吉田 健太 丸谷 由 桑谷 立
一般社団法人 日本鉱物科学会
岩石鉱物科学 (ISSN:1345630X)
vol.51, no.1, pp.220412, 2022 (Released:2022-11-08)

Pumice ejected from the Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba (FOB) eruption of August 2021 arrived at the Nansei Islands after 2-months drifting, and subsequently arrived at Kanto area to the east and Taiwan, Philippines, and Thailand to the west. Deposition of huge amount of the drift pumice, most of which had a chocolate-chip cookie resemblance in appearance, is a drastic event and thus attracted SNS account holders, so that the arrival timeline can be traced via their daily posts. Gathering such huge amount of information from the internet can be a powerful tool to investigate and predict a geologic phenomenon that affects wide area in a short time scale. We introduce the drift pumice from FOB with respect to their deposition style, petrographic characteristics, and comparison with the previous drift pumice phenomena observed in Japan. Their impact to the Japanese society was well reflected to the buzz on Twitter. Finally, we discuss how the scientist should behave on the internet to provide correct information in an effective way.
上木 賢太 原口 悟 吉田 健太 桑谷 立 浜田 盛久 Iona McINTOSH 宮崎 隆 羽生 毅
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.68, no.1, pp.3-21, 2023-03-31 (Released:2023-03-31)

Kikai caldera, a submarine caldera to the south of Kyushu, is the source of the youngest caldera-forming supereruption during the Holocene (i.e., the Kikai-Akahoya eruption at 7.3 ka). During its volcanic history, the Kikai caldera has experienced at least three caldera-forming supereruptions (i.e., the Kikai-Akahoya, Kikai-Tozurahara and Koabi eruptions). To better understand the processes of submarine caldera-forming supereruptions and the evolution of the large felsic magma bodies from which they derive, we have constructed a geochemical database for the eruption products of the Kikai Caldera, including proximal deposits and distal tephras (https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.20066630). We compiled geochemical data reported in various papers and proceedings from both domestic Japanese and international journals. The new database, comprising 413 individual samples from 59 publications, contains all available major- and trace-element concentrations, isotopic ratios, analytical methods, geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude, and altitude) of sampling points, age data, refractive index, and geological and petrological information. The database is freely available to the public online. Based on the constructed database, we review the current geochemical understanding of Kikai caldera magmatism and discuss geochemical characteristics of magmas from the Kikai caldera. The difference in magma composition between the two recent caldera-forming supereruptions (the Kikai-Akahoya eruption at 7.3 ka and the Kikai-Tozurahara eruption at 95 ka) is clearly seen in the compiled data. Moreover, we find that the distal tephra represents a more SiO2-rich magma composition than that of the proximal deposits, especially in the case of the Kikai-Akahoya eruption.
石川 正弘 谷 健一郎 桑谷 立 金丸 龍夫 小林 健太
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.122, no.7, pp.291-304, 2016-07-15 (Released:2016-08-02)

岡本 敦 桑谷 立
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.123, no.9, pp.733-745, 2017-09-15 (Released:2017-12-25)

友田 昌宏 安本 篤史 桑谷 立
情報地質 (ISSN:0388502X)
vol.31, no.2, pp.47-52, 2020-06-25 (Released:2020-06-25)

電子線マイクロアナライザー(electron probe microanalyzer; EPMA)は,岩石中の鉱物の化学組成の空間分布を定量的に明らかにすることが可能であり,岩石形成プロセスの解明のために大きな威力を発揮する分析装置である.一方,岩石中に多数存在する鉱物種の空間分布を正確に把握し,点分析すべき箇所を適切に決定することは,岩石学の深い知識と経験が必要となり,一般的に容易ではない.本研究では,代表的なクラスター解析手法であるK平均法を基にして,面分析結果から,鉱物の空間分布および各鉱物種の代表組成となりうる座標の候補を出力するプログラムを開発した.
中村 謙吾 佐藤 海里 川辺 能成 桑谷 立 駒井 武
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鑛業會誌 (ISSN:18816118)
vol.132, no.1, pp.22-30, 2016

