齊藤 茂 北村 勝朗 永山 貴洋 Shigeru Saito Katsuro Kitamura Takahiro Nagayama
教育情報学研究 = Educational informatics research (ISSN:13481983)
vol.6, pp.45-53, 2007-07-01

北村 勝朗 永山 貴洋 齊藤 茂
近畿大学豊岡短期大学論集 (ISSN:13498983)
vol.2, pp.89-98, 2005-12-20

本稿の目的は、認知的不協和(cognitive incongruity)の視点から、スポーツ、音楽、および科学等、創造的な活動領域における熟達化過程を再考することにある。データ収集は深層的、自由回答的、半構造的インタビューにより行なわれた。データ分析は、質的分析法(qualitative data analysis)により階層的カテゴリー化が行なわれた。分析の結果、創造的活動領域における熟達化は、「気づき」、「試行と検証」、「わかる」、及び「高度化」の4つのカテゴリーによって構成されていることが明らかとなった。その中で、認知的不協和は、対象者の熟達化の循環に大きな影響を与えていることが示唆された。
齊藤 茂雄
関西大学東西学術研究所紀要 (ISSN:02878151)
vol.48, pp.77-99, 2015-04-01

This paper investigates the process by which regional commanders were selected during the early period of Tang Chinese "loose-rein" rule over Turkic tribes following the defeat of the First Türk Qaghanate 突厥第一可汗国 in 630. On the basis of this investigation, it demonstrates that the even before Li Shimin ascended the throne as Emperor Taizong 太宗, the second Tang emperor, these commanders had been selected from among the men who had rallied to his support in his campaigns to pacify northern China (Shi Shanying 史善應, Shi Danai 史大奈), or from Türks who had become his allies or formed other personal relationships with him (Ashina Shibobi 阿史那什鉢苾, Ashina Zhong 阿史那忠, Ashina Shimo 阿史那思摩, and Ashina Sunishi 阿史那蘇尼失). Only one among them, Kang Sumi 康蘇密, remains a mystery due to inadequate historical source materials. This research has confirmed that the loose-rein policy of control of the Türks throughout Taizong's reign was conducted principally by these commanders selected at the beginning. But, since a number of these individuals had been of low rank or status during the First Türk Qaghanate, they were unable to gain the support of the Turkic people, and this system of rule collapsed for a time. However, from the reign of Gaozong 高宗onward, a more realistic system of control was initiated, and the loose-reign policy attained its most perfected state.
永山 貴洋 北村 勝朗 齊藤 茂
教育情報学研究 (ISSN:13481983)
no.5, pp.91-99, 2007-03

西田 保 佐々木 万丈 北村 勝朗 磯貝 浩久 齊藤 茂 NISHIDA Tamotsu SASAKI Banjou KITAMURA Katsuro ISOGAI Hirohisa SAITO Shigeru
総合保健体育科学 (ISSN:02895412)
vol.37, no.1, pp.13-21, 2014

Previous studies of motivation have assumed that in general, success breeds positive feelings and motivation while failure generates negative feelings and dampens motivation. However, a closer look at comments made by athletes in interviews reveals that in many cases, regret about losing a game can actually transform itself into a strong desire to win the next competition. In order to promote an academic study of the link between the feeling of not wanting to lose and motivation, this paper summarized the presentations and discussions that got underway at the Round Table Discussion, which was organized as part of the 2013 Japan Annual Congress of Sport Psychology. The authors described actual conditions and research perspectives of the "hating to lose" mentality based on the results of questionnaires, the expertise of elite athletes, and mental training for athletes". It is hoped that the Round Table Discussion will generate further research in this area.
齊藤 茂 内田 若希
松本大学研究紀要 = The journal of Matsumoto University (ISSN:13480618)
vol.15, pp.37-49, 2017-01

小尾 孝夫 永田 拓治 岡田 和一郎 村井 恭子 佐川 英治 渡邉 将智 戸川 貴行 会田 大輔 岡部 毅史 齊藤 茂雄

近藤 夏樹 辻内 智郁 村重 敦 西村 宏貴 青木 誠 土橋 明彦 山川 榮一 青山 剛史 齊藤 茂
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
日本航空宇宙学会論文集 (ISSN:13446460)
vol.51, no.592, pp.198-206, 2003 (Released:2003-09-26)

A low-noise helicopter blade, AT1, was designed with the concept of reducing noise without the drop of rotor performance. In the concept, High-Speed Impulsive (HSI) noise is reduced by applying a thin airfoil in the tip region and a dog-tooth like extension in the leading-edge of the tip region. Blade-Vortex Interaction (BVI) noise is reduced by applying the extension and a strong taper near the tip end. The stall angle of the blade is increased by the effect of the vortex generated from the leading-edge extension. As a result, the drop of rotor performance caused by the thin airfoil and the reduction of rotor rotational speed is recovered. The low-noise characteristics and the performance of AT1 were evaluated by a model rotor test conducted at Deutsch Niederländischer Windkanal (DNW). It is shown that AT1 reduces HSI noise and BVI noise and has good performance in forward flight conditions. However, the improvement of performance in high-lift conditions still remains as a future problem.
齊藤 茂雄
関西大学東西学術研究所紀要 (ISSN:02878151)
no.49, pp.121-138, 2016-04

