山田 健
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.71, no.1, pp.1_292-1_315, 2020 (Released:2021-06-16)

本論文は、戦後日本の中央-地方関係という行政学の伝統的な主題について、地方行政において重要な役割を果たしていながらその実態を十分に把握されていなかった中央省庁出先機関に焦点を当て、その再考を試みたものである。出先機関の活動について、行政学の通説は本省の方針に接近した活動を見出し、対抗説は地方自治体の方針に接近した活動を見出してきた。しかし、先行研究は、出先機関の活動に本省への接近・地方自治体への接近の二面を見出しうることを説明するに至っていない。すなわち、「なぜ、出先機関はある時に中央省庁本省の方針に接近し、またある時には地方自治体の方針に接近するのか」 という問いが残されていた。これに対して、本論文は、出先機関が制度設計による動機付けを背景として、「中央主導型」 と 「地方後方支援型」 という二つの自律的な行動様式を展開し、地方行政において看過しえない影響力を行使していることを明らかにした。そして、この知見をふまえて、国と地方自治体の単線的な関係として捉えられてきた中央-地方関係について、本省・出先機関・地方自治体の三者による複線的な中央-地方関係として再考しうることを提示した。
山田 俊弘
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.47, no.245, pp.13-25, 2008 (Released:2021-08-05)

In order to clarify the mutual influence between Robert Hooke and Nicolaus Steno in the history of geoscience, the present paper analyzes their collections of minerals as well as their texts about the Earth. Following a brief review of the circumstances of mineral collections and classifications in seventeenth-century England, I examine the text of Hooke's Discourse of Earthquakes (1668/1705) and the specimens that Hooke referred therein. I also note that Hooke utilized the specimens or related facts, or even fables, reported in natural histories, travel writings, classic texts, the Scriptures, letters and accounts of acquaintances, and so forth. Meanwhile, a study of the minerals referred to in Steno's Index of Natural Things and the contents of his Prodromus on Solid Bodies (1669) reveals that Hooke and Steno observed similar specimens, independently acquired, with some local differences between England (the Royal Society repository) and Italy (the Medici collection). Hooke, however, assumed that even fossil objects like ammonites or belemnites were of organic origin while Steno probably refrained from identifying such 'problematic' objects as being organic. Nevertheless, given the early interest of Steno in meteorological and terrestrial phenomena in his Chaos Manuscript (1659) and De thermis (1660), it is possible that Steno understood the significance of fossils in his early years, though Hooke's priority of publication is undeniable, given that he determined their organic origin in the early 1660s and published on them in Micrographia (1665).
山田 俊弘
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.43, no.229, pp.1-12, 2004 (Released:2021-08-12)

This paper, in the first place, aims to make reappraisal to Bernhard Varen's General Geography(1650) from the viewpoint of the interaction of geography with the new science. I especially investigated the role of Descartes' theory and Varen's influence upon Steno. It is certain that Varen was familiar with the texts of Descartes such as Meteorology(1637) and Principles of Philosophy(1644). At the same time, however, he did not entirely adopt Cartesian doctrines but was even critical to the hypothesis of the flux and reflux. Steno, being famous as a founder of modern geology, made transcription from the many chapters of the first part of General Geography in his student years of Copenhagen(Chaos-manuscript, 1659). This shows the Steno's strong interest in the . meteorological and terrestrial phenomena since his early years and suggests high possibility that the Geography of 'Physics and Geography' in his Prodromus(1669, p.5) signified the Varen's General Geography. In this sense, therefore, the book should be reevaluated in the contexts of post-Cartesian theories of the Earth. The Dutch translation(1750) of the Varen's General Geography with numerous Newtonian annotations was introduced by ship to Japan and accepted by the Sendai Clan in 1829. This implies the introduction of the Newtonian theories of the Earth into Japan in the late Edo period, although there has hitherto been no obvious evidence that someone read the book to such an extent to utilize the knowledge. I could also show that the Description of the Realm of Japan(1649) and the General Geography shared the common sources concerning at least to the information of Japan and the Far East.
山田 大隆 高田 誠二
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.28, no.169, pp.5-13, 1989 (Released:2021-09-01)

