藤田 英二 竹中 健太郎 下川 美佳 與谷 謙吾 小澤 雄二 中村 勇 小崎 亮輔 前阪 茂樹
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.56, no.1, pp.19-27, 2023 (Released:2023-11-14)

This study investigated the effects of full-force bicycle pedaling exercise on deep body temperature and exerted power while wearing kendo-gu with a mask and face shield in a hot and humid environment. The subjects were eight male university kendo athletes. All subjects wore kendo-gi and kendo-gu but the experiments were conducted under two conditions: one with the subjects wearing a mask and face shield and the other without a mask and face shield. The experiments were conducted in a climate chamber with the WBGT (wet bulb globe temperature) set at 28. Intermittent, full-force pedaling exercises using a bicycle ergometer with a 15-minute rest period in between exercises. Changes in core body temperature during rest and the rate of decrease in exerted power during the two full-force pedaling exercises were examined. The results showed that wearing a mask and face shield caused an increase in deep body temperature during the resting period between exercises, and a decrease in exerted power during the post-rest exercise. These results suggest that wearing masks and face shields in a hot and humid environment in kendo training may increase the risk of heat stroke and affects the quality of training.
志々目 由理江 藤田 英二
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
pp.2103, (Released:2021-07-07)

The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of short-term icing of the forearm muscle group between exercises on the grip endurance of judo athletes. The participants were eight female university judo athletes (mean age: 21.3±3.1 years). Grip endurance was evaluated through an exercise task by attaching weighted “Uchi Komi Straps” to the forearms of the judo athletes, and then measuring the gripping time (all-out time). The exercise task was performed twice with a 5-minute rest period between the two sets. During the rest period, four intervention conditions were performed: icing, stretching, icing and stretching, and rest only (control). In addition to measuring the all-out time during the exercise task, maximum grip strength, rate of force development during gripping, skin temperature of the forearm, and subjective feeling of fatigue in the forearm were also measured before and after the tasks. Blood flow through the flexor muscle group of the forearm after the intervention was also measured and compared with the blood flow at rest. The results revealed a reciprocal action in the all-out time during the two sets of the exercise task, and in the second exercise task the two conditions that included icing significantly suppressed the all-out time reduction compared to the control condition. While there were no significant interactions between the four conditions and maximum grip strength, the rate of force development during gripping was not adversely affected by icing. There were no significant differences in the blood flow of the forearm flexor muscle group among the different intervention conditions. These results suggest that it may be possible to prevent a reduction in the grip endurance of judo athletes by icing the forearm muscles for a short period of time between exercises or by using a combination of stretching and a short period of icing.
藤田 英二 末次 真啓 森崎 由理江
一般社団法人 日本アスレティックトレーニング学会
日本アスレティックトレーニング学会誌 (ISSN:24326623)
vol.3, no.1, pp.45-52, 2017-12-15 (Released:2019-01-31)

