富永 健一 友枝 敏雄
The Japan Sociological Society
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.37, no.2, pp.152-174,268, 1986-09-30 (Released:2009-11-11)
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戦後四十有余年を経た今日、日本の社会科学は戦後の社会変動の帰結を実証的に明らかにする時期にきている。本稿の目的は、SSM調査三時点 (一九五五年、一九六五年、一九七五年) データの分析によって戦後日本社会の地位非一貫性の趨勢を明らかにすることである。この目的のために用いた分析手法は、 (1) 地位非一貫性スコアによる分析と (2) クラスター分析である。分析の結果、 (1) 一九五五年から一九七五年までの二〇年間に地位の非一貫性が増大したこと (2) 地位の非一貫性の増大は、この二〇年間の高度経済成長が下層一貫の人びとの地位の部分的な改善をなしとげることによっておこったこと (3) 主観的階層帰属や政党支持などの社会的態度に関して、非一貫の人びとは、上層一貫の人びとと下層一貫の人びとの中間に位置しており地位非一貫性が欲求不満やストレスをひきおこし、革新的な政治的態度と結びつきやすいというレンスキーの仮説は、日本社会にはあてはまらないこと、が明らかになった。以上の分析から、地位非一貫性は、地位の結晶化が不十分な場合に生ずる異常な状態ではなくて、むしろ高度産業社会においては正常な状態であり、しかも階層構造の平準化や平等化をもたらす重要なメカニズムであると考えられる。
富永 健
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.12, pp.73-94, 2005-12-17 (Released:2018-01-10)

This essay increases consideration whether 'the theory of the Emperor as an organ of government' is against Kokutai (the national polity, or the fundamental character of the state). The most important point at issue there relates to the subject and contents of the sovereignty. In this essay, I examine theories of Yatsuka Hozumi, Shinkichi Uesugi, Tatsukichi Minobe and Soichi Sasaki. I conclude that the theory of the Emperor as an organ of government is not against Kokutai. The constitution of this essay is as follows : (1) Introduction, (2) Criticism for a national judicial person theory, (3) 'The theory of the Emperor as a subject of the sovereignty' and Kokutai, (4) 'The theory of the Emperor as an organ of government' and Kokutai, (5) Discussion around sovereignty, (6) Conclusion.
富永 健
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.1, pp.49-58, 1994-04-15 (Released:2018-01-10)

In this paper, I study three high courts decisions on the official visiting of the primeminister to the Yasukuni Shrine. I think that there are several problems in these decisions. And so I take up three points : (1) problem of standing to sue on the provision of the separation of religion and politics, (2) whether the religious personarity right is a legal right or interest, (3) what constitutional decision should be.
富永 健
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.3, pp.71-90, 1996-06-28 (Released:2018-01-10)

There is no provision for emergency powers in the constitution of Japan. There are various discussions on that matter, and I take up the problem on the enactment of emergency powers. This essay consists of following. (1) Introduction. (2) Conditions and types. (3) Necessity of the enactment : whether or not it should be provided in the constitution. (4) Course of enactment : what provisions we lay down. (5) Conculusion : I think that it is necessary to provide for the comprehensive emergency powers in the constitution.
富永 健一
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.49, no.2, pp.325-328, 1998-09-30 (Released:2009-10-19)
富永 健一
日本學士院紀要 (ISSN:03880036)
vol.71, no.3, pp.137, 2017 (Released:2017-04-13)