Reported here are the results of analytical comparison of books on physics compiled in the Catalogue of Sapporo Agricultural College (1888) in Hokkaido with those of Tokyo University (1881),Gakushuin (1902), Keiogijuku (1906) and Waseda University (1903). Books found to be common to all these are: Quackenbos, Natural Philosophy, Stewart's Physics, Deschanel's Natural Philosophy, Ganot's Elementary Treatise on Physics (tr. by Atkinson) and Todhunter's Mechanics for Beginners etc., amounting to 48 copies in total. Analysis had revealed that physics education performed on the basis of the book collection in Sapporo, a northern city of Japan, was essentially on the same level as that of Tokyo University, which acted as one of the most prominent educational institution in the metropolis of Japan. As for the physics education in Sapporo, executed by such teachers as Wheeler and Peabody (1876-1881, American), Tachibana (1881-1886), Kodera (1886-1896), Hirano (1893-1903), Okazaki (1893-1896) and Aoba (1903-1906) of the College, the textbooks of high preference had shifted chronologically from that of Quackenbos, through that of Stewart, to that of Ganot (tr.)
河宮 信郎 山田 恭暉
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.27, no.167, pp.129-137, 1988 (Released:2021-09-06)

Research and experiments of continuous casting (CC) of steel in Japan were started in 1947. The first semicommercial facil ies were built in late 1950's with the intention of applying CC to quality special steels to which the CC technology had been supposed to be bestfit in consideration of yield ratio and energy economy. The CC for special steels, however, came to a standstill because the quality requirements to the final products were not fulfilled. Successful implementation of the CC took place firstly in the late 1960's, in production of low quality billets mainly for cement concrete reinforcing bars, where the CC worked as a labor-saving process. In parallel with the billet CC, large-section slabs for rather low grade steel plates began to be continuous-cast, where the CC worked as an energy-saving and capital-saving (enabling omission of blooming mill) process. The slab CC achieved a high productivity compatible to that of basic 'oxygen furnaces but still failed to meet the steel quality required for sheet production. Essential contribution to the development of the CC technology came from practical know hows and improved equipments brought about by above-mentioned industrial operation for low grade steels rather than by the so-called R&D in laboratories. A further development of the CC technology especially in regard with steel quality and comparative-historical consideration thereabout will be given in a subsequent paper
山田 大隆 高田 誠二
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.27, no.167, pp.166-178, 1988 (Released:2021-09-06)

Sapporo Agricultural College (1876-1907), established by the Kaitakushi Branch of the Meiji Government and directed, in s early stage, by W. S Clark, the President of Massachusetts Agricultural College, had built a unique collection of foreign books of physics, significant not only in quantity but also in quality, through the Yedo and Meiji eras of Japan. A thorough investigation of the conserved books (113 copies) and a time-sequential analysis of introduction of them to the College library resulted in the following observations, where the year of publication and that of introduction were assumed to coincide and the whole sequence (1850-1907) were divided into each interval of five years; 1) As for the regional distribution of the original publication, three peaks are remarkable, the first at 1875 features American natural philosophy text books, the second at 1885 English natural philosophy ones and the third at 1895 German lecture series of physics, respectively. 2) More individually, the first peak is represented by Quackenbos * Natural Philosophy (1873), the second by Stewart's Lessons in Elementary Physics and the third by Violle's Lehrbuch der Physik (1892, tr.by Gumlich) as well as other German lecture series. Besides them, noticeable is the repeated introduction of Ganot's Elementary Treatise on Physics (tr. by Atkinson) over the whole period, particularly in 1890's.
山田 恭輝 河宮 信郎
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.27, no.168, pp.207-214, 1988 (Released:2021-09-01)

This paper deals w h the later stages of the continuous casting (CC) technology in the steel industry of Japan, while our previous paper described the history of CC from s introduction to the early stages of commercial implementations. From late 196〇,s, the CC technology had been reinforced by several auxiliary and peripheral techniques. Firstly, nonmetallic inclusions and surface defects were reduced by introduction of large sized tundishes, immersion nozzles, vacuum degassing with argon bubbling, and powder casting. Such reinforcing techniques (RITs) en masse enabled CC (killed) steel slabs to replace rimmed steel ingots for thin sheets, the main product of the integrated steel mills. Another notable RIT, electromagnetic stirring, became available in late 19?〇,s, which remarkably improved metallurgical structure and minimized segregation of elements in CC blooms. This method in concert with the above-mentioned RITs was successfully applied tQ casting of special steel blooms for mechanical use products. Thus the CC technology grew to meet most kinds of steels and, by 1985, to replace ingot casting process almost entirely. Through the history of Co, it is noted that those various RITs were developed in the course of mass production of low grade products. Such situation can be compared to the history of the semiconductor industry where basic advancement of transistor and IC technologies took place in production of popular goods such as portable radios, quartz-oscillator watches and/or pocket calculators.