It is important to understand the distribution mechanism of heavy metal elements in environmental systems, because the toxicities of various metals and metalloids significantly affect health risks. The heavy metals concentrations are controlled by a wide of variety environmental factors. This study aims to clarify main influence factors on the heavy metal distribution in sediment, soil, river in the Natori River, Sendai City. We firstly produced geochemical maps for heavy metal concentrations (As, Pb and Cr) of river sediment, neighboring soil (bulk component, soluble component in 1N HCl and in pure water) and river water. The heavy metals concentrations in river water increase from upper stream to down stream, whereas heavy metal concentrations in river sediments and soil vary little from upper stream to downstream. There are no anomalous distributions of heavy metals in the studied area, although many anthropogenic materials are found in sediment, soil and river water. The correspondence analysis was applied to investigate relationships of heavy-metal concentrations between sediment, soil and river water. The results indicate that the heavy metals (As, Pb Cr and Zn) in sediment, soil and river water are dominantly controlled by natural sedimentary processes, such as denudation and sedimentation. The proposed method could be further applied for other pollutants in various environment systems. From a viewpoint of risk assessment of heavy metals, it is suggested by the presence of closer relationship of heavy metals that contains the risk information of heavy metals.
吉田 健太 桑谷 立 安本 篤史 原口 悟 上木 賢太 岩森 光

Geochemical data from geological samples show compositional trends that reflect the material differentiation and assimilation occurred during certain geological processes. These trends often comprise groups in a multidimensional compositional space and are distributed in real space as geological units ranging from millimeters to kilometers in scale (e.g., Ueki and Iwamori, 2017). Therefore, spatial contextual information combined with chemical affinities could provide fundamental information about the sources and generation processes associated with the samples.However, conventional clustering algorithms such as k-means and fuzzy c-means (FCM) cluster analysis do not fully utilize the spatial distribution information of geologic samples. In this study, we propose a new clustering method for geochemical datasets with location coordinates. A spatial FCM algorithm originally constructed for image segmentation was modified to deal with a sparse and unequal-spaced dataset. The proposed algorithm evaluates the membership function modified using a weighting function calculated from neighboring samples within a certain radius.We applied new algorithm to a geochemical dataset of granitoids in the Ina-Mikawa district of the Ryoke belt that was compiled by Haraguchi et al. (2017), showing that samples collected from the same geological unit are likely to be classified as the same cluster. Moreover, overlapping geochemical trends are classified consistently with spatial distribution, and the result is robust against noise addition compared with standard FCM analysis.The proposed method can be calculated in the “GEOFCM” Excel® sheet provided as supplementary material and on our website (http://dsap.jamstec.go.jp). Geological datasets with precise location coordinates are becoming increasingly available, and the proposed method can help find overviews of complicated multidimensional data structure.
桑谷 立 岡本 敦 吉田 健太 中村 謙吾 土屋 範芳 駒井 武

The high-dimensional and large amounts of data sets in geosciences show very complex behavior and often have large uncertainty. It is important to extract a small number of essential parameters which can explain the phenomenon from high-dimensional data in order to understand the behavior of dynamic solid earth. Under the framework of a big scientific project entitled as “Initiative for high-dimensional data-driven science through deepening sparse modelling” supported by the MEXT in Japan ( http://sparse-modeling.jp/index_e.html ), we try to introduce data-driven approaches into geosciences. In this presentation, we will share some applications in solid-earth science and discuss future prospects.
安本 篤史 平島 崇男 中村 大輔 吉田 健太 桑谷 立

