吉田 圭一郎 杉山 ちひろ
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Series A (ISSN:18834388)
vol.90, no.5, pp.491-503, 2017-09-01 (Released:2022-03-02)

飯尾 恒 吉田 繁樹 北村 立実 松本 俊一 黒田 久雄
公益社団法人 日本水環境学会
水環境学会誌 (ISSN:09168958)
vol.42, no.4, pp.171-176, 2019 (Released:2019-07-10)

茨城県のレンコン出荷量は全国一位であり, 全国のレンコン収穫量, 出荷量の半分近くを占めている。茨城県土浦市手野地区はレンコン専作地帯で, 1995年から2015年にかけて日本で初めてハス田群で基盤整備を実施し, コンクリート畦畔整備や用排分離等を行った。本研究では基盤整備された手野地区において流出負荷量調査を行い, 基盤整備による流出負荷量の影響を調査した。ハス田群からの排出負荷量を検討した結果, SS, COD, TNは3月から4月にかけて最大の値を示し, その要因として石灰窒素施用, 基肥施肥の影響が考えられた。TPは土壌が嫌気状態になりやすい7月から8月にかけて最大の値を示した。一年間の差引負荷量は基盤整備前と比べ, SS, COD, TN, TP全てで増加し, その要因として用排分離を整備したことにより, 田越灌漑の沈殿効果が消失した影響が考えられた。
吉田 省子
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.41, no.224, pp.203-213, 2002 (Released:2021-08-13)

Kiyotsugu Hirayama (1874-1943), who is renowned for his finding of families of asteroids in 1918, had two astronomical interests in addition to the family after his return home from U.S. (1915-1917): the explanation of gaps in the distribution of the mean motion of the asteroids, and the theory of stellar evolution including the origin of binary system and the origin of stellar energy and the mechanism of the periodic variable stars. Although it seemed as if his researches of stellar evolution originated in another interest different from asteroid-researches, certainly it's half-true, all these were interrelated, too. No one states this view. He approached these problems through celestial mechanics. Given resisting particles in the solar system, he considered theoretical effect of resistance on the motion of the asteroids in the librating region. And he speculated the capture theory of the stars that the cloud (mass of resisting particles) in the interstellar space can capture several stars passing through it. He said that his capture theory was naturally connected with the stellar evolution. In short, resisting particles (medium) was his key idea. His capture theory was an extension of the asteroid-researches under the resisting-medium hypothesis. But the theory not only was an extension of asteroid-researches, but also was caused by general interest shared with astronomers at the time. Finally, physical ground of his statement in 1933 that the outbreak of the asteroid families might have occurred after the medium had dissipated, was on his theory of solar system formation based on his capture theory.
吉田 省子
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.40, no.219, pp.129-136, 2001 (Released:2021-08-16)

Astronomer Kiyotsugu HIRAYAMA (1874-1943), known for his discovery of the families of asteroids in 1918, advocated the explosion theory that any families of asteroids were formed out of the breakup of a single large asteroid. Since, however, he had no decisive astronomical evidence for the theory, he asked experimental physicist Seitaro SUZUKI (1887-1977) to carry out experiments in SUZUKI's laboratory to obtain the data which support the theory. In response, SUZUKI conducted from 1931 1938 a series of experiments to destroy balls (made of sealing wax, clay and chalk) and investigated the relation between the sizes of fragments and their numbers by varying the impulse given to the balls. The destruction of balls was meant to be an analogue of the destruction he assumed of asteroids. Comparing experimental results obtained in the laboratory and the observed SIZE distribution of asteroids, he could only show that the explosion theory for the origin of the asteroids was a little more preferable to the alternative, collision theory. Both HIRAYAMA and SUZUKI had shared common interest in explaining astronomical facts by employing experimental results obtained in laboratories. However on the other hand, there was a small but significant difference in their focal points. Astronomer HIRAYAMA wanted to know specifically the origin of the families of asteroids, while physicist SUZUKI was interested in the origin of asteroids themselves in a broader perspective. In fact, SUZUKI had carried out in 1921, without any astronomical interest, some experiments he conducted in 1930s were motivated by his astronomical interest, they were an exteded version of those earlier experiments.
吉田 晴代
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.28, no.170, pp.89-98, 1989 (Released:2021-09-01)

The three physicists, Count Rumford, Biot and Fourier, almost simultaneously made experimental researches on heat conduction in solid This comparative study of their researches sheds light on the significance of Fourier's. Fourier's theoretical originality is that he first paid attention to heat diffusion in solid and soon comprehended its law by the notion, "mode elementaire" based on Fourier's series. Although Fourier confirmed the law later by the experiment on annulus, his early research had been so mathematical, that he had not been able to grasp its physical aspects sufficientlly. Rumford's and Biot's works must have prompted Fourier not only to pay attention to steady thermal state in bar, but also to set with experimental researches. Although Fourier may have owed his theoretical success to Biot, it is Fourier that thought out hydrodynamical approach to thermal phenomena prior to the accomplishment of the mechanics of continuum and completed the concept of temperature gradient and the differential equation of heat conduction. Noticeable as well is that all these theoretical achievements based on the results of his fine experiments, conducted with both technical skill and refined methodology, which were much superior to those of Rumford and Biot. Also in relation to the partial validity of Newton's cooling law, he had a clear insight into the interaction between "Experiment and Theory". Therefore I concluded that Fourier was a better experimentalist in his time, compared with Rumford and Biot, in other words it is not proper to consider Fourier's study of heat conduction only as a mathematical and theoretical one.
吉田 晴代 高田 誠二
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.26, no.161, pp.13-23, 1987 (Released:2021-09-22)

Joseph Fourier, known as the author of Theorie analytique de la chaleur (1822), had previously tried to confirm the results of his mathematical analysis by experiment and reported some details of these experiments in his first paper on heat conduction "Theorie de la propagation de la chaleur dans les solides" (1807). Additionally, in Fourier's MSS., left are many notes on his experiments dated before 1807. They give vivid evidence not only for Fourier's experimental skill, but also for the actual modes of physical experiments in his time. The aims of Fourier's experimental research were (1)to verify his ingenious foresights deducible from the theory—ex. experiments on the steady thermal state in annulus and on heat diffusion in annulus and spheres; (2) to analyze the physical conditions which affect the exactness of the experimental results but can not be expounded by purely mathematical means—ex. experiments on heat diffusion in spheres and cubes under various thermal condions; (3) to determine such physical constants as the ratio of external conductivity to internal one—ex. experiments on the steady state in annulus (which, though unsuccessful, was the stalling point for. new method) and (4) to carry out tests indispensable for applying mathematical analysis to such practical problems as the error and response of thermometers. Fourier's researches on heat conduction, so comprehensive as to cover theoretical analysis, experimental verification and even practical application, are really distinguished among the investigations contemporary with his ones.

1 0 0 0 OA 展望:蘭学史

吉田 忠
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.23, no.150, pp.73-80, 1984 (Released:2021-04-07)
吉田長祥 編
vol.巻之4, 1880