石 王美
vol.62, 2015

今まで販売されている高齢者向けのデジタルデバイスの傾向は大きく二つで分けられる。情報へのアプローチがやさしくできることと、新しい技術に対し心理的に拒否感なく受け入れられるよう製作されたつまり、技術受容性(Technology acceptance)が高いモノを中心に発展したことがわかった。<br>タッチデバイスは大きく携帯電話とパッドで分類できる。最近販売される高齢者向けの携帯電話はタッチスクリーンを起用した製品が続々増えているが、パッドの場合はまだ高齢者向けの製品を探すことが難しい。しかし今のマーケットの傾向をみるとパッドのユーザーは急速に増加を続けまもなく高齢者向けのパッドも発売されると考えられる。本研究の目的は高齢者向けのタッチデバイス設計の際、考慮する要素を調べ、フレームワーク化し提案することである。高齢者のタッチデバイス使用に当て経験できる過程を分類し各過程から具体的な要素を導出する。
小松 かつ子 伊藤 親 劉 王萍 難波 恒雄
Natural medicines = 生薬學雜誌 (ISSN:13403443)
vol.49, no.2, pp.137-147, 1995

The Chinese crude drugs "Huajiao (花椒)" and "Jiaomu (椒目)," and the Japanese crude drug "Sansho (山椒)" are derived from mature fruit of genus Zanthoxylum plants of the Rutaceae family. "Huajiao" and "Sansho," are prepared from the pericarp, and used as an aromatic stomachic and "Jiaomu," is from the seed, and used as a diuretic. A market survey of these crude drugs in China and Japan, showed that there are samples of apparently different external morphologies, suggesting that there are samples of different botanical origins. To clarify the original plants of such crude drugs, a pharmacognostical study was made. This paper deals with the origins of "Sansho" in the Japanese market. Comparative anatomical studies were performed mainly on the pericarps and seeds of Z. piperitum, two kinds of Z. piperitum f. inerme (Asakura-zansho and Budo-zansho), Z. armatum var. subtrifoliatum, Fagara mantchurica, F. ailanthoides by optical and scanning electron microscopy, which showed that they could be distinguished from each other by the following characteristics: in the pericarp, the length of equatorial circumference, thickness of pericarps and endocarps, diameters of oil sacs, micro figure of cuticle and the number of epidermal cells over oil sacs on surface view; in the seed, the diameters of epidermal cells on surface view, the rate of inner sclereid layers in the outer seed coat, etc. The commercial samples examined were identified as a mixture of slightly immature pericarps of Budo-zansho and Asakura-zansho in a ratio of 9 : 1 or 6 : 4, a mixture of slightly immature pericarps of Z. piperitum, Budo-zansho and Asakura-zansho in a ratio of 8 : 1 : 1, or mature pericarps of Z. piperitum only.

1 0 0 0 OA 困學紀聞20卷

vol.[1], 1661

1 0 0 0 OA 花史左編27卷

vol.[1], 1000
医王 秀行
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.43, no.2, pp.30-52, 2000 (Released:2010-03-12)

In the Jahiliya period, sanctuaries that enshrined various idols existed all over the Arabian Peninsula, and the Arab tribes who guarded the sanctuaries organized and ran various festivals and annual markets. A sacred month was fixed as the pilgrimage period (it was also the time for trade) in the peninsula to ensure the safety of pilgrims coming from a great distance. Since it was necessary to maintain this system and furthermore to trade with merchants outside the peninsula, the pilgrimage event was held in a particular season every year. Since the lunar calendar of 12 months results in a discrepancy with the solar calendar every year, a leap month was inserted into a year approximately every 3 years to adjust this discrepancy. This makes 13 months a year.The sixth to seventh century, when the Prophet Muhammad was active, was an era when Meccan people were under the influence of Judaism and Christianity. We cannot examine the calendar of that time without taking into account the leap system in the Jewish calendar or the movable feasts of Christianity. At the time when the Prophet Muhammad started propagating Islam in Mecca, a leap month was inserted into a year in the same period as in the Jewish calendar. Therefore, I consider that it is possible to determine the cycle of the leap year in this era from this.Starting in the first year of the Islamic calendar, there were three leap years until the 10th year of the Hijra when the prophet abolished the leap month. The Islamic calendar's New Year's Day was April 18, 612 AD. I conjecture that it was June 28th, the day of the summer solstice when Muhammad arrived at Medina.Knowing the fact that the pilgrimage was carried out during Pesach and Easter in the spring and that they introduced the Judaic and Christian systems into the calendar, combined with the worship of Abraham in the surrounding area of Mecca in the Jahiliya period, the author conjectures that these facts laid the groundwork for the birth of a new religion, i. e. Islam, in this region. The Prophet Muhammad destroyed the idols and the function of the pilgrimage spread in various places of the peninsula and introduced the pure lunar calendar. In addition, he nullified the conventional pilgrimage cycle of the peninsula and the Arabic order associated with the conventional pilgrimage cycle, and simultaneously eliminated the influence of Judaism and Christianity. He brought forth a new Islamic order in which Mecca was worshipped as the sole pilgrimage ground.

1 0 0 0 OA 増訂漢魏叢書

vol.別史第19册, 1792