吉田 皓太郎 若松 栄史 岩田 剛治 久保 貴裕
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.87, no.903, pp.21-00201, 2021 (Released:2021-11-25)

A method to design the function of the brassiere cup shape as developable surfaces and its developed shape using Gaussian Process Regression is proposed. A developable surface, which is generated by sweeping a straight line along a three-dimensional curve, can be seen many products such as ships, buildings, clothes, and so on. The shape has not only its aim which can be formulated but also that which cannot be formulated such aesthetics. In this paper, we focus on a brassiere cup. A brassiere cup is composed of several patterns and the cup shape is designed by repeatedly making paper cup model and then checking its three-dimensional shape. For improvement of design efficiency of brassieres, such trial and error must be reduced. The difficulty of the design process is caused by the function of a brassiere cup. Its function, such as to enhance woman’s breast size, et.al., is difficult to formulate and unclearly correlated with its three-dimensional cup shape. In this paper, we propose a method to support the design of the three-dimensional shape of a cup and its developed shape by machine learning when the cup shape and quantitatively evaluated value of its function are given as a set of data. First, we formulate the cup shape as developable surface using differential geometry. Then, we propose the method to extract the attribute from the three-dimensional cup shape based on the differential geometry and a predictor of an output value for its attribute using Gaussian Process Regression. The validity of the method is confirmed by a numerical experiment regarding the evaluated value using its volume and size. Finally, we propose a method to design the cup shape using this predictor. We experimented whether our proposed method can output the approximate cup shape when the evaluated value of the cup is given.
岩田 剛
アジア・アフリカ地域研究 = Asian and African area studies (ISSN:13462466)
vol.8, no.1, pp.75-88, 2008-09

This essay aims to explore the concept of "shame–honor" in Bugis–Makassar society in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The concept of "shame–honor" is known locally as siri' and is noted by scholars to be one of the most important cultural values for the Bugis–Makassar people. In previous research, siri' has been mostly discussed in malefemale relationships, especially in regards to elopement or as the motive for numerous murders. Little research has been conducted about the role of siri' in other forms of social relationships in Bugis–Makassar society. This essay attempts to clarify and show the importance of "maseddi siri' " ("unite in siri' "), a phrase that encourages people to join together in groups to defend their honor. Using historical facts and newspaper articles, the essay will show how these action groups can form at different levels (kinship, neighborhood, transmigrants, guerillas, ethnic groups, and kingdoms) for different purposes. The paper will also show that people in Bugis–Makassar society can "unite in siri' " according to their specifi c situations.
吉田 皓太郎 若松 栄史 岩田 剛治 久保 貴裕
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
設計工学・システム部門講演会講演論文集 2020.30 (ISSN:24243078)
pp.3202, 2020 (Released:2021-06-29)

A method to design the function of the brassiere cup shape as developable surfaces and its developed shape using Gaussian Process Regression is proposed. A developable surface, which is generated by sweeping a straight line along a three-dimensional curve, can be seen many products such as ships, buildings, clothes, and so on. The shape has not only its aim which can be formulated but also that which cannot be formulated such as creativity. In this paper, we focus on a brassiere cup. A brassiere cup is composed of several patterns and the cup shape is designed by repeatedly making paper cup model and then checking its three-dimensional shape. For improvement of design efficiency of brassieres, such trial and error must be reduced. The difficulty of the design process is caused by the function of a brassiere cup. Its function, such as to enhance woman’s breast size, et.al., is difficult to formulate and not correlate its three-dimensional cup shape. In this paper, we aim to predict the function of brassiere cup from its cup shape for efficiency of design process of a brassiere cup. First, we formulate the cup shape as developable surface using differential geometry. Then, we proposed a method to parameterize a set of function which characterize the surface using Gaussian Process Regression. Finally, we experimented our proposed method when the evaluated value using its volume and size of the cup is given.
久永 晃資 岩田 剛敏 池内 隆 五十嵐 章紀 足立 邦明 林谷 秀樹
公益社団法人 日本獣医師会
日本獣医師会雑誌 (ISSN:04466454)
vol.57, no.1, pp.54-57, 2004-01-20 (Released:2011-06-17)

生活空間を共有する人と犬が快適に生活するために, どのくらいの頻度で犬を洗浄したらよいかを検討するために, 犬の被毛の脂質の成分や量を調べるとともに, これらが洗浄前後でどのように変化するかを経時的に観察した. その結果, 犬被毛の脂質は脂肪酸, コレステロールおよびステロールエステル, ワックスエステル, グリセロールエステルなどのエステル類で構成されており, 特にエステル類は脂質の80%以上を占めていた. また, 犬被毛の脂質量は洗浄直後に洗浄前の約60%にまで減少したが, 72時間後には洗浄前のレベルまで回復した. そして, 洗浄後72時間が過ぎる頃から動物臭が感じられるようになった. これらの結果から, 衛生的な観点からみると, 室内犬の洗浄は3~4日に1回くらいの割合で行うことが適当と考えられる.
佐々木 貴正 岩田 剛敏 上間 匡 朝倉 宏
公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.61, no.4, pp.126-131, 2020-08-25 (Released:2020-10-02)

カンピロバクターは,食品媒介性感染症における最も重要な原因菌の1つである.カンピロバクター感染症の際に抗菌薬が使用されることは稀であるが,症状が重度である場合や長期間持続する場合には使用されることがある.カンピロバクター感染症の原因の1つは,カンピロバクターに汚染された牛肝臓の喫食である.牛肝臓は,と畜場において胆汁により表面と内部が汚染される可能性がある.以上のことから,われわれは,と畜場において,胆汁のカンピロバクター汚染状況およびその分離株の性状を調査した.カンピロバクターは35.7%(55/154)から分離され,C. jejuniとC. fetusが上位2菌種であった.C. jejuniでは,テトラサイクリン(63.0%)とシプロフロキサシン(44.4%)に高率な耐性が認められた.Multi-locus sequence typingにより,C. jejuniは12型に分類され,ST806が最も多く,37.0%を占めていた.すべてのC. fetusは全身性疾患の原因となることがあるC. fetus subsp. fetusと同定された.C. fetusでは,シプロフロキサシン(66.6%),ストレプトマイシン(58.3%)およびテトラサイクリン(33.3%)に高率な耐性が認められた.すべてのC. fetusは,ST3 (16株)およびST6 (8株)に分類された.16株のST3のうち,15株(93.8%)はストレプトマイシンとシプロフロキサシンの両方に耐性であった.本調査結果は,牛胆汁の高率なカンピロバクター汚染とその分離株の高率な薬剤耐性を示していている.と畜場における牛肝臓の胆汁汚染防止は,カンピロバクター感染のリスク低減策の1つである.
李 謙一 中 臺文 岩田 剛敏 加藤 卓也 羽山 伸一 廣田 好和 林谷 秀樹
獣医疫学雑誌 = The journal of veterinary epidemiology (ISSN:09128913)
vol.11, no.1, 2007-07-20

アライグマ(<I>Procyon lotor</I>)は北米を原産とするアライグマ科の中型哺乳類である。我が国では1960年代から持ち込まれた個体が野生化し,現在では全国各地で野生化が確認されている外来生物である。近年,野生化したアライグマは農作物の被害をもたらし,その分布の拡大に伴って社会問題化している。しかし,これら野生化したアライグマにおける人獣共通感染症原因菌の保有状況に関してはこれまでほとんど検討されていない。本研究では,我が国で野生化しているアライグマにおける人獣共通感染症原因菌の保有状況を検討するとともに,得られた結果からアライグマが生態系の中で占める位置や役割についても考察した。