前田 奎 大山卞 圭悟 関 慶太郎 水島 淳 広瀬 健一 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.18002, (Released:2019-01-21)

The purpose of this study was to investigate, using path analysis, causal relationships among motion factors for achieving a high release velocity in the male discus throw. The throwing motions of 61 male discus throwers were analyzed using three-dimensional motion analysis. Variables such as release velocity, velocities gained by each body segment, body segment velocity, body angle and angular velocity were obtained. The path model indicating the causal relationships among these factors was constructed by path analysis. The main results were as follows: Influences of velocities gained by each body segment on release velocity were largest for the arm, followed in order by the trunk and legs. Motion factors such as weight shift, acquisition of the velocity of the center of gravity, sweeping the legs, rotations of the hip and shoulder, twisting and untwisting of the trunk, acquisition of the velocity of the right knee and extension of the left knee had direct or indirect influences on the velocities gained by each body segment. Motion factors in the path model revealed causal relationships along the time sequence of the throwing motion. In addition, the path model in this study indicated the cause and effect structure of the throwing motion by which Japanese male discus throwers were able to achieve a high release velocity. The results of this study can be utilized for technical coaching of the discus throw based on causal relationships.
前田 奎 大山卞 圭悟 関 慶太郎 水島 淳 広瀬 健一 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.64, no.1, pp.21-36, 2019-06-17 (Released:2019-06-25)

The purpose of this study was to investigate, using path analysis, causal relationships among motion factors for achieving a high release velocity in the male discus throw. The throwing motions of 61 male discus throwers were analyzed using three-dimensional motion analysis. Variables such as release velocity, velocities gained by each body segment, body segment velocity, body angle and angular velocity were obtained. The path model indicating the causal relationships among these factors was constructed by path analysis. The main results were as follows: Influences of velocities gained by each body segment on release velocity were largest for the arm, followed in order by the trunk and legs. Motion factors such as weight shift, acquisition of the velocity of the center of gravity, sweeping the legs, rotations of the hip and shoulder, twisting and untwisting of the trunk, acquisition of the velocity of the right knee and extension of the left knee had direct or indirect influences on the velocities gained by each body segment. Motion factors in the path model revealed causal relationships along the time sequence of the throwing motion. In addition, the path model in this study indicated the cause and effect structure of the throwing motion by which Japanese male discus throwers were able to achieve a high release velocity. The results of this study can be utilized for technical coaching of the discus throw based on causal relationships.
前田 奎 大山卞 圭悟 尾縣 貢
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.35, no.1, pp.137-148, 2021

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This study reports a coaching case of a male athlete (abbreviated to "athlete A" after this) who had a problem that left foot lands on the "under-rotation" position during second-turn phase in the discus throw. Since athlete A is the author, this study shows processes and reflections of self-coaching. First, one of the factors which caused "underrotation" was that athlete A was too self-conscious about quick touchdown of left foot during second-turn phase. Then, "turn drill without landing left foot" and "half-turn throw" were adopted as technical training to resolve "under-rotation". Although the number of trials which left foot lands on the "under-rotation" position reduced to a certain degree after both training, the problem had not been resolved completely. However, coaching processes showed in this study can contribute accumulation of a case study to construct general theory about resolving "under-rotation" in the discus throw.</p>
水島 淳 前田 奎 広瀬 健一 大山卞 圭悟 尾縣 貢
The Japan Journal of Coaching Studies
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.32, no.1, pp.71-78, 2018-10-20 (Released:2019-09-02)

The aim of this study was to investigate the coaching beliefs of foreign high-performance track and field coaches in South East Asian countries. Five foreign coaches from Germany, Portugal, and New Zealand who represented Malaysia and Singapore in track and field events at the South East Asian Games in 2017 were asked to participate and were interviewed in this study. For the purposes of this research, the factors believed most important for coaching from the coach’s perspective were asked. The results showed that the coaching beliefs of foreign high-performance track and field coaches in South East Asian countries were divided into 3 categories. These were (a) goal oriented: developing athletes’ competence and developing athletes’ character; (b) coaches’ knowledge oriented: professional knowledge, and interpersonal and intrapersonal knowledge; and (c) coaching context oriented: coaching context.
山元 康平 宮代 賢治 内藤 景 木越 清信 谷川 聡 大山卞 圭悟 宮下 憲 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.1, pp.159-173, 2014 (Released:2014-06-13)

