田中 均 柏木 信一郎 HITOSHI TANAKA Shinichiro KASHIWAGI
東京理科大学教職教育研究 (ISSN:24327565)
no.6, pp.83-91, 2021-03-19

平成30 年告示の高等学校学習指導要領に沿って文部科学省が通知した、30 文科初第1845 号「小学校、中学校、高等学校及び特別支援学校等における児童生徒の学習評価及び指導要録の改善等について(通知)」・平成31 年3 月29 日(以降、「指導要録改善通知」)により、令和4 年度(2022 年度)入学生から順次、高等学校の生徒指導要録に各教科の観点別学習状況の評価(いわゆる観点別評価)が記載されることとなった。さらに、令和7 年度(2025 年度)大学入学者選抜から、調査書に、評定だけでなく、観点別評価が記載されることになった。これまで、高等学校における観点別評価については、設置者により取組みに温度差があったが、全国一斉の取組みとなり、高等学校現場においてもようやく観点別評価の研究が進むと思われる。神奈川県立高校においては、平成18 年度から観点別評価を導入、実施してきたが、その経緯を踏まえて実施上の課題と今後の活用について論じたい。
田中 均
演劇学論集 日本演劇学会紀要 (ISSN:13482815)
vol.67, pp.55-70, 2019-03-15 (Released:2019-03-20)

In this paper, I reconstruct the theatre theories of Hans-Thies Lehmann (1944-) and Christoph Menke (1958-) by focusing on their dialogue - their commentary and argument - with each other. In Postdramatic Theatre (1999), Lehman refers to Menke's interpretation of Hegel's theory of tragedy. He also discusses Menke's theory on the outdatedness of tragedy in Tragödie im Sittlichen (1995) to bolster his claim that drama itself is outdated. What Lehmann does not mention, though, is that Menke argues for the existence of "the tragic" in modernity at the same time.In Tragic Play (2005), Menke argues that the presence of "modern tragedy" is a manifestation of metatheatre characterized by the failure of attempt, or by the failure to transform praxis through theatrical play. Menke criticizes Lehmann for admitting the possibility of "postdramatic theatre without drama" on the grounds that postdramatic theatre as metadramatic theatre must contain a dramatic moment or layer. Lehmann objects to the criticism, saying that in contemporary society play and reality are so mixed that contemporary theatre cannot remain in a dramatic framework.I conclude that the dispute between Lehmann and Menke lets us reflect on the fundamental question of the relationship between theatrical play and social practice.
内田 暁雄 三宅 由洋 田口 清行 村本 雄一郎 田中 均
一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会
日本科学教育学会研究会研究報告 (ISSN:18824684)
vol.25, no.2, pp.121-124, 2010 (Released:2018-04-07)

田中 均
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.58, no.2, pp.1-14, 2007

In this paper, I investigate the relationship between love and art in the novel Lucinde. First, I analyse two cases of disappointments in love experienced by the young painter-and protagonist-Julius, which are symbolised by certain aesthetic defects:Lisette could not respond to Julius' love because of her life as a prostitute, which corresponds to her sensualistic tastes. Likewise, Julius' fruitless love for a married woman gave rise to a strained style to his painting. Second, I focus on his relationship with Lucinde, in which they completely affirmed each other's individuality. The reconciliation with his own life through love brought grace and maturity to his art. This should be interpreted as the realisation of 'the romantic', which is defined in Schlegel's essay 'Dialogue on Poetry' as a combination of 'the sentimental' and 'the fantastic'. Third, I turn my attention to the distinction by Julius between male and female love. He believes that, in contrast to female love which is concentrated only towards one object, a man can develop friendships between multiplicities of mature spirits and thus complement his own individuality. From this, I draw the conclusion that, in this novel, a female artist is excluded from the artistic cooperation.
田中 均 高橋 努 田代 正之 加登住 誠 本多 栄喜 一瀬 めぐみ
熊本大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学 (ISSN:04546148)
vol.57, pp.7-17, 2008-12-19

The Miyaji Formation typically exposed along the coast of the Futami area, Kumamoto Prefecture, is characterized by sandy facies in the lower part and muddy facies in the upper. Abundant shallow marine bivalves are usually developed in the several horizons of the lower part. Among the identified species, Pterotrigonia (Pterotrigonia) pocilliformis, Goshoraia minor, Anthonya monobenses are the most diagnostic. From the bivalves faunal aspects and lithological character, the formation is comparable to that of the Lower Hibihana Formation of the Monobegawa Group in Shikokku. Detailed geologic survey has led to the discovery of the Miyaji Formation except for the type locality. The distribution of the Miyaji Formation offers the key to an understanding of the structural movements in this region. The Miyaji Formation is cut by several NW-SE faults. Judging from the field evidence, these faults can be determined to be associated with the geological structure of the Amakusa Islands
田中 均 高橋 努 一瀬 めぐみ 坂本 大輔 林 智洋 本多 栄喜
熊本大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学 (ISSN:04546148)
vol.56, pp.61-70, 2007-11-30