This is a study on the history of Japanese society based on three divisions, namely, the Ancient Stage, the Middle Stage, and the Modern Industrial Stage. As a country, Japan emerged during the fifth century under the name Yamato Chotei. Previously, it consisted of many small Uji and Kabane communities without the integrated and central control of Tenno domination under the name of “shiseisei”(氏姓制). It consisted of many small competing local areas, that fought incessantly between them. The important emperor Tenji Tenno(626–671), leader of the Taika-no-Kaisin , made a significant break to the traditional institution of the “shisei-sei” by introducing a new body that became known as “Handenshuju-sei”(班田収授制 in 律令制) in the year 645. The end result was the founding in 710 of the new capital Heijo-kyo in the city of Nara under the reign of Empress Genmei Tenno . However, the city of Nara was greatly affected by the sudden decision in 794 taken by Emperor Kanmu Tenno to make the city of Kyoto the country's capital. Although some may hold the view that there were similarities between the neighboring cities of Nara and Kyoto, they were dissimilar in most respects . In the city of Nara, land was divided under the measures of the nationalization plan. Conversely, in the city of Kyoto, land was divided according to measures of privatization. Also, in Nara the state drafted the Handenshuju plan, while in Kyoto there were no such plans. The result of these policies was that in Kyoto the land was owned by the wealthy, large religious institutions, and Buke families. In Nara, however, under Ritsryosei , common people were taxed so heavily that they escaped from the city to the countryside. As the premature Tenno continued to expand, it became necessary for them to be covered by “Sessho” and “Kampaku” until the Tenno matured. The growing Tenno needed such support, which led Sessho and Kampaku to acquire additional influence and power. The first Buke Society began in Kamakura Bakufu under Minamoto Yoritomo. Yoritomo married Masako of the Hojo family, and she was an able and strong woman. After the death of her husband, she became the head of the Kamakura Bakufu . Shugo and Jito were both Buke, and Yoritomo appointed them as the lords of the manor(荘園領主). However, Chotei and Bakufu were at odds with each other. Bakufu was stronger than Chotei in terms of military might, when they battled in 1221, in what became known as Jokyu-no-Ran, Bakufu was victorious. After the Jokyu-no-Ran, the large Mongolian Army attacked Japan on two occasions(Bun-ei no-Eki, 1274, and Koan-no-Eki, 1281), but were defeated each time by the Japanese defenders. However, the cost of these battles was great, and the Japanese army found itself impoverished. Another important event resulted from the dispute over the succession of the Tenno throne between the two lines consisting of the Jimyoin-party and the Daigakuji-party. Godaigo Tenno of the Daigakuji-party wanted to gain the crown by overthrowing the Bakufu. However, Godaigo was unsuccessful and this led him to create the “Nancho”(South Side). Meanwhile, Ashikaga Takauji, who supported the “Hokucho”(North Side) of Kyoto, kept to his own side leaving Chotei divided between North and South. As a result, Kamakura Bakufu was ruined, and Muromachi Bakufu was rebuilt by Ashikaga Takauji ]in Kyoto as the second Bakafu. (View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
富永 健
vol.20, no.3, pp.22-23, 1988-12
亀井 直哉 田中 敏克 三木 康暢 祖父江 俊樹 小川 禎治 佐藤 有美 富永 健太 藤田 秀樹 城戸 佐知子 大嶋 義博

【背景】純型肺動脈閉鎖(PA/IVS)において、2心室修復を目指して肺動脈弁に介入する方法として、カテーテル治療と外科治療がある。【目的】PA/IVSに対する初回介入として、経皮的肺動脈弁形成術(PTPV)とopen valvotomyでの治療経過の相違を検討する。【対象・方法】2006年から2014年にPA/IVSでの初回介入としてPTPVをtryした10例中、不成功に終わった4例(1例は右室穿孔でショック)を除く6例(P群)と、open valvotomy6例(S群)の経過を後方視的に検討した。【結果】両群間で介入時体重、右室拡張末期容積(%N)、三尖弁輪径(%N)、肺動脈弁輪径(%N)、術後追跡期間に有意差はなかった。P群の使用バルーン径/肺動脈弁輪径比は100-125%であった。S群の1例で、三尖弁形成と体肺動脈短絡術が同時に行われていた。術後ICU滞在日数、挿管日数、PGE1投与日数に有意差はなかったが、入院日数はP群で有意に短かった(P=0.032)。肺動脈弁に対する再介入は、P群で2例にPTPVを3回、S群で3例にPTPVを4回、1例にMVOPを用いた右室流出路形成と三尖弁形成が行われていた。肺動脈弁への再介入の発生率と回数には有意差はなかった。術後中等度以上の肺動脈弁逆流は両群とも認めなかった。根治術到達ないし右左短絡の消失例は、P群で4例、S群で3例であり、残りの症例でも右室の発育がみられた。【結論】PA/IVSに対する初回介入として、PTPVとopen valvotomyでは、その後の肺動脈弁への再介入や弁逆流の程度に差はなかった。RF wireの導入により今後PTPV try例が増加すると予想されるが、右室穿孔などによる急変リスクは依然としてあり、これに速やかに対応できる体制の整備は重要である。
富永 健
no.1, pp.49-58, 1994-04-15