This study was conducted to clarify the relationship between race pattern and performance in the men's 400-m race. Using several video cameras, 154 male 400-m sprinters (45-46 s: 26, 47 s: 35, 48 s: 58, 49 s: 35) in official competitions were videotaped at a sampling rate of 59.94 Hz from the start to the finish. The split time at every 50 m from the start was calculated using the Overlay method, which analyzes the split time by superimposing an image of the 400-m race onto an image of the hurdles in a 400-m hurdle race. Each segment was defined as follows: First segment, from the start to the 100-m mark; 2nd segment, from the 100-m mark to the 200-m mark; 3rd segment, from the 200-m mark to the 300-m mark; 4th segment, from the 300-m mark to the finish. The results of regression analysis revealed significant correlations between the 400-m race time and the all of the segment times (r=0.589-0.887, p<0.001), the ratio of the time for the 3rd segment (r=0.290, p<0.001) to that of the 4th segment (r=0.218, p<0.01), the rate of change in running speed from the 1st to the 2nd segments (r=−0.317, p<0.001), and that from the 2nd to the 3rd segments (r=−0.271, p<0.01). However, the relationship between the 400-m race time and the deceleration index (the slope of the linear relationship between running speed and the number of segments from the peak running speed to the finish) was not significant (r=0.154, p=0.056). These results suggest that it is important to maintain running speed in the 2nd and 3rd 100-m segments to achieve high performance in the 400-m sprint.
飯田 路佳 江藤 幹 大須賀 洋祐 辻本 健彦 清野 諭 大久保 善郎 大山卞 圭悟 田中 喜代次
公益社団法人 日本女子体育連盟
日本女子体育連盟学術研究 (ISSN:18820980)
vol.33, pp.19-27, 2017 (Released:2017-05-18)

本研究の目的は,体力測定や生理・生化学的指標から得られる 「活力年齢」 に着目し,中高年女性におけるリズム系運動がどのような健康増進効果をもたらすかについて,①BMIが25kg/m2以上の対象者(以下肥満群),②BMIが25kg/m2未満で明らかな疾患がない対象者(以下一般群),③リズム系運動習慣者(以下ダンサー群)の3群間において,活力年齢およびその構成要素を比較することにより,リズム系運動習慣者の健康体力水準の違いを明らかにすることとした。活力年齡は包括的健康度の指標として,健康と体力に関連する多項目(全身持久性体力,敏捷性,バランス,血圧,血中脂質,腹囲,肺機能など)から推定される。対象は,肥満群(平均年齢62.0±3.9歳)24名,一般群(平均年齢62.4±4.8歳)28名,およびダンサー群(平均年齢63.8±5.3歳)21名であった。ダンサー群の活力年齢(54.5±7.4歳)は,肥満群(67.6±4.6歳)および一般群(62.6±8.1歳)よりも有意に良好な値を示した(P<0.05)。このことから,長年にわたり日常的に,ダンスに代表されるリズム系運動を中心とした身体活動を継続していくことの有益性が認められた。
屋代 澪 寺山 由美 大山卞 圭悟
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.34, no.2, pp.139-150, 2021-03-20 (Released:2021-05-27)

In this research, we focused on continuous rapid movement and clarified the actual condition of dancers breathing. In addition, we examined differences in breathing due to differences in experience years, targeting female college student dancers with various dance experience history. As a result, the respiration of a dancer with a history of more than 15 years of experience was 80% the same breath, the difference in respiration became different as the years of experience decreased. In addition, the possibility that the dance genre experienced in the past and the experience of other sports was influenced was considered as the characteristic of respiration.
前田 奎 大山卞 圭悟 広瀬 健一 尾縣 貢
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.31, no.2, pp.175-184, 2018-03-20 (Released:2019-09-02)

The purposes of this study were to clarify the influence of physical strength on throwing distance, and to estimate strength requirement for each target throwing distance of discus. The questionnaire method was used to investigate parameters about morphology and physical strength for 114 male discus throwers. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was calculated to investigate the relationships between the parameters and throwing distance. Then, multiple regression analysis was carried out to clarify influence of the parameters on throwing distance. As a result, all parameters correlated significantly to throwing distance. The parameters of morphology to have great influence on throwing distance were span of arm and body weight. The parameters of physical strength to have great influence on throwing distance were backward over head shot throw, snatch, standing five steps jump, 30m dash, in descending order. In addition, physical strength requirement corresponding to throwing distance of discus was gained by estimating the standard value of each parameter from the regression analysis. Strength requirement shown in this study has a high practicality for coaches and throwers in planning training programs and setting goals.
田中 喜代次 大山卞 圭悟 根来 宏光 和久 夏衣 三輪 好生
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.71, no.3, pp.287-292, 2022-06-01 (Released:2022-05-10)

