椎塚 久雄
Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18845258)
pp.TJSKE-D-15-00065, (Released:2015-11-20)

In this paper, we focus on business and the impedance that is a concept in the electrical engineering. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to provide a new knowledge in this field by using the concept of impedance, and to show the relation of the analogy between the impedance and business, and attractive approach to business, marketing, design, user experience (UX), etc. The meaning of analogy is to guess from those similar. It can be interpreted as one form of analogy, for example, also “parable”. When we have a new experience, we consider the problem by analogy from previous experience unconsciously. This is the basic idea of what we are practicing on a daily life. This concept will be applicable to create a new idea. Rather than bring the near ones, the important thing in analogy conception is that it borrows from a field with distance in contents. Its methodology leads to produce the innovation. If we borrow from a place close that everyone noticed, it is not possible to obtain a value to be expected. Engineering is a discipline that has been developed in the focus be useful to people originally. In addition, its history is old. For example, a core part of the mechanical engineering and electrical engineering is an area that has been established that have something immovable. This field is not an exaggeration to say that to form a “beautiful systematic academism”. Then the primary subject of this paper is to propose the concept of “business impedance”. Originally, both of “business” and “impedance” belong to the field of quite different respectively. Business is in “commercial world”, and the impedance is the field of “engineering”. Impedance is a concept in the electrical resistance of the exchanges in electrical and electronic engineering.
椎塚 久雄
横幹連合コンファレンス予稿集 第3回横幹連合コンファレンス
pp.87, 2009 (Released:2010-04-05)

杉山 孝男 椎塚 久雄
日本ファジィ学会誌 (ISSN:0915647X)
vol.5, no.4, pp.772-782, 1993-08-15 (Released:2017-09-24)
2 6

本論文は, ファジィ積分を階層的に用いて意思決定に関する新しい視点について述べている.本論文で提案する階層化ファジィ積分 (HFI : Hierarchical Fuzzy Integral) は, 評価基準となる項目の重要度をファジィ測度で与え, 各評価項目における評価対象の評価値をファジィ積分することにより, 評価値を統合し総合評価値を求める方法である.これは, 従来の階層化意思決定法(AHP)を特別な場合として含む, より柔軟性を伴った一般的な評価法であることが示される.
椎塚 久雄
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.114, pp.57-68, 2013-04-30

In this paper, we focus on social isolation among elderly people to better understand the reality of their lives, andanalyze the relationship between the factors behind changes in the family structures of the elderly and their social isolation,and changes in modern communities. We also investigate new forms of communication aimed at improving thequality of life in a longevity society. Methodologically, we propose and examine a basic means to enhance local communitynetworks, based on a scale-free network as a foundation for local community formation. From these considerations,we propose a new networking game for constructing the free-scale network in our daily life. The main idea ofthis paper is based on the alternate reality game that is a type of play experience to cross and virtual reality as part ofthe game captures the everyday world.
秋田 直繁 森田 昌嗣 椎塚 久雄
Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18840833)
pp.TJSKE-D-17-00019, (Released:2017-07-20)

To create innovative ideas, it is important for designers to monitor thought patterns by reflecting upon their thought structure and then control thought. In this study, we visualized the inference process, which includes deduction, induction, and abduction, as well as the associative process. Subsequently, by connecting them radially along the flow of thought, we employed a method of visualizing the inference process of designers on a two-dimensional plane. We conducted an experiment to visualize a part of the thought of designer using the “inference mapping method.” Consequently, we found out that different cognitive biases occurred in designers' deductive, inductive, abductive, and associative thinking processes. From the technical viewpoint of cognitive science, we studied the phenomena and clarified the structure of bias in each thought process. Finally, we proposed a way to visualize cognitive biases and to consciously eliminate them when designers engage in the creative process.
後藤 真一 椎塚 久雄
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.110, pp.97-103, 2011-04-30

This paper investigated the peculiarity of a sentimental phenomenon called attachment to personal belongings. The aim is to examine the correlation between people and the belongings composing their living environment, in order to reveal what is important and meaningful for both their liver and their living environments. The Study looks at the relationship between experiences with belongings particularly close to the owner and feelings of attachment for them. A survey of experiences and sentiments about belongings with attachment was executed and factor analysis was used to bring out the components of attachment. The results verified the following: 1) in each group of samples with a similar tendency of factor scores, the experiences with belongings have something in common. 2) From the tendency of factor scores, there is a difference in attachment between things of the same kind. 3) The owners recognize the empirical products of relation to belongings. These results show the formation of an attachment is connected with various experiences with the belongings.
チョウ エイ 椎塚 久雄
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.109, pp.135-138, 2010-10-30

Now game industry is a great market of the world economy. High technologies are applied to create games. The purpose of the paper is to use the technology "Emotion Motivated Artificial Intelligence" to create Non Player Character with human-like emotion to improve the games. In order to prove that, 2 types of NPC, one with EMAI and the other without, were created and tested. The results of the recent test were analyzed by Cross Tabulation and chi-square test. It showed that, the NPC that used EMAI shows more emotion than the one without.
小山 雅明 高橋 由樹 椎塚 久雄
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18840833)
vol.15, no.1, pp.65-73, 2016 (Released:2016-02-26)

