戸邉 直人 苅山 靖 林 陵平 木越 清信 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.18044, (Released:2019-10-28)

In the take-off motion of the high jump, huge power exerted by the lower limb is required in a very short time. Consequently, to achieve the take-off motion, improvement of power exertion ability is important, and most high jumpers work to achieve this. However, the components of the kinetics that contribute to high jump performance are unknown. This study investigated lower limb joint kinetics during the take-off phase of the high jump and the relationships between kinetic variables and performance. Seven male high jumpers were investigated. Their take-off motions were filmed using an infrared camera (Vicon Motion System, 250 Hz), and the ground reaction force was recorded using a force platform (Kistler, 9287C, 1000Hz). The coefficients of correlation between the vertical velocity of the center of gravity of the whole body (CG) at the moment of take-off and kinetic variables were calculated. The following results were obtained: 1. The muscles involved in hip extension play a primary role in shock absorption at the moment of touchdown. Furthermore, the muscles involved in hip abduction, knee extension and ankle plantarflexion play a significant role in lifting the body in addition to the above functions. 2. The concentric power produced by hip abductors during the take-off motion may increase vertical velocity of the CG at the moment of take-off. 3. As it has been reported that single leg exercises impact the function of hip abductors, such exercises may improve take-off motion in the high jump. These results illustrate the characteristics of take-off motion in the high jump, and these may be studied further to plan effective training aimed at improving performance.
戸邉 直人 林 陵平 苅山 靖 木越 清信 尾縣 貢
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.31, no.2, pp.239-251, 2018-03-20 (Released:2019-09-02)

This study aimed to present the practical knowledge and investigate effective techniques to improve performance in the high jump. The subject was a male Japanese top class high jumper whose personal record was 2 m31. Progress in high jump performance was shown by an increase from 2 m22 in 2012 to 2 m31 in 2014, and kinematics data were collected at competitions to assess the factors involved in achieving best record. The results were as follows. 1. The subject focused on high jump technique training during periods between competitions, and on improvement in strength training at without competition periods. Considering effects of training, this training protocol was logical. 2. The subject changed from single-arm action at takeoff to double-arm action and improved its techniques during this study. This change improved high jump performance by increasing force on takeoff. 3. The results of this study suggested different from general theory which is provided by previous study. It means that there is possibility to discover new theory by investigating individual case.     These results suggest the hints to improve high jump performance and indicating the importance of individual longitudinal investigation.
白木 駿佑 木越 清信
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.32, no.2, pp.253-264, 2019-03-20 (Released:2019-09-02)

This is the case study that the race pattern of a 400-m sprint was improved by “Affirmation”. The affirmation is a method of accomplishing goal and used in the world for business, education and so on. The purpose of this study was to obtain practical wisdom when using the affirmation to sports. A male sprinter had been having the problem of the 400-m race pattern and tried to solve it by the affirmation. Then, while correcting the affirmation sheet each time the race was done, the problem was solved four months from beginning to use the affirmation. He could not realize the image of the race pattern in the first half of the practical process. But in the second half of the practical process, he changed the contents of affirmation sheet greatly, realized the target model of race pattern which is the moderate deceleration type one month later. Besides, he had read the short affirmation sheet every day during this practice process. From this process, it was suggested that it is difficult to make the high-quality affirmation sheet in a short period from using it for the first time, and that it is necessary to use the short sentence involved realistic and clear image for continuous implementation of affirmation.
木越 清信 尾縣 貢 田内 健二 大山 卞 圭悟 高松 薫
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.2, pp.167-178, 2003-04-01 (Released:2010-12-10)
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本研究の目的は, 5秒間の全力ペダリング運動中における座位姿勢の変化が下肢筋群の筋活動および最大パワーに及ぼす影響を明らかにすることであった.被験者には, 大学陸上競技部に所属する男性10名 (21.5±1.9yrs, 178.8±4.7cm, 71.0±5.6kg) を用い, シートの高さを変化させた3種類 (High, MiddleおよびLow) の試技条件下で, それぞれ5秒間のペダリング運動を体重×0.1kpの負荷で行わせた.主な結果は以下の通りである.1.3回転の最大パワーは, HighがLowと比較して有意に高値を示した.2.骨盤傾斜角度は, HighおよびMiddleがLowと比較して有意に高値を示した.3.膝関節最大伸展角度および屈曲角度は, High, MiddleおよびLowの川頁に有意に高値を示した.4.脊柱起立筋および大腿二頭筋におけるmEMGは, HighがLowと比較して有意に高値を示した.5.Highにおいては, 3回転の最大パワーと大殿筋におけるmEMGとの間に有意な正の相関関係が認められた.また, 3回転の最大パワーと大腿二頭筋および外側広筋におけるmEMGとの間に正の相関傾向が認められた.以上の結果から, 5秒間の全力ペダリング運動において, シート高の変化による座位姿勢変化は下肢筋群, 特に股関節伸展筋群の筋張力および最大パワーに影響を及ぼす可能性があることが示唆された.
山元 康平 宮代 賢治 内藤 景 木越 清信 谷川 聡 大山卞 圭悟 宮下 憲 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.1, pp.159-173, 2014 (Released:2014-06-13)

