渋倉 崇行 西田 保 佐々木 万丈
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.0807090077-0807090077, (Released:2008-07-10)
5 2

The purpose of this study was to reconstruct a cognitive appraisal scale for high school athletes (Shibukura and Mori, 2004), and to examine the scale's reliability and validity. The subjects were 1370 first and second year high school athletes (903 males and 467 females). They were required to complete a questionnaire that consisted of a cognitive appraisal scale and a stress-coping scale for high school athletes. In this study we tried to devise a cognitive appraisal scale that contained “threat” and “challenge” as a primary appraisal and “controllability” as a secondary appraisal. First, as a result of factor analysis, it was revealed that a cognitive appraisal scale for high school athletes consisted of the three factors mentioned above. In this way, the cognitive appraisal scale was reconstructed. Second, the reliability of the scale was examined through the split-half method and the test-retest method. Furthermore, the content validity and the factorial validity were verified. Finally, multiple regression analyses were performed in order to examine the relationship of cognitive appraisal and coping. It became clear that a cognitive appraisal scale explained stress-coping, and the scale's predictive validity was supported. Consequently, a cognitive appraisal scale for high school athletes that contained “challenge”, “threat” and “controllability” was reconstructed, and it was considered that this scale would contribute to clarification of the psychological stress process and effective stress management.
佐々木 万丈
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.49, no.1, pp.69-80, 2001

本研究の目的は, 中学生の体育学習における能力的不適応経験時のコーピング形態を測定できる尺度を開発することであった。まず, 男女中学生827名に対するコーピング記述の因子分析結果に基づいて3下位尺度・26項目 (ストラテジー追求, 回避的認知・行動, 内面安定) の中学生用体育学習ストレスコーピング尺度 (SCS・PE) が作成された。次に, クローンバックのα係数とテストー再テスト法によって信頼性が, 構成概念的妥当性, 基準関連妥当性, 交差妥当性および弁別力の検討によって妥当性の検証がそれぞれ行われ, いずれも満足できる結果が得られた。以上によりSCS-PEはコーピング尺度として信頼性と妥当性を有することが確かめられた。さらにSCS-PEの5段階評価基準が設定され, 尺度としての有用性と今後の課題が討論された。まず, SCS-PEは生徒のコーピング状況を予測・査定でき, また, 体育嫌いや運動嫌いになることを認知的側面から予防する資料を提供できるという点で有用であることが指摘された。次に, 今後の課題として, 実践場面との関連からも信頼性と妥当性の検討が行われなければならないことが指摘された。
佐々木 万丈 渋倉 崇行 今薗 由望
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
vol.42, no.1, pp.23-34, 2015-03-31 (Released:2015-08-02)

The purpose of this study was to investigate cognitive appraisal of menstruation and menstrual symptoms (MMS) by female athletes in the competitive sports context, and to examine the relationships among the women’s cognitive appraisal of MMS, their interpersonal stress experiences in that environment, and their sports competitive trait anxiety. Female college athletes (n=188) aged 18 to 23 years (m=19.81, sd=1.32) completed three questionnaires: one consisting of cognitive appraisal questions created for this study; another made up of interpersonal stressor questions which they were asked to answer while competing during MMS; and a third relating to the trait anxiety scale for sports (Hashimoto et al., 1986). Factor analysis revealed two cognitive appraisal themes, “threat” and “controllability”, related to both menstruation and menstrual symptoms. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) revealed that the athletes experienced social stress in the competitive environment during MMS, strongly recognized “threat”, and felt it was difficult to handle MMS. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the athletes who showed high levels of cognitive anxiety about losing tended to recognize MMS as a threat to their performance. The results suggest that cognitive appraisal of MMS by female athletes is associated with interpersonal stress and is influenced by sports competitive trait anxiety.
伊藤 詩織 佐々木 万丈 北村 勝朗
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
日本体育学会大会予稿集 第67回(2016) (ISSN:24241946)
pp.127_1, 2016 (Released:2017-02-24)

佐々木 万丈 青柳 佳奈
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.67, pp.463-477, 2022 (Released:2022-06-15)