Pelvic floor trauma developing into pelvic frailty is a significant concern in urogynecology or orthopedics. The majority of women who have experienced vaginal childbirth are affected, to a certain extent, by some form of pelvic floor damage, thereby eliciting substantial alterations of functional anatomy in the pelvic cavity which are manifested as urinary incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse (e.g., uterine prolapse). With the above in mind, medical researchers, continence experts, and continence exercise practitioners in the research areas of sports medicine and rehabilitation medicine believe that the coordinated activity of pelvic floor muscles, in association with the abdominal muscles, is a prerequisite for urinary and defecatory continence. Since the pelvic floor forms the base of the abdominal cavity, stronger pelvic floor muscles are crucial in maintaining such capabilities. Opposing action of the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles ensures that exercises for one may also strengthen the other. Appropriate abdominal maneuverability or logical exercise training of the abdominal muscles may thus be beneficial in maintaining not only strength but also coordination, flexibility, and endurance of pelvic floor muscles and abdominal muscles. Such exercises, collectively known as pelvic floor muscle training, may be effective for long-term pelvic cavity care and also in rehabilitating cases of pelvic floor dysfunction. Further research is needed, however, in determining whether pelvic floor muscle function can be truly enhanced or maintained by such exercises in cases of pelvic floor dysfunction and/or decreased urinary continence.
前田 奎 大山卞 圭悟 加藤 忠彦 水島 淳 山本 大輔 梶谷 亮輔 広瀬 健一 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.69, pp.206_3, 2018

<p> 円盤投の指導現場において、投てき動作前半の局面で円盤あるいは円盤を保持する腕を積極的に加速させる動作について、「円盤を走らせる」という表現が用いられている。この「円盤を走らせる」動作は、効率の良い投てき動作を遂行させる上で重要であると指導現場では認識されているが、実際に競技力の高い円盤投競技者ほど「円盤を走らせている」のか、という疑問が生じる。そこで本研究では、「円盤を走らせる」動作に関連すると考えられるパラメータとパフォーマンスとの関係について明らかにすることを目的とした。国内一般レベルから世界トップレベルまでの記録を有する男子円盤投競技者62名(記録:38.05 – 68.94m)を対象に、競技会での投てき動作を撮影し、3次元動作分析を行った。円盤の速度について確認したところ、第一両脚支持局面の変化量および右足離地時点について、対象者全体で見た場合、投てき距離との間に有意な正の相関関係が認められた。しかし、競技レベルごとに見ると、世界トップレベル競技者12名については、有意な負の相関関係が認められたのに対して、国内競技者50名については、有意な正の相関関係が認められた。</p>
広瀬 健一 大山卞 圭悟 尾縣 貢
The Japan Journal of Coaching Studies
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.30, no.1, pp.65-72, 2016-10-20 (Released:2019-09-04)

This study reports a coaching case of a men's hammer throw athlete (abbreviated to “T athlete” after this) who had a problem with the acceleration of the hammer during the turn phase. T athlete’s personal record was 45.75m at the start of coaching. The theme of the training program was “hammer throw without using preliminary swings”. And T athlete practiced to accelerate the hammer during the turn phase. The training was carried out for about three and a half months. The procedure of the approach was divided into two stages. The approach ① was the 1st training process until T athlete learned “the hammer throw without using preliminary swings”. The approach ② was a training process after learning “the hammer throw without using preliminary swings”. During the approach ①, T athlete was able to learn the timing to accelerate the hammer from the right back during “the hammer throw without using preliminary swings”. In addition, the approach ② conducted the inclined plane of the hammer orbit of the actual throw to get closer to the one of “the hammer throw without using preliminary swings”. Finally, T athlete improved the personal record approximately 7m (45.75 to 52.67m). “The hammer throw without preliminary swings” is considered to be effective as one of the convincing training method to improve the turn technique of hammer throw.