蔵冨 恵 吉崎 一人
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.5, pp.536-542, 2013-12-25 (Released:2014-03-01)

We used a global/local processing task with hierarchically structured visual stimuli to investigate whether each hemisphere independently modulates visual selectivity depending on conflict frequency. In both of the present experiments, a hierarchical pattern consisting of large (global) letter made up of small (local) letters was briefly presented to unilateral visual-field (LVF/RVF) and the congruency between the local and global levels was manipulated. An important manipulation was that the congruency ratio in a given block differed between the two visual-fields (80% and 20%). We required right-handed participants to identify the global (Experiment 1) and local level (Experiment 2) of the hierarchical stimulus. The results showed that when the stimuli were projected to the nondominant hemisphere for the task demand (left hemisphere in the global task and right hemisphere in the local task) the size of the interference (local interference in Experiment 1 and global interference in Experiment 2) was larger in the 80% congruent condition than in the 20% congruent condition, whereas it was invariant when the stimuli were projected to the dominant hemisphere. These results demonstrate that each hemisphere independently works cognitive control.
吉崎 一美
密教文化 (ISSN:02869837)
vol.2003, no.211, pp.L36-L63, 2003-12-21 (Released:2010-03-12)
吉崎 一人 河合 優年 内田 照久
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.42, no.1, pp.95-103, 1994-03-30 (Released:2013-02-19)

Using a dichotic listening test, the effects of attention on the right-ear-advantage (REA) for word recognition in 4-6 year children was analyzed. In Experiment 1, ear differences for word recognition was measured under free recall condition. The results showed REA in all year groups and suggested that the degree of left hemisphere advantage for word recognition did not change over 4-6 year group. In Experiment 2, ear differences during attentional condition was measured with the same children as Exp. 1. Attention was manipulated by requiring children to report from left or right ear first. In 4-5 year group, REA was obtained in both left- and right-ear-first conditions, but REA was not obtained in left-ear-first condition in 5-6 year group. These suggested the difference of attentional effects on REA between two year groups. In Experiment 3, ear differences during both left- and right-ear-first conditions was re-examined, six months later, with 4-5 year group. The results showed that REA was obtained in right-ear-first condition, but ear difference was not observed in left-ear -first condition. These findings suggested the possible effects of attention on the dichotic REA for word recognition even in preschool children.
吉崎 一美
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.65, no.1, pp.440-435, 2016

<p>Dharmaratna "Yami" published <i>Saṃdeyā Lisaḥ </i>(Tibet's reply) in N.S. 1072 (V.S. 2008, that is, 1952). In his novel, "Yami" censured on behalf of Tibetans not only Sāhus (employers, Newar merchants in Lhasa) for their oppression of their employees and Tibetan ladies, but also Nepal herself for her sweating Tibetans to take a large profit. Cittadhar "Hṛdaya" published his novel <i>Miṃ Manaḥ Pau </i>(Ashes of a letter) in N.S. 1088, as if he were a protector or spokesman for Sāhus and Nepal herself. Prior to these two novels written in the Newari language, Lakṣmī Prasād Devakoṭā published <i>Mun</i>ā<i>madan</i> written in the Nepali language in V.S. 1992/1996. It is the best selling book in Nepal, even now. Faced with its great popularity, "Yami" and "Hṛdaya" published their novels to protect their mother language and to maintain their own culture. </p>
渡辺 友里菜 吉崎 一人 大西 志保
日本認知心理学会発表論文集 日本認知心理学会第14回大会
pp.64, 2016 (Released:2016-10-17)

逆ストループ課題では,採色された色名単語の単語読みを求め,インク色が干渉した程度が測定される。Smithson, et al. (2006)は,彩色された色名単語のインク色を操作し,色名単語との色が近づく程,反応時間は速くなることを示した。本研究は,刺激呈示空間の上下と刺激の示す方向(上下)との間で適合性が決まる空間ストループ課題を用いて,空間ストループ効果には凝視点から刺激呈示位置の距離(視角)に応じた変化がみられるかどうかを調べた。実験では,凝視点を通る垂直子午線上で,上下視野に2箇所(凝視点から視角にして2.32°と6.97°,又は6.97°と11.63°)の計4箇所に矢印刺激が呈示された。その結果,視角に関わらず,最も上,最も下の呈示位置の空間ストループ効果が,他の呈示位置より大きかった。つまり,空間ストループ効果の大きさは,刺激布置の相対的な位置(上下)に依拠することが示された。
渡辺 友里菜 吉崎 一人
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.4, pp.404-410, 2014

This study aimed to investigate the generality of conflict adaptation associated with block-wise conflict frequency between two types of stimulus scripts (Kanji and Hiragana). To this end, we examined whether the modulation of the compatibility effect with one type of script depending on block-wise conflict frequency (75% versus 25%) generalized to the other type of script whose block-wise conflict frequency was kept constant (50%), using the Spatial Stroop task. In Experiment 1, 16 participants were required to identify the target orientation (up or down) presented in the upper or lower visual-field. The results showed that block-wise conflict adaptation with one type of stimulus script generalized to the other. The procedure in Experiment 2 was the same as that in Experiment 1, except that the presentation location differed between the two types of stimulus scripts. We did not find a generalization from one script to the other. These results suggest that presentation location is a critical factor contributing to the generality of block-wise conflict adaptation.