The purpose of this study was to investigate how female high school tennis players recognized their opponents' physical features and outfit, whether or not those features affected player performance, and the extent to which this recognition was related to the level of sports competition trait anxiety and competitive psychological ability. The study subjects were 64 female students (mean age 16.9±.72 yr) who belonged to a high school tennis club. We created 15 questions relating to the physical features and outfit of their opponents and asked the subjects to what extent they were concerned about each feature, and whether each feature had a negative, positive, or zero effect on their performance. In addition, for each subject, we applied the trait anxiety inventory for sports and the diagnostic inventory of competitive psychological ability for athletes. The results revealed that players with fewer years of competitive experience and those with less competitiveness tended to be more concerned about their opponent's physical features, such as their height, physique, and skin tan, as well as the characteristics of their outfit, such as the color and design of their uniform and their racket brand. They also considered whether such features had a negative effect on their performance. Players who showed high trait anxiety, as well as those who had lower psychological competitive ability, were particularly concerned about features of their opponent's outfit. It appeared that their impression of the opponent's physical ability and expertise was significantly affected by the opponent's outfit. Finally, we investigated the psychological skills required to avoid being negatively affected by the features of opponents, and defined a number of issues for future study.
伊藤 詩織 中島 宣行 佐々木 万丈 Shiori Ito Nobuyuki Nakajima Banjou Sasaki
日本女子体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850095)
vol.45, pp.165-172, 2015-03

We investigated differences in the frequency of sports injuries between individual and team competition players and between males and females, and we also examined the influence of subjective evaluation of stressors on sports injury frequency. College athletes (N=133) were asked to complete a scale of daily and competitive stressors and to answer a questionnaire on the frequency of sports-related injuries. Chi-square analyses revealed that there were no differences in injury frequency between individual and team competitive players, but that male athletes had a significantly higher frequency of injuries than females. Simple regression analysis revealed that subjective evaluation of "competition results"and "expectations of, and pressure from, others"influenced the sports injury frequency.These results suggest that the frequency of sports injuries is associated with sex and with cognitive evaluation of competitive stressors.
西田 保 佐々木 万丈 北村 勝朗 磯貝 浩久 齊藤 茂 NISHIDA Tamotsu SASAKI Banjou KITAMURA Katsuro ISOGAI Hirohisa SAITO Shigeru
総合保健体育科学 (ISSN:02895412)
vol.37, no.1, pp.13-21, 2014

Previous studies of motivation have assumed that in general, success breeds positive feelings and motivation while failure generates negative feelings and dampens motivation. However, a closer look at comments made by athletes in interviews reveals that in many cases, regret about losing a game can actually transform itself into a strong desire to win the next competition. In order to promote an academic study of the link between the feeling of not wanting to lose and motivation, this paper summarized the presentations and discussions that got underway at the Round Table Discussion, which was organized as part of the 2013 Japan Annual Congress of Sport Psychology. The authors described actual conditions and research perspectives of the "hating to lose" mentality based on the results of questionnaires, the expertise of elite athletes, and mental training for athletes". It is hoped that the Round Table Discussion will generate further research in this area.
渋倉 崇行 西田 保 佐々木 万丈 北村 勝朗 磯貝 浩久
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.63, no.2, pp.563-581, 2018-12-10 (Released:2018-12-20)

This study examined the psychosocial skills of high school extracurricular sports activities and their generalization to student daily life. In a preliminary study, we collected a wide range of psychosocial skills related to extracurricular sports activities experienced by members of high school sports clubs, and then selected questionnaire items that would be used in the present study. In Survey 1, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted using data collected from 376 members of high school extracurricular sports clubs (265 males, 111 females) to develop two scales, one measuring psychosocial skills in extracurricular sports activities, and the other psychosocial skills in daily life. The validity and reliability of these two 9-subscale tools, both of which comprised the same items, were thus confirmed. In Survey 2, the two scales developed in Survey 1 were used to conduct three surveys of the same subjects over an interval of about 3 months, in order to determine the causal relationships between the psychosocial skills used in extracurricular activities and those used in daily life. A cross-lagged effect model was used. The study subjects were 137 high school students who were members of extracurricular sports clubs (73 males, 64 females). The results showed that the psychosocial skills needed for extracurricular sports activities could be generalized to student daily life. Generalization in the reverse direction, i.e. from skills used in everyday life to those used in extracurricular sports activities, was also evident. Furthermore, the results suggested that psychosocial skills used in extracurricular sports activities had a cyclical causal relationship with the skills used in everyday life. Finally, the significance of extracurricular sports activities and methods for actualizing this significance was discussed based on the study results.