山元 孝広 高田 亮 石塚 吉浩 中野 俊
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.50, no.2, pp.53-70, 2005-05-20

The previous eruption history of Fuji volcano has been re-examined by new 100 radiometric carbon ages. The major unconformity between Ko-Fuji and Shin-Fuji volcanoes of Tsuya (1968, 1971) was caused by the edifice collapse resulting in the Tanukiko debris avalanche at about Cal BC 18,000. Voluminous effusion of basalt lava flows in the older ejecta of Shin-Fuji volcano (Tsuya, 1968, 1971) had started at about Cal BC 15,000 and continued until about Cal BC 6,000. Deposition of black soil layer between the Older and Younger Fuji tephra layers of Machida (1964, 1977) started at Cal BC 8,000. After several thousands years quiescent time, basaltic eruptions in the middle ejecta of Shin-Fuji volcano (Tsuya, 1968, 1971) had restarted at about Cal BC 3,600 and thin lava flows had piled up as the central volcanic cone, until about Cal BC 1,700. The eruption style of the volcano changed into explosive basaltic eruptions from the summit and the flank at about Cal BC 1,500; the S-10 to S-22 scoria fall deposits were generated in this first half period of the younger ejecta of Shin-Fuji volcano (Tsuya, 1968, 1971). Also, basaltic pyroclastic flows cascaded down the western flank at about Cal BC 1,500, Cal BC 1,300, Cal BC 1,000 and Cal BC 770. The last summit explosive eruption (S-22) occurred at about Cal BC 300. Immediately after the S-22 eruption, basaltic fissure eruptions had repeated at the flanks until the 1707 Hoei eruption. New data suggest that the Fudosawa, Nissawa and Suyama-tainai lava flows in the southern flank are historical products at about Cal AD 1,000.
山元 孝広 石塚 吉浩 下司 信夫
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.126, no.3, pp.127-136, 2020-03-15 (Released:2020-07-31)
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富士山東方の静岡県小山町の新東名高速道路の2018年度建設工事現場で,大規模な火山性の斜面崩壊堆積物を確認し,大御神岩屑なだれ堆積物と命名した.この堆積物は,大洞山東斜面に堆積していた富士火山起源のスコリア降下火砕物が表層崩壊を起こしたもので,その南東山麓に長さ4.5 km,最大幅1.5 km,体積9.3×106 m3の規模で広がっている.堆積物直下に神津島天上山テフラの降下層準があること,直上土壌の14C 暦年代から,発生時期は平安時代のAD 838から10世紀前半に特定された.この期間中には東海・南海連動の巨大地震であるAD 887の仁和地震が起きており,この地震動によって斜面崩壊が発生した可能性が強い.
南 裕介 中川 光弘 佐藤 鋭一 和田 恵治 石塚 吉浩
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.66, no.3, pp.211-227, 2021-09-30 (Released:2021-10-29)

Meakandake Volcano is a post-caldera active stratovolcano located on the south-eastern rim of Akan Caldera, eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Recent eruptive activity has occurred in 1955-1960, 1988, 1996, 1998, 2006, and 2008 at Ponmachineshiri, which is one of several volcanic bodies that form the stratovolcano. These events indicate that Ponmachineshiri has a high potential for future eruptions. In order to better understand the hazards posed by Meakandake Volcano, this study focused on the modern eruptive activity of Ponmachineshiri during the last 1,000 years. The authors conducted field observations at outcrops in the summit area, excavation surveys on the volcanic flanks, component analysis for pyroclastic deposits, and radiocarbon dating for intercalated soil layers. As a result, at least four layers of pyroclastic fall deposits derived from Ponmachineshiri during the last 1,000 years were recognized, ranging from Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) levels of 1 to 2. In chronological order, the major pyroclastic fall deposits consist of Pon-1 (10th to 12th century; VEI 2), Pon-2 (13th to 14th century; VEI 2), Pon-3 (15th to 17th century; VEI 1), and Pon-4 (after AD 1739; VEI 1), with small-scale (VEI<1) phreatic and phreatomagmatic eruption deposits intercalated within Pon-1, Pon-2, and Pon-3 pyroclastic fall deposits. The presence of scoria and minor pumice in the Pon-1, Pon-2, and Pon-3 pyroclastic fall deposits suggests that these eruptions were phreatomagmatic events. On the other hand, the absence of juvenile materials in the Pon-4 pyroclastic fall deposits suggests that the activity was a phreatic eruption. The decreasing proportion of juvenile materials in eruptive deposits over the last 1,000 years is consistent with a reduced magma contribution and indicates that the development of the hydrothermal system is likely to play an important role in future eruption scenarios for Meakandake Volcano.
草野 有紀 及川 輝樹 石塚 吉浩
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.66, no.4, pp.327-346, 2021-12-31 (Released:2022-02-22)