Eclogite from the Nové Dvory (ND), Czech Republic, in the Gföhl Unit of the Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif records extreme pressure and temperature conditions (>4GPa, >1000℃; Nakamura et al., 2004). The formation process of the ND eclogite is expected to give insights to understand tectonics of convergence zone at the deep depth. However, origins of the ND eclogite are controversial whether it was high-pressure cumulate (Medaris et al., 1995) or metagabbro (Obata et al., 2006). The controversy is partially due to ambiguous control factors of garnet zoning pattern in low-variant systems like bi-mineralic eclogite. For example, Nakamura et al. (2013) reported diverse zoning patterns of garnet within a thin-section scale of bi-mineralic eclogite. Their sample comprises a layer containing Fe-rich core garnet and another one containing Mg-rich core garnet. These zoned garnet grains show similar rim compositions. Nakamura et al. (2013) suggested that such zoning patterns are not only the result of changes in pressure and temperature conditions, but also in local bulk compositions. Yet, the origin of the mm-scale layering structure remained unclear. This study aims at revealing the formation process of the ND eclogite from the origin of the layering structure.The study samples are bi-mineralic eclogite composed of garnet-rich matrix and pyroxene-rich layer. Within each sample, garnet grains vary core compositions by layers, but show identical rim compositions regardless of their locations. For example, ND0207 contains a 3-mm thick pyroxene-rich layer. In ND0207, garnet grains in the garnet-rich matrix more than 10mm apart from pyroxene-rich layer has Mg-Cr-poor core (Fe:Mg:Ca=35:32:33 and Cr2O3<0.1wt%), those in the garnet-rich matrix near pyroxene-rich layer has Mg-rich Cr-poor core (Fe:Mg:Ca=23:55:22 and Cr2O3<0.1wt%), and those in pyroxene-rich layer has Mg-Cr-rich core (Fe:Mg:Ca=30:49:21, Cr2O3=1wt%). These garnet grains show similar rim compositions (Fe:Mg:Ca ≈ 28:42:30, Cr2O3 < 0.3 wt%), and contain omphacite only in their rim. Compositions of the omphacite inclusions are Na-rich in the garnet-rich matrix (Na2O=4-5wt%, Cr2O3<0.1wt%, XMg=Mg/(Mg+Fe) = 0.83-0.87), and Cr-Mg-rich in pyroxene-rich layer (Na2O=3-4wt%, Cr2O3<0.4wt%, XMg=0.85–0.90).Chemical compositions of the layering structure are determined by a quantitative mapping technique using electron probe micro analyzer (Yasumoto et al., under review). The result revealed that garnet-rich matrix increases Cr2O3 (0.0 to 0.3wt%) and XMg (0.5 to 0.8) from the relatively homogeneous part of the garnet-rich matrix to pyroxene-rich layer. This trend is concordant to the variation of chemical compositions of the minerals.The significant chemical variation of minerals suggests that the ND eclogite or its protolith was not produced only by accumulation. A comparison of (local) bulk compositions reveal that the garnet-rich matrix corresponds to the Gföhl eclogite (Beard et al., 1992; Medaris et al., 1995; Obata et al., 2006) and the gabbroic rocks from South Indian Ridge (Niu et al., 2002), whereas the pyroxene-rich layer corresponds to the Gföhl pyroxenites (Medaris et al., 1995). In addition, prograde relict amphibole is identified in the ND eclogite (Yasumoto et al., 2016), and the ND pyroxenite is considered to be accumulated from melt (Svojtka et al., 2016). These facts suggest that the ND eclogite was metagabbro that was partially infiltrated and metasomatised by pyroxenitic melt under high-pressure conditions. Chemical variation of garnet cores and lack of omphacite in the garnet cores indicate that the layering structure was present before the omphacite growth. In other words, the melt infiltrated before eclogite-facies metamorphism. Driving force of the changes in local bulk compositions can be prograde heating (Nakamura et al., 2013) or dehydration of amphibole during eclogitization.
原口 悟 上木 賢太 桑谷 立 吉田 健太 モハメド 美香 堀内 俊介 岩森 光