In this paper, I study three high courts decisions on the official visiting of the primeminister to the Yasukuni Shrine. I think that there are several problems in these decisions. And so I take up three points : (1) problem of standing to sue on the provision of the separation of religion and politics, (2) whether the religious personarity right is a legal right or interest, (3) what constitutional decision should be.
富永 健
憲法論叢 (ISSN:1343635X)
no.3, pp.71-90, 1996-06-28

There is no provision for emergency powers in the constitution of Japan. There are various discussions on that matter, and I take up the problem on the enactment of emergency powers. This essay consists of following. (1) Introduction. (2) Conditions and types. (3) Necessity of the enactment : whether or not it should be provided in the constitution. (4) Course of enactment : what provisions we lay down. (5) Conculusion : I think that it is necessary to provide for the comprehensive emergency powers in the constitution.
富永 健一
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.7, no.2, pp.31-55,146, 1957-02-25 (Released:2009-11-11)

1. It would be a theoretical presumption to many sociologists and social psychologists that our societies are not formless but have certain organized pattern. But, on the other hand, there would be various possibilities from what theoretical framework those organized pattern should be abstracted. In this paper, let us think on this point that the societies are not formless because of some pattern uniformities, not randomness, in our interpersonal overt behaviors ; the interpersonal behaviors are observable manifest variables, so all constructive concepts of sociology and social psychology can be inferred from them. 2. On the external objective point of view, a concept that is inferred from the more or less consistent order is what we call the “social system.” Against this, on the internal subjective point of view of motivated individuals, a concept that is inferred from pattern uniformities is what we call the “attitude”. Both social system and attitude are the scientific construct inferred from observable manifest valiables of interpersonal behaviors, and they must be distinguished from each other in terms of object-subject criteria. 3. What is called a “system” is as follows : its two or more units or factors are mutually interdependent such that any change in state of one unit or factor xj is followed by change in state of others x1, …, xi-1, Xi+1, …, xn and the latter is followed again by change in the former and so on. Thus, when we apply this to behabioral units or factors we can speak of the social system that shows the relationship within social objects. 4. We find a series of sociological theories which adopt this concept. In the case of classical Pareto's theory, the social system was considered to be a state of dynamic equilibrium in cycles of interdependence of four factors : a. residues ; b. interests ; c. derivations ; d. social heterogeneity and circulation. Closely related to this theory we can find George C. Horman's theory. He defines the social system as composed of two analytical aspects (i.e., external system and internal system) and three composite factors (i.e., activities, interactions, and sentiments). Therefore, these two I shall name “Pareto-Homans model” of the social system. Pareto's is a priori model, but Homans' is, so to call it, ex post facto model for codification. 5. Tolcott Parsons' famous theory of the social system rests on the same basis, yet the main feature that characterizes his theory lies in the categorization in terms of combinations of five (or recently, chiefly four) “pattern variables”. This way of thinking is akin to that of Allen H. Bartons' “property space.” Combinations of pattern variables are not merely setting of typology but indicate the “phase movement” and the role-differentiation in action space. This Theory, putting its empirical. reference to Robert F. Bales' interaction process analysis, I call “Parsons-Bales model, ” which, as attempt to theorize more than is empirically known, can be termed speculative model. 6. Above two models will be both able to be characterized as a kind of model of dynamic equilbrium. This model always needs some a priori theoretical postulates : that is, automatic control mechanism or feedback system. Because of this postulate, if we are to make use of this model to our empirical reality, the problem of conceptual validity will arise. Strongly contrasted to this model would be the concept of “mass” society.
富永 健一
日本學士院紀要 (ISSN:03880036)
vol.68, no.2, pp.139-179, 2014-02
富永 健一
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織科学 (ISSN:02869713)
vol.20, no.4, pp.45-55, 1987 (Released:2022-07-14)