The purpose of signboard is primarily up to indicate the store or company name of that exists in the location where you want to post it. In addition, other general advertising purposes (companies, products, people of talent, and movies, etc.) can be considered. However, there is a variety of purposes, usual route, display of the evacuation route, etc. (some are also referred to as a guide plate), such as the sign for the warning (including, for example, signs that are used during the road construction). In noticing the existence of such a signboard, under some influence from there depicted designed (including characters and the like), a person is considered to move to a specific action. Therefore, such a series of operations may be regarded as a “stimulus” → “thinking” → “action”. For this reason, signboards can be considered as one system. In this paper, by capturing the environment surrounding the signboard, including the people as one of the system, using the concept of production system, we propose a new point of view and its model to the signboard design. This model is based on the basic idea for a person to design as “intrigued by” the curiosity and interests saw the signboard.
今村 佳世 椎塚 久雄
感性工学研究論文集 (ISSN:13461958)
vol.4, no.1, pp.13-16, 2004 (Released:2010-06-28)

In this paper, we propose a framework of the Kansei (sensibility) system for the artificial Kansei that is an useful mapping into the two-dimensional plane with four sectors. It is shown that our main idea comes from the correspondence between the intelligent system and the Kansei system, which is the intelligent system in general has two main aspects of the natural intelligence and the artificial intelligence, so that it goes without saying that the Kansei system will also have the two aspects, the natural Kansei and the artificial Kansei lying on the Y-axis (the vertical). In the proposed plane of the Kansei framework, the perception (or cognition) and the creation are on X-axis (the horizontal), so that it has the four sectors. Our framework for the Kansei system will provide a new place for discussions, so the concrete directions for the further researcheswill also be suggested in the four sectors.
目黒 有志 椎塚 久雄
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.109, pp.123-128, 2010-10-30

It is pointed out that manga drawn by the new cartoonists are hard to read. The paper analyzed the relationship between legibility and the elements of the MANGAs and clarified structures of a legible MANGA. MANGAs were analyzed by the Rough Set to retrieve the structure of legible MANGAs. As results, features such as "a few scenes", "a amounts of the characters", and "a few dialogs" were derived as elements for a legible MANGA. In a conclusion, it turned out legible when the MANGAs elements were few.
小阪 裕司 椎塚 久雄
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18840833)
vol.10, no.2, pp.185-192, 2011 (Released:2011-12-09)
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This paper is an attempt to describe the causality phenomenon of “Kansei Information” and its affect on buying behavior. We are focusing on information taken in through the five senses and processed within the brain, causing a positive affect, and we refer to this as “Kansei Information”. And since the year 2000, throughout Japan, in various different industries, we have been researching the phenomenon of “Kansei Information” and its affect on buying behavior. Based on our observations of this phenomenon and the marketing and sales activity it results in, we are researching possibility to make a model that relies on the affects of “Kansei Information” as the main component. In this paper we present “Kansei information/Buying behavior model”. And we examine this model by focusing on non-planning purchases in the supermarket. We will also present experiment of actual store fronts which are actually using “Kansei Information” to affect buying behavior. In this case the sales of the product, which had been around 20 pieces a month in previous years, dramatically improved and reached 280 pieces in the first month. Six months afterwards, grew constantly to reach 1,000 pieces a month. And, we examine the possibility of making the simulation model based on this outcome of an experiment.
椎塚 久雄
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.112, pp.53-62, 2012-04-30

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relation between interactivity and the degree of KAWAII for characters.It is also our problems that whence comes th`e KAWAII, fun' o`r amiability' of `a character'? It is shown that we proposethe visual communication model from the Shannon and Weaver process model of communication, and the interactionexists between the character and the audience. The element that can decide the interactive degree of the charactershows the relation to the story that the character has. Interest appears as a result of interactivity of characters. It isalso shown that KAWAII proposes to appear as a function of interactivity.
小阪 裕司 椎塚 久雄
工学院大学研究報告 (ISSN:03685098)
no.109, pp.167-174, 2010-10

This paper discusses causalities between kansei information and consumer buying behavior and actions a firm can take knowing that kansei information influences such behavior. We regard information transmitted through point-of-purchase advertisements (POP ADS) at retail stores as one of the factors that incentivize customers to make purchases. Our focus is on kansei information, which is the result of cerebral processing of information obtained through the five senses, leading to a positive affect. Since 2000, we have conducted research into the effects of kansei information on consumer buying behavior in various industries in Japan. Based on observations of such effects as well as firms' marketing and sales activities, we have modeled the process in which purchases are generated by the presentation of kansei information. And we have explored a way to build a systems dynamics model centering on the effects of kansei information. In this paper, focusing on "Kansei information" sent by POP ADS, at first, we explain our model named "Kansei information-Buying behavior model". And we explain causal relationships using a systems thinking approach, and construct causal loop diagrams. Making comparisons with the model and the causal loops, we also examine an experiment from an actual retail store which takes advantage of kansei information in an attempt to increase customer buying motivation.