This research analyzes historical sources such as epitaphs and classical Chinese texts, to focus on political tendencies among both the nomadic tribes of the First Turkic Qaghanate and warlords in northern China in the late Sui to the early Tang dynasty. The analysis reveals that the Zhishi 執失, a powerful Turkic tribe, was split by allegiances to both the Qaghanate and the Tang, so that while Zhishi Sili 執失思力 played a key role as a chief vassal of Xieli Qaghan 頡利可汗, Sili's father, Zhishi Wu 執失武, formed a cavalry corps under Li Shimin 李世民. On the other hand, of the warlords that maintained spheres of influence in northern China, those with only relatively limited power, such as Zhang Changsun 張長遜, Guo Zihe 郭子和, and Wan Junzhang 苑君璋, swore their allegiance to both the Türks and the Tang at the same time. Both the Türks and the Tang felt it to be dangerous that these warlords pledged their allegiance to the other side, and sometimes carried out attacks or executions when they ascertained that this was the case. Conversely, there were also cases in which they encouraged the warlords to betray the other side. It is thought that both the Türk nomadic tribes and those warlords with minor spheres of influence sought to survive by shifting between both sides.
小曳 昇 齊藤 茂 青山 剛史 梁 忠模 赤坂 剛史 田辺 安忠
宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 (ISSN:13491113)
vol.7, pp.1-23, 2008-02

JAXA と川田工業株式会社が、独自のヘリコプタ騒音低減技術開発のため2002 年より実験・解析の両面から共同研究で実施しているアクティブ・タブについての研究結果について報告する。実験結果より、アクティブ・タブが約3dBの騒音制御能力を有しており、ヘリコプタ騒音低減技術として有望であることを実証した。同時に、ホバ及び前進飛行条件におけるアクティブ・タブのブレード揚力、翼端渦、騒音に対する効果を数値解析により評価した。数値解析には3 次元非定常オイラーCFD コード及びFW-H 式のformulation1 に基づく音響解析コードを用いた。アクティブ・タブの動きに対応するため、CFD 計算の各時間ステップで計算格子を時々刻々切り直している。解析結果から、下反角を付したアクティブ・タブがBVI (Blade/Vortex Interaction) 発生時にブレード揚力を変化させることによるブレード/ 渦間距離の増大を可能とし、BVI 騒音低減に十分な効果のあることが明確に示された。
齊藤 茂雄
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.122, no.9, pp.1542-1568, 2013-09-20

The remnants of the Second Turk Qaghanate (682〜744), which was overthrown in southern Mongolia by a rebel alliance made up of Uighurs, Basmils and Qarluqs, are described as 'Bug-chor in the Old Tibetan document, P.t.1283, written after the fall of the Qaghanate. The name 'Bug-chor has been identified with the name Mochuo 黙啜, which is the Chinese rendering for Qapγan Qaγan (691〜716), although the reason why these remnants were called 'Bug-ehor, (i.e., Qapγan Qaγan) has heretofore not been made clear. This article is an attempt to find out why and analyze the inner workings of the Qaghanate. The author begins with the fact that one Ozmis Qaγan, who was killed by the rebels before the fall of the Qaghanate, was called Mochuo in a certain Chinese imperial proclamation and epitaph. That is to say, the followers of Ozmis Qaγan were continually referred to as Mochuo after the fall of the Qaghanate, which is why document P.t.1283 refers to this group in Tibetan as 'Bug-chor. Ozmis Qaγan was the son of Pan-que Tegin 判闕特勤 of the left sad under the reign of Deng-li 登利 Qaγan; and the term 'Bug-chor dates back to that period of the left sad. 'Bug-chor can also be traced further back to Qapγan Qaγan, after whose death Kol Tegin 闕特勤, the son of Qutlur 骨咄禄 (682〜691) staged a coup d'etat, purged the near relatives and the followers of Qapγan Qaγan, and placed his elder brother, Bilga Qaγan (716〜734), on the throne. During Kol Tegin's purges, the Qapγan family took refuge near the Kara Irtis River, which became the territory of Tuo-xi 拓西 Qaγan, Qapγan's son, and a base of resistance against Bilga Qaγan. Although surrendering to Bilga Qaγan in 720, the Qapγan family rebelled against Deng-li Qaγan after the death of Bilga. The Qapγan family called themselves 'Bug-chor as the direct descendants of Qapγan Qaγan. It was Ozmis Qaγan who became the last leader of this group and the Turk Qaghanate. In conclusion, the author shows the existence of serious political opposition between the two ruling factions of the Turk Qaghanate, in that after the death of Qutlur, the throne was usurped Qapγan Qaγan, then after the latter's death power was grabbed by Kol Tegin in a coup d'etat expressing dissatisfaction with the Qapγan Qaγan faction. The Qapγan family then organized itself as 'Bug-nor in opposition to the coup d'etat and launched a campaign of resistance against Bilga and Deng-li Qaγan.
生田 久美子 北村 勝朗 前川 幸子 原田 千鶴 齊藤 茂