Nikko-Shirane Volcano located on the border of Gunma and Tochigi prefectures had the largest eruption on the historic records in AD 1649. We reconstructed the eruption event based on the geological mapping of the pyroclastic fall deposit and craters at the summit, 14C dating of soil underlying the pyroclastic fall deposit and interpretation of historic records. The pyroclastic fall deposit is observed in a 10×6 km area around Nikko-Shirane Volcano and thickens to the summit of Mt. Shirane. The pyroclastic fall deposit is preserved at>4 km east from the summit and observed 5-8 cm thick around Lake Yunoko and 20 cm thick in maximum around the southern part of Senjogahara. Based on the historic records of the 1649 eruption, the craters with about 220 m in long axis diameter and 30 m deep located next to a small shrine at the summit were opened. Thus, the 1649 eruption is considered to occur at the summit of Mt. Shirane and pyroclastic materials fell east to southeast ward. The total mass of pyroclastic fall deposit is estimated at 2×107-3×107 m3 which is a digit larger than the previous report, and it is comparable to Volcanic Explosive Index=3 and Magnitude=3.4-3.6. The pyroclastic material contains essential vesicular vitreous particles consisting 1-48 % (mean 19 %) of component in 250-2000 μm fraction. Combination of the essential particles in the 1649 pyroclastic materials suggests that a magmatic eruption was occurred during the 1649 eruption. The essential particles are concentrated in three principal distribution axes of the pyroclastic fall deposit extending to the east, southeast and west. However, the pyroclastic fall deposit is composed of a lot of fine particles, indicating that the 1649 eruption would be possible of a phreatomagmatic eruption triggered by magma intrusion to an aquifer below the volcanic body. Around the time of the eruption, lahar occurred at the western valley of Mt. Shirane and flowed through Ohirogawara to the Nigamatazawa River.
中野 俊 高田 亮 石塚 吉浩 鈴木 雄介 千葉 達朗 荒井 健一 小林 淳 田島 靖久
国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所 地質調査総合センター
地質調査研究報告 (ISSN:13464272)
vol.57, no.11-12, pp.387-407, 2007-03-31 (Released:2014-06-11)
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石塚 吉浩
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.44, no.1, pp.23-40, 1999-03-05 (Released:2017-03-20)

Rishiri volcano is situated off the northern coast of Hokkaido, Japan. Based on mode of eruption, migration of main vents, petrological features of the eruptive products and new K-Ar ages, the activity of the volcano can be divided into three main stages: Early, Middle, and Late. The Early and Late stages can each be further subdivided into two stages. The Early stage (<0.2-0.04 Ma) was characterized by the formation of a stratovolcano and flank lava domes which were aligned along a 17km-long NW-SE trend. The stratovolcano consisted of thin lava flows and pyroclastics, mainly of andesite with a small amount of basalt, whereas lava domes were dacite. During the Middle stage (ca. 0.04 Ma), thick lava flows and pyroclastics erupted from central vents and formed a main stratovolcano. The products were mainly andesite, with lesser dacite. After formation of the stratovolcano (<0.04 Ma), many flank vents (15 km-long NW-SE trend) were active in different eruption types, such as plinian, strombolian, and phreatomagmatic. The rocks were mainly basalt, with subordinate andesite and rhyolite. The most recent eruptions occurred several thousands years ago, but no volcanic activity including fumaroles can be observed at present. Eruption rate increased from >0.1 to >0.4 km3 (DRE)/ky during the Early stage, and also >0.4 km3 (DRE)/ky in the Middle stage. The rate then decreased from >0.35 to >0.09 km3 (DRE)/ky in the Late stage. Estimation of magmatic temperature was made from the presence or absence of hornblende in dacites. This suggests that magmatic temperature increased from the Early to Middle stages, and then decreased in the Late stage. Temporal variations in both eruption rate and magmatic temperature suggest that the volcanic activity of Rishiri volcano can be explained by ascent and cooling of a single heat source (diapir). Based on the diapir model and dormancy of activity during recent several thousands years, it seems that the life of Rishiri volcano as an active volcano is virtually over.
松本 亜希子 中川 光弘 小林 卓也 石塚 吉浩
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.66, no.4, pp.255-279, 2021-12-31 (Released:2022-02-22)

The Tokachidake volcano group, central Hokkaido, is one of the most active volcanoes in Japan; three magmatic eruptions occurred from the crater area on the northwestern flank of Tokachidake in the 20th century. The Sandan-yama, Kamihorokamettokuyama, and Sampōzan edifices are on the southern flank of the volcano, and the first two bound the west-facing Nukkakushi crater. Although fumarolic activity and hydrothermal alteration are ongoing at Nukkakushi crater, its eruptive history remains unknown. Therefore, we performed a geological investigation of the Nukkakushi crater area. Based on topographical features, we inferred the following eruptive history. Sampōzan and Kamihorokamettokuyama formed during ca. 70-60 ka, after which the northern flank of Sampōzan collapsed and a new edifice (Nukkakushi volcano) was built within the collapse scarp. Finally, the collapse of the western flank of Nukkakushi formed Nukkakushi crater—perhaps during the Holocene, according to previous work. We identified eight Holocene eruptive products generated from the Nukkakushi crater area, the most recent of which was generated from a crater on the western flank of Sandan-yama sometime since the early 18th century. We also recognized three debris avalanche/landslide deposits that were generated within the last 750 years. Comparing the eruptive products of the northwestern crater area of Tokachidake with those of the Nukkakushi crater area revealed that magmatic eruptions from the two craters alternated until 1.8 ka. Their distinct magmatic compositions suggest the simultaneous existence of two isolated magma systems beneath Tokachidake and Nukkakushi, at least until that time. Since 1.8 ka, magmatic eruptions at the northwestern crater area of Tokachidake and phreatic eruptions at the Nukkakushi crater area have occurred in parallel. Moreover, around Nukkakushi crater, small-scale collapses/landslides have occurred. Previous studies recognized hydrothermal changes at Nukkakushi crater area, originating from the northwestern crater area of Tokachidake around the last two magmatic eruptions; it is therefore presumed that the Nukkakushi crater area was hydrothermally altered, even during periods of little eruptive activity. Such continuous and pervasive hydrothermal alteration explains the frequent collapses of edifices. The parallel yet contrasting eruptive activities in these adjacent areas are important for forecasting future eruptive activities and mitigating volcanic hazards.
中川 光弘 高橋 浩晃 松島 健 宮町 宏樹 長谷川 健 青山 裕 石塚 吉浩 宮城 洋介