Mukujima Island is 16 kilometers northeast of Tsukumi City, Oita Prefecture, and is geotectonically occupied by the Chichibu Terrain of the Outer Zone of Southwest Japan. In this area the Upper Mesozoic strata are exposed in Jimukujima and Okimukujima Islands, and are lithostratigraphically divided into four formations, i.e. Mukujima, Jimukujima, Okimukujima and Bungo Formations in ascending order. In this paper, the stratigraphy is described in some detail, with remarks on correlation, and the features of the bivalve faunas are made clear. The Mukujima Formation, about 65m thick, is characterized by the predominance of feldspathic quartzsandstone. Several shallow marine bivalves which were conspecific with the bivalves from the Torinosu Group in Sakawa, Sakamoto, Yatsushiro and Tanoura areas, and Soma Group (Nakanosawa Formation) in Soma area, and the fragmental plant fossils occur from this formation. From the faunal aspects and lithological characters, the Mukujima Formation is best comparable to the Torinosu Group in Shikoku, and is assigned to the Late Jurassic. The Jimukujima Formation about 550m thick is in fault contact with the Mukujima Formation. The formation is characterized by the frequent occurrence of red-colored rocks, with intercalation of brackish-water shell beds. From the fossil-contents (Ryoseki fauna) and lithological characters, the formation is comparable to the Ryoseki Formation of the Monobegawa area, the Koshigoe Formation of the Haidateyama area, the Togawa Formation of the Gokase area and the Kohara Formation of the Yatsushiro area.
田中 均
シェリング年報 (ISSN:09194622)
vol.31, pp.65-77, 2023-07-01 (Released:2023-07-01)

I examine a recent interpretation of Friedrich Schiller’s Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man (1795) by Samantha Matherne and Nick Riggle in their two-part paper “Schiller on Freedom and Aesthetic Value” (2020/2021). At the beginning, I give an overview of Riggle’s own theory on aesthetic value. His “aesthetic communitarianism” consists in cultivation of individuality, promotion of aesthetic freedom, and generation of aesthetic community. Then I argue that Matherne and Riggle understand Schiller’s concept of beauty as a version of aesthetic communitarianism avant la lettre. Finally, I insist against Matherne and Riggle that Schiller’s theory of aesthetic value presupposes universal normativity of taste rather than appreciation of individuality.
田中 均
シェリング年報 (ISSN:09194622)
vol.24, pp.64, 2016 (Released:2020-03-26)

In his lecture, “Kant and Schiller,” Paul de Man argues that “aesthetic ideology” emerged from Schiller’s misunderstanding of Kant. De Man contrasts the “chiasmus” of nature and reason in Schiller’s theory on the sublime as “ideological idealism” with Kant’s “material vision,” devoid of any teleology. I criticize his argument from two viewpoints. First, we find a negation of teleology also in Schiller’s aesthetics, especially in his theory of the “chaotic sublime” as well as in his description of idleness and indifference in “Juno in Ludovici.” Second, Kant’s analytics of the sublime shares “aesthetic purposiveness” with Schiller. I, therefore, conclude that de Man’s oversimplified distinction between Kant and Schiller contra- dicts his own insight into the ambivalent nature of the “aesthetic.”
松本 達郎 小畠 郁生 田代 正之 太田 喜久 田村 実 松川 正樹 田中 均
化石 (ISSN:00229202)
vol.31, pp.1-26, 1982-06-21 (Released:2017-10-02)

In various areas of Japan, non-marine sediments (s.l.) of fluviatile, lacustrine, and brackish-water environments are frequently interfingered with marine ones which contain index species of ammonites and other groups. Therefore, the geological age of the former can be determined by that of the latter in terms of the international scale. The result of the correlation on available evidence is shown in three charts (Figs. 1-3), in which ammonites, other marine biota, brackish-water fauna, fresh-water fauna and land-plants are also stratigraphically allocated. Outside the scope of the three charts, the biostratigraphically well subdivided marine sequences of Hokkaido and the Campanian-Masstrichtian sequences of Southwest Japan do contain transported remains (petrified woods, seeds, leaves, pollen and spores) of land-plants in favourable preservation, whose geological ages can also be determined in terms of international scale. On the ground of these results, the evolutionary history of the non-marine faunas and floras can be studied precisely. This would in turn be a foundation for the correlation of the continental deposits in Eastern Asia. This paper is a contribution to the IGCP Project No.58 Mid-Cretaceous Events [MCE].