This study was conducted to clarify the relationship between race pattern and performance in the men's 400-m race. Using several video cameras, 154 male 400-m sprinters (45-46 s: 26, 47 s: 35, 48 s: 58, 49 s: 35) in official competitions were videotaped at a sampling rate of 59.94 Hz from the start to the finish. The split time at every 50 m from the start was calculated using the Overlay method, which analyzes the split time by superimposing an image of the 400-m race onto an image of the hurdles in a 400-m hurdle race. Each segment was defined as follows: First segment, from the start to the 100-m mark; 2nd segment, from the 100-m mark to the 200-m mark; 3rd segment, from the 200-m mark to the 300-m mark; 4th segment, from the 300-m mark to the finish. The results of regression analysis revealed significant correlations between the 400-m race time and the all of the segment times (r=0.589-0.887, p<0.001), the ratio of the time for the 3rd segment (r=0.290, p<0.001) to that of the 4th segment (r=0.218, p<0.01), the rate of change in running speed from the 1st to the 2nd segments (r=−0.317, p<0.001), and that from the 2nd to the 3rd segments (r=−0.271, p<0.01). However, the relationship between the 400-m race time and the deceleration index (the slope of the linear relationship between running speed and the number of segments from the peak running speed to the finish) was not significant (r=0.154, p=0.056). These results suggest that it is important to maintain running speed in the 2nd and 3rd 100-m segments to achieve high performance in the 400-m sprint.
尾縣 貢 木越 清信 遠藤 俊典 森 健一
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.64, no.1, pp.117-124, 2015-02-01 (Released:2015-01-25)

Purpose of this study was to examine the recovery process of delayed onset muscle soreness, jump performance, force to contact with the ground and lower limbs movement after intensive jump exercise (IJE), and the relationships between muscle soreness, changes of jump performance and lower limbs movement. Nine males who have experience in special jump exercise participated in this study voluntarily. For the measurement, subjective investigation of the muscle soreness, drop jump performance using a 30 cm high box [jump height, contact time and drop jump index (jump height / contact time)], ground reaction force and movements of lower limbs. This measurement was carried out before IJE (Pre), and at 4 hours (P4), 24 hours (P24) and 72 hours (P72) after IJE. Main results are as follows ; at the time of P24 when intense muscle soreness appeared, significant jump height decreases and contact time increases were shown, and the jump index decreased markedly. This decrease of performance correlated to the change of knee and ankle joint movements during the eccentric phase. At P4, for a subject who felt strong muscle soreness, the decrease of jump height and jump index were considerable. At P72, most subjects recovered to the levels of jump height and contact time to the Pre level. The findings reveal that the jump performances are related to the degree of delayed onset muscle soreness.
尾縣 貢 木越 清信 遠藤 俊典 森 健一
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.64, no.1, pp.117-124, 2015

