野上 元 西村 明 柳原 伸洋 蘭 信三 渡邊 勉 福間 良明 山本 昭宏 一ノ瀬 俊也 木村 豊

山本 昭宏
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.79, pp.153-170, 2011

This paper analyzes articles about nuclear energy in three science magazines, Kagaku Asahi (Asahi Science), Shizen (Nature), and Kagaku (Science), which were published in Japan in the 1950s. The analytical methodology used in the study is a combination of quantitative analysis and theory concerned with the agenda-setting function of the media. The study aims to reveal the relationship between the discourse found in the articles and Japanese opinions concerning nuclear energy development and radioactive substances, and to explore the qualitative changes in the discourse of the articles and the reasons underlying such changes. One conclusion that emerges from the quantitative analysis is that the number of discourses concerning nuclear energy increased between 1954 and 1955, and following this started to steadily decrease. Generally speaking, the Lucky Dragon 5 incident in 1954, in which the crew of a Japanese fishing vessel was exposed to nuclear fallout from US nuclear testing on Bikini Atoll, is considered to have started the anti-nuclear movement in Japan. At this time, in the science magazines, there was an increase in specialist discourses concerning topics such as nuclear reactors and methods of measuring nuclear fallout. In reality, almost all the scientists involved in nuclear energy research and development thought that they had no connection to the anti-nuclear movement. Based on a purely dualistic conception of good and bad, they continued to position nuclear energy as something to be used for good. From this perspective, it can be seen that in the Japanese science magazines of the 1950s, the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and its effects were understood only in a very limited sense.
山本 昭宏
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.84, pp.9-27, 2014-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

The purpose of this paper is to propose a hypothesis about the process through which the media builds up collective expectations concerning nuclear power (the Nuclear Dream) and the transformation of such expectations. We focus on the Asahi and Yomiuri Newspapers and study not only editorials, but also regular features that are likely to have affected public opinion as much as editorials. The period targeted in this paper is the 20 years from 1945 to 1965. We divide these 20 years into three periods based on changes in the Nuclear Dream: the dream of war deterrence (1945 to 1949) ; the dream of peaceful use (1949 to 1957) ; and the dream of nuclear power generation (1957 to 1965). Japanese newspapers were unknowingly trapped in the Nuclear Dream that they built up through their own discourse; while they detached themselves from the Nuclear Dream in the late 1950s, they expanded the dream again in the 1960s. By describing this process, we examine how it is possible to meet collective expectations built up by the media.
磯前 順一 小倉 慈司 苅田 真司 吉田 一彦 鍾 以江 Pradhan Gouranga 久保田 浩 山本 昭宏 寺戸 淳子 岩谷 彩子 小田 龍哉 藤本 憲正 上村 静

西洋近代に由来する人権思想の世界的な普及にもかかわらず、当の西洋においても、あるいは日本などの他のさまざまな地域においても、差別(人種差別だけでなく、いじめや戦争、 テロまでを含む)が依然としてなくならないのは、なぜだろうか。本研究では、これまで「聖なるもの」と「俗なるもの」の二分法で説明されてきた「宗教」と「社会」とのありかたの理解を、日本宗教史と世界諸地域の比較宗教史との学問の蓄積からあらたに問いなおし、現代社会における公共性の問題と結びつけて検討する。そのことで、公共空間における差別と聖化の仕組みがあきらかになり、より具体的な公共性のあり方についての議論が可能になることが期待される。
山本 昭宏
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.79, pp.153-170, 2011-07-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

This paper analyzes articles about nuclear energy in three science magazines, Kagaku Asahi (Asahi Science), Shizen (Nature), and Kagaku (Science), which were published in Japan in the 1950s. The analytical methodology used in the study is a combination of quantitative analysis and theory concerned with the agenda-setting function of the media. The study aims to reveal the relationship between the discourse found in the articles and Japanese opinions concerning nuclear energy development and radioactive substances, and to explore the qualitative changes in the discourse of the articles and the reasons underlying such changes. One conclusion that emerges from the quantitative analysis is that the number of discourses concerning nuclear energy increased between 1954 and 1955, and following this started to steadily decrease. Generally speaking, the Lucky Dragon 5 incident in 1954, in which the crew of a Japanese fishing vessel was exposed to nuclear fallout from US nuclear testing on Bikini Atoll, is considered to have started the anti-nuclear movement in Japan. At this time, in the science magazines, there was an increase in specialist discourses concerning topics such as nuclear reactors and methods of measuring nuclear fallout. In reality, almost all the scientists involved in nuclear energy research and development thought that they had no connection to the anti-nuclear movement. Based on a purely dualistic conception of good and bad, they continued to position nuclear energy as something to be used for good. From this perspective, it can be seen that in the Japanese science magazines of the 1950s, the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and its effects were understood only in a very limited sense.
山本 昭宏
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.84, pp.9-27, 2014-01-31

The purpose of this paper is to propose a hypothesis about the process through which the media builds up collective expectations concerning nuclear power (the Nuclear Dream) and the transformation of such expectations. We focus on the Asahi and Yomiuri Newspapers and study not only editorials, but also regular features that are likely to have affected public opinion as much as editorials. The period targeted in this paper is the 20 years from 1945 to 1965. We divide these 20 years into three periods based on changes in the Nuclear Dream: the dream of war deterrence (1945 to 1949) ; the dream of peaceful use (1949 to 1957) ; and the dream of nuclear power generation (1957 to 1965). Japanese newspapers were unknowingly trapped in the Nuclear Dream that they built up through their own discourse; while they detached themselves from the Nuclear Dream in the late 1950s, they expanded the dream again in the 1960s. By describing this process, we examine how it is possible to meet collective expectations built up by the media.