本研究は,サッカー競技現場でのアイスバスによる運動間アイシングの導入を想定し,運動間に行うアイスバスによるアイシングが,後半の運動能力に及ぼす効果について検証を行った.大学サッカー部に所属する男子選手13名を対象とし,実際の試合における前半と後半を想定したYo-Yo Intermittent Recoveryテスト(YYIRテスト)を行わせた.運動間に下肢をアイスバスにてアイシングする条件と,座位にて安静させる条件の2条件で,YYIRテストの走行距離,大腿の皮膚温,膝伸展筋力,垂直跳び跳躍高,ならびに30m走タイムを測定して比較した.主な結果として,アイスバス条件では後半のYYIRテストの走行距離低下を抑制し,間欠的高強度運動能力への効果が認められた.しかし,垂直跳び跳躍高ならびに30m走タイムが低下し,瞬発的な運動能力への負の影響がみられ,実際の競技での応用にはre-warm upの必要性を強く示唆するものであった.
五十嵐 美生 竹田 唯史 小田 史郎 畝中 智志 藤田 英二 小坂井 留美 柳川 尚子 川西 正志
生涯スポーツ学研究 (ISSN:13488619)
vol.20, no.1, pp.1-10, 2023 (Released:2023-12-09)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the efforts of older women to practice during a resistance exercise class and their exercise behavior change and related factors 2 years post the classes from a qualitative analysis. The exercise class was a self-weighted resistance exercise training for muscle strength maintenance designed by Tetsuo Fukunaga. Eighteen elderly women of the subjects of this study, participated in the exercise class for muscle strength maintenance for care prevention held in F town, Hokkaido, Japan, in 2019 for three months. Interviews were conducted four times in August and November 2020 and October and November 2021, and semi-structured interviews were conducted using the recall method. Responses were recorded and converted to text data. The interview data organized at three months, six months, one year, and two years after two years post the exercise class were analyzed for qualitative factors related to exercise practice effort and exercise behavior change using KH coder as a text mining method. The practical status of exercise was evaluated based on the total number of squats performed at home during the class period records. As a result, 66.7% of the subjects continued to exercise as maintenance and action phases two years post the classes. The co-occurrence networks characteristics of the qualitative factors obtained from the linguistic trends of the continuation group over the two-year period were "program content," "effectiveness of practice," "human and environmental support," "self-efficacy," and "simplicity of exercise." Correspondence analysis by exercise practice effort showed that in the continuation group, the high practice group, which had more exercise practice in class, showed positive language characteristics such as "habitual effort state," "effectiveness of practice," "social support," "simplicity of exercise," and "positive evaluation of exercise."
小澤 雄二 小崎 亮輔 藤田 英二
スポーツパフォーマンス研究 (ISSN:21871787)
vol.14, pp.158-163, 2022-07-21 (Released:2022-07-28)

本研究では,柔道選手が「積極的に前に出て相手を押し込んで試合を展開することの利点」と「握力発揮の影響」を明らかにするために,重心位置の相違や,握力発揮の有無を設定した条件下における単純全身反応時間を検証し,柔道のコーチングに活かすことを目的とした.結果は,以下に示すとおりである. 1.単純全身反応時間は,握力発揮の有無に関わらず,重心位置が前方,自然体,後方の順に速かった. 2.単純全身反応時間は,重心位置に関わらず,握力発揮なし時に比べ,握力発揮あり時には遅延した. 以上のことから,試合において積極的に前に出て相手を押し込むことや,組み手の工夫によって柔道衣の握り方に強弱を付けることは,より素早い反応による素早い技出しや防御動作が期待できるという点において,有利に試合を進めるための戦術となり得るものと考えられる.
藤田 英二 濱田 初幸 中村 勇 小山田 和行 野口 博之 松崎 守利 森﨑 由理江 安河内 春彦
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.50, no.3, pp.159-164, 2018

This study used a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) method to investigate how body weight relates to fat-free mass index (FFMI) and fat mass index (FMI) in male college judo players. The whole-body fat-free mass and fat mass of 59 male college judo players were measured to the nearest 0.1 g using a DXA method. The fat-free mass and fat mass thus obtained were each divided by the square of the height (m) to give the FFMI and FMI, respectively. The percentage of body mass index (BMI) accounted for by FFMI and by FMI (%) was then calculated. The relationship between body weight and the percentage of BMI accounted for by FFMI and by FMI (%) can be interpreted as two straight lines with a break point. The break point can be determined by a regression analysis of these two straight lines using the plots of the percentage of BMI accounted for by FFMI and by FMI (%) by the least squares method. Using this method, the break point of two straight lines was obtained with the minimum square sum of the residual. The results showed the break point of the plots of percentage of BMI accounted for by FFMI and by FMI against body weight was 87.6 kg for both FFMI and FMI, and that as body weight increased, the proportion of FFMI in BMI decreased and the proportion of FMI in BMI increased. This break point indicates that the limit up to which it is possible to increase weight without worsening the body composition in male college judo players is around 90 kg, and any weight gain above this will depend on an increase in fat more than an increase in muscle.
藤田 英二 中村 勇 濱田 初幸 安河内 春彦
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.42, no.2, pp.2_11-2_17, 2009

藤田 英二 赤嶺 卓哉 高井 洋平 川西 正志 Dennis R. Taaffe 柳沼 悠 山本 正嘉
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.64, no.2, pp.797-806, 2019-12-16 (Released:2019-12-20)

