J-STAGE Articles - Visit-to-Visit Variability and Reduction in Blood Pressure After a 3-Month Cardiac Rehabilitation Program in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease https://t.co/itdeeP3myd
#J_Epidemi 2023 May issue:
Sex-specific Relationship Between Stress Coping Strategies and All-cause Mortality: Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study
Mako Nagayoshi et al.
@J_Epidemi https://t.co/c7XgDxBMoW
Cerebrating Golden Week: an article on leisure time in #J_Epidemi
Intensity of Leisure-Time Exercise and Risk of Depressive Symptoms Among Japanese Workers: A Cohort Study
Keisuke Kuwahara et al.
@J_Epidemi https://t.co/Xq9mfAmfWn
#J_Epidemi 2023; 33 (3)
Relationship of Higher-level Functional Capacity With Long-term Mortality in Japanese Older People: NIPPON DATA90
Hideki Nagata et al.
@J_Epidemi https://t.co/jlukCxr5mS
HDS1期生の矢込進さんの書かれた、COVID-19パンデミックが1型糖尿病患者や2型糖尿病患者の受診や遠隔診療利用に及ぼした影響に関する論文がJournal of Epidemologyに掲載されました。