Purpose of this study was to examine the recovery process of delayed onset muscle soreness, jump performance, force to contact with the ground and lower limbs movement after intensive jump exercise (IJE), and the relationships between muscle soreness, changes of jump performance and lower limbs movement. Nine males who have experience in special jump exercise participated in this study voluntarily. For the measurement, subjective investigation of the muscle soreness, drop jump performance using a 30 cm high box [jump height, contact time and drop jump index (jump height / contact time)], ground reaction force and movements of lower limbs. This measurement was carried out before IJE (Pre), and at 4 hours (P4), 24 hours (P24) and 72 hours (P72) after IJE. Main results are as follows ; at the time of P24 when intense muscle soreness appeared, significant jump height decreases and contact time increases were shown, and the jump index decreased markedly. This decrease of performance correlated to the change of knee and ankle joint movements during the eccentric phase. At P4, for a subject who felt strong muscle soreness, the decrease of jump height and jump index were considerable. At P72, most subjects recovered to the levels of jump height and contact time to the Pre level. The findings reveal that the jump performances are related to the degree of delayed onset muscle soreness.
白木 駿佑 尾縣 貢 木越 清信
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.63, no.1, pp.433-440, 2018-06-10 (Released:2018-06-20)

This study investigated the relationship between exercise intensity and energy contribution in shortduration intensive exercise. Two competitive university sprinters performed 30-s pedaling tests at 4 high intensity levels, following a submaximal test to determine the energy contribution during the 30-s pedaling tests by using the linear regression between exercise power and O2 demand. The energy contribution in each subject was almost constant during the 30-s pedaling tests at the 4 high intensity levels. Furthermore, O2 uptake and peak blood lactate concentration increased with increasing O2 demand in each subject. These results suggest that the energy contribution during short-duration intensive exercise at different high intensity levels is almost constant and that aerobic and anaerobic energy increase with increasing exercise intensity in each individual.
梶谷 亮輔 前村 公彦 山元 康平 関 慶太郎 尾縣 貢 木越 清信
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.63, no.1, pp.139-149, 2018-06-10 (Released:2018-06-20)

The aim of this study was to examine the validity, reliability, and utility of a method for evaluating the characteristics of the counter movement jump. Fifty-two male track and field athletes (sprinters or decathletes) jumped from a 30-cm platform and consciously changed their counter movement times. This study determined the counter movement time required to achieve the highest jump. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The waveform between the counter movement time and jumping height was an inverted U-shape. 2. It is normally accepted that the optimum counter movement time is determined via the jump test. 3. There was a significant correlation between the first test and the re-test in terms of the counter movement time. 4. Participants were classified into 5 groups based on their optimum counter movement times and highest jumping heights. These results suggest that the newly developed jumping test discussed in this study is a valid method for evaluating the characteristics of counter movement.
大宮 真一 木越 清信 尾縣 貢
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.54, no.1, pp.55-66, 2009

遠藤 俊典 田内 健二 木越 清信 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.52, no.2, pp.149-159, 2007-03-10 (Released:2007-06-21)
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A study was conducted to investigate the age-related development of rebound and counter movement jumping ability. A total of 1137 boys (6 yr: 59, 7 yr: 82, 8 yr: 69, 9 yr: 142, 10 yr: 105, 11 yr: 169, 12 yr: 103, 13 yr: 110, 14 yr: 77, 15 yr: 66, 16 yr: 73, and 17 and 18 yr: 82) conducted counter movement jumping (CMJ) as a non-ballistic movement and five-repeated rebound jumping (5RJ) as a ballistic movement. Jumping ability was assessed using CMJ jumping height and the value obtained by dividing jumping height by the ground contact time in 5RJ (RJ-index). CMJ jumping height and the RJ-index in 5RJ increased in accordance with growth. Development of the RJ-index in 5RJ depended on the increase in jumping height, because ground contact time did not change even though jumping height increased with growth. There was a significant correlation between CMJ jumping height and RJ-index in 5RJ (r=0.765, p<0.001, r2=0.585). Division of jumping ability types was based on±1SD of the residual. These types were as follows: CMJ ability corresponded to RJ ability (CMJ=RJ: n=810), RJ ability was superior to CMJ ability (Good RJ: n=165) and RJ ability was inferior to CMJ ability (Poor RJ: n=162). The number of Good RJ and Poor RJ types increased between the ages of 9-13 years, which is the onset of the growth spurt. These results suggest that CMJ jumping height and RJ-index in 5RJ increase in accordance with growth, but the processes of age-related development of both types of jumping ability do not necessarily correspond to each other, and developmental differences between individuals tend to increase at the onset of the growth spurt.
木越 清信
