高橋 良 伊藤 久敏
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.65, no.3, pp.69-82, 2020-09-30 (Released:2020-10-13)

We detected thick pumice layers by observations of cuttings taken from a 1,000 m deep hot spring well at the central Hakodate City, southwestern Hokkaido. In this study, we perform petrological investigations and U-Pb dating for these pumice layers and compare them with the eruptive products from the Quaternary volcanoes at the southern Oshima Peninsula. The pumice layers can be divided into several porphyritic pumice (depth 570-420 m, 310-283 m and 261-66 m) and aphyric pumice (depth 950-660 m, 420-380 m, 343-310 m and 283-261 m) layers. The porphyritic pumice is rich in plagioclase and hornblende phenocrysts and occasionally contains minor amounts of orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, biotite, quartz and cummingtonite phenocrysts. The U-Pb ages of the lowermost and uppermost parts of the porphyritic pumice layers are 0.93±0.04 Ma and 0.81±0.06 Ma, respectively. Although lithic-rich part is partly observed, these pumice layers mostly consist of pumice clasts. In addition, pumices show variously welded textures at several depths. These features suggest that the thick pumice layers resulted from repeated pyroclastic flows and that reworked deposits are limited. This indicates that the source of the pumice layers should be located adjacent to Hakodate City, whereas the petrological features and U-Pb age of the pumice layers are inconsistent with the known eruptive products of the Quaternary volcanoes at the southern Oshima Peninsula. Therefore, our results indicate that unknown pumice eruptions repeatedly occurred around this area during 0.9-0.8 Ma. Although any pumice eruptions have not been detected in Hakodateyama volcano (1.5 km SW of the hot spring well), the eruption ages and mineral assemblage of the porphyritic pumice are similar to the lavas of the volcano, implying that the source of the pumices was Hakodateyama volcano or its adjacent area.
長谷川 修一 山中 稔 野々村 敦子 伊藤 久敏 菅原 弘樹

東北日本の太平洋側にある松島は,松島湾とその内外にある大小260余りの島々からなる日本三景の一つである景勝地である.長谷川ほか(2008)は,松島周辺の地形,地質を検討した結果,巨大な地すべりによって形成された可能性が高いとの仮説(松島巨大地すべり説)を示した.本研究では松島巨大地すべり説を実証する目的で,東松島市宮戸島において2015年に深さ70mのオールコアボーリングを実施した。また、想定すべり面の上盤側,想定すべり面,想定すべり面の下盤側の3箇所から得たジルコンのU-Pb年代を試みたが,誤差の範囲で一致する15.2 Maを示し、地すべり説を積極的に支持する結果は得られなかった.