2017年のJpGU-AGU(原口ほか,2017)で、日本国内出版文献に掲載されている地球化学データのコンパイルを行うデータベース「DODAI」を報告した。前回報告以降もデータ収集を継続し、2017年末までに224論文5818サンプルの化学データをコンパイルした。今回、これらのデータ収集を通して明らかになった、「フォーマットの統一」に関連する問題点を以下に3点報告する。1つ目は、化学組成の分析に当たって、多くの「分析装置」による様々な「分析手法」が用いられていることである。主要元素は、1970年代までは「湿式分析」が主流であったが、1980年代に入って「XRF」が急速に広まった。この過程で、従来鉄はFe2+ (FeO)とFe3+ (Fe2O3)を分けて分析されていたのが、全FeOまたはFe2O3に一本化する分析に移行した。現在でも全岩化学組成のFe2+とFe3+を分けて分析する手法は湿式分析だけであり、主要元素をXRFで分析していても、Fe2+だけを湿式分析で分析することが行われている。このような鉄の分析のバリエーションが地球化学データベースに含まれていることには注意を要する。2つ目は、分析される微量元素の組み合わせが分析機関により様々なことである。微量元素の分析は、現在ではXRFの他、ICP-MS等の質量分析装置を用いた方法、INAA等の放射化分析等が使われている。XRFは分析が簡便であるため、多くの機関で主要元素とともに分析が行われているが、分析元素の選択が機関・目的により様々である。ICP-MS, INAAは高精度の分析が可能で、多くの微量元素を網羅的に分析することが可能であるが、全ての元素をカバーする分析を恒常的に実施する例が少なく、データ数が少ない。このため、データベースを利用した多変量解析に用いる元素の組み合わせによっては、解析に使用できるサンプル数が激減することがありうる。3つ目は、研究が行われた時期、および研究者が専門とする分野によって地質の解釈が変化することである。例えば、四万十帯に代表される「付加体」の地質構造は、「付加体地質学」の導入により、形成過程の理解が急速に進んだが、個々の岩体の記載は、付加体地質学導入以前の研究に基づくものと、付加体地質学に基づいた新たな解釈によるものがあり、現在でも両者が混用されている。また、付加体中の海洋プレート起源の火山岩は、弱変成作用を受けているため、「緑色岩」とも呼ばれるが、研究者によって「火山岩」「変成岩」と見方が異なっている。シームレス地質図統一凡例(産総研,2015)のように,これらの見方を統一する試みもあるが,依然としてこのような様々な「解釈の違い」が地球化学データに含まれることはコンパイルを行う上での注意点である。本報告では、これらの「フォーマットの不統一」に関係する地球化学データベースが含む問題を取り上げるとともに、不統一の解消を図る方法について考えたい。
中村 謙吾 桑谷 立 駒井 武 山崎 慎一
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
Journal of MMIJ (ISSN:18816118)
vol.134, no.2, pp.13-21, 2018-02-01 (Released:2018-02-15)

Understanding the geochemical characteristics of various soils is significant for revealing the mechanisms occurring under natural conditions, assessing the environmental risks and managing the land use. However these various soils have complex forming mechanisms. This study examined geochemical characteristics of surface soils using statistical analysis. Principal component analysis (PCA), a very commonly used multivariate technique that can extract hidden structures and patterns from high-dimensional data, was applied to 633 classified soil samples. Soil samples collected in the Miyagi and Ibaraki prefectures were analyzed for major elements (Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ca, Na and K) and heavy metals (Cr, Cu, Zn, As and Pb). Major elements showed most distinctive relationships with an inverse correlation between Si and Ti, Fe and Al. Heavy metals did not exhibit clear correlations with each other. However, background concentrations could be estimated using the frequency distribution and log-normal distribution curves. The background concentration of Cr, Cu, Zn, As and Pb were 50 ~150 mg/kg, 75 ~150 mg/kg, 200 ~300 mg/kg, 25 ~50 mg/kg and 30 ~60 mg/kg, respectively. Results of PCA clarified four common factors controlling major elements and heavy metals in the soil samples. They are ‘Physicochemical formation', ‘Soil components',‘ Vegetation effect' and ‘Adsorption and desorption'. Soils are formed by leaching reactions from rain and groundwater and mixed organic matter from different vegetation types. Therefore, major elements and heavy metals in soil are affected by these processes, which are common to most soil types.