted in many #ukiyoe. In this ukiyo-e from the Meiji era, you can enjoy the autumn leaves reflected in the valley with Yae, a geisha from Nihonbashi. #ndldigital https://t.co/XljYFVnDhq https://t.co/StxCIt3yPb

43 0 0 0 OA 舞楽之図

Have you ever heard of a dance called Bugaku? It is a dance accompanied by music that was introduced to Japan from China and Korea during the Nara and Heian period. Take a look at the colorful costumes of Bugaku! #ndldigital https://t.co/8Nxaouer6z https://t.co/rocSih55tn
Takinogawa River has been famous for its autumn colors since the Edo period, and people viewed the colorful leaves while strolling through the valley or from boats. This #ukiyoe depicts ladies enjoying themselves by playing music. Elegant, isn't it? https://t.co/e8CBoSsoc4 https://t.co/bTbyr5LSVZ

14 0 0 0 OA 新百瓶図彙

#Ikebana is the art of #flowerarrangement which evolved in Japan, in which flowers and plants are arranged in a proper balance. People appreciate the beauty of their appearance and preciousness of life. Some examples from the Edo period at #ndldigital https://t.co/mjWbsRP3FJ https://t.co/I5Jq5AnamJ

