久保 真
The Japanease Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.48, no.2, pp.67-83, 2006-12-20 (Released:2010-08-05)

This article is a survey of recent studies concerning W. Whewell, R. Jones, C. Babbage, and others in the Cambridge network. These were the Cantabrigians who launched the methodological attack on Ricardian, or orthodox, political economy, and historians of economics have lumped them together as the Cambridge inductivist group. Work in the history of science, however, has long established that the members of this “group” were by no means in full accord regarding methodology. Whewell, in fact, the pivotal figure in the network, did not follow an inductivist approach in his scientific methodology. Recently scholars have begun to recognize that each of the several methodological approaches represented in the group deserves its own distinct place in the history of economics.Why did the Cantabrigians join forces to undermine orthodoxy and attempt to form an alliance with Malthus, even though their methodological views were, to one degree or another, at variance? Various explanations have been proposed, and although there is still no consensus on the answer, the dispute itself is proving to be productive, perhaps more so than the arguments centering on the methodology.While their attacks on classical orthodoxy have been studied in some detail, the kind of economics the Cantabrigians taught and were taught have received less attention from researchers. It has been often assumed, for example, that Pryme, the first professor of the subject at the university, was a minor follower of Whewell. Recent findings, however, suggest that he was primarily a disciple of orthodoxy, and possibly an adversary of Whewell, Jones, and Babbage, all of whom had visions of the coming industrial society as technology-driven and class-harmonious.Some recent studies indicate that the anti-Ricardian academics not only had lasting influence on the university (in spite of Pryme) and the East India College, but also upon newly established societies for economic research. A more complete understanding of their influence will shed new light upon what is called the Decline of Ricardian Economics and the emergence of Jevonsian and Marshallian economics.
大久保 尚子
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.65, no.2, pp.37-48, 2014-12-31 (Released:2017-05-22)

In this paper, I examined the position of ehon with kachoga like eiri-haisho (collection of haiku with picture) as resource for textile design. In the early mid-18^<th> century, some kosode-hinagatabon artists started to depict the designs of various plants in picture-like style with reality. Though designs based on kachoga became one of the typical textile designs in late Edo, such attempts did not become widespread in kosode-hinagatabon. Meanwhile, in the first part of the 18th century, Ehon with kachoga by professional artists began to be published. Some of them were art manuals, while others were books mainly for visual entertainment, such as eiri-haisho. Although both could be applied to kachoga-like design, the former was used mainly by craftsmen or merchants, while the latter fascinated the readers with their kachoga illustrations and inspired new design devices. We verified, by investigating the reprint editions, that Ehon Fukujuso and Haikainanosiori, which are eiri-haisyo with picture of various plants, have been recognized also as reference material for creating new designs. Borderless connection between aesthetic appreciation and practical use is one of the characteristics of the relation between publications and textile designs in the late Edo period.
大久保 恭子
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.55, no.4, pp.42-55, 2005-03-31 (Released:2017-05-22)

The date of "completion" of the original maquettes of Jazz has been considered to be 1944, mainly due to three letters of Matisse, in spite of the date, juillet 1946, written in the maquettes. What is the meaning of this delay? The connection between Matisse and Surrealisme contributed in establishing the artistic environment around him from the 1930's. It changed Matisse's artistic view from static to dynamic, especially the concept of signe. Furthermore, the method of paper cut-out accelerated this tendency. Matisse's interest in Bergson in Jazz explains the dynamic character. In 1942, Matisse finished Themes et variation. The central idea is a series along the same theme, with the same model. The connection between the drawings gives the figure a Bergsonian duree. In Jazz Matisse created signes from his memories. He used his intuition to be united with the objects, and realized the inherent duree, which was built right into the process of this work. This is the reason for the delay in working on the maquettes. The duree produced by this delay is the indispensable character in the completion of Jazz founded on the correlation between the maquettes and the texts.
久保 光志
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.29, no.3, pp.15-25, 1978-12-30 (Released:2017-05-22)

Man sagt, dass Kant das Problem vom Verhaltnis zwischen Moralitat und Schonheit, daz zu losen die ihm vorausgehende Asthetiker und Philosophen bemuht waren, entscheidend gelost habe. Kant hat namlich das Schone und das Gute spezifisch unterschieden und die Autonomie des Schonen festgestellt. Aber auch hat er der reflektierenden Urteilskraft als dem Beurteilungsvermogen der Schonheit die systematischen Funktion der Vermittlung zwischen der Natur und der Freiheit, dem Sinnlichen und dem Ubersinnlichen gegeben. Die Schonheit ermoglicht den Ubergang von der Natur als dem Gebiet des Verstandes zur Freiheit als dem Gebiet der Vernuft. Und wenn wir in dieser Hinsicht den Text der "Kritik der asthetischen Urteilskraft" interpretieren, mussen wir insbesondere die Lehren vom Erhabenen, der Idealschonheit, der asthetischen Idee und dem intellektuellen Interesse am Schonen uberlegen. Und nach unserer Auslegung hat die Moralitat grosse Bedeutung fur die Asthetik Kants und das Schone Soll als Symbol mit dem Guten ubereinstimmen, ohne den spezifischen Unterschied zu verlieren. Wie gesagt ist in der "Methodenlehre" der "Kritik der asthetischen Urteilskraft", muss das asthetische lustvolle Gefuhl endgultig in Einstimmung mit dem durch Vernunft bestimmten moralischen Gefuhl gebracht werden.