磯貝 浩久
公益社団法人 全国大学体育連合
大学体育学 (ISSN:13491296)
vol.2, pp.25-35, 2005

It is important to elucidate the effects of physical education on students' psychology. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of students' learning experience of skiing skills in ski training sessions on the their self-efficacy, taking into account the contents of the experience. The self-efficacy is considered in three hierarchical phases, namely 1) self-efficacy for skiing, 2) physical self-efficacy, and 3) general self-efficacy. We studied two different ski training programs, one for university students and the other for nursing school students. A total of 59 students, 37 males and 22 females, participated in the university program, and 35 female students participated in the nursing school program. Both programs targeted experiencing the enjoyment of skiing with the instruction method and contents common to both, such as class formation according to skill level. Self-efficacy was assessed using the skiing efficacy scale, the physical self-efficacy scale (Matsuo et al., 1999), and the general self-efficacy scale (Sakano et al., 1986). The results from the analysis of variance showed that the efficacy for skiing and physical self-efficacy increased after training for both programs, but the general self-efficacy presented no change. It was indicated that the improvement in skiing efficacy, physical self-efficacy, and general self-efficacy is affected by awareness of their proficiency level, recognition of the importance of skiing, and satisfaction with the ski training sessions. From these results, we can gather that ski training sessions affect students' self-efficacy and it is suggested that their attitudes toward the training sessions, how they engage in the activities in particular, are greatly related to the improvement in self-efficacy.
萩原 悟一 Mariya A. YUKHYMENKO–LESCROART 下園 博信 磯貝 浩久 秋山 大輔 神力 亮太 大下 和茂 萩原 裕子
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.30, no.2, pp.2_183-2_193, 2020 (Released:2020-04-20)

The purpose of this study was to develop a Japanese version of the Academic Athletic Identity Scale (AAIS-J), originally developed by Yukhymenko-Lescroart (2014) and to examine the relationship between academic athletic identity and grade point average (GPA). The participants were 251 student athletes who compete at the national collegiate level (male : 155, female : 96, age : M=20.33, SD=1.18). The Academic Athletic Identity Scale (AAIS) (Yukhymenko-Lescroart, 2014) was translated into Japanese using the back-translation method, and the reliability and validity of the AAIS-J were examined. The results indicated the reliability (internal consistency) and validity (construct validity, criterion-related validity) of the AAIS-J and illustrated the scale’s usefulness. In addition, the result of examining the relationship between academic athletic identity and GPA showed that student athletes who have a higher academic identity indicated higher GPA, and higher athletic identity was also positively associated with GPA. These results indicated both similar and different results of previous studies about the relationship between student athlete identity and GPA, thus, this study provided new knowledge about Japanese student athletes. In conclusion, this study confirmed the reliability, validity and usefulness of the AAIS-J.
今村 律子 乾 眞寛 徳島 了 花沢 明俊 坂元 瑞貴 山本 勝昭 磯貝 浩久
バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会誌 (ISSN:13451537)
vol.16, no.1, pp.105-116, 2014-04-25 (Released:2017-09-02)

西田 保 佐々木 万丈 北村 勝朗 磯貝 浩久 齊藤 茂 NISHIDA Tamotsu SASAKI Banjou KITAMURA Katsuro ISOGAI Hirohisa SAITO Shigeru
総合保健体育科学 (ISSN:02895412)
vol.37, no.1, pp.13-21, 2014

Previous studies of motivation have assumed that in general, success breeds positive feelings and motivation while failure generates negative feelings and dampens motivation. However, a closer look at comments made by athletes in interviews reveals that in many cases, regret about losing a game can actually transform itself into a strong desire to win the next competition. In order to promote an academic study of the link between the feeling of not wanting to lose and motivation, this paper summarized the presentations and discussions that got underway at the Round Table Discussion, which was organized as part of the 2013 Japan Annual Congress of Sport Psychology. The authors described actual conditions and research perspectives of the "hating to lose" mentality based on the results of questionnaires, the expertise of elite athletes, and mental training for athletes". It is hoped that the Round Table Discussion will generate further research in this area.
渋倉 崇行 西田 保 佐々木 万丈 北村 勝朗 磯貝 浩久
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.63, no.2, pp.563-581, 2018-12-10 (Released:2018-12-20)

This study examined the psychosocial skills of high school extracurricular sports activities and their generalization to student daily life. In a preliminary study, we collected a wide range of psychosocial skills related to extracurricular sports activities experienced by members of high school sports clubs, and then selected questionnaire items that would be used in the present study. In Survey 1, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted using data collected from 376 members of high school extracurricular sports clubs (265 males, 111 females) to develop two scales, one measuring psychosocial skills in extracurricular sports activities, and the other psychosocial skills in daily life. The validity and reliability of these two 9-subscale tools, both of which comprised the same items, were thus confirmed. In Survey 2, the two scales developed in Survey 1 were used to conduct three surveys of the same subjects over an interval of about 3 months, in order to determine the causal relationships between the psychosocial skills used in extracurricular activities and those used in daily life. A cross-lagged effect model was used. The study subjects were 137 high school students who were members of extracurricular sports clubs (73 males, 64 females). The results showed that the psychosocial skills needed for extracurricular sports activities could be generalized to student daily life. Generalization in the reverse direction, i.e. from skills used in everyday life to those used in extracurricular sports activities, was also evident. Furthermore, the results suggested that psychosocial skills used in extracurricular sports activities had a cyclical causal relationship with the skills used in everyday life. Finally, the significance of extracurricular sports activities and methods for actualizing this significance was discussed based on the study results.
徳永 幹雄 橋本 公雄 磯貝 浩久 高柳 茂美
健康科学 (ISSN:03877175)
vol.14, pp.9-17, 1992-02-08

運動やスポーツを行うことによって生ずる心理的効果として爽快感の体験とその観定要因を分析するために3つの実験を行った。実験1は炎天下に行われた大学におけるテニスの授業, 実験2は継続的授業の初期(2回目)と後期(12回目)の大学のサッカーの授業, 実験3は習慣的に実施されている高齢者のテニスの練習を対象とした。それぞれの主な結果は, 次のとおりである。1. 炎天下のテニスの授業では80.4%の多数の学生が「爽快」と答えた。爽快感の規定要因では気分のすっきり度, 運動欲求の強さ, 暑さに対する評価の3要因が最も関係していた。その他, 身体的状態, 心理的状態, 個人的特性, 環境的条件が輻輳して関与していることが推測された。2. サッカーの授業の進行と共に「爽快」と答えた学生は増加し, 後期では84.7%の多数となった。爽快感の評価の変化をみると上昇型は56.5%, 無変化型は25.9%, 下降型は17.7%であった。とくに上昇型では体力, 技術, 性格の自己評価の高まり, 熱中度, 達成感, 運動欲求といった心理的状態の変化, 発汗, 苦しさ, 疲労度の減少といった身体面の適応,向上が関係していることが明らかにされた。3. 高齢者のテニス前後の爽快感,感情得点,乳酸, ACTH, ベータ・エンドルフィンの平均値にはいずれも有意な変化は認められなかった。しかし,テニス後の相互関係をみると, 爽快感や感情得点と乳酸値にはマイナスの相関がみられ, ACTHやベータ・エンドルフィンの分泌にはプラスの相関がみられるという興味ある傾向が認められた。ただ, 高齢者の運動の爽快感をホルモン分泌からのみ考察するのは困難ではないかと思われた。
徳永 幹雄 高柳 茂美 磯貝 浩久 橋本 公雄 多々納 秀雄 金崎 良三 菊 幸一