Here, in comparison with community-dwelling middle-aged and older men, we investigated the skeletal muscle mass and bone mineral density of a Japanese alpinist (Mr. A) who, at the age of 80 years, is to date the oldest person to have climbed to the summit of Mount Everest (8,848 m). Using dual X-ray absorptiometry, we determined the appendicular skeletal muscle mass index (SMI), total bone mineral density (tBMD), whole body fat-free mass index (FFMI) and fat mass index (FMI) of Mr. A (84.6 yr) and 209 community-dwelling middle-aged and older men (50-79 yr, mean age: 68.1 yr). The SMI, tBMD, FFMI and FMI were 8.79 kg/m2, 1.075 g/cm2, 22.3 kg/m2 and 9.8 kg/m2, respectively, in Mr. A and 7.46 ± 0.81 kg/m2, 1.020 ± 0.100 g/cm2, 18.1 ± 1.9 kg/m2 and 5.5 ± 1.7 kg/m2, respectively, in the community-dwelling middle-aged and older men. The values in Mr. A were higher than those in the community-dwelling middle-aged and older men, with z-scores for the SMI and tBMD of 1.63 and 0.55, respectively. Mr. A maintained a high skeletal muscle mass and bone mineral density even at the age of 84 years, which may have been attributable in part to his long-term training for mountain climbing.
藤田 英二 濱田 初幸 中村 勇 小山田 和行 野口 博之 松崎 守利 森﨑 由理江 安河内 春彦
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.50, no.3, pp.159-164, 2018 (Released:2019-03-31)

This study used a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) method to investigate how body weight relates to fat-free mass index (FFMI) and fat mass index (FMI) in male college judo players. The whole-body fat-free mass and fat mass of 59 male college judo players were measured to the nearest 0.1 g using a DXA method. The fat-free mass and fat mass thus obtained were each divided by the square of the height (m) to give the FFMI and FMI, respectively. The percentage of body mass index (BMI) accounted for by FFMI and by FMI (%) was then calculated. The relationship between body weight and the percentage of BMI accounted for by FFMI and by FMI (%) can be interpreted as two straight lines with a break point. The break point can be determined by a regression analysis of these two straight lines using the plots of the percentage of BMI accounted for by FFMI and by FMI (%) by the least squares method. Using this method, the break point of two straight lines was obtained with the minimum square sum of the residual. The results showed the break point of the plots of percentage of BMI accounted for by FFMI and by FMI against body weight was 87.6 kg for both FFMI and FMI, and that as body weight increased, the proportion of FFMI in BMI decreased and the proportion of FMI in BMI increased. This break point indicates that the limit up to which it is possible to increase weight without worsening the body composition in male college judo players is around 90 kg, and any weight gain above this will depend on an increase in fat more than an increase in muscle.
藤田 英二 赤嶺 卓哉 高井 洋平 川西 正志 Dennis R. Taaffe 柳沼 悠 山本 正嘉
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.18083, (Released:2019-08-07)

Here, in comparison with community-dwelling middle-aged and older men, we investigated the skeletal muscle mass and bone mineral density of a Japanese alpinist (Mr. A) who, at the age of 80 years, is to date the oldest person to have climbed to the summit of Mount Everest (8,848 m). Using dual X-ray absorptiometry, we determined the appendicular skeletal muscle mass index (SMI), total bone mineral density (tBMD), whole body fat-free mass index (FFMI) and fat mass index (FMI) of Mr. A (84.6 yr) and 209 community-dwelling middle-aged and older men (50-79 yr, mean age: 68.1 yr). The SMI, tBMD, FFMI and FMI were 8.79 kg/m2, 1.075 g/cm2, 22.3 kg/m2 and 9.8 kg/m2, respectively, in Mr. A and 7.46 ± 0.81 kg/m2, 1.020 ± 0.100 g/cm2, 18.1 ± 1.9 kg/m2 and 5.5 ± 1.7 kg/m2, respectively, in the community-dwelling middle-aged and older men. The values in Mr. A were higher than those in the community-dwelling middle-aged and older men, with z-scores for the SMI and tBMD of 1.63 and 0.55, respectively. Mr. A maintained a high skeletal muscle mass and bone mineral density even at the age of 84 years, which may have been attributable in part to his long-term training for